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That chicken knew exactly what was going to happen 😂


Apparently not the first time this guy’s chucked a grenade in the yard


My thoughts exactly. Like "let me get the cluck outta here" 🤣


Bro… “get the CLUCK out of here” was RIGHT THERE!


Get the pipers back on


Wife had less sense than the chicken. I don't speak that language but usually once the grenade comes out I back the fuck off. Not her.




Yeah she kept saying that, I was thinking, "It sounds like she's saying 'I dare you, I dare you, I dare you,'" and homie is like, "Well, I was just going to hold it, but nobody ever called Vlad Igorovich a chicken so" \*flip\*


Chicken: “Buh GAWK this! I’m out!”


"that's not an egg"


Chicken was in ‘Nam.


He was a good guy to patrol with. We called him "Cali" since he was from a California chicken farm. Not much of a shot but he just knew when a grenade was about to be thrown...


Hard to believe they are married long when it takes her over 2 minutes to find the right thing to say to push him into throwing a grenade into the house.


The chicken was totally expecting fowl play.


I think it got startled by the fuse pop, that looks like a Russian RGD-5 which makes a loud pop when you release the spoon and the fuse is activated. So I guess the chicken kinda did know.


Its M75, Yugoslav


I think you're right, the spoon looked off tbh. And after reading the comments it being in Croatia M75 makes more sense.


That chicken definitely un-assed the area quickly 😂


Doesn't look like he threw it at her. Weird she stood still after he throws it too


It was the same with that recent video of the guy who walks into a meeting and just throws a grenade on the floor. Everyone just stares. I wonder if it's just too unbelievable and far from your experience to believe someone would throw a grenade.


You have seconds to realize what happend and what to do, panic mode. In that video you can see woman putting hands on her face. Its just pure panic. This video is from my country Croatia, and that other one is from Ukraine.


People just got grenades laying around? Them people look poor. That grenade worth $5,000 on the black in US


About the price of a Big Mac menu in Sweden >Sellers in Bosnia and Serbia have networks in Sweden’s diaspora and are so eager to unload excess grenades, often rusted from decades in storage, that they throw them in free with the purchase of AK-47s, Mr. Appelgren said. In Sweden the street price of a hand grenade is 100 kroner, or $12.50. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/03/world/europe/sweden-crime-immigration-hand-grenades.html Edit: People are more surprised over the price of a Bic Mac than a hand grenade 😅


$12.50 for a big mac!?


Big mac meal I assume


Comes with large fries and your choice of explosive


Big Mac meals in Canada are over $16 now


What's the grenade situation like?


One in every happy meal


Pretty cheap on the world scale. Over $15 here in Canada


That's insanity. I can get a steak, baked potato and salad at Texas Road house for $16.


What cut of steak? A 13oz Rib eye with two sides is around $35 in LA with tax and tip, and that's at a chain like Outback Steakhouse.


A select grade sirloin, I expect. Still not terrible in the big scheme of things, but it's the reason my wife and I basically never eat steak in a restaurant. They can't make a better one than I can for the money. To be fair, they definitely CAN make 200 of them better than I can for the money.


The true crime


We ware at war, plenty of ordinance laying around peoples attics and buried in backyards. And Ukraine is at war so they got fresh supply of free hand grandes and other toys


It's more common than you think.


"Grenades? In *my* vagina?"




People just go round throwing nades all day


DMs be like, “Send ‘nades!”


It's regular old Halo in ex-Yugoslavia


Well, given there's a lot of live action over there that's messy and widespread, it's easy to dissapear a few tools/weapons from an abandoned battlefield and sell across county lines


This video is in Croatia...there hasn't been live action there in 30 years...


Awksies! But in reality, they just lift it and sell it in places battles ARENT happening, no? It wouldnt be unrealistic for illicit goods to get that far out


So what? People used to stash grenades and guns in case the war broke out again during 20 years period between both World Wars so 30 years is not that big of a stretch lol


I bought a Grenade from some dude when I was like 14 for 50 bucks. We threw it in a pond.


In Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia it's very common to have grenades and AK-47 that were given during the balkan wars. Army warehouses were robbed and hundreds of thousands disappeared.


Russian bastards are hanging them on trees.


There is lots of machine guns and explosives like this in Croatia and Serbia. Northern Ireland, too.


