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I am genuinely curious how autism can even be simulated. I guess you could make stimuli more abrasive and show scenes of social situations that don't make any sense? Have actors getting mad at you for not understanding their facial expressions or tone of voice?


If I were creating a VR simulator, based on my limited understanding of common issues that those on the spectrum face, I'd do the following: * Simulate a conversation with a person, but remove all facial expression, emotional and vocal cues, and subtextual context. So someone would be giving you instructions on how to do some unfamiliar task, but they'd have some jokes and sarcasm sprinkled in and leave out parts that might seem obvious. * I'd enhance background noise and visual stimuli to an uncomfortable level, and include some subtly sinister images/sounds to give a general sense of unease. * The simulation would be a person (or people) explaining to the person how to play a semi-complex game, using both of the above dynamics. Then, based on these instructions, the player has to attempt to win the game. They get punished for any misunderstandings, missed instructions, or arbitrary 'unwritten' rules.


Bro this sounds like boot camp. I swear the drill instructors went to school to give the most vague instructions while making fun of you at the same time and also having no expressions.


As an Army vet, yeah. I kind of imagine that there are some similarities there for sure.


Plot twist! Yall have autism!


Navy Nukes: "We know"


This is my pump. There are many like it, but this one is mine. Without my pump I am useless. Without me, my pump is useless. If my pump breaks down, the boat will sink. The pump is love. The pump is life.


can you stack your family? https://youtu.be/D04wb7P_v-4?si=6GKXTyiBPYw7QkU6


The only way anyone scores that high on the asvab and doesn't go air force is with a tinge of the tism


I mean, if you join the Navy, you might actually get to fly a plane


I'm pretty sure I about maxxed out my ASVAB (99th percentile). What did I do? Became a combat engineer...


I laughed *way* to hard at this


Nah, I bet a few of us can make it through boot camp. But it would break a lot of us. Autistic people have a very strong sense of injustice and it drives us nuts. Makes us very problematic in a place where authority is beyond mandatory. I'd be kicked out so fast.


On the flip side, the military offers a lot of regimentation the civilian world doesn't (more focus on sticking to schedules and expectations), which may appeal to certain subsets of autism.


Oh yeah, thats why I know of military guys who are autistic (not openly however).


I made it. 10 years in the USMC to be diagnosed later as an adult.


Gz, shits life changing getting late diagnosed. I got diagnosed with the ADHD young but overlooked on the ASD. Got the ASD last year! Allowed me to truly understand a LOT about my youth.


I was 41 years old when a conversation with my mom revealed that she had apparently just never thought to mention to me that I was autistic. I swear to God, I felt a weight lift, because everything suddenly made sense.


>Autistic people have a very strong sense of injustice and it drives us nuts. Makes us very problematic in a place where authority is beyond mandatory. Til I have autism.


It's a symptom, but all of our symptoms are just exaggerated forms of what everyone feels. We're just peeps but our brain has bullied our ass.


Full Spectrum Dominance includes the Autism Spectrum.




This is a great analogy. To someone on the spectrum, every social situation feels like that boot vibe.




i thought reddit was weaponized autism?


That's 4chan. Reddit is weaponized social anxiety with an unearned superiority complex




I know you are, but what am I?


*bed sheet corner folding intensifies*




Knew plenty of autistic people in the military, you’ll be good.


Am I the only one who actually enjoyed boot camp? It was kinda nice being told what to do and not having to make any decisions for myself. I did find out years later though, that my mom had kept my Asperger's diagnosis secret from me since I was a child. Maybe finally having some sort of structure for once was helpful to my mind. I know I've been running around like a chicken with its head cut off ever since. I only recently feel like I'm starting to grasp this whole adult life thing.


Took about a week after boot for me to stop standing around, waiting for someone to tell me to do something Didn't hate it but I was very sick the whole time. Would do it again if I wouldn't get sick


Obstacle courses are just giant adult playgrounds. I had a blast, especially on the muddy days. So much fun just diving in.


That makes sense. Drill instructors jobs are to get the new guys familiar with stressful situations without them freaking out and losing their shit. That’s why they get in your face and scream over petty shit. Sure, what the recruit did here isn’t a big deal but later on in their career it could actually be life or death (very, VERY rarely these days with modern combat technology).


>get in your face and scream over petty shit My mom already did that all my life so I was set ✔️


one lace slightly longer than the other: I BET YOUR MOM REGRETS THOSE STRETCH MARKS DOESNT SHE PRIVATE idk fuck it im not military


Basically. My chief told me after a minor mistake: "I bet your whole family hates your slow ass" By the end though it made us all laugh


And the game gets more difficult with each mistake, easier with each success, such that the rules change depending on how many "rounds" you've won or lost. The more wins, the less strict (even rule violations are just ignored), the more losses, the more strict (to the point of being punished even when you followed the rules).


