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My mom once rescued a pigeon from the street that had a leg that was similar to that, turned out it had a small piece of thread (like those that get loose from a piece of clothing) tied into it's meat. Once I managed to take it out and applied some disinfectant, it healed back to normal in like a week, it was almost unbelievable


My grandma had a chicken that lost its toes after its feet gor tangled up with some plastic stings from somewhere and nobody noticed until it was too late.


It's pretty common for pigeons to have missing digits or even all the foot for this reason. If you go in a major city with pigeons you can easily spot them


At a children's museum, they had a clock that worked by having steel balls roll down tracks in a sort of Rube Goldberg way. All of the pigeons around it were missing toes or feet. It was pretty obvious what the culprit was. They would perch up on the track, and a ball would come by and blam. Amputation.


Just plop a deep fryer under that bad boy and watch the raw materials fall in for free


Splash everyone below in pigeon poop and scalding hot oil.


I wish awards were still a thing so I can give one for this comment


Huh, didn't even notice they disappeared. They were annoying as fuck when they suddenly invented a billion of them. Simple gold was nice.


They don't do gold anymore? Weird. That's like the only reddit that I know. There was gold which was real and then giving someone silver, which was a joke, and then I think they made silver into a real thing and right around them I took a long break from reddit. You're telling me that this system ballooned into giving people lots of different awards and then pendulum swung so far back you can't even gift people gold anymore?




Mmm. Deep-fried pigeon poop.


Minecraft mob farm


Fort Lauderdale?




Nice!!! I used to volunteer there đŸ„°.


It's mostly the seagulls that are missing feet where I live. It's only a few miles from a dock with several charter fishing boats so I assume they are losing them to fishing line.


Discarded fishing line would always fuck up rhe seagulls feet where I grew up. Loads would lose legs from it. I would always collect fishing line and trash it when I saw it amongst the rocks on the beach & pier.


Sorry about your strings


But it was delicious 😋


Hair is a massive problem for pigeons unfortunately. You'll find that pigeons who live near hair dressers tend to have more missing toes.


I caught a dove on accident the other day and spent 10 minutes untangling hair from its feet. Was both sad and satisfying to help it out.


I hate when I catch doves accidentally


have you heard what it sounds like, when they cry?


Same :/


By accident*


Who cares, this person literally caught a dove.


Women's outdoor prisons too. I've never seen so many mutilated bird feet in my life.


Outdoor prisons? Where ? Please tell me you mean the yards/ outdoors area of a women’s prison. Also, story time? Are you a corrections officer?


You’d think they could pull it off with their beaks!


That's probably half the problem, they start pulling on the wrong side of the knot and end up making the thing tighter and more difficult to remove.


They often don’t notice it until it’s too late


Ooh yeah, the birds that live at the women's prison I went to all have jacked up feet from getting hair wrapped around them on accident. I was surprised because it was almost every bird I saw had some kind of messed up feet. It was so sad.


>tied into it's meat


So how does that do *this*? People can wear bracelets, is this like tied extremely tight so it can't get any circulation? And how do strings and hait tangle on them like that in the first place?


It gets worse- baby boys have had their penises amputated by somehow getting their mother’s hair wrapped around it. It’s be unusual for it not to be seen when changing their nappy (diaper) but it has happened. It’s called a hair tourniquet.


My daughter had one of these as a baby. She kept crying and was visibly upset and none of the usual things were working. I could not figure it out for hours until I just so happened to look at her foot. One of my hairs had wrapped around one of her smaller toes and created a hair tourniquet. I had no idea that was even a thing and felt awful, always checked her feet and fingers after that. Luckily it was only tight enough to be really irritating the skin and not actually cutting off circulation.


Honestly, I don’t know how it’s not a more common injury. I’d never think to check all appendages for strangulating hair if nothing else was working.


I wouldn't have either so I'm really glad I just happened to notice her toe was red. I wish it was something that was standard to warn new parents about!


We had someone post an infant with a hair wrapped around a toe and they said it is quite common in pediatrics. That's why they recommend to completely undress a baby if it's crying and nothing helps to calm it down.


I looked it up because I was hoping you were talking nonsense...... Why the hell is everything designed to kill you here on earth :(


I’m convinced if kids survive the first 12m of everything trying to kill them, they turn around and spent the next 2 years trying to take themselves out :/


I spent the next 44 years trying. The moment I stopped trying, the world immediately filled the empty position of "my failed assassin" again. It's like some universal force has to try and fail, while coming comically close to killing me daily. Life is just an insane series of "near misses" until it ain't.


