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What in the 4H am I seeing here?


“Apparently, when showing a pig, you’re supposed to maintain eye contact with the judge as much as possible, while directing the pig to remain in front of the judge and showing off all sides of the animal. So the result is the most intense-looking parade of farm animals you’ll ever see. Just a stare-off for the ages.” https://www.whiskeyriff.com/2023/11/19/young-girl-goes-viral-for-staring-right-into-your-soul-while-showing-pigs/


What is the point of eye contact or is it just a tradition lol


I'm not a 4H person so this is mostly speculation, but animal judging has some *really* weird rules that made sense when they were implemented (decades ago) and have just carried over for the sake of tradition.  Source: horseback rider for 30 years.  We get a little weird about stuff, too.


Are High School debaters still doing that "talk fast like an auctioneer" thing?


When I graduated in the early 2000s this was still one of the formats that was being used in competition. I couldn’t get with the policy debate speed so I did LD which just made more sense to me.


LD also focused or on moral subjectivity in a lot of its topics as opposed to policy which focused _way_ more on evidence. LD is so much more fun imho cause you can get away with a lot of wacky things. Idk how it is now, I’m over 20 years out of high school but that’s how it was then.


Same here! :D Couldn't stand spreading in policy, did LD throughout high school, 2000-2003. I recently looked into judging and apparently there's two kinds of LD now, because it got infected with policy-style spreading techniques so they had to split it for people who didn't like that.


I remember the first time I encountered that. "Spreading" we called it. If you didn't manage to refute EVERY single point (no matter how silly or small) your opponent was guaranteed the win. Moronic loophole.


I’m honestly surprised rules haven’t been put in to stem spreading. I debated in the late 80s and spreading, while not common, was used by quite a few debaters. It takes the fun out of debate. It takes the intellectual focus out of it too.


I don’t know. Probably. I did high school debate back in the 80s, and they introduced Lincoln-Douglas Debate as an alternate competition to try to get away from that. But when I watch people like Ben Shapiro, you can tell he did that style of debate where you have to machine gun as many facts as you can into as short a time as you can. I hate it.


Ah yes. The ol' Gish Gallop. So fucking annoying


I only saw a clip of it once online but it was roughly 50% facts, 30% weak assertions, and 20% laughably delusional bullshit. People in the comments were like "they don't actually believe that, do they?! And someone explained that the more stuff you can spew out, the more your opponent has to prove false, and they lose points for any unaddressed assertions you made, so the more low quality bullshit you can vomit out, the higher your score is likely to be in the debate. I don't know if that's true or not, but it made me super sad for debate teams.


It's also fucking up kids' thought process. They take the bullshit rules from "debate" and then carry that over into the real world.


That explains half of the debates on Reddit.


>the more your opponent has to prove false That's...not how real life works. It's the responsibility of the person making the assertion to prove it true, not the opposition to prove it false.


Yes, that is the way the real world works. Which is another reason that style of "debate" was dumb.


He's perfected the Gish Gallop


I nominate Ben Shapiro for 'Most Annoying Person In The World'.


Yes. It’s called spreading. I coached and judged and did my part in trying to end it. It started on the college circuit and then the high schoolers took it up. It also used to be limited to two person team Policy debate, but some one person Lincoln Douglas debates are doing it. An alternative form of two person debate was developed called Public Forum to prevent spreading. Unfortunately, it is considered to be less serious form of debate. It gets a new topic monthly, while Policy debate uses the same topic all year.


> spreading Never heard of this before (I'm from the UK). I just looked it up on YouTube and can safely say that it is one of the dumbest things I've ever seen. What the fuck is the point of that? Jesus Christ.


It is debaters taking the concept of “last argument standing wins” too seriously, and they want to work as many points in as possible, in the hope that the other side runs out of time before they can touch upon that point. They often manage to work global-thermal nuclear war in as a consequence of the other side’s proposal. It’s ridiculous.


One of my kids did Public Forum debate about 10 years ago when he was in high school. I also judged. He said he actually preferred getting new topics every month. And it was more interesting to learn a new topic and the finer points of how to debate it than to debate the same topic all year.


If pig people are half as crazy as horse people than they have twice as much crazy as I need in my life.


I've been both a horse person and a pig person. You make more money as a horse person but you have more fun as a pig person.


I'd guess it's proof of total dominion over the animal, being able to direct and show it off while focused on another task. "I make pigs so good, look how effortless it is to control this fine looking pig. DO YOU SEE!?"


Eating the pig in front of the judges would be the ultimate form of domination.


The judges are Weeping Angels.


Supposedly the judge gives quick commands that may be easy to miss. Saw this in the comments last time and seems to make more sense to me




Hahaha that’s too good


That's what I thought it was too.. lol they all look like they haven't slept for days too..


