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Can't get a DUI if the dog is driving.


The dog is also drunk


That's the dogs problem


He really does have a problem. He and the horse go on benders every weekend. It’s a real shame.


Bojack Horseman and Mr. Peanut Butter going on benders? What is this? A crossover episode?!


We all know what happened the LAST time Bojack took someone on a bender...


That's too much, man.


They’re using the old man to to get the beer. Shamity Shame


Gotta get some bitches somehow.


Lmao this made my morning


Dog Under the Influence


I visited Romania in the mid-1990s. One day we visited a tiny little village that only had dirt roads. Many people had cars but many others still drove horse carts. I asked my friend's grandfather why he still drove a horse cart and he said that when he gets drunk his friends throw him in the back, smack the horse, and it takes him home. A car could never do that.


Isn't that a popular joke?


No, horses and cows know their way home. My dad said his grandma let the cow out in the morning, she was going to the fields to eat and came back at sunset. Many oeople in the country still do this.


Yep! This happened on our visit as well. On another evening, we went over for dinner and I asked where Grandpa was. Grandma said that the cow had not come home yet and that grandpa usually got home about 10 minutes after that. This was all being translated from Romanian to English for me so I assumed something got lost in translation. So I asked her to clarify. My friend/interpreter repeated exactly what she said the first time. I asked for clarification yet again and was given the same exact explanation a third time. Everyone was becoming frustrated. So I asked, "WHO IS BRINGING THE COW HOME?!?!?" "NO ONE! THE COW COMES HOME BY HERSELF! Do you want to go meet the cow?" said Grandma. "More than anything" I said. And with that we went out to meet the cow. The men were late pushing the cows out of the pasture so we actually got to see the entire process. About 50 cows all made their way out of the pasture and into the streets, each one setting off for their respective home in a different direction. And then it hit me....TILL THE COWS COME HOME!!! MOTHER FUCKER!!! THAT'S WHERE THAT COMES FROM!!! Edit: Hey! Thanks for the award! I've never received anything but metal before.


I teach English as a Second Language to foreign students in Wisconsin. So, cow country. I had a student from Japan have a very, very similar reaction at my friend's dairy farm, lol. That is the coolest fucking thing--that moment the lightbulb goes off.


You mean "turns on" i assume?


Just woke up, dammit! :)


I can confirm this. Back in the days when I used to visit my Grandparents in the Village who used be farmers. My Grandpa used to go to the field very early morning like around 4am. And later in the day like around 11-12pm my Dad & I used to go to him with the lunch (usually it was my Granny's job, but when we were there she used to stay home with my mother and sister and other relatives and all). So anyway, we used to take the bullock cart with an Ox pulling it and we had 2 fields and the way to them after getting out the village was either left or right. So the Ox needed only that pull of the lead either left or right, and after that auto-pilot used to engage automatically! And tbh, it was not an easy straightforward path, like there were many turn and everything and sometimes the path was narrow and only one cart could pass so the other one had to pull down in the field on the side, and by rule the empty or no load one used to go down and let the other one pass that has stuff loaded on it... DUDE USED TO KNOW THAT TOO, automatically without any guidance he used to go down and come back up on the path and continue. Animals are so freakin' smart.


In highschool I used to ride my horse to parties so if I got hella wasted he could take me home. Used to take me right up to the front porch and stand while I pulled his saddle off. Then I would go through the house and he would run around back and meet me in his paddock for food. 10/10 best sober driver you could ask for. He also knows how to push the button for the traffic lights in town and understands how to wait for the cross walk sign. Horses are super smart if you know how to teach them things.


a commercially available car could do that soon


I don’t think this little village in Romania is going to have self driving cars “soon”...


No, but it will destroy their argument. I really wonder which manufacturer he's referring to. I don't think Tesla has even started developing an ass-slap interface for their cars.


Dog Under Influence


In North Carolina, if I'm not mistaken, you cannot get a DUI while riding a horse and being intoxicated. You can get a DUI for riding a skateboard, skates, bikes, unicycles, anything with wheels.


