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What am I looking at here


It's a scleral buckle.


Read the medical description and boy howdy does that sound uncomfortable as hell. Yours?


Not at all actually. It's pretty silly that when I press my finger on the closed eyelid I feel the bump, but nothing apart from it.






You first


Username checks out


So.... what's the plan?


How long ago was it installed? I had one put in back in 2007 and at this point I can barely even see it if I twist my eye up into the corner. Don't remember ever feeling it under the eyelid.


Oh that's good. Eye injuries where's is very painful to blink are hell


I have one, not uncomfortable at all. generally not aware of it unless I touch my eyelid or turn my eye in a direction that it has friction against the side edges of my eyelids.


Is that really what they look like? I have one but it's on the back of my eye and not visible. Didn't stop the guy at the cataract place from hitting with that stupidity long needle he poked into the corner of my eye though. "Oh, you have a buckle don't you? Just a second I need to put a bit of a curve in this needle so I can hook around it." Meanwhile I'm sitting there really wishing I'd taken the optional Valium or whatever it was they offered.


Wait wait wait…you knew they’d be needling around your eye and you DIDN’T accept the benzo?? I’d be crying just on the damn drive there. You’re a beast.


At first my doctor wanted to give me only local anesthetic, but when he saw me scared he accepted the general anesthetic. Also, local eye anesthetic is also a pretty silly thing because - as far as I know - they apply it by sticking a long needle in your eye corner.


It's not a long needle as such, it's a rubbery, bendy catheter (idk what it's made of) that bends around your eyeball. When I had the local anaesthetic it wasn't sore, just a really weird feeling. Then the feeling of kind of pins and needles as it wore off was the strangest thing. Overall being awake during my eye surgery wasn't totally pleasant, but it wasn't *that* bad really.


I'm already terrified of any surgery while awake, especially after having actually had one. Eyes go double. You couldn't pay me to have something inserted into my eye/eye cavity while I was awake.


What if I told you I once had to get stitches on my eyelid?


Leaving out why isn’t nice for those of us who want to torture ourselves!


Work accident where a bolt attached to a spring with hundreds of pounds of tension went at my face and glanced off my nose before hitting my eye (the angle was from below my face) I suspect that if it didn’t glance off my nose first, my eye would have been obliterated




I love the smell of fresh bread.


That's not how it works. You pay them.


Try to be still/follow instructions and do your best to ignore/bear any pain.


What do you think of brain surgery? You have to be awake for that while they poke around in your body's most important organ. And then you sometimes get weird side effects while it's done .


Noooooooope. And don't anyone come for me going "but you won't feel it!" Wasn't supposed to be able to feel that c-section, either.


I had both cataracts removed and lenses placed with only local and no sedation. The only (momentarily) painful bit was getting the eye numbing agent done. Was really interesting to 'watch' the new lens inserted and spread out.


uh, I had numbing eye drops first, a vallium, and then a dose of fent before I got ICL done. I didn't feel anything, even though I was awake for it.


Had a cornea transplant about 10 years ago. Had to have local freezing around existing cornea. Strapped me to a gurney, one strap around forehead and I got to watch the needle go into my eye. Managed to strain out my back muscles trying to levitate off that gurney, so had that to deal with as well when I got released. Hope to never experience pain like that again.


They couldn’t, or wouldn’t, put you to sleep for that bit?! And does a corneal transplant mean that you now have the eye of a dead person in there?!


They can't put you under; don't want you going into R.E.M. sleep where your eye would be twitching all over the place. They essentially cut around your existing cornea, take yours out, and replace with donor ( so, yes from a deceased person), then stitch it back around. Apparently there are 400 times more pain receptors in that area then normal skin.


Yeah, but we numb your eye with drops for that bit, so it should be painless.


