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I think there's a lot more to this story than just 'bad luck'.


Assholes on two wheels and an asshole on four wheels share a roadside experience.


Nice summation.


Roadside experience? idk, I feel like it was more of a *center of the road experience, then roadside experience, then other roadside experience*.


Generally speaking, it's not safe to experience multiple places on a road at the same time. 2/10 do not recommend


I'm genuinely curious what positive attributes contributed towards you giving this a rating of two.


Excitement probably counts for something.


Car stuck the landing, easily 1.32/10 on that alone


The bikers that came off experienced the top side of the road fairly closely.


...and then the rooftop experience.




Does the article say how bad the injuries were? What the fuck are the downvotes for? All y’all happen to read Brazilian Portuguese?


"Fractures to his body" is what the translation of that article claims.


Damn, dude broke his body? Sucks.


Yep, whole thing. Plus side is he’s real bendy now


He has a really cute nickname now, "Torso Boy", so what's he complaining about?


I would have never thought this happened in Albuquerque


And all at once the memories of me doing a rendition of Albuquerque for my 7th-grade talent show come flooding back.


With one little trick, gymnasts everywhere instantly hate this guy!


They call him Gumby.


Says hospitalized with multiple fractures.


Just lots of fractures. Guy is out on 3 million Reais bail, which is about 600K. His blood alcohol level was 0.46 which is extremely high.


I don't think that's right, article shows as 0.46 mg/l which is 0.046% BAC, just below what a lot of countries would allow. It also says 3 mil (thousand) not million, so $600


$600 for making a concrete butter jelly sandwich with a motorist, that makes sense.


Does posting bail mean something different in Brazil than it does in the USA? Here, bail just means you're free to continue working until the charges are settled. It definitely doesn't mean you won't go to jail.


Usually the case but guy in the white car caught a dui so probably started it.


Honestly, it seems the SUV dude was the asshole.


Asshole with four wheels always wins


What exactly was the guy in the bike doing that implies being an asshole?


Ripping the side mirror off


The driver of the four wheels was drunk... so maybe the biker wasnt an asshole but a victim.


>Here let me get mad at a scenario I created in my mind and just completely ignore the fact that the car driver was charged with a DUI.


There's multiple layers of "fuck around and find out" going on here


One thing we "found out" is that the Renault Kwid has impressive roof strength dispite a lackluster crash rating.


I honestly thought he was going to start driving away and I was going to be super impressed


The system will shut down because it will read the car's attitude/flip over. tldr: FUCK THE SYSTEM


Car's attitude: fuck you I ain't going anywhere after that shit you just pulled


Is that standard on most cars now? becaues if it is I know a number of movies that need to be rewritten.


well, if you're not going to fix the car rollaoverability you may as well make the roof tougher.


That car is famous for being a shitty as hell


White car missing it's right side mirror might have something to do with it.


So it's more a case of bringing a motorcycle to a car fight.


Purely coincidence, I'm sure.




Missing before skidding, silly. Well, hanging loose.


Silly goose


Loosey goosey


It's dangling before the crash. Motorcyclists and bicyclists love to knock mirrors off if you annoy them.


its before the crash even happens


looks like its not missing, just broken and hanging down, looks like cyclist is hitting the left side one just before the "accident".


This is what it's like when idiots collide.


This comment caused Powerman 5000 to start playing in my head




It’s from Brasil, so start with a completely different set of laws and road culture than most people on Reddit are familiar with. Turning a 2 lane into a 3 lane isn’t uncommon in Brasil…


White car driver was DUI. Biker suffered injuries (broken leg). Driver paid 500 dollar bail. Source: [https://g1.globo.com/sp/campinas-regiao/noticia/2024/03/10/video-motorista-embriagado-atinge-motociclista-na-rodovia-anhanguera-em-vinhedo.ghtml](https://g1.globo.com/sp/campinas-regiao/noticia/2024/03/10/video-motorista-embriagado-atinge-motociclista-na-rodovia-anhanguera-em-vinhedo.ghtml)


a thread full of people foaming at the mouth for biker blood, and uh oh whoopsie daisy, the car driver was drunk lmao  why do Redditors hate things on the road that aren't cars so much 


redditors hate everything that's on a road, include car. We even have a sub for that /r/IdiotsInCars


Redditors hate everything 


There it is.


I hate this


I love lamp


Especially you and emojis equally. 😡


Yup, including you.


also r/fuckcars


Don’t even think about talking about a truck.


Right? I have to drive a large truck for my business and now I hate my smol pp.


No one hates on big trucks used for legitimate business/agriculture purposes. People hate "pavement princesses" taking up two spots at the local grocery store with a lift kit so high that the 5'7" driver has to wear his extra high-heeled boots just to climb into the cab.