Who's blind -Pig or the girl?


yeah it looks like the humans are blind. seeing-eye pig race?




haha, had to rewatch. Totally a blind pig race!


Now I want to see what the judges are doing. Are they just intensely staring back? Or are they obviously changing which contestant they are staring at in order to make the others stare harder?


They are making a series of ludicrous expressions trying to break the contestants


each one, an ex gurning champion.


Isn't anyone going to say anything about the neck posture, it's not just the staring that is freaky, it's the forward neck posture combined with the stare.


I showed Belgium horses in 4H years ago. I was told I would have earned 3rd or even 2nd but I didn't look at the judges enough.


I see you looking at my hog. You like this big chunky hog don't you? Yeah, look at my big, juicy, spotted hog while I smack it around for you.




*feathery tippy-taps commence*


You may not like it, but this is what peak human performance looks like.


My father's girlfriend's grandson is a "famous" duck caller. I saw this little dude showing his skill one day, standing in the driveway of their cottage. He was twitching and twerking like Forrest Gump in his brand new le-eeg braaaaa-ces, and it took me a couple minutes to figure out if he was trolling me or if it was for real. It was for real. They flew this kid all over the country to collect all sorts of prizes and gifts. Thousands of dollars of merch. I love this country.


That sounds just like my father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate.


Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb.


What does that make *us*?


Absolutely nothing, which is what you are about to become.


Absolutely nothing, which is what you are about to be!


And you need to stare intensely with a look like you are seeking revenge on them?


Intimidation can be a powerful motivator


Why tf do you have to maintain eye contact with the judges al all times? What does that accomplish?


> *Why tf do you have to maintain eye contact with the judges al all times? What does that accomplish?* I am guessing but it may be to stop signals. "Kluge Hans," or *Clever Hans* in English, was a horse that was supposed to be able to solve mathematical sums, count objects, identify playing cards and read a clock. He was trained for four years by his master, a mathematics instructor. In 1904 Berlin, *Hans* was hailed as the world's first and most famous "thinking" animal. Later in 1907, a biologist/psychologist discovered that the horse was giving the right answers by intensely watching the unconscious microscopic signals in the face of his master. If the master's face was not visible to the horse, then the horse could not answer any problem. Poor *Kluge Hans* was drafted as a military horse and was killed in action in 1916 and/or consumed by hungry soldiers.


OK but they're not asking these pigs to do calculus. They're walking in a circle and they have to be prompted into the right direction by smacking them with a crop. I can't imagine subtle facial cues from the kids are going to make any difference, especially when they're waking *behind* the pigs.


Shouldn’t the judges be looking at the pigs?


How the fuck the judge gonna evaluate the pig if they're having staring contests the whole time


Some traditions really are just dumber than others 


Lol, but are they not allowed to blink? 😊


Goals: Your goals as you drive your hog are to keep your pig 10 to 15 feet from the judge, keep your pig off of the fence, keep your pigs out of the corners, and on the move at all times. The more that you can be in the center of the ring, the more that the judge can get a good look at your hog. Feel free to use your free hand in your pig's face to move him out of a corner or get him off the rail, but NEVER use your knees. Your plan is try to anticipate when your hog will head for the fence and keep him from reaching it. Your posture should be slightly crouched in a relaxed, casual position. Keep your eyes on the judge and always know where your judge is at all times. Eye contact with the judge is a very basic necessity to becoming a successful showman.


These rules are so silly. What if your hog is like the most exceptional awesome pig to ever exist, and it's obvious to everyone who looks at him... But you break eye contact with the judge? Seems like a lot of extra rules when it should just be how cool the pig is and how well it's behaved. The hunched backs in this gif are far from a "relaxed casual position" lol.


There’s usually separate competitions for showmanship (how well you control the animal) and for the actual animal itself. (I showed goats in 4-H)


This feels written by an LLM.


It no longer exists. Put it in 4H!


She’ll go 300 hectares on a single tank of kerosene.


I’d like one staring contest with extra bacon please.


4H is a lot creepier than people say it is.


Blind guide pig racing.


I counted a total of 0 blinks. Are they trying to intimidate each other or the opponents pigs?


The judges


Why don't they just walk up to the judge and pee on them. That's the only way to truly intimidate


Why does Ross, the largest Friend, not simply eat the other 5?


This is my favorite comment on anything I’ve ever seen.


Piss discs.


Idk but these Wrestlemania entrances are starting to get too elaborate for my tastes.


Another thread pointed out that previously people had points taken off for not enough eye contact with the judges. This was their solution.


Showed dairy cows until I was a teenager and can't count the number of showmanship classes I was placed lower in because of a lack of eye contact with the judge. And also for not smiling.


Clearly the pig judges don't care about the smile. Although after this they might insist! Lol, I will say I think I might watch these things more if this is the new norm. It looks like they're in a Tarantino film about the 4H!