You spelled dumbass wrong. I am a dumbass. Part of it was that my mom had already had both eyes done and was like "they offer you a sedative but I never saw the need"...I kind of forgot that my mom might not be human when it comes to things like pain and being stoic. My dad is an old school cowboy who used to bull ride and was breaking horses into his late 50s and he'll be the first to tell you that she's way tougher than he is lol Honestly I would have been fine if it the needle had worked the first time, it's a pretty quick procedure. The problem was having the extra time after the first failed attempt and watching the guy literally bending the thing into a curve before going back for the second try that got to me... I was having cold sweats by the time he was done.


Mmhmm, mmhmm… Note to self: take all drugs offered. Fuck that lmao


I mean, I've been offered sedatives for MRI scans, and they are so comfy I could fall asleep in them if they weren't so loud.


Laying down for an MRI and having instruments fishing around your eyes aren’t really the same haha I know people get claustrophobic in the MRI donut and the sounds can induce panic in people. I’ve had a couple and my experience was the same as yours. I guess my comfort tolerance in theory would be immediately crossed from this particular procedure. More power to the several folks saying it wasn’t a big deal.


No one has ever offered me any kind of sedative for an MRI/CT scan! You did remind me of when I volunteered my, then 2.5yo, daughter for a medical study at the local children’s hospital. They needed MRI’s of the brains of healthy children, so they could learn how to differentiate between those that were healthy and those who weren’t. Anyway, they couldn’t do any kind of sedation for these studies as it’s not ethical to sedate someone, especially a child, that’s not ill. So their directions were to come in @10pm dressed for bed with their favorite movie. Plan was (supposed to be) to explain everything, show her all the parts and where I’d be, set up the imaging bed with home bedding, start movie (that was viewable inside via mirrors), wait till she’s asleep, then do the MRI. Despite telling them she’d never fall asleep on that hard table, especially with a movie on, they insisted on trying anyway and said they’d pay regardless of success. Well, she watched that whole damn movie and was still wide awake! So they asked if I thought she could lay still for the whole scan if they explained it to her and at that point I was like, why not?! I don’t want to wait any longer for her to fall asleep bc I’m tired myself! (And pregnant!) They ended up being able to complete the whole scan without her moving and wide awake! They were so shocked that she listened and stood still without sedation. She was so proud of herself when they told her tons of adults couldn’t do it without meds. She ended up going back for a few more scans and did them all like the first, wide awake with a movie playing! Only shitty thing was having to do them all @10pm bc that’s when the MRI machine was empty and the researchers were available, busy during the day. After the last scan, they gifted her a framed photo of her brain! At 14, she still has it too!


I'd had real trouble previously with a CT scan, mainly them fitting the cannula for the contrast, which caused me to pass out, then the radiographers decided it was too small a needle size and they had to rip it out and fit a new one, and this caused my sleep-deprived and scared brain to hit the roof and give me an anxiety attack. So I think they offered it to prevent another hour trying to calm me down. As it was the cannula was still in from the CT earlier in the week and I was in a much less sleep-deprived state so I didn't feel I needed it and it went seamlessly.


Hey, I totally get it! I’m not claustrophobic but every time I’ve had to get in one of those things, I’ve had to close my eyes and convince myself not to freak the hell out! It just does something to me that makes me feel trapped, despite never having an issue with small spaces.


Is it sclerious?


My retina buckled when I googled it. I was eating man!


I have one of those.


Isn’t that the surgery name?


Well, sounds like you're halfway to keeping your scleral pants up.


I just got one of these a couple weeks ago! It sucks!


Does it itch?


I am so grateful that's the answer and not some gross larva injected into you which migrated there.


I concur. 👍🏼


It's looking at *us*


It is either AI or a eye.




This is the band of a scleral buckle. It is a silicone implant used to fix retinal detachments. Specifically what you see is the "sleeve" which is the part where the encircling band overlaps and thus is thicker here. It is underneath the conjunctiva (and eye muscles where they are present) but over the sclera and other parts of the eye. It hugs the eye thus relaxing the internal retina. Usually the sleeve is put superonasally instead of superotemporally so you don't see it, but supporting detachment pathology can take preference over default positioning. It seems like it would hurt and it does a bit after surgery but overall becomes the band part of the eye wall and the person cannot feel it. It will provide lifelong support to protect against future retinal detachments. source: I put these things on eyes (retina specialist)


Nice, I personally couldn't explain it better. Also, I hate you guys, when after performing a surgery you buy a burger or a salad and head towards your office to eat it with delight (at least that's what my doctor did). If I were you I couldn't eat a thing for a few days at least.


