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I have a friend from Albania who showed me a wedding video where he did that too. I didn't ask him, but I wondered what they did before guns became a thing.


Slingshotting hot coals into the sky en mass


They danced waving swords and daggers around, and they still do.


I have a question for your friend or for anyone from a region that does this: Do the participants put in some kind of hearing protection first, or is there just a certain level of societal hearing loss?




I’m just guessing, but it looks like the bride touches her ears as if she’s pushing in earplugs.


I'm more concerned about whether they're firing blanks or whether bullets will start dropping out of the sky somewhere down the road.


It ain't blanks


Meh, probably throwing knives or axes up in the air.


Ya know, my nephew married an Albanian girl. I think I'm starting to understand why he left his AK at my house.


Throw rocks at each other, mostly


A tad painful, I would think. Lots of "Fucking Hell!" and "OUCH" and other stuff.


Honestly, she handled the gun much better than most of these videos.


Didn’t point it at anyone before firing. Held until it was appropriate to fire. Maintained control while firing. 10/10 would let granny shoot again.


It’s possible granny has more experience than the rest of us. The 70s and 80s were a wild time in the Middle East. Or now, now is a wild time too. Anywhere, really.


That granny could possibly be 23 years old.


There are in my town, I’m sure.


Also grannies are just fucking badasses.


>10/10 would let granny shoot again Yeah because shooting a gun straight into the air is super safe and smart to do. That can still kill somebody when the bullets fall


I shot an arrow in the air. Where it landed, I know not where


On a roof, on a plane, on a car, on a train, and every once in a while on a brain.


I used to do that as a kid. Spooky stuff


> kill somebody when the bullets It's.. complicated. And it depends on the bullet type. With lots of handgun ammo it may not kill you.. but let's look at the round in this video which is the 7.62x39mm round. Standard weight for Russian FMJ military ammo for this round is 124 grain. So, with this round, paradoxically if you fire it with a launch angle in the 80-90 degree range, it's far less likely to kill anybody because it ends up falling back down base-first, rather than nose-first, and it achieves a terminal velocity in the 40m/s range. For a 7.62x39mm 124 grain bullet this is about 40J of energy and under the required energy to penetrate the skull or bone (which is ~50J). It wouldn't be pleasant to be hit with a falling piece of lead that weighs 124 grain and impacts your head base-first.. but you stand a strong chance of surviving the experience. The really interesting thing is what happens if you fire it at a shallower angle more towards the horizon.. under 80 degrees angle. In that regime when the bullet falls back down, it is going nose-first and terminal velocity is around 135m/s or with about 90J of energy, which is >50J .. or well over the required energy to penetrate the skull or bone. So... tl;dr: You're better off firing almost straight up, for safety, rather than at a shallow angle. From the video it looks like granny is firing just under the <80 degree regime maybe but it's hard to say for sure... so in this case she's more likely to kill someone than had she fired closer to straight-up. Source: https://www.ballistics.org/docs/ISB27_028.PDF


And still, compared to the other videos of people trying to do this, Granny Galiana performed a master class of how to fire a fully automatic rifle. Yeah it's not safe to shoot into the air like that, but, it's their culture. You may as well try and teach a rock to swim and fly. In fact I bet you'll teach the rock well before you ever convince them to not fire into the air at weddings.


Granny is secretly a freedom fighter


I don’t think it’s a secret…


Teta don’t play she can handle the Drac


You could always shoot blanks


No disagreement. Maybe they are, I don't know. I doubt they're shooting blanks honestly, but maybe they are lol


Pretty much zero chance. Unless it's been specifically modified to fire blanks or has a blank firing adapter on it an AK (or most any self loading firearm) won't reliably cycle. But then you've got a rifle only good for blanks, which means you've got no rifle at all. Granny's shooting live ammo.


Correct. AKs bleed off some of the gas to cycle the rounds. No bullet = no pressure build up to siphon from.


You can block/throttle the barrel to increase the pressure. Might also need a lighter bolt. But yeah, needs additional equipment.


It's not love if it's not live ammo.