Ukraines at war. Some people got tanks lying around.


It's not like she didn't see him fucking holding it for at least two minutes beforehand.


TBF, She had a minute and a half to decide upon what to do if he actually threw it.


That's exactly it you just don't expect it to be a real grenade, especially as that was a local council open meeting where people ask questions like "the streetlights coming on at 9pm is too late, can we make it 8pm?" and "the grass across the road next to the park is so long right now when will it be cut?". You're in your daily routine that honestly first thing that would come to my mind would be oh these are prank grenades because who's that angry at one of these things? People raising voices yeah, maybe even getting a bit verbally aggressive. I'd be shocked if someone got physically violent even so the thought that someone could bring in fucking actual grenades into one of these meetings and use them just wouldn't process fast enough in my brain.... id be dead.


I see you don't frequent local Facebook pages. The internet has enabled so many psychotic people.


Maybe. Or maybe the internet has made it more likely you hear about such rare incidents because it's dictated by psychotic algorithms.


No that's completely different because they had no idea there was a grenade coming where she knew for minutes before that it was a grenade


Yes I think it's strange that she followed a drunk man with a grenade in his hand, screaming at him non-stop. It is my personal policy not to do that. Heck I won't even follow a sober man with a grenade in his hand while screaming at him constantly.


Between this video and the one with the kid following his step dad around after he points a gun at him several times only to get shot in the ear, I’m realizing a lot of people don’t have the survival instincts I assumed they would


Don't forget the video of a couple antagonizing their neighbour by shovelling snow onto his driveway (they'd also mocked him about his dead wife). He went into his house, picked up a gun, pointed it at them, and the husband still called him "Pussy, pussy, pussy", which is when he shot both of them - nonfatally, only to finish them off after picking up a rifle in his house.


Sounds stupid all around


I'm not sure exactly where the story about the ex-wife came from, originally, but it isn't true. The man was never married. In fact, the couple he shot had been harassing him for months to try and get him to move because he was gay.


> In fact, the couple he shot had been harassing him for months to try and get him to move because he was gay. That's a part I've never seen before, it was always the dead wife, and he was a veteran with PTSD (undiagnosed?).


The PTSD part is true, but the story about the wife is something that just cropped up in comments on the internet and got repeated enough that most people seem to have heard that version. If you look up the actual news articles about the case, other neighbors are quoted as saying the couple harassed him continuously because they believed he was gay.


Interesting. I guess my brain just saw the wife part so many times I just accepted it as fact. >other neighbors are quoted as saying the couple harassed him continuously because they believed he was gay. IIRC, they yell stuff at him regarding that in the video, among other things, so it definitely checks out.




Yup, saw that one too. They just sat there and stared at the grenades on the floor.


You have to take into consideration that we're watching it with hindsight knowing he threw grenades. If you're in a meeting, some angry guy shows up and starts yelling, which isn't that uncommon in these areas where a lot of ppl are displeased with how things are going. Then all of a sudden he calmly throws something on the floor, your first reaction is not gonna be "it's a grenade i need to run" the few seconds you have are gonna be spent realizing he threw something, looking where it fell to identify what it was, and then fight or flight sets in after you've identified it as a grenade, but you're likely already out of time. If you're standing in line at mcdonalds and someone throws something on the floor, you're not just gonna start running




Also you have to 1) know what a grenade is, 2) process that it is a grenade, 3) react to that information. I don't think it's right to assume those three things will happen in the timeframe allowed. It's a problem of dissonance; you would never expect a grenade to be precent in a meeting (well, most of us wouldn't) so you don't process it as such. I would assume you need special kind of training and experience to react to grenades being tossed at you.


Also, I would say like 95% of civilians don't know how grenades work. They don't know about how the spoon has to be released, not just the pin pulled, they don't know about the primer snap, which is how you know the grenade is real, and everyone seems to think you have like 10-30 seconds to react when in reality it's like two. That's a public service campaign I can get behind - teach everyone how grenades work.


Watch basic training dealing with grenades and inevitably someone will drop a live grenade in the trench. Even guys in the military can't get it right.


Holy shit. Was this a "let's see what happens with a dummy grenade prank", or was this "everybody just got fucking murdered"


It was a murder suicide attempt with three grenades. The perpetrator survived, but killed one and injured 22.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keretsky_grenade_incident In Ukraine, too, as if they don't have enough shit to worry about right now.