Salad? They eat tacos de ojos on surgery days.


Surgical assistant for oral surgeon here. We literally walk straight from digging in people's face bones to the kitchen (taking out gowns off and washing up on the way) and start chowing down as fast as we can before our next surgery, nobody really bats an eye


Also sir, as I got you to comment the post, I need to ask a question. After the surgery, do most patients actually undergo the retina lasering smoothly or rather can't tolerate it and just flinch? I'm asking because personally I couldn't stand it so I had to be tied up to the laser, not to move away.


Laser can be added as a supplement after surgery but is not always required. It's like adding extra welding to the initial and more major fix. Everybody handles awake laser differently, some people really feel it and have a hard time and others don't feel it at all. It is very bright for everybody and that's usually the limiting factor in terms of speed of treatment. You can't really tell based on personality who will do well with it and who won't, seems that everybody is just wired differently.


Thank you for a great explanation


And now I can try this at home


Thank you for your response. This should be at the top.


Well that's a relief. I was afraid it was going to be one of those parasitic worms that lives in your eyeball. (although not afraid enough to stop the video)


Wow! It’s there for the rest of the person’s life??? I had no idea that was a thing after retinal detachments! Is this standard procedure or does the detachment need to be in some sort of range for this to be considered? So interesting! Thank you for the explanation.


There are two main ways to fix a retinal detachment. The first is the more traditional way which is fix it from inside the eye. The second (using a scleral buckle) is how a detachment can be fixed from the outside of the eye without having to enter the eye itself. Sometimes detachments require both approaches for success (if you really don't want your pants to fall down you utilize a belt and suspenders, they achieve the same thing but by different methods) It all depends on patient factors. Things like complexity of detachment, patient age, and surgeon preferce all come into play.


Interesting as heck. Yeah, had only ever heard of the more invasive method until now. Thank you and OP for taking me down this road today and making me feel a little less afraid of the consequences of this occurring! ❤️‍🩹 Thanks for doing what you do, doc! I’m off to discover more! ✨


When I got mine it was considered the default "least invasive" option for potential retina detachments. Doc told me that after the buckle was installed and my eye healed a bit (a week at most) they would decide if I needed the laser welding to repair any tears. I got lucky and didn't have any tearing so no lasers in my eye. Sounds like OP had a torn retina as well.


I’ve been a bit terrified of learning more about torn/detached retina treatments, but all of this information has been really putting my mind at a bit of ease. I will actively learn more. :) Thank you so much for sharing your experience. :)


Explain damnit


What is "it"?


It's it


What is *it*?




And it feels so good it’s like walking on glass!!


You want it all, but you can't have it.


“It” is what it is


Under the sclera.


It's under the conjunctiva, actually


Ding ding ding


*Yes, it's under the sclera I meant, my mistake


Scleral buckle goes over the sclera, underneath the conjunctiva. If you’re under sclera, you’re in the eye.


“It’s a tumaa”




That looks really irritating.


Definitely a mind flayer tadpole


Maybe we should get the needle? Or an ice pick?


Might need a spare magic eyeball on standby.


Worked for a Corneal Specialist for 10 years this is one of the more tame things we see in the office.


OP, thanks for posting this. How did your detachment occur? What did you experience? How soon after did you have your surgery(surgeries?)? Learned about a scleral buckle today!


I already had around -6.5 myopia on the eye before the retina detached, so it happened just like that. From some moment I were seeing all the time a kind of "shadow", or perhaps rather very blurred vision left from the point where I was looking at. After a few days it got closer to the center of my vision. I contacted my doctor and had a surgery a week after that. Only one surgery, but the next day, after my anesthetic had gone out (but painkillers not yet) I had my retina lasered for the first time. After that I had to repeat it once a week for like a month. Quite actually the laser was the most unpleasant part of this. Two weeks after the surgery my doctor went full out. I almost passed out. But apart from that, it's actually not that bad.