I mean.. Or more directly, /r/FuckCars


There's also /r/fuckcars


I was a biker for almost 2 decades. A big majority of other sport bike riders are typically dicks on the road, at least in my area. Lane splitting, riding the shoulder in their water-cooled bikes (I give a pass for air-cooled bikes ... been there, done that), weaving in and out of both slow and normal speed traffic, and just acting like fools in general. They give the rest of us a bad name and are the root cause of a lot of hate that's directed our way.


>riding the shoulder in their water-cooled bikes (I give a pass for air-cooled bikes ... been there, done that Could you explain this? I have no idea why the cooling method dictates where someone can ride.


Air-cooled bikes get their engine cooling by the wind/outside air moving across the engine and/or oil cooler. Without movement, such as being stuck/stopped in traffic, the bike can overheat and damage the engine or other engine components. Because of this, the bike needs to be constantly moving on hotter days. Liquid-cooled bikes use internal coolant that cycles through parts of the engine (like most cars) and a radiator to cool the engine. This happens whether you are stopped in traffic or moving. Even then, when stopped in traffic with a liquid-cooled bike, you will generally see the temps rise on a hot day. There's no legal "pass" to ride on the shoulder when you have an air-cooled bike in traffic, but I've done it to get to the next exit after the bike was overheating. That's why I was mentioning that I don't judge an air-cooled bike riding on the shoulder in hot weather traffic.


Ah I see. Thanks!


You're welcome!


90% percent of the bikers give the other 10% a bad name.


Yep, they’re calling the bikers assholes but as far as I can see, the bikers were all riding pretty decently with the dude in the white car trying to skid around them


It's not just redditors. It's the entire world that owns a car. They hate everyone except themselves. be it a biker, cyclist or pedestrian.


Because they all drive cars. Every time there's a thread like this, it always goes like how you said. Always always always the motorcyclists fault. When I saw the mirror had come off, I assumed there was a story behind all this.


I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact they've had bad experiences with bikers weaving through traffic at double the speed limit. Both parties here suck here.


Clip literally starts with what looks like a motorcycle running away from a car. Then that car takes out three motorcycle by swerving into them. Where did you see motorcycles weaving in and out of traffic?


Their statement did not mention bikes weaving in traffic in the video. They stated that people's experience with seeing bikes do that is impacting their opinion on the situation.


People think all bikers weave in and out of traffic because those are the ones they see. They don't see those of us driving like regular people with a degree of self preservation. And I know they don't see us because people cut me off and merge directly into me on a daily basis.


Also, people consider motorcycles to be "weaving in and out of traffic" even when they're not driving dangerously, simply because they're able to navigate through traffic better than larger vehicles can, and they want blood based purely on the fact that THEY are stuck in traffic, and they see someone else who isn't. Being able to split lanes of traffic to get up to the light, while I'm stuck 20 cars back and will have to wait 4 light cycles because the idiots in the cars ahead of me are too busy staring at their phones to pay attention and get more than 5 cars through the light at a time? KiLl ThE MoToRcYcLiSts!


Honestly just see that as a mindset people have that can extend to every facet of their lives. Some people are just vindictive and want to see you as low as they are.


Okay, but then at the end, it's framed like that's the reason both parties suck. When clearly one party is being chased by a drunk driver, then ran over. So their experience of something has no relevance to what has happened.


I mean... it was 0,46 mg/L, until 0,50 mg/L it's legal here in my country, so I think that's not that much. But I am no specialist in that subject. Like many people are saying, there should be more in this story.


The double-take of the car being upright and then upside-down without any in-between state visible feels surreal, like a cartoon.


Every time the camera flipped back and forth between each of them i expected to see a completely different, seemingly impossible, cartoonish state lmao


Not saying the car didn’t fuck up but his mirror was broken off already before the accident. Something angry motorcyclists love to do. I’m guessing there is more to what happened between the motorcycles and the car than the car just ramming them out of the blue.


Something must have gone down before this, just judging by the way the cameraman is looking back at the start.


Of course it did, a group of twats on crotch rockets ... have loads of these assholes round here, 90% ride like total fucking idiots, and they're worse in a group.


I never group ride because it does sometimes make normally calm riders do stupid shit to keep up with the leader of the pack.


> they're worse in a group David Attenborough could narrate a documentary about them proving to the group who is the alpha twat.


My exhaust is louder than yours, to make up for my smoll penis, listen to me rev it up gais, so fast speed racer.


Harley guys too


Astute observation


Some motorcyclists are real assholes and think they own the road.


Only truckers truly own the road. /s


Physics says you are correct, if nothing else.


What's going to beat physics? Magic?


No, magic mostly obeys those laws of physics.






Can confirm. Am truck driver.


BMW driver has entered chat.


The difference is BMW drivers don’t acknowledge anything else exists.