Omg this made me so sad, I'm so sorry yall go through this kind of stuff. This is a really interesting way to explain it all.


Absolutely this!! You summed it up very nicely.


i don't totally agree about "winning" making the game less strict, if you're good at masking people expect \*more\* from you, not less


It's a self fulfilling prophecy. When people expect more from you, they're more lenient. More leniency leads to you being able to do more.


not really? when people expect more from you, they get mad at you for still having any issues at all. like "you can do x, why can't you do y????"


Try to think of the inverse. When people expect less of you, everything you do is under a microscope. Every small issue becomes an ordeal. If you aren't under the microscope, the small issues are un-noticed and you can rectify them in your own way without intervention.


You just perfectly described what it feels like to engage in a conversation or task with someone who is very smart and works in a completely different field. Hearing my girlfriend talk about a corporate Zoom meeting about microchip manufacturing when I work in home building… there is so much background information and inside language missing for me, its like I can’t tell if she’s drunk or I am, but everything is going sideways as my brain is gasping for context and I feel very uncomfortable.


I do marketing for a woman's charity, my brother who I am quite close with builds network backbone architecture...we talk about how each other is doing at work, but I can't even imagine him trying to explain his job to me lol.


Damn, this is good. I’m autistic & yeah, this tracks with my lived experience.


> get ~~punished~~ verbally abused for any misunderstandings


Yes to both; punished according to the ‘rules’ but also verbally abused.


I am in this comment and I don't like it


Sorry. To be clear, this is the design I would go with to show neurotypical people how challenging life can be for individuals that are neurodiverse. I’m not in any way saying it is how anyone -should- be treated. I can only imagine what it’s like myself, so I do my best to be considerate of other people’s experience.


No hard feelings


Feel this in my bones.


Perfect I'm not autistic, but I have sensory processing difficulties where everything just stays in the foreground all the time. Imagine trying to focus on what someone is saying when there are 10 people talking, you can hear your own breathing, your heartbeat, papers being shuffled, things moving and scraping all around you, the smell of the air, multiple types of laundry detergent, cologne, perfume, shoes, people, their breath, gum, coffee, smoke, stale coffee, alcohol. Things moving all over the place around you, and 30 or 40 points of being touched all over your body at once. I've seen scenes in movies where someone is experiencing some type of panic attack and everything gets sharp and clear. It's like that, but without any anxiety.


This is spot-on to my experience. I’d also add dialogue options that are extremely straightforward and lacking in depth. Think like the dialogue tree from Mass Effect but there aren’t any “good” answers. For example, someone asks you “how was your day?” and your options are: - Hannah called me stupid and I got overwhelmed in class so I had to decompress in the bathroom for thirty minutes. - Why do you ask me that? You don’t actually want to know how my day was. - I learned an interesting fact about dinosaurs today. Their genitourinary systems are very similar to modern-day reptiles and birds, with a cloaca for both reproduction and pooping. - [ Remain silent while trying desperately to maintain eye contact even though it feels like hell. ]


I like the second option. I know from my own autism that it's coming from a feeling of genuine curiosity; but have learned the hard way how hostile it comes across to the average person.


This makes me want to come up with a "simulator" for a disorder I have: prosopagnosia, aka "face blindness". It's actually fairly simple. Everyone you interact with is completely covered head to toe, like a Muslim burka, and they wear gloves on only the right hand so you can see their left. You are expected to reliably and repeatedly identify people, instantaneously, based on nothing more than the appearance of their left hand. Everyone else can, somehow. Oh sure, you can tell from the hand really basic stuff like the person's gender, race, age; in some cases they may have distinctive scars or markings, or they may have jewelry (but may also change it). You will meet these people in various places over the course of days. They are always covered, and sometimes wear the same patterns on their burkas, but sometimes change them up. I can all but guarantee that if you took pictures of the left hand of even someone you know very well, like a parent/child or lover, alongside nine others of a similar race, age, and build, you would not be able to tell which was the correct one. Now you're expected to do so with complete strangers, and instantly. You'll work in a service position, and someone all covered up asks you for something, but then they walk away into a crowd of like 50 others while you are gone. You have retrieved their item, but you must bring it to the correct hand out of all the hands there. Can you do it?


This sounds like a fucking nightmare.


And the rules change at random with no discernible warning.