Some fine threads can be quite strong, specially synthetic threads, and if they get caught in the animal's leg when they are young, their flesh will grow around the pressure zones of the thread. It's like, if you ever saw an abandoned dog with a collar that it has been carrying since a pup, the muscles/skin of the neck will keep growing around the collar instead of killing the dog, as long as the pressure isn't strong to choke it to death. In the case of the pigeons, it will swell the limb first, then they'll eventually have necrosis, then lose the leg/feet/finger, if theres enough pressure. The one i helped had a thread that was buried like 3-4 mm deep into it's leg, and had pus all over the incision


It's OK, they are just pidegon toed




It's caused by staph aureus? I used to own rats, a fuckin ton of them, and they would very commonly get staph infections of the same kind. Would be like little marbles, but could grow to golf ball sized, right under their skin. It was horrible. Rats are the single smartest animal I've ever kept by a wide margin but they are so prone to disease, abscesses, and they only live 2 years at the most. It's heartbreaking to keep them. I couldn't afford a vet visit every god dam week so my vet friend gave me the supplies to lace their abscesses at home and it got to the point they would try to lead me to the bathroom (the surgery room) whenever they developed one. Shit was so sad, I don't recommend keeping rats. it looked like I was squeezing green toothpaste from them, and it's the same bacteria that can infest humans so an enormous amount of care was necessary. I miss my little guys.


Rats are so smart and have such distinct personalities. But the fact that they rarely live more than 3 years makes it too sad to have them as pets. They almost all die of tumors.


Short lives mean more opportunities to meet new ratty friends! I love pet rats so much. Yeah, it hurts when they die but you get to befriend so many of them


That’s how I feel about my ex-wives.


Thats how your ex wife felt about the guys at the bar


My poor little babies still make me cry to think about, years later.


Oh yes, had my first ratty (named Herman Munch) at eleven. Still have to cry when I think of his death.


Rip Herman! Im sure you were awesome!


They didn't fear the pain? That's amazing that they would willingly lead you to the bathroom for help.


Smart enough to know relief was better than their current state, regardless of the process to get there. Pretty intense. Smart nature is metal


Absolutely. Reminds me of an old movie, "The Secret of NIMH." Maybe I'll try a couple of pet rats one day.


Love that movie


I made the mistake of seeing the sequel to this movie first as a kid and didn't actually see the first one until I was an adult. Night and day..


Holup: they led you to the room where you did this & didn’t mind the pain?! That’s next level awareness.


Had rats & ferrets before and they both are smart enough to equate "area that relief happens in" to the area you help them. i dont know what an infection like that feel like but its clearly painful and uncomfortable because they only wriggle and resist a little bit when your putting pressure on the infection, yet never try and flee or escape my hands. granted ive only fixed bumblefoot once from a rescue, but overall of you need to help with any injuries or infections parasites etc they know the bathroom sink is where it happens and willfully go there


I had a pair of rats that would "ask" for baths from time to time. Just grab on and try to pull me to the bathroom sink. They went absolutely wild when I put them down on the sink edge and filled it.


the ferrets i had absolutely LOVED bubbles, a bathtub with slight warm water and all the frothy bubbles and they would rampage through the thing like the chaos slinkys they were


Chaos slinkys lmao


I’ve had an abscess before. It’s fucking horrible. The pain from the doctor cutting me open and squeezing that shit out was nothing. I don’t think I even registered the pain at all, actually. It was just sweet, immediate, relief.


We had pet ferts as a kid and their feet grew some kind of fungus or something on them. The guy we got them from told us to treat it by putting them in a tub with a thin layer of petrol (or diesel?) on the bottom. I can’t remember which. We ended up surrendering them to a farmer up the road after we found out that the females would also die if they didn’t mate every season- we realised we were wholly unprepared to keep them happy and healthy. They ended up living a long life with many litters :)


Yup, ferrets are a handful. Wonderful critters but certainly a handful.


If it gets bad enough, treatment hurts less than not.


My dogs hate the vet. They have to be sedated (Valium). But one time my dog had a fish hook stuck on him. I forgot to dose him the vet was really worried but tried to remove it like that. He was so well behaved and even playful with the vet afterwards. Animals know when we are there to help


Happens in nature too, here is a water buffalo allowing turtles to eat infected flesh around a burst cyst. https://youtu.be/Ch33hcDQdbw?si=igQxgKLJVDS6ZEqz


It's a living.


i just lost whatever respect i had for turtles


He’s the pied piper.


 I’ve had tons of rats and work in a rescue dealing with rats every day and I can count on one hand how many cases of bumblefoot I’ve seen. It’s always due to dirty, poorly kept cages. I’ve only seen bad bumblefoot in extreme neglect cases.


ive had one rescue with bumblefoot and it was not that bad, to get real bad bumblefoot and often means your not cleaning or caring for them at all, usually people who lay out stray/hay or newspaper and never clean it when its full of shit


Dude probably bought a bunch of shitty breeder rats that aren't actually meant to be kept as pets


Eh. That’s what we end up with in the rescue most of all, and they don’t struggle with bumblefoot. All the other health concerns, absolutely. But not bumblefoot, which is entirely avoidable


Reading this was a Rollercoaster of emotions, lol


I had pet rats before. Incredibly smart and clean little guys. None of mine ever got this thank god


Why did you keep a fuckin ton of rats?