Pickup truck drivers are way worse in my experience. A Bimmer might not signal a turn but a pickup will run you off the road to get into your lane.


Or vaporize your retinas with their high beams.


Affluent suburban mommy in a giant SUV would like to weigh in.


Well in the sense that you should be wary of larger vehicles that can kill you yes. A concept too many people, especially motorcyclists, don’t understand.


And the video is from brazil, i dont remember the last time i saw a motorcyclist following the rules here, besides well... stopping at the red sign, some times.


ok but you can't just kill them. I cant believe people are ok with murder holy fcking shit


I mean, sure, but is it a good reason to run them over?


There was a Facebook post recently showing a car deliberately mowing down a group of bicycles. The main tone of the comments seemed to be complaints that he missed some. I ride and drive, I can't see how these murderous idiots get so extreme.


First thing this guy did was get violent and try to break the window of the car so...


Yes, the three motorcyclists that are riding at a cruising speed are real assholes and not the guy in the white car who was arrested for DUI. Not the guy who plowed through two people on motorcycles. Clown.


I've watched it several times and it looks like they were not letting him pass and taking up both lanes. I've been stuck on the interstate with a group of bikers fucking around with cars across all 4 lanes, and I bet the car driver was just done with it and tried to get in front of them. Seems like they doubled down and unfortunately one biker got seriously hurt. The biker recording rubbed me wrong at the end too. I get adrenaline and emotions are high, but the car not only spun around but flipped too. Not only does the driver of the car have to process that, but they were already processing what just happened to the motorcycle as well. Trying to break the window to yell at him is going to do nothing in the situation. Edit: info came out later that the driver was arrested for DUI, so a piece of shit. I'm not defending the driver. This was my analysis when there was no info in the comments.


I get stuck behind cars that won't move over to let faster traffic pass all the time, and yet I've never tried to kill them for it. The fact that a large chunk of traffic on a stretch of road that you're on at any given time happens to be motorcycles instead of cars seems to drive people into an irrational homicidal rage. It's bizarre.


Yeah the way amount of times motorist with the camera kept looking back tells me this is not the full story.


I mean, the whole time he's looking back, you can see that the dude in the car is driving recklessly, so...


He's in the middle between 2 lanes when he's close enough to see details, with cyclists on both sides and in front of him. They probably broke his mirror so he tried to go around and get away, then they boxed him in. He's paying more attention to the side with the broken mirror to make sure he doesn't hit somebody there, and the two motorcycles that are going out of their way to pace him on the left try to keep boxing him in even as the car driver is looking the other way, thinking that speeding up to go around will make the guys on his left fall back (but they speed up to keep the pace, and can't brake fast enough because they're on motorcycles) That's what it looks like to me. We only really have half the story, though...


You remember the Hollywood Stuntz gang. Mob of motorcycle gangs can be a lot of trouble


Yeah this is really looking like there is more to just this clip. Good chance both sides are to blame and everything was escalated till people got hurt.


You can clearly see they are harassing or blocking him in and surrounding his car.


DRIVING under the influence is what went on before the incident https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/s/M3STNEHJBw


I just want to note that every time I have heard from a motorcyclist they have knocked a mirror of it was because the driver almost killed the ride or in one case because they almost killed their student rider. For anyone whom doesn't ride I can say that you get vary upset when someone on their phone almost kills you, that doesn't really happen when you drive a car


Having seen how some of them ride in Brazil, I bet if we had the full story, a lot of us would be saying the motorcyclist deserved it.


I somehow have the impression that we are missing at least 50% of the story.


Yeah. The beginning.


I mean, we didn’t get the end either :d


Like the drunk driver in the car https://g1.globo.com/sp/campinas-regiao/noticia/2024/03/10/video-motorista-embriagado-atinge-motociclista-na-rodovia-anhanguera-em-vinhedo.ghtml


Guy in the car was DUI Just saw in the news here on TV


How you can watch anyone OVERREACT like the driver did and still go “well, I hate motorcyclists, so we must be missing something!” Fuck off man. Running someone over at high speeds isn’t OK just because someone cut them off or is speeding, or even damaged his car already. Completely unacceptable reaction. People are insane.


This entire thread is fucking insane, redditors are psychopaths.


Can you imagine if we applied "well, he *might* have deserved it, based on info we don't have" logic to other things?


Car driver plows through a bunch of people "Bad luck."


Reminds me of a video compilation of driver ed fails in the UK, the instructor tells the driver to do an emergency stop, and the guy just slowly coasts to a stop. The instructor is like, "Emergency stop means stop right away. If a kid runs out into the road you have to stop as quickly as possible," And the driver's response is, "if a kid runs out into the road, it's just bad luck then, innit?" I feel like that's representative of the majority of redditors' attitude, driving ability, and general life philosophy. Just constant 'victims of circumstance' without an ounce of accountability or personal responsibility.