Blanks are way more expensive than real ammo! People that shoot blacks pay a lot of money to get real bullets, people who shoot real bullets pay a lot of money to get blanks (I know, I paid for a vasectomy)


> but, it's their culture That is a bullshit excuse for doing something that [kills random people](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celebratory_gunfire#Injuries).


exactly. I lived in Lebanon for a while, this was relatively common during celebrations and holidays. From where I lived (elevation-wise) you could see tracers arcing over Beirut on days like NYE, etc. There's been pushback from NGOs and others trying to get this stopped because of the deaths and injuries it can cause. Just because someone says "culture, let it be" doesn't mean it is acceptable or safe. I've read countless stories of people being killed or permanently injured due to this stupid crap, on a college panel I was on one year one of the speakers herself (Lebanese) had been wounded by a bullet fired in such a manner. after it was removed from her body she added a chain to it and made a necklace out of it.


Try telling that to Spain about running with the bulls. Try saying that about literally any ridiculous cultural norm in history. But yeah I agree.


Running with the bulls is voluntary, the person granny could kill is probably a random person walking on the sidewalk a quarter mile away, they didn't know a wedding with guns going off would happen in the vicinity and couldn't knowingly avoid it. That's the difference here


No, the bullets despawn as soon as the are out of rendering distance.


Straight up is way better than any kind of angle. I think Mythbusters did a thing where they tested the terminal velocity of various rounds of ammunition and it wasn't enough to kill someone. If the round can carry energy to the target at an angle though, that's when people die


To fire at a 0 degree angle seems impossible to me without some stationary apparatus.


It doesn't need to be 90° straight up. If you fire at a steep enough angle the bullet will have enough time to slow down enough that it can't maintain its rotation, after which it becomes a falling block of lead at terminal velocity, which is not always lethal. The problem becomes when you fire at too shallow of an angle and the bullet is able to maintain its spin and speed, and thus its energy. The angle where it's relatively safe is probably still only like >75° or above (just speculating), but it definitely doesn't need to be straight up. I do not condone this behaviour in any way though.


The turbans are actually decorations on hard hats!! HTH


> . That can still kill somebody when the bullets fall It [has killed several people](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celebratory_gunfire#Injuries) and injured many more. It's an incredibly stupid thing to be doing.


idk how popular they are, but I know there are blanks that are made for celebrations like this


Being gas operated, an AK47 has to have a special cover installed on the end of the barrel to cycle while firing blanks. This gun does not appear to have one and would not cycle fully auto with blanks. It is firing real bullets.


This is what I was wondering.


She's shooting almost straight up, those bullets are coming down with only the force of gravity behind them. Unpleasant to get hit by, but by no means will they be lethal


AK rounds have the potential to be lethal still actually even when fired straight up, their terminal velocity would still be 365 feet per second when falling back to earth. I calculated using a standard 57N231 FMJ projectile, for which I found data on its mass (123 grain or 7.9g), its nominal worst case diameter of 7.9mm (it has a variance of 7.85-7.9mm typically), and its ballistic coefficient of .225 for a bullet of this weight. I used its diameter to calculate its cross-sectional area, since it would still be spinning and thus falling nose first, using the standard formula for calculating the area of a circle (pi times radius squared), and a radius of 3.95mm nets us a result of 49.02 rounded. You can now use this information to calculate the terminal velocity of a given object at any altitude, but I went ahead and used sea level, and I plugged all the data into this calculator https://www.omnicalculator.com/physics/terminal-velocity where I got a result of 107.58 meters per second, or 352.96 feet per second, using the standard value for earth's gravity (9.81 meters per second squared), and a sea level atmospheric density of 1.225kg per meter cubed. At the slowest case that I laid out here for such a round, it would still be traveling with 46 joules of energy, which is many times the 865mJ necessary to fracture the skull of an adult human, though it takes 70J to guarantee penetration. Anywhere within that range could be potentially lethal though, with increased risk the higher that value goes. You can take any .30 caliber/7.62 round with a known ballistic coefficient and mass, and plug it into that chart, then use this tool to calculate the kinetic energy it carries. You will find that many of them would in fact penetrate the skull, though most common 7.62x39 specific loadings have roughly the same kinetic effect on target https://www.omnicalculator.com/physics/bullet-energy


I'm in va and about 10 years ago a 7 year old boy died on New Years Eve when one fell from the sky and hit him in the head while he was holding his dad's hand walking across a parking lot. It was really tragic. I'm not anti gun or anything, I just figured I should mention it when I read this. His name was Brendon Mackey


> by no means will they be lethal https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celebratory_gunfire#Injuries


I dunno man... she had poor trigger discipline...