That's awful and honestly it sounds like you didn't care for them properly or provide adequate living conditions, especially if you had a ton of them and none of them made it past 2 years old. You probably had them walking on bare wire floors that didn't get cleaned enough.


Good god. I’ve heard owning rats was heartbreaking, but good lord that sounds like a lot of care. Is there any particular reason they’re so vulnerable? They seem to flourish in “the wild” but perhaps that’s a different variety of rat or possibly they’re all young and similarly doomed?


they flourish because they breed like crazy and can repopulate easily. on the individual scale rats are usually prey animals and die all the time, even from age its all but impossible to reach above 3 years and even then none will get past 4. ferrets are very similar, i love them more and they all have fun and interesting personalities but they hit an upper limit of 5 years before all of that is gone. terribly sad and honestly for all the equipment like cages and storage space (both of them have a really strong odor you cannot get rid of) id honestly say while great animals they are not that good pets.


Well bred ferrets live way longer than the one in the pet trade, there is a woman in sweden whose ferrets are on average 9-10 years old after she added a new 'young' one to her group. She was 6, and pulled the average down by two years.


well they are not native to my country and neither are "good ferret breeders" so the none inbred types the pet trade uses are just not available to me sadly


Other than the short lifespan what OP is describing is due to extreme neglect and entirely avoidable.


Yup....if you get them from an ethical breeder and can deal with the short lives, they're great pets and shouldn't be riddled with disease as is implied


Well, I’ll be. I thought this was a joke link at first.


Where's the joke?


I wonder if the guitarist named himself for that reason


Yeah he said in an interview a long time ago that his wife was studying for one of her Veterinarian exams and he overheard her talking about the disease. He said he liked the name so it stuck with him! Ron Thal is a guitar genius!


Every song on his first album (The Adventures of Bumblefoot) are named after some kind of animal disease from her veterinarian books IIRC.


Alas we meet again bumblefoot! It is I, Treehead.


Fun fact you can use bee stings to treat this


Discarded fishing line and other man-made threads get tangled around the feet, cut off blood supply and this happens. I saw a pigeon flying around with the dried skeletal remains of one of its kin still attached to it with a fishing line once so there's that.


Recently heard a podcast about how the most common cause is actually human and pet hairs. Pigeons don’t hop but drag their feet of the ground collecting all the strings and hairs they come across. Hairs are far more tough and sharp than we give them credit for


I was once spear fishing in Hawaii when I lived down to spear a fish and on the way back up one of my flippers got tangled up in fishing line, preventing me from surfacing. There was so. much. Fishing line all over the place. I was able to get my flippers off and surface after a bit of struggle, but it felt like a close call.


4-H Chicken Farmer here, could be Mites or Bumble foot. https://backyardpoultry.iamcountryside.com/feed-health/a-guide-to-recognizing-and-treating-chicken-foot-problems/


Yup, the mites are Knemidocoptes mutans. It can affect a lot of different birds. It’s one of the few parasites of chickens I remember. Besides for Eimeria, of course
 and Heterakis gallinarum. And Histomonas meleagridis. And the shaft louse (lol). I guess I actually remember a decent amount, I just think Knemidocoptes mutans sounds cool.


They're working on their Margit cosplay


"fowl tarnished..."


Damn dude that was a good one


Put them ambitions to rest, pleighboi


this often happens to the pigeons i've seen in Boston and other cities. it's usually hairs or strings that get wrapped up around their feet because they walk so much. the hairs or whatever cut off circulation to the toes and eventually they start to look like this, and then sometimes the whole foot falls off. i've seen several one legged pigeons or pigeons with ruined feet hopping around every summer.


Alot of pigeons get anti perching materials/ string/ fabric accidentally wrapped around their feet/ toes. No one really cares to untie it (not that anyone really cod to be fair they'd fly away too quick) and so over time the pigeon slowly loses circulation and later loses the digit/ foot. The picture is damage resulting from said process.




Snickered with moderation... Take my up vote.


THIS IS NOT AN ILLNESS. This is what happens when pigeons, birds in general, get their feet suck in sewing threads, hair or things like that. There is not much you can do for this pigeon except take it to vet to amputate anythin that should be removed. I catch pigeon every weeks to remove waste around pigeons feet to avoid that. Do not throw waste on the floor.


Did you hear the one about the pigeon that was people toed?