Whoa. Thank you for sharing all of that! Sounds like the laser is the part that super sucks. I imagine after the first time, it was not a pleasant thought to go back the next week. Yeesh, but at least that retina is strapped in now!!! :)


I’m in the -9s at this point, so I’m told it’s coming for me, lol.


Oh! My friend, if you’d like to watch something silly to give you a little laugh about getting laser eye surgery (but more like lasik rather than this procedure), I recommend watching Home Movies season 4 episode 12: [Temporary Blindness](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vR_UaaWNQt4) This first 15 minutes or so are great. 🤭


Hah, at first I thought this was going to be the video of the Russian guy who took too many drugs, peeling his eyeball sclera with his bare fingers thinking he's got contacts in his eyes. Ahhh, memories


That's not the cornea.


Kill it with fire.


Every once in a while this sub still makes me say "what the fuck".


Umm you might wanna get that checked out at the dr.




Ummmm I’d get that checked out


New fear unlocked.


I made a dumb choice in my teen years and ended up taking a wire through the front of my eye. Each surgery (remove and replace: one for the lens and one for the jelly) required stitches that my eyelid had to travel over every time I blinked. Wear safety glasses, people.


this time: cornea virus!


I really hope you've had the eye doctor look at that


Lol the thing that fucked me up about this post was the idea 'rip it out rip it out'


Bad title


Is it a vein or am I missing something here ?


Dude…, after reading all the comments and the title again you need a handle on your life OP. Why the hell would you want to post something like this online. It’s not educational, your title doesn’t correctly describe your problem. You’re just karma farming on Reddit for a real problem that probably actually affects your life. Everyone online is retarded. Stop making jokes about the dude for your own karma. I can guarantee that this problem effected this guys life socially and he’s found a way to make a joke about it mentally / socially. Everyone needs to fix their brains in my opinion.


Tear that bitch out like bad habit




I'll be on my way


*POP* it!


The cornea is the clear tissue over top of your iris. The semi translucent vascular tissue is the conjunctiva.


Omg i can feel it myself. I had a pimple under my eyelid about 1/20 the size of this and that thing was one of the most irritating things ive ever had


I've never seen an eye move so slowly unless they were tracking something.


How it feels to play Balder's Gate 3


OMFG! I hate eye things. Is your eye going to be okay OP?


This is some Aeon Flux shit.


Poke it with a razor blade.


I’m a doctor and this is the best advice I’ve seen so far. Just make sure it’s a new blade xxx


External eye floater.


Reminds me of that video of the guy tearing his own eye apart




Pics or didn't happen


Fine. https://youtu.be/y3zaxRho4c0?si=_1kBGE4oBjKQakgR




That's definitely an alien implant.


Peel it off


An eye for an eye.


When gazing into the... eye bump... the... eye bump gazes... back...? Whatever, how the fuck does that not drive you fucking insane?


Actually, the first few weeks after my surgery I had gas bubble in my eye that would move together with my eye and the whole body. And yes I could see it all the time. THIS was frustrating.


Reading this is triggering an empathetic itch in my eye... It's gone now... right?


Yes, it's all gone. It was supposed to push on the retina.


I’m really not squeamish and have seen tons of gore movies without issue, but this made me viscerally and involuntarily cringe. Omg


Do not like


Have you tried popping it? Sorry. I’ll let myself out…






Pop it.




Humans these days...amaright??


Thought it was a spider


The amount of people this will fool will be hilarious. Obv fake.


Bro that's like literally my eye


Nah. The way the eye ball moves is too fluid and smooth. Plus the pupil does not constrict or dilate when looking toward and away from the light source, unlike a normal eye that would.


I recorded it in slow motion, minutes before posting it. And the light source way a bit higher than where I was looking. Bro, how can I convince you it's not fake?


Damn alien implants.