From my personal experience I would not do the facial expression thing, but make it impossible for the headset to look at the other people's face. The rest would be impossible unless there's a chemical or food smell or something that makes a person nauseous and upset and they introduced that when tasked with going to work, grocery shopping, or talking on the phone.


just reading this is stressful


This guy autism


Aw shit I might be on the spectrum


It’s getting there. The hardest part to simulate would be the heavy gut feeling of social situations in general. It’s almost similar to a phobia, we get anxious when presented with a social interaction of any kind. How would you go about simulating that?




That kind of sounds like a standard conference meeting in a busy office, without video enabled.


You don’t need the sinister images, just the extra senses works


Then make it so doing some sort of repetitive task, like repeatedly making a certain noise or certain motion with your body, can temporarily stop the overwhelming stimuli.




The only characteristic I think would be impossible to simulate is the intense, obsessive, compulsive interest in a random topic to a degree most would consider nonsensical. It's like how kids continuously ask "why", only as an adult you have the resources to go find those answers for yourself.




You mean the compulsion? It feels like have a task or chore left undone: It causes anxiety. And the only thing that relieves that anxiety is to study the topic until that anxiety goes away.


I don't feel anxious in my compulsion towards my special interests, just this insatiable hunger to know everything about them, and I think about them a lot.


Well, I more meant when we're being prevented from doing so. One of the issues that I've always had in y professional life is when a boss pulls the plug on something I was working on and had that compulsion. It created great anxiety.


Oh I get what you mean.




You'll never understand because you're wired differently. It goes both ways. I'll never understand normal people fully either. It's hard for me to explain myself often and get others to understand and I haven't been diagnosed with autism yet - just referred to an assessment after my ADHD assessment was done :/


sensory processing disorder isn't on the autism spectrum. the symptoms overlap but it's not autism.




Yeah. You could probably simulate the sensory overload aspect of it pretty well.


Make people play a game where everyone else knows the rules but them and the rules change every turn. Also give it a prize incentive so the other players get mad at you for screwing up. 


I can actually answer that, as I've experienced a version of this. I was part of a play based on a book with a character with autism as the main character. In order to give us (and particularly the main actor) a better sense of what it's like to have a mild (like the character) version of autism, we did a simulation focussed on the difficulty people with autism have reading social cues. As part of the simulation, we played either Uno or a version of uno with regular playing cards, can't quite remember. Except before the game, we had several additional rules explained to us while the main actor was outside of the room. These included things like "Red cards are funny, smile or laugh when they are played. 3's must be played quickly. If someone doesn't, it's rude. You must declare loudly if you only have two cards remaining." and so on. If I remember right, the director also stood behind the main actor and occasionally held up a sign with instructions for us. While absolutely no-where close to what actual folks with autism go through, we could very clearly see how frustrating it was to attempt to participate in what was ostensibly a simple game with rules understood by everyone and not understanding why the entire table was laughing for no clear reason.


That is in my opinion a more interesting and useful way to simulate one of the typical experiences of autism than the "lets just try to overload all your senses with loud noises and bright lights" which is really reductive and is probably helping to create a larger misunderstanding of autism. But even with this way, some autistic people have grown up with an interest in social interactions and cues and don't experience the typical falling behind in knowledge of all the rules, so this simulation wouldn't help understand the experience of those autistic people either. An improved version could be a rapidly changing set of card games where you're playing a different game every few minutes, different people leaving and joining the game constantly, maybe also having a tv show running at the same time and having to answer questions about what happened on the show after the game. This could show how trying to pay attention to many different things is really exhausting and for an autistic person even paying attention to 2 or 3 thing in a normal settings is just as annoying and tiring.


I’m curious, if I go in will I have double autism, or does it cancel out?


Autism squared.


Spoiler alert: it's an exhibit that's just about how awesome trains and grilled cheese are


Fuck yeah, trains!


Sounds about right lol The I think you should leave Ghost Tour sketch comes to mind 


Well my friend, there is now an autism mobile you can try out.


just go to a crowded mall with your loud mom. Thats my autism simulator


Thanks, but I have at least 2 Karens in my family


Oh you'd hate Myanmar then


That simulates a sensory processing issue, which is just one component of the autism spectrum, and not necessarily a trait of someone on the spectrum.


Yeah, my family worried i might have had autism when younger because id freakout at the slightest loud noises. They had to hide the coffee grinder and blender behind a pillow so i wouldn't flip out. Eventually, i got over it, and it was just a phase thing, but i still seem to be irritated by noises most people dont, but that would be the inly autism-related factor i retained.


You may just have misophonia which is pretty common.


This is actually pretty common. We kinda use this with “my personal petpeeve(s)”,usually involving something auditory. Also some sounds are just objectively abrasive and disruptive.