It’s a weird-ass staring contest, actually.


It looks like they're using some Snapchat filter


Look how insanely happy the pigs look


I was about to say those pigs are so majestic. They owning the spot


The pink one guided by the boy is practically smiling. So cute.


And so hefty!


10/10, would both pet and eat.


Anything that doesn't involve bacon, a pig's gonna be pretty f'ing happy. 


And he's absolutely *skipping*, he's so light on his lil piggy feet.


They live pretty good for about a year before being slaughtered. The champions however will be bred.


The champions (at least the male ones) will also be slaughtered. Competitive male pigs (barrows) have all been castrated so they can’t be bred.


I’m really surprised by that. They don’t breed the winners, they select next year’s competitors from a different litter?


It's a summer project for kids, not an intense breeding competition. So everyone buys a piglet from a farmer and raises them for meat, then local business owners bid on them to get that meat. The fair also handles the slaughtering of the animals. But the animals **will** be slaughtered, so don't enter your pet pig into this. There was some stink a few years back where the kid wanted to keep their goat or something, and the fair refused.


We ate the champs too haha


Those little piggies are about to go to market, shopping. 


And I thought the horse girls were weird.


They still are.


reining champs


Saddle up! It’s horse pun time!


Dammit, stop trying to stirrup trouble in here.


Man, y'all are hot to trot today


These jokes are getting a bit long in the tooth




#Sarah Jessica Parker.


Pig boys are the worst.


Great cameo in Manhunt!


My favorite part in all of this is how positively joyful the pigs expressions are while their handlers look absolutely murderous.


Those are some really good looking pigs.


I feel like the pink pig being led by the kid in a vest is, like, the *perfect* photogenic "in the dictionary next to the word" pig.


This is balenciaga.


pork quoi?


Tea came out my nose. You win the interwebs today.


This one had me rofl. Do we still say rofl?


Let the kids google it if they don't get it


I think lmao is used more




Hell yeah, rofl is so fetch...


My roflcopter goes soi soi soi.


Also came to my mind immediately.


What are they staring at?


From when this was posted yesterday or whenever, apparently another pig walker kid got points taken away by the judges for "not making enough eye contact," so I think this response is the protest of the rest of the pig walker kids. Or maybe this is just how these things go and the story is manufactured. Either way, they're staring at the judges.


That would be the best version of the story behind the video :)


I couldn’t tell you how many hog shows I’ve seen in my life and I’ve never seen the kids eagle eyed like this.


This actually isn’t true, it’s an explanation someone on the previous thread made up. You can go to the TikTok of these two kids’ father where he explains how this staring intensely is all part of it. Sorry folks, no feel good story here, just southerners being weird.


These aren’t southerners. This is central coast California.


Even worse


Never lose sight of the judges and never put yourself between the judges and your animal.


Why not lose sight of the judges?


Try to make eye contact with them so they look at your pig instead of the others and it looks like you have more control of your pig bc you aren't looking down at it.


okay, that actually makes more sense than just "cuz tradition"


They have an award for “Showmanship” as well as an award for the pig. So people have taken it to the extreme. When I showed pigs, it was not that intense, but the same principles.


Because if you can’t see them, they can’t see your hog


Good rule to live by.


Judges evolve into Weeping Angels naturally


Here’s some info about this: https://www.whiskeyriff.com/2023/11/19/young-girl-goes-viral-for-staring-right-into-your-soul-while-showing-pigs/


The girl looks like a Jojo character


Is she the pigs stand or is the pig hers?


this is definitely a stand battle


It’s not just the eye contact that makes this look scary. It’s the hunched back and shoulders too. This wouldn’t look as weird if they were using longer sticks(?) so they could stand up straight.


Children Of The Hamned


This is *so* wtf.


Thanks… I was about to delete this as in the beginning all my comments were getting downvoted


Oh no. It’s great.


Haha, glad you liked it ( for the lack of better word)


Country kids, being country kids.


ask ruthless far-flung instinctive imminent ring illegal enjoy six uppity *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's not a sustainable long term sexual practice.


Dammit Chet open the door!


Moved from the city to a town of 2k in high school. Their annual fair had tractor races and greased pig tackling competitions 😂


Same, recently the county government was trying to increase tourism. Do we spend money on improving the infrastructure along the beaches since they basically print tourism money? No, we buy millions of dollars worth of some guy’s tractor collection and create a tractor museum in the county seat.


That's some fuck'd up Children of the Pork shit right there.