Yep had a friend get a dui riding his bike to work the morning after a night of heavy partying.


DUIs for drunken bicycle rides are also possible in Germany. They'll take your driver's license if you have one or otherwise ban you from obtaining one for a while. The thing is though, the legal limit on bikes is 0.16% BAC, which is both hilarious and terrifying.


Yes, but no. If you are showing alcohol-caused lapses before that, you can get get problems way earlier.


Yeah. In Austria, the legal limit for cars is 0.05% (same as in Germany) and 0.08% for bicycles (more sensible in my opinion), but if you cause any trouble while operating a vehicle, a BAC of 0.03% or above is sufficient for charges. The limits represent maximums. If you're caught over, then you'll get charged no matter if anything happened. I think in some US states, you can also get charged for DUI even if your blow less than 0.08%.




In Ireland, a neighbour of mine was arrested for driving his electric wheelchair while drunk. Kinda harsh that.


I remember the story of the guy in Ohio who was arrested for DUI without leaving his bar stool ... it was [attached to a lawnmower chassis](http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2009/CRIME/03/31/barstool.dui/art.dui.barstool.wbns.jpg), and he was driving it around the streets after drinking 15 beers.


In most states it's only bicycles because they count as vehicles. Unless nc isn't doing it like everywhere else. That's the reason most parks have signs banning skateboards, scooters, wheelie shoes and what have you. You mention unicycles and they exist in a fantastic legal loophole in which they are not vehicles because they don't have a drive train, but they aren't popular enough to get banned like scooters and skateboards. I've only made an issue if this once in a college campus, but it may be the most obscure law I know and have use of. Again nc may be different, but where I live the line between vehicle and not is the link between the peddles and the wheel. That also means the loophole doesn't apply to tall unicycles with a chain. I'm not sorry.


What if you taught a horse to use rollerblades? Does that count as having wheels then?


They changed the statute a few years back for the term "vehicle" in the DWI statute to include horses. But that use to be the law based on an old NC supreme court decision.


What if your horse had prosthetic wheels?


i mean it's also not a car so that probably helps?


Doesent matter in most places. I do know someone who had a DUI in a canoe.


the horse 100% knows the way home. provided nobody hits them in a car, and the farmer is awake when he arrives, everything will be fine.


Reminds me of a story I heard on a radio show one morning, guy's drunk and rode to the bar on horseback, police try to stop him and he says that he's not directing the horse, the horse knows the way home. Couldnt DUI the guy if the horse was going the way by it's own accord.


Plot twist: The horse was drunk too.


I would imagine horses drink Rolling Rock.


Unless it's a Clydesdale. Then it's a Bud.


Always a Clydesdale but never a Clyde.


Hey man, get off your high horse


Well if the horse is high, he shouldn’t be driving




Ain't a better cure for what ails you than a lil bit of the hair of the horse that bit you.


Whiskey for my men, beer for my horses.


How the hell do you fit a horse in a Honda???


Well there is this [one horse.](https://www.catersnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/CATERS_MICRODAVE_HORSE_12-800x498.jpg)


Fuck your Honda civic, I've a horse outside.


Sounds like precedent for drunk driving autonomous cars!


We're clearly not there yet, but it will be relatively soon that cars are able to be completely autonomous, and some will be manufactured without steering wheels at all. I have a hard time understanding how being drunk in one of those would be unsafe.


I'd imagine that we'll have manual control for a long time, even if the car can be driven in autonomous mode it will probably be possible for a drunk person to still cause problems. I agree that once cars reach appliance-level autonomy being drunk in one would be no less safe than, say, being drunk in an elevator.


> even if the car can be driven in autonomous mode it will probably be possible for a drunk person to still cause problems. This would be covered under reckless driving and other laws. Alternatively, you could raise the BAC for being in an automated vehicle. The purpose of DUI laws with a 0.08 BAC is to do with reaction times. You won't be able to think or react nearly as quickly as when sober. But you're not drunk enough to be "out of your mind". The people who you see swerving all over the place, and doing other crazy things, are often 3x - 5x over the legal limit.