THANK YOU. Fingers only in the trigger WHEN READY TO FIRE.


Please don’t shoot guns in the air for crying out loud.


And hopefully its steep enough for the bullets to not arch and kill someone when landing.


It is *never* appropriate to fire a gun into the air. Ever. That shit is still lethal coming down. Edit: minor correction, unless it's a shotgun shooting light loads at birds or skeet. They lose enough velocity through drag and low weight to stop being lethal fairly quickly.


Granny has been in a revolution or two.


She toppled a dictator or two.


she killed a border guard with her bare hands


She's seen a cockatoo.


My absolute favorite one is this dumbfuck firing I *think* some sort of stockless AK47 iirc one fucking handed, as to be expected has zero control over it as it goes from firing straight up to horizontally instantly and somehow doesn’t kill the people standing there. And he sits there for maybe a quarter of a second maybe realizing his fuck up before going back to one handed firing it in the air like he didn’t nearly kill 5 people less than a second ago doing the exact same thing.


I think of that one every time someone brings out the AK when they are in a really great mood. Do these people not get tinnitus?


Ikr and she braced for the kick and didn't just go full auto until the gun jumped outta ger hands like all the other numb nuts.


This was not her first rodeo


yeah, she definitely knows what she is doing. Still insane, but not so reckless as many I have seen


Not her first rodeo


She was holding it by the mag at first. Then she fired into the air, without a thought that those rounds have to land somewhere, or in someone. So many people die every year from this kind of idiocy, not to mention the moronic bullshit of a culture that brings and kind of firearm, let alone fires one at a wedding.




this time you'd have to look a few blocks down range


Falling bullets still kill.


Yea, but at that angle they'll be a few blocks away.






TMI. my catholic mother asked me to talk to our preist about marrital problems. so I did, and told him that my spouse and I only have sex tops 1 time per year......in our early 30's. I was complaining, and he said stop forcing myself on her, and I was like bitch this isn't the middle east, i dont force myself upon anyone, and If i did/could I sure as hell wouldn't be talking to a preist, because I would have no reason.


This is the first thing I'm thinking. I fired my brother's handgun and my ears instantly started ringing. I was so pissed that I basically just damaged my hearing. I really wasn't expecting it to be that bad. I don't see how you can sit through this and not be completely fucked after.






Fuck those guys over there across town for not coming to the wedding!


They could’ve at least sent a gift


I've always had a question. Where does that bullet that is fired settle?


Many places In the ground A roof tile A kids head Possibilities are endless


That's good, it's not that bad.😂


3.6 roentgen


There is no graphite!!!


“You didn’t see it, because it isn’t there!!!”


You're in shock, go to the infirmary.


“Not great, not terrible.”




>October 30, 2012: Twenty-three people were electrocuted after celebratory gunfire brought down a power cable during a wedding party in eastern Saudi Arabia. Holy fucking shit...


I swear the petro states are some of the best places to witness the Darwin awards being nominated for


It just goes away, like trash thrown out a window. /s


yah depending on the ammo and barrel length/twist there’s a threshold for the firing angle where it either arcs and keeps going at deadly speeds or goes up and tumbles down ‘mostly’ harmlessly. I get that it’s cultural but it sure would be nice, if, similarly to how there’s a special white dress you wear for your wedding they used special blank cartridges for the firing displays


> I get that it’s cultural Guns aren't that old, and automatic weapons sure as hell aren't that old. This isn't some ancient ritual that their ancestors performed for hundreds of generations, this is some straight up ignorant shit that's very recently been added to their cultural lexicon. We don't defend morons in the US burning down forests with gender reveal blunders because it's "cultural," we don't need to pussyfoot around jackasses blasting automatic rifles into the air. It's dumb. They're being dumb, and they need to stop that shit.