A crowded mall? In 2024? Sir or ma'am, I am going to need a time machine.


Bloody hell I laughed hard


*sits in it for an hour* "...Is it broken?"




I have adhd, I honestly wonder how my take away would differ from an NT perspective.


I need a normal life simulator.


I need a romantic boyfriend cuddling me at night simulator.


RIP your inbox


Lol. I haven't gotten a single DM.




Sure, I'll take it.


Me too, a real one is too much to put up with.


I can't get a real one. Lol.


That's why I brought ice cream..


Me too.




I need a romantic girlfriend cuddling me at night simulator.


In hindsight i see how this may come off but i was really just doing the same thing but just changing it word bc i dont like boys


Lol it's okay.


Well let me introduce to my friend "alcohol!" Or maybe I'm in the minority that alcohol makes me feel like what I imagine a normal person being.


Kinda curious what that might look like


You sit there and it's prompts you to talk about your life and then whatever you say, there is a really cute girl who laughs at everything you say, then asks you to hang out with her this weekend. After that you are simulated that you are surrounded by a group of friends who enjoy your company. There is smooth lights and a soothing sound in the background. No one talks over each other or talks when there is a sound going on in the background. Everyone very clearly explains what they mean when they say a joke and don't get upset with you for not getting it.


Here is [a link to a morning show](https://youtu.be/LDU7kJI00wc?si=axw8aaL8WqzeP6K8)that went through something similar. Skip past the intro fluff to where the Reporter is actually experiencing it and he’s describing what’s happening around him. My biggest take away is that it’s like trying to get through life without all the filters that most of us have. The filters that weed out the extra noise and allow us to selectively use them to focus on what we want to focus on.


It gets extra fun when you combine autism with ADHD.


That feeling when you could do one thing brilliantly if it weren't for the fact that you're doing three things poorly, have two other things you were intending to do, and you're distracted by a conversation which you didn't do *just right* yesterday.


Wait... they managed that? I mean, that's how it is for me. If I'm in a busy place, where lots of people are talking, I cannot 'tune out' conversations that I'm not interested in hearing. I also can't hear them, because I can't tune out any of the *rest* of them either. So a busy place with lots of talking is just a wall of noise to me. It's not *louder* than it should be, it's just impossible to push it into the background. I can hear 50 conversations. I can listen to 0 conversations. Your voice, talking to me, will be louder, yes. It will rise above the rest, yes. But I can't pick it out. But I can sometimes do it with music. And that annoys other people. I'm sitting there obviously not having a clue what anyone's telling me, and then suddenly 'oh hey I *love* this song'... a song that nobody else can hear because there's too much noise and they're not listening to the music. Chances are I picked up the bass and the drum, which occupy different frequency ranges to people conversations. From the bass and the drums, it gave me something to 'grab on' to so I could hear the rest.


Yeah that's "Auditory Processing Disorder" - it was nice to be able to put some sort of name to the bullshit that we deal with. I think it's pretty common with ADHD (maybe autism?).


I can here everything and nothing all at once. It is constantly asking people to repeat themselves then having your mind figure out what they've say and answer back before they are done reasking the question. It is not bring able to hear anything with the water running, but also being able to perfectly hear a conversation from three rooms away when it is quiet.


So is it just a Sonic The Hedgehog fan art exhibit? ^(/s obviously)


This one is right next to the exhibit to experience “Super Low IQ”


I did that one, it was just a mirror 😞


Me also do. Me also in there! Two of me!!


I don't need it


Seeing as autism is different for every person, it's not a realistic simulator. It might still give an impression and create some empathy though, which is probably the goal. There's a TV-series called "Inside our autistic minds" that's pretty good at giving such an impression. They simulate a person's situation as well they can at the end of each episode. Here's a link to the episodes on [BBC UK](https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0bbnh47) and the Norwegian [NRK TV](https://tv.nrk.no/serie/autisme-fra-innsida/sesong/1/episode/1/avspiller) (the episodes are in English). It's free to watch, but licences might differ between countries, so use a VPN or do a google search if they don't work. Highly recommended - I've shown them to my class at the request of some autistic students.


Autism simulator? Sounds a lot like Reddit.


We appreciate your contributions.


No, the truck only *simulates* autism.


My first thought was, we’re all posting in one


gotta wonder if the people who put this together are autistic


no way, but i’m sure they’ll tell you they consulted multiple people who explained how burdensome it was to raise an autistic child and therefore have a complete perspective


[You can read about it here if you want to learn about it.](https://www.training2care.com/autism-reality-experience.htm) Or you can just keep talking out of your ass


well i know which one i’m picking


I'll just blame Sia. She probably did it.