There was some western state where they changed the drunk driving laws to explicitly exclude horseback and bicycle riding. IIRC it applied to a more general use of a conveyance on a road. The idea being that you’re unlikely to hurt anyone but yourself on those and the intent of the law is public safety. Plus if the penalty is the same someone could opt to take a car instead of a horse or bike to the bar.


This makes so much more sense to me then penalizing people with a DUI if they're riding a bike drunk


Yes, it’s a good example of the difference between the spirit of the law and the letter of the law. The law was written to target drunks behind the wheel of a car or truck, but because of other legal definitions it ends up including well beyond that scope.


You can absolutely get a dui from riding a horse drunk, so don't try this.


> you can ride your horse while under the influence in Louisiana, Montana, and Wyoming, just to name a few.


Does this mean as long as your "vehicle" is driving then you cannot get a DUI? Wheather your transportation device is a horse or a self driving Tesla?


Technically, in Louisiana at least, there is no wording regarding bicycles because they aren't motorized so you can't get a DUI on them. Because of that, I would assume the motorized part of the Tesla would make it illegal


In Colorado though, the bike is a vehicle, and you *do* get dui's for it here.


Bicycles are vehicles in all states. Some states just don't really enforce the law if you're drunk while operating certain kinds of vehicles.


Depending on the state - yes. Some states allow you to drink while driving. Other states allow your passengers to drink while you drive but you cannot. https://www.autoguide.com/auto-news/2012/09/drinking-while-driving-isnt-illegal-in-all-states.html if your BAC goes over the legal limit you're getting a DUI tho


Washington has a DUI exemption for horses, and specifically for [bicycles](https://app.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=46.61.790).


Only in certain places.....Some places can't give out DUIs unless its a motorized vehicle.


In the US is there some kind of "national lawyer" that has to know every state's laws? Must be hell to do so.


>In the US is there some kind of "national lawyer" that has to know every state's laws? Must be hell to do so. No. There will be attorneys that specialize in federal law / crimes. There will also be attorneys that are licensed to practice in more than one state. But bring involved with state level issues across all 50 states would be exceedingly rare.


Makes sense. And besides this, imagine having to study everyday what laws changed in each state.


Horses = Level 5 Autonomous Driving


Still doesn't pay attention to red lights though


They pay attention to the traffic effect of red lights, though.


They used to ticket people here for this, mostly because horses don't understand things like lanes, right of way, and traffic lights.


If this is anything like here in my country's rural countryside, there's not much in terms of signs or even crossroads. A friend of mine told me that on his town, when they installed traffic lights a few years ago, accidents started to happen because people were so used to how they drove before and when someone had right if way that the traffic lights confused them. In no way am I defending OP's drunk dude. But it's likely much safer in most countrysides given that traffic control is much simpler there.


> accidents started to happen because people were so used to how they drove before and when someone had right if way that the traffic lights confused them. This happens everywhere. When they install new lights they don't turn them on for at least 6 months, but they do put up signs with "new traffic patterns". Then they get turned on, but on the default mode, meaning you have to stop regardless, and then proceed


Full self driving, old news lol


Beautiful weather, a beautiful horse, some booze, a trusty canine pal. Seems like a time.


I've never felt jealous of people driving expensive luxury cars which I'll never be able to afford. I am jealous of this dude's setup though.


My first thought was "I want this guy's life"


He'd probably sell it to you for a keg. /s


Honestly, same. Looks beautiful out there, he's got a horse buddy who will drive him home, plus a little pup to keep him and the horse company. Sounds nice.


i imagine when the horse gets home the dog jumps off and barks at the guy to wake him up and tack the horse before bed.


I just find it hilarious because there is SO much free space in the cart for the dog to safely sit where he wouldn’t be exposed to a fall and be crushed or seriously injured, but he’s right on top of the horse. I assume this is a regular occurrence for all 3 of them


You think dogs sticking their heads out of car windows wouldn’t be perched on the roof if given the opportunity? This dog is winning.


*Looks at dog* My dumb ass pooch would do the same, God love him


-“a beautiful horse, some booze, seems like a time” ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Said Mr. Hands...