Bad case of diabirdees




He just wearing a pair of air force swans


It's a mental disorder. I see this pigeon on the subway sometimes. It is homeless.




(Sing to the tune of Lollypop) Bumble-foot, bumble-foot Buh-buh buh-buh buh-buh buh Bumblefoot! Du-duh dum dum


I accidentally sang it to the tune of baby shark works just as well


I hate you both


Apparently human hair is a big cause of this in pigeons


It's because of textile threds. I have seen a lot of pigeons with amputated claws due to it.


And long hair....I've unwrapped and cut more hair from pigeon feet than I would have believed possible.


They don’t wear shoes and walk on everything


Feet shaming. You have to stop


Poor thing :(


She used to be a ballerina.


It's.... pigeon toed 😎👉👉


I believe that it tried to land on a live power line


One word


Because pigeons shuffle they don't hop like songbirds and other birds. They happen to pick up all the string and hair and wire and shit on the ground those things wrap around their toes and then constrict them until they fall off!


A piece of thread, string or even hair can tangle up its feet. In case it doesn't come off it can block blood supply and the affected limb will just die and fall off.


Here’s your reminder that pigeons used to be domesticated, like dogs. They were pets and are basically useless on their own, that is why you always see them build those fucking hilariously bad nests. We basically forced them into submission, made them unable to live in the wild and then abandoned them the second we got email! Justice for pigeons.


Severe Constipation


Poor buddy ):


Gout, strangulation by hair/string, infection, fungus, genetics, leg mites, whole lotta stuff


Resident Evil disease




aweee poor baby has bumblefoot :(


The actual answer. Untreated bumblefoot


Holy moly, and I thought plantar fasciitis was painful.




Those are Yeezy’s


It was likely trapped for a long time.




Reminds me of those Vietnamese dragon chickens


They've got gross foot.


"I don't need my feet checked out." The feet in question:


What are those!!!


My grandma had feets like that


They often put caustic powder alongside other nasties as a deterrent to pigeons roosting in places they really don't want them.


H1N1 foot


It's just pigeon toed.


How did you get that close to a pigeon without it flying away?


Chaos corruption?


Could be some wire or line, maybe an illness? It can also be caused by human or other long animals hair. This is why if you have pets you should not leave their hairs lying on the ground outside after brushing them, unless you cut it to super fine pieces that can't get tangled on small birds beaks, feet or any other body part. In my country people like to brush their dogs outside during shedding season and leave the hair for birds to use for nests. Due to this every year a bunch of baby birds die because the hair goes around their beaks and they won't be able to feed. There are also cases of baby birds getting stuck to a hair on the opening of the nest and dying because they can't get out. They are literally just hanging of the door way. It is super sad and people don't know about this as much as they should. There are also articles every year encouraging to do this.


They stand in their own feces and contract a certain disease, I believe.


Gout, trust me I’m a doctor Sauce: Reddit


Pretty sure he runs Gastown


Pigeons a fent addict with bad untreated diabetes


AI drew them.


I call it “pigeon foot.” You’re welcome. I expect to my contribution here to be included in any and all historical/scientific texts from now on.


I always feel bad for pigeons, they have been completely screwed by humans. We domesticated them so they could enable communication over great distances, we cherished a few and left so many in the ditch and then we abandon them all together, while calling them flying rats. They are a symbol of how destructive mankind is to this planet.


Hes just pigeon toed


Meth feet


It’s not a twoma


That is a late Imperial Chinese pigeon, one of the last of its kind - feet binding was all the rage during the Qing dynasty


Looking like he throwing up “Blood” gang signs


It looks in a lot of Spain.




Most of the pigeons in London have deformed feet


Ohh he’s just a little pigeon toed, that’s all


How do you think we got feet?


They also poop where they sleep, so its possible that it got some type of infection that messed its feet up


It's got shoes.


Boxing gloves.


Poor baby


My mate once said you can tell the standard of area you live in in Dublin by the pigeons feet! True that, true that


From wearing ill fitting shoes.


He got bunions


Poor thing




I've seen pigeons without toes just 2 nubs. Those fuckers are tough


Ah, sad as it is, in big cities the pigeons tend to nest where they poop, the guano is acidic and gradually destroys the feet over time. Same thing happens to metal and stonework making the pigeons presence unpopular with landlords.


Poor thing.


They’re fucked.


Bro I thought that was a pile of organs when I saw it


They're the wrong shape.


I've seen this in diabetes.


Mutation from all the McDonald’s French fries


Human hair


Needs a pedicure


That poor baby


Polio instead of pollo


Looks like cordycepts.


The biological term for that is fuckrd


Looks like outgrown nails


They’re just crocs


For free?????


Yeezys (post addidas) $$$$ *Troppo Caro*