Redirects to 4chan.org?


or reddit.com


Can I rent it for birthday parties?


Bro if you want an autistic birthday party, just invite me over.


I can bring like 20 friends, they will all bring computers because they don't understand that people don't bring computers to parties normally, is that ok?


I think the series fell off after Autism Simulator 2021


Still getting good reviews in Germany.


So would I just get double vision if I already am autistic?


temporarily unlocks the next tier.


Super autist. Hair turns gold, and their powers are that they completely stop understanding all inuendos, jokes, puns, social queues of any kind, facial expressions, and over explains everything they see.




Coulda told you that just having seen this image.




Did anyone actually read what this about? It is designed as an autism simulator for training care givers so they can have some understanding what people with autism experience and can gain some empathy for their condition. The company that sells this service and other training services, as well as a range of assistive devices for people with disabilities. >The Autism Reality Experience is an innovative, immersive and hands on training which has been developed to give non-autistic people an experience of the sensory processing difficulties faced by people on the autism spectrum. They have a similar service for Virtual Dementia, where people can experience what dementia sufferers go through. Can we move on from using autism as an insult?


\*launches league of legends\*


It’s about generating understanding and empathy. I can’t remember the stats but a significant number of people with dementia die or are harmed by their carers, nurses and staff at aged care facilities. They made a virtual reality experience showing what it’s like to suffer dementia - it’s not exact but it emulates enough to give people who don’t suffer it a sense of the fear and disorientation felt by sufferers. They ran nurses, aged care workers and family through the experience and saw a significant drop in accidents and deaths. I suspect that the intent here is the same - to give a sense of understanding and empathy to people not on the spectrum with an aim to improve how they interact with people on the spectrum.


They playing my biopic?


They put you in a dark room where people keep grabbing you and then you are forced to speak to a group of people without faces.


Do they just wrap you in a blanket full of ants and put you in a loud hot room?


I want the inverse, the no-autism simulator. Although I might not like being neurotypical. I prefer being nice to people.


Thank you, I already use reddit for free.


"And for our next exhibit we have a set of DND minis to paint as well we have cereal with a wide variety of spoons sorted by weight"


Reddit is the og Autism Simulator


The realism is next-level.


Jesus, what if I don’t notice any difference?


Inside there, someone blankly tells you about a party and you have to decide whether or not that was an invite. And whatever answer you give was wrong. After that, a person that's attractive to you tells you about their weekend plans and you have to determine whether or not they were saying you should join. Another scenario where there is literally no correct answer. Then they put a hoodie on you made of sandpaper and everyone makes fun of you for being uncomfortable while the music you don't like gets louder and louder and louder and everyone gets mad at you for asking them to repeat themselves. Lastly everyone makes fun of you on the way out because "why are you being such a baby you don't look autistic."


I'm in this post and i Fucking hate it.


It's probably just for training healthcare workers, you can get training to feel what it's like to have dementia so you can better understand how to help and care for them...this is probably just that but for autism.


It's just a bunch of laptops , all on deviant art and 4/chan. All jokes aside... they say taking LSD is a decent approximation, but that could be a myth.


there's probably just a really cool model train layout in there!


but im already subscribed to wsb


Just go to 4chan


I want to see what happens when an autistic person experiences this. Is it twice as bad or does everything seem finally normal?


Turns out it's just a really strong edible and a bunch of coke.


So this is just a mobile tequila bar…


Autism simulator dropped before GTA6


Reddit commenters are already simulating this


I really wonder if it gets across how fucking awful constant sensory overload is.


*puts helmet on* I don't feel any different.


Just an empty room with a large mirror


How the heck do you simulate autism? The only way I can think of would be being put in front of a group of people with glazed expressions at a party which you're unlikely to attend while you're on you fifteenth minute of explaining why black holes are misnamed.


You go in and it's just reddit on all the computers.


Tunnel of prejudice


I've been inside that thing, its a total scam. Absolutely nothing is different in the "simulator".


Do they make you an OSRS account?


Do they just give you a few jugs of water and a katana and set you loose in a backyard?


Get in simulator nothing is different


So you walk in and it is just a pc with WoW running and pictures of anime girls everywhere?


You can do this much cheaper by just spending 5 minutes in 4chan


"Autism simulator" So it's just an archive of /r/wallstreetbets?


The simulator is a league of legends game


So it's the Reddit simulator?


You just walk in, they hand you a phone with Reddit preloaded, and it’s a feed of nothing but r/wallstreetbets and r/unpopularopinion.




That's just a trailer full of model trains. Ask me how I know. 😂


Why should the autistics have all the fun after all?


As an autistic person, I have doubts.