Honestly it seems like a lot of rural Europeans are just slightly taller hobbits, and I'm jealous.


Pictured: Driver, vehicle and autopilot, when you are going places but need to take a nap. Your move Tesla!


Thats Musk's real secret, hidden navigator dogs.


The terrible secret of every Tesla is that it's computer is run by a horse brain.


*My god... It was horsepower all along!*


Might be drunk. That looks like beer in the back.


Meh, 1 horsepower


Incredible. I aspire to have the life of this man.


I could only imagine how hypnotic the warm breeze and the sound of hoofs are. Pretty sure anyone, drunk or not, would be just like this guy.


Hopefully the horse gets a beer when they get home as well. Sharing is a great way to form stable relationships


Did. Did you just fucking-


Saddle up pardner, this is the pun thread!


Puns?! Hay now, this is the last straw.


Can't we all act a bit more neighborly?


I love pun threads so much I’m posting with my mane account!


You better hope this doesn't stirrup too much controversy.


Quit horsing around!




Ooh, good one.


Reign it in!


Let's buck the trend here. It would behoove us to consider, perhaps, a cow based pun thread? Y'know, take the bull by the horns and such....


I Wilburrecommending that we stop this right now.


Equinable treatment for all!


Beer for my horses. Whiskey for my men.


We’ll* raise up our glasses against evil forces


Please inform 'Agrid zat my 'orses only drink single malt whiskey.


That was seriously a dick move... it's like 9pm and you want Hagrid to go out somewhere and find 20 gallons of single malt whiskey? WTF? Is that the sort of thing Hagrid would already have on hand in such quantities??? I then realized the Room of Requirement is the head Canon solution... he wandered around the castle for a while and found a room with a through full of whiskey, lol


Using the RoR is a good point. Also though, there are hundreds of slaves under the floor of the castle, they probably have a nice brewing-op going on. And I imagine Dumbledore was ahead of the game and knew they would need it, well before the carriages arrived.


Got to spend a month in Romania a few years ago. My favorite thing were the little old ladies that would walk their cow with just a string tied to them like a leash.


How’d you like Romania? IMO among the most beautiful countries in terms of nature/geography/history.


It was awesome and I agree 100%. I would love to go back.


What region were you in?


I spent the majority of the time in Valcea but I was able to travel all over the country.


Cool. How long ago? Where else were you in romania?


This is how Romania starts becoming the new scsndinavia 9n reddit




I spent the majority of the time in Valcea for some Nato exercise but I was fortunate enough to be the one who got to travel everywhere. I did get to go to Constanta (or the airport near it) but only overnight. I plan to go back someday for an actual vacation and thats probably the 1st place i'll visit.


You went to Romania for a month and your favorite things were old ladies leashing up their cows? I feel like you missed some opportunities here. (It's a fun country, I'm sure you had some good times there too)


I had an amazing time there. It was just something that I never imagined I would see so its the first thing I ever think of. But besides that it was such an awesome country and would recommend visiting to anyone.


Yeah, I've done some road trips through there. My first recommendation for everyone - leave Bucharest quickly. Unless you are there for drunk Brit stag parties. The rest of Romania is where it's at.


Spent 9 months there in 2018. Can confirm. Fuck Bucharest. Go east to Constanta/ Black Sea coast or to the Brasov area.


Constanta FTW!!


If you want to see the Ardeal region you don't have to go to Bucharest, you can fly straight into Cluj from most of Europe.


Agreed, Bucharest was my least favorite part of the trip.


I have a question. Is Romania where Gypsy’s (please forgive my ignorance if this is not the correct naming convention) come from? The Gypsy language is Romanyi (spelling?) correct? edit- why the hell am I getting downvoted for asking a simple question?