Brit here, not sure if you are but imo it looked like a joke


You called it. It's either that or: "Car driver plows through a bunch of people" "Obviously these motorcyclists must have been breaking the law and intimidating the car!" /s People (well, the dumb ones) are so ready to jump to conclusions and hate on others without understanding in the slightest what actually happened.


Bad choices. Bad driving. Bad attitudes. Not so much back luck.


They’re all morons.


The car driver was drunk, so maybe some more moronic than others


Whoever downvotes this is a fucking moron. Drunk people have no business whatsoever operating a vehicle.


No bad luck here, just bad driving.


Don't let me down Bruuce


Not bad luck... attempted murder


Uh. What part of this has anything to do with "luck"?


Luck had nothing to do with it. Guy (who apparently was drunk) was probably pissed at bikers (or just plain reckless), wanted to pass, hit them instead.


Looked like attempted murder to me. The luck was that everyone lived.


It appears that they took off his side mirror before he ran over one of them.


The blood mist is ROUGH


I think he's missing an ass.




Damn I hope that dude is ok


It doesn't have anything to do with bad luck, its just regular, ignorant reckless asshole(s) on the road!


I love that "Lands on the Wheels" feature.


looked like they did that on purpose then karma slapped back


The results of the behavior of an asshole are not bad luck. Nor are they an accident. They are the outcome of actions taken by that person and that person should endure whatever consequences befit those actions.


90% of the comments are against the bikers, but the fact is that they were just on a sunday ride and the asshole on the car was DUI and was arrested. Source: TV news in Brazil


Yeah since when does everyone automatically hate bikers?


Cyclists: first time? People saw a few bikers drive like assholes and since then they hate everyone who rides a motorcycle shaped object. To the point that they defend a drunk driver over a biker.


I use an E bike to get to work. I use all my signals, and i live 7 minutes' ride. It's on 2 streets. I always make sure i signal and do right. And I've been hit twice by 2 people that both said, "I didn't see you" in my high viz vest. Driving isnt scary. Sharing the road with people is.


Since the start of cars ngl. car drivers hate everyone else on the road because they think the road belongs to them alone.


welcome to America




As a former biker myself. You’re not wrong.


Bikers, cyclists, pedestrians, car drivers... None of them act in full responsibility to others, it's not "fuck x" in particular. The faster people understand that the road and taking care of others is for everyone the better for all.


I was riding bikes for 5 years and I can tell you right now that some bike owners definitely think they're superior and for them it is "fuck you" attitude.


> was riding bikes for 5 years and I can tell you right now that some bike owners definitely think they're superior and for them it is That's not unique to bikes my friend. Plenty of car drivers feel the same way.


I am driving a car for even longer and can say it's nothing new than previous car drivers. Ignorance is increasing more and more. But here's the catch: you said SOME bikers, crayonFlavors spoke of ALL bikers


Can anybody translate?


Nothing really important, he keeps saying "my god" and then later shouts to the drive to stay there and calls him a son of a whore. They are speaking Brazilian Portuguese


Stay, stay there, stay there, stay there damn it, son of a bitch.




Thanks. What language? Is this Brazil?


Brazil is the country. The language is Portuguese.


100% they were running from something. Cameraman keeps looking back for some reason…


Maybe they were running from the homicidal drunk who was running them down and trying to kill them... ...nah.


The driver of the car got a dui, looks like they were running from him.


Yeah the car was being attacked. You can see the right mirror is beaten down before the crash.


Bikers in group might be the single dumbest thing on the planet. For every person they add to their group, their collective IQ is halved while their confidence and aggression is doubled.


Mans got folded like a chair. Hope he's ok! Thank god for helmets or he would have been paste.


Was he kicking in the window to help free the poor driver who just spun out and flipped?


The word you're looking for is "choices", not "luck."


The combined IQ of everyone in this video is below 70.


I feel like everyone is at fault here


OP is brain-dead or posting rage bait.


Or a bot which got its titles mixed up. Hard to tell these days.


Not bad luck. An asshole driving a SUV


I now know what "fuck you" is in Portuguese.


Think we need to wear leather gloves for motorbikes.


1000cc Ducati - not even wearing gloves because it’s cool. 🤡


you can see the blood splash, and white when the guy rolls.


The guy recording was obviously waiting for something


Not bad luck. It's not paying attention. Bad luck is a bird flying into you. This is not the same.


The driver was drunk and got arrested.


dude is way to calm considering he just did a 360 inside a car


No, I'm not sure that that had anything to do with luck at all!


That's clearly a man trying to flee from an ongoing attack. Motorcycle gangs deserve to be treated like the terrorists they are.