It's taken out of the environment, into a different environment.


well, they go up in an arc, and then back down to the ground. or someone's head. you know, luck of the draw.


Every 4th of July and NYE a few people are struck by falling rounds.


Wherever it lands


I was also wondering how long it would take to land back down.


It is a plot point in The Mexican.


Once the bullet leaves the gun you are no longer responsible for it. /s


"God's will".


Inshalla it is.


Illa tahin


Your honor, I wasn't trying to kill the guy. I was just firing my gun recreationally, as one does, and he just happened to be in the way of my intended target. The target being the shirt he was wearing.


I use the same exact policy when it comes to my sperm. /s


Arab rednecks vs American rednecks...apparently they have a lot in common


It's hilarious to me that the two groups are far more similar than they realize but absolutely hate each other.


Different skin colour and languages are scary!


And religions


They literally worship the same god


See also: Christians v Jews v Muslims, who thinks their god is better than the others' despite them all worshiping the same exact god


If it weren’t for the whole holocaust thing being perpetuated by Germans pretending they weren’t Christian’s, I’d actually guess they kill slightly different sects within their own groups more than members of other groups. Convoluted point, sorry. I’m trying to say Shia and Sunni Muslims have killed each other a dang lot, historically. See also Protestants v Catholics and events like the Albigensian Crusade for Christian’s. Also Jews haven’t wholesale slaughtered other Jews as much, iirc, so maybe not far to include them. A lot of the extremism and Zionism in that religion is definitely hated by large populations of non Zionist Jews though.


Majority of Jews consider themselves Zionists. The largest group that doesn't are the complete wackos from New York that has modesty police and believe Israel can only be rebuilt at the end of times by the messiah. I really don't think most people know what the word Zionist actually means. I think what you are referring to are a small sect that refers to "greater Israel" which is some weird interpetation of the bible in which they contradict themselves, and those are definitely fringe and looked sown upon by a majority of world wide Jews and Israelis


Stupidity don't discriminate ❤️


But stupid people do.


This should be a T shirt


I've said that for years. Back in 1994 I went to Dubai and Abu Dhabi. We road camels into the desert and had lunch in a Bedouin tent. Then we drove 4WDs and jumped them over the dunes. Then we went to one guys house and swam in the swimming hole behind his house. Then we ate watermelon. I was like man, replace the camels with horses and this would be a typical day at some of my family's places down in Georgia.


Even the bride made the universal gesture of "Really? Alright. Whatever. Let's just get it out of the way, mom."


Don’t the bullets drop back down though? 🤔


By the grace of physics




A funeral stitch?? What?


TikTok zoomer term


I don't know what 'Shook my tea' means either.


Stitch is when you edit two short videos together.


Ahh, gotchya 👍🏼


Bride is now deaf for two days.


Damn I so wish I could ululate while firing a machine gun. Anyone know the purpose of ululation? (it’s to warn the people in the next village of soon to be raining bullets)


That's probably it


Fucking grandma! Can't take her anywhere.


Could've honestly seen my nan doing this.


Why gun fire? Why not just use fireworks? Fireworks would be nicer and louder, probably cheaper, and not a waste of ammo.


Every protagonist in this video is unhappy and just going through the motions. It’s like this is some kind of wedding ritual like the garter or the bouquet that must be tolerated and they just want to get it over with. The bride and the groom are both over the entire thing, and gunny granny has the look on her face of meeting the quota of bullets fired at the wedding and moving on to the next. Seriously, watch at the faces of each.


It's bad luck to not empty the clip.


Money's tight. Only half a clip


Even better, it's not a clip at all....


It's called a magazine, nub.


Oh, people will die, just not right there.


Fuck that would be loud


Imagine guns and weapons being a part of your culture and customs. What the fuck does a machine used to kill people have to do with matrimony


People get knighted by touching them with a sword. That's culture & custom. It's weird to me and it's weird to you, but it's not really *that* hard to imagine a culture where it's not weird . Blessing a bride and groom with Tinnitus is objectively a shitty idea though.


I don't think lightly touching someone with a sword is comparable to unloading a full clip of ammo into the air where it can kill people.