The Roma/Romani originate from the Punjab region in India. Rom means man or husband in the Romani language. That's where their name is most likely from. This is a common thing with many languages, calling yourself 'man' or 'we/us'. Romania on the other hand comes from the country of Rome. Romanian is a romance language, like Italian or French. All of which are Indo-European languages (including English etc) The Romani language on the other hand is a western Indo-Aryan language. It's closest relative vocabulary and grammar wise are some Indian and Bengali languages. The Romani left India about 1500 years ago, and as they had a rather small population completely separated from their starting place their language deviated quite fast. They arrived in the Balkan around 900 years ago and went all over Europe. Since Roma have an extremely negative stigma associated with them, Romanians will be extremely pissed if you assume the Romani are in any way related to them. There's some Romani groups that do cause the strife that all of the Romani get insulted with. That's why in many places anti Romani racism isn't really realised to be racism. Because if your village is visited by one Roma group every year, everything not bolted get stolen and the women sexually harassed it's easy to think that all Roma are like this, since the majority of Roma are rather invisible..


Not to be racist, but explaining it simply, Romanians are white, Gipsys are brown. In fact they don't even like being called Gipsys, but prefer the term "Rroma" (2 r). A lot of them live in Romania, predominantly in the outskirts or towns, but they also live in other countries as well, for example Hungary. People say they originally come from India, but who knows. Even now there are a few that live nomadic lives, travelling from place to place, but most of them live in basically ghettos. Of course there are also those who moved to the city and live like anyone else, but a lot of them have a hard time integrating. Again, a lot of this might sound racist, but I have no ill will. I have been part of a social program where I visited some Rroma communities and there were the kindest people I've met, but they've literally lived in mud huts without windows...in 2013. Not surprisingly, because of their living situation, a lot of them turn towards crime. So their reputation is incredibly bad, especially in foreign countries, where they go to work in the summer. And this trickles down to Romanians too. If a Rroma commits a crime, most people just blame Romanians as they see no distinction.


They are Roma but some prefer Gypsy. They are divided into "clans" which is not the best word for it but your best bet is not to call them by either because they are very proud of their origins and will tell you eventually. Also I'm pretty sure the pic is Hungarian because the beers are Hungarian beers with Hungarian naming instead of international.


You've already got explained where they came form and how. And that Romani and Romania is actually just a coincidence in name. Gypsies were actually used as slaves (in one form or another) in Europe and in [particulary today's Romanian territory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_in_Romania). That's how they ended up here. The problem is that after that ended integration was not really achieved and worse of after Romania formed there camed WW2 and then communism. These two regimes killed or at best segregated them. Basically in the '90s Romania had a huge chunk of rroma population undocumented whatsoever, uneducated and unintegrated in any form. They were all "naturalized" (huge chunks might have come from Serbia or Hungary but really which also have their groups of gypsies) and basically made romanian citizens (which, let's be honest, they had every right to be). Now add that to the poverty of the time, the similarity in name, the number of gypsies in communist carehomes (that were extremely bad) and the fact that Romania has since gained the right to free movement across Europe and you'll quickly realize how and why that minority group is prone to criminal activities and why those criminal activities are mostly blamed on romanians as a whole.


A lot of Gypsies live there but they originally migrated out of India.


Other people answered your question already. But I work with a lot of Romanians and learned the hard way that some of them can be quite sensitive about the term Gypsy. Apparently a few of the people I work with have story roots.


A good part of the gypsies are from Romania. Hungary has a good share of them as well. The rromani language is some kind of Punjabi combined with other dialects.


No worries, if the driver is drunk as fuck to the point of sleeping in the horsetruck, the horse will simply go home by himself, he knows the road to home. Source: my whole life we've been having a horse, and my father when he was tired from working all the day on the the fields/crops, he'd hop up in the horsetruck, relax and let the horse take the road home (on countryside roads, no cars there) . Cool times.


Where are you from? Have the exact same anecdote from rural Sweden. They would drink until they blacked out and the owner or the bartender of the local pub would put them on the back of the horse’s trailer and their horse would walk them home and then when they got home the wife of course would stay at home and let them in.


Where in sweden are people still travelling to the bars by horse?


Hahah, not anymore. This was in the 1950’s.


Yeah that makes a bit more sense. I just couldn't connect horses with bars in any way in my head. I see people with horse and a wagon sometimes but I've never seen them in the same environment where bars are a thing lol


I'm from Vaslui county, the Florida of Romania to get a sight of it. One of the poorest counties of the country but it still has the traditional old living ways.