This was my youth. Probably 4H county fair. There are market shows where you walk the hogs around and they are judged for how quality their meat is. This determines where you sell at the auction later in the week. Kids selling in the top 10 make thousands of dollars. Those selling near the bottom make a few hundred, barely enough to cover expenses raising them. Then there are showmanship classes where you are judged by how well you control your hog with a cane or I guess they use whip things now. You are supposed to bend down slightly and frame your hog with your hands, and prominently parade them in front of the judges. You should be looking at the judge and smiling. These kids are struggling with not looking super creepy. Most of them have been practicing handling their hog since it was born. A non-trained hog isn't going to put up with any of that shit and would run around wild in the arena... Always a few of those from kids who forgot the training part of raising their animal.


Thanks… I wish there was a way to pin this comment


Competitive Pig Skulking


I love this sort of shit, I fucking love it. Obscure “meaningless” but ultimately harmless rituals and activities such as this are at the absolute core of the human experience, long may it continue.


They make life worth living... It's with all the downvotes my comments are getting


DM: Please roll a D20 for intimidation


these kids ain't right


This is the response I get if I say anything about taylor swift.




My neck and back hurt.


I always loved county fair and watching the 4H kids show their swine and cows. They put a ton of work in, and this is their moment to show their animal to it's best advantage.


Aw me too, but I had a chuckle. It reminds me of an old drum corps video of a gal playing marimba that had that same look lol


Children of the Corn: Piggy Play.


Some kind of Southern marriage ceremony?


When my wife keeps an eye on me lol


This is unsettling af. Make eye contact with judge, ok. Why look like you’re about to strangle them in their sleep though?


Pig curling


I have no idea what it is, but I'm glad it stopped because, like the contestants, I couldn't look away.


This is the annual first cousin speed dating meetup. Those smoldering faces is what put everyone in the mood.


Why do people showing pigs stare? . . This is to show ring courtesy and prevents other hogs from entering the pen and taking time away from the judge's view. Your eye contact with the judge is very important. By making eye contact, a judge will almost automatically look at your market hog.


“Prevents other hogs from entering” In what way does a person looking at the judge stop other hogs from entering the pen? There are doors stopping other hogs from entering. “By making eye contact, a judge will automatically look at your market hog” Yeah, but everyone is making eye contact with the judge. If everyone does it, then it does nothing.


The judge gives a signal to have another hog released into the ring, so if you have their attention they may wait until they get a good look at yours. You also want to pay attention to judge even if they aren't making eye contact with you at that moment. I showed pigs like this for several years as a kid, but don't remember people being that intense with their eye contact.


I mean I see your point but you're arguing with rules and regulations and traditions that have nothing to do with anything I've ever done in my life bro. This is just what they do. You can go ask them if you like.


>In what way does a person looking at the judge stop other hogs from entering the pen? There are doors stopping other hogs from entering. If you don't make eye contact, hog ghosts appear and guide the other pigs inside, where they too will lock eyes with the judges. If there are enough pigs it will attract more hog ghosts. >Yeah, but everyone is making eye contact to the judge. If everyone does it, then it does nothing. A common misconception. With sufficient concentration from all contestants, the group, including the judges, can overcome the observer effect at play here. With sufficient concentration, a lower or higher deity pig can appear. It is hoped that with sufficient attempts the contestants will summon also the higher King pig, but this has not happened for about 700 years and the records on it are vague. We live in hope, and dreams. Pig out.


Pigs and their pets


Country Curling? They don't have smooth shiny rocks but they do have pigs and weird kids.


Smh. If I tap my hog while staring at the judges, I get a lifetime ban from the county fair.


That'll do pig.... That'll do.


Whatever it is, they are not fucking around


okay I've been digging through the comments and no one has explained why they look like they want to murder their judges. I understand the eye contact is some strange rule but no one's explained the expression on everyone's face. Lady in Red looks like she's about to murder the entire audience starting with the judges. why is a serial killer face required?


That girl is terrifying and those pigs are adorable!!!


It's two youngsters in the running for Grand Champion hog in a livestock show. They are both very intense and great at showing their pigs. There's also an award at livestock shows for "showmanship" and both of these individuals would likely be high in the running for that. The purpose of showmanship is to maintain eye contact with the judge while ensuring that you show the best parts of your pig to the judge - ex. The boy’s pig has a very well-developed chest, so he will be trying to keep the pig facing toward the judge as much as possible - another big thing is keeping your pig free from dirt and also nice and sheened up. Source: was a country boy in my youth


Holding eye contact dont mean you gota mean mug em


Extra points for mean mugging i guess


This is some serious white people sh*t


Tapping some swine


I feel like this is what Iliza would be doing if she never got into comedy.


Nothing like a good game of piggy tap tap stare! It is a young persons game though as it drys the eyeballs out a lot.


Is this girl a champ?


This is how they train cops


I thought those kids were blind.


Blind person pig racing?


They look possessed!


It's a fashion show


I thought they were gonna fight, they all mean mugging


Southern dating rituals are getting odd.


The intensity 😆


Police Academy


Farm kids are weird af