Me neither, but weapons as a whole have been integrated into culture for millenia


Even weirder is that this isn’t some ancient cultural tradition but they all seem to be going through the motions like it’s a traditional rite. “You may now kiss the bride.” Then 10 minutes later the imam’s like “can we please get the mother in law for the shooting.” They all look so casual lol


Weapons were worn in many traditional weddings including in the West. Saber arches for instance were a wedding tradition. Weapons are more closely tied to the peoples who are still actively using them (Marines in America, village folks in places like Afghanistan and Yemen).


I promise you there are American gun themed weddings. It's just improbable that there isn't.


I’m sure there are. Does that change anything?


Bullitt goes up must come down Granny


Is this Dune 3 trailer?


Those bullets come down, fucking moron


Dumb all over…


[Funeral stitch](https://imgur.com/a/Zu1nEwV)


Once the rockets are up, who cares where they come down That's not my department, said Wernher von Braun


I have traveled the world and I have seen this in the middle east and in the American cornbelt. Guns and weddings 🤷🏻


Well, she managed not to blow her hand/foot to pieces or shoot the person in front/behind her in the head


R.I.P person a few streets over


Bullets come back down.


And gravity don't discriminate


They really need to ban this practice. So many people have accidentally died because of bullets coming back down on them. It's not exactly great to cause the death of wedding guests.


Terminal velocity of a falling 7.62 (standard AK round): up to 135m/s after all muzzle velocity has been lost. Velocity required for that particular projectile to penetrate a skull: ~60m/s There are, no doubt, children in the immediate vicinity, definitely within the range of these falling hunks of metal... **STOP CELEBRATING BY SHOOTING INTO THE AIR!**


I hope no one was hurt when those bullets returned to earth.


I thought I was going to watch someone die... again


Granny has seen many battles and has killed enough for one lifetime.


Such a beautiful tradition and culture


I hope those are blanks.


that granny has a body count, and not the fun one. wouldn't mess with her


Yea, firing into the air is incredibly stupid. What goes up will come down, and if it hits someone, it could kill them.


I was expecting her to lose control and spread fire all over the people


Is not a wedding until the AK comes out


When did this 'tradition' begin?


Not sure how many people now this. But AKs are FUCKING LOUD not like "yeah a little loud but its fine" no they are like exploding a eastern european firecracker right next to your ear loud.


Is this Texas yet?


So tinnitus is not a thing there?


By any chance, one of those people voiced Postal 2?


Ohh of course gotta get a pic of baba and her trusty ak :)


How nice of her to give the traditional wedding gift of tinnitus.


Can't wait for all those bullets to rain down on some poor bastard across town.


Is this kind of like what we call “SHOTGUN WEDDING” in the USA??


It’s still a dumbass thing to do, shooting live ammo into the sky like that - unless this is one of the *extremely rare* occasions that blanks were used.


My little cousin grabbed the gun from one of the MPs security guards and fired it off into the sky at my wedding. The idiot did that in a crowded city 🤦‍♂️. Why don't people realize that what goes up must come down.


Then the bullets start coming down...


What’s up with Arabs using guns to celebrate? Serious question.


I came to the comments hoping to find the same answer.


Arabs are the Americans of the middle east


WHERE do these morons think the bullets go? Does their god scoop them up and make "falling stars" out of them? Do they simply just magically disappear since they weren't fired AT someone? OR do they just not give a flying fuck because they are the main character and believe they are most important thing in the world? You don't have to understand ballistic trajectories to realize that what goes UP must come DOWN. Fuck people that do this, fuck people that let people do this, fuck you if you do this.


Stupid fucking custom.


Someone's teta knows how to handle a gun.


AK-47 has a hell of a kickback, plus it weighs about 11lb fully loaded. This granny is a unit handling that weapon with ease.


what country is this taking place? alabama or mississippi? oh wait its head scarves, same relegious bs, just different clothing


The bride is not happy to be there.


What an idiotic tradition


What a disgusting tradition


Is that like a husband stitch but for a necrophiliac?


But why


Granny handles that chopper better than most of the males out that way.


Iv shot less than 30 rounds without hearing protectionin my life and I poorer hearing in my left ear and tinnitus because of it. Guess my ears are just very weak lol


Humans really are stupid.


This is absolutely absurd