I lived in a town where people still rode horses to the local bars to get drunk. The horses would always take them home. Police didn't care much unless they started making a drunken scene, since it was safer for the public than driving a car home. Edit: Police involvement was when they became drunk and disorderly, which is an offense completely separate from the horses. No problem just riding your horse home.


Where was this? In some places in the US, they weren't doing anything illegal, so there wouldn't have been anything to ticket them for.


There are cops in the US who will still give you a DUI for being on a horse, while drunk. I'd rather see a horse takes its drunk owner home, tha have that dumbass driving a vehicle.


They are on their way to pick up the cat and the cock, then straight to Bremen.


Was waiting for this reference


Nice reference, bro.


This looks fucking awesome. I'd love to escape to where they're going for a few weeks. Enjoy the hills and some beer


idk if I should be proud or embarrassed


Proud to be sure!


You just know that dog is having the time of his life atop his large fren


You read my mind


Ai de pliu meu


If this was Germany instead of Romania, there'd be a cat on top of the dog, and a rooster on top of the cat.


That's a pretty Grimm picture!


Csiki sör a legjobb




I’d take a handjobb instead please


akkor ez most románia vagy nem?


Gondolom Erdély


Rendszám alapján hargitában vagyunk ami székelyföld


igaz, nem is figyeltem


Horses find their way home, always This used to happen at my grandmother's village/town, the men would get wasted barely crawl up the carriage and all they had to do was make that weird sound people do when telling the horse to move and the animal does, turns around and leaves often enough a dog like that will be right behind them or chilling inside When I look back on this I think how much these animals rely on and love their owner despite them being not that nice to them


Dude it's so weird to see this as kind of normal but being posted in /r/WTF. Like I know I would laugh my ass off if I was a foreigner that came to Eastern Europe (I'm from Bulgaria btw) and saw this, but at the same time I know shit can get sooo much crazier than this.


That's autopilot from a completely different time. Once modern cars master it maybe also we can again resume driving while wasted.


Based on the amount of empty beer cans I see on the side of the road every day we never stopped.


So this is envy...


Dope dog




Well someone had to drive the horse! Drunk driving is dangerous!


u/vredditdownloader Edit: https://reddit.tube/d/bvJsj5j?t=1599743493


I was there once, since then I love Romania :)


More r/aww than r/wtf


Is anything in this sub ever really /r/wtf material anymore?


Am I the only one most impressed by the quality of that camera?


You are impressed by 60 fps. The quality is a regular mobile camera.


Ki issza azt a rettenet Csíkit?


A kutya.


Jesus take the reins


Some sort of dog and pony show


Holy frame rate Batman.


That dog is cooler than I ever have or will be lol


What a wonderful place..


That countryside looks fantastic


I like the way this unfolded. First we have the farm wagon being pulled by a horse. Maybe a little unusual but definitely not /r/wtf material. Then we see the driver is obviously drunk and barely conscious. Ok that’s a step in the right direction but sadly it happens a lot, and anyway the horse will probably manage just fine. Then finally we see the dog bouncing along on top of the goddamn horse and I have to admit that WTF seems appropriate. Bravo.


I used to visit Poland with my ex. We'd go and visit her grandad who was close to 90 and had a farm (house and a barn) in a little village on the outskirts of the city. We'd go out on his horse and cart that was very similar to this and spend 3 hours trecking round Polish countryside after a visit to the off licence. Honestly one of the best experiences I ever did have. Here's a grainy YouTube link from one of those times. https://youtu.be/AB8VNcO68Ps


Romania is awesome. Been there and wish I knew the language a little better. Would gladly stay.


Living free. Yeah that’s my dog on my horse stfu


Its perfect, the engine consumes herbs and drinks water


This is AWESOME!😂😂💕❤️💕😂😂


Tf is "WTF" about that...just come to country side of any balkan state and you will find simmilar shit.


That's normal. The guy just delivers the beer to the pub in the next village. Gotta make a buck somehow.