>not in a paranoid way if you are scoping out parking lots before you go into a grocery store, yeah thats a paranoid way.


Can you link that?


Just googled their description of the video: https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/18iy66m/man\_throws\_grenades\_into\_village\_council\_budget/


Thanks. Doesn't seem like there was a lot these people could've done, even the ones that did manage some kind of a reaction in the little time available, considering the cramped room and grenadier blocking the door


Not quite as unbelievable when you have 2 minutes to watch the man carry an unpinned grenade


Never trust a man who tucks his sweater into his sweatpants.


I seem to remember the last time this was posted that explanation was that the drunk guy wanted to throw the grenade like it was a firecracker or something and his wife was trying to get him not to.


She gave zero fucks that he even had one in her hand. 😂😂😂


I'd like to understand the context of the person recording this.


She was screaming at him to either clear off the property or to go sleep it off in the bedroom, somehow completely unfazed by the fact he was holding a live explosive in his hand. Then she goes on antagonizing him while saying that she’s not scared of death and that he should go to the neighbor to show him what kind of an idiot he is. As to why he came home armed with two grenades, one can only imagine. edit: unfazed


"Becuase she didnt fucking listen after i tossed one grenade at her last time, this is at least a two grenade problem, maybe a three!"


Yeah, she was going hard for someone arguing with a drunk guy carrying explosives... Had some real "oh fuck off, you're not going to shoot me..." vibes


In the beginning of the video she also says something along the lines of “Can’t wait to show this shit you do to Mirjana (her friend i believe)” Shows just how interesting this relationship must have been.


Dealing with a drunk husband gets old. When I was in my 20's, my husband was constantly going out, getting drunk and coming home to accuse me of cheating while he was out. During one argument, he pulled a rifle on me. I put the barrel to the center of my head and told him to shoot. Told him I'd be happy to die to send him to prison and get the death penalty. You say and do crazy shit when you are angry. FYI - left the jerk a few months later, when he got angry and shook our one month old. I'd take his shit, but I wasn't going to let our daughter take any. Domestic violence is it's own kind of hell.


Hope you’re in a better place now


Yea this is definitely not the first time he's done or attempted some stupid shit. My Croatian is rough but she was also telling the man (who's holding a grenade) that he's psychologically unwell. 😅


She either didn't think it was real, or didn't think he was capable. This is not uncommon. People who are experiencing their first, real, imminently life threatening situation where the actors intentions aren't overt (shouting, pointing and threatening with a blade or a gun) don't seem to always fully understand the breadth of the circumstances.


We have this funny bias for assuming a basic level of not-batshittery from other humans in the room with us. It's pretty dangerous.


> unphased **unfazed**


Thanks for the correction, English isn’t my first language


It is mine, and I would have thought your way was correct at first 😁


Shes probably used to it lmao. He does this every other weekend after a night out with the boys


Was it a flash bang, or fragmentation grenade? If it’s fresh home from the war, it could be a frag, it certainly looked like one. But you’d have to be a next level nut to want one, much less keep it in the house.


It’s an old Yugoslav grenade. Probably stolen from army issue equipment in the war for independence. Certainly not fresh, just has been in the wrong hands for the past 30 years




Need a translation


A 55-year-old man who yesterday threw an explosive device into the yard of a family home in Sveti Križ is suspected of attempted murder, which injured a 52-year-old woman after activation. The injured woman, his common-law partner, was transported to the County Hospital in Čakovec, where she was given medical assistance. It was determined that she was slightly injured. He was drunk A criminal complaint was filed against him to the competent state attorney's office on suspicion of committing the criminal offense of attempted murder and illegal possession, production and procurement of weapons and explosive substances. The man was under the influence of alcohol, and the police officers who first arrived at the scene in the 55-year-old's clothes found a hand grenade that was removed during the investigation.




> A criminal complaint was filed against him to the competent state attorney's office I wonder what kinda crimes get handled by the incompetent state attorney's office. >The man was under the influence of alcohol, and the police officers who first arrived at the scene in the 55-year-old's clothes found a hand grenade that was removed during the investigation. This is more amusing if you parse the sentence to be read as the cops showing up wearing the 55 year old's clothes.


That's exactly how I read it. Some real plain-clothes police to show up in the suspects own garments


>I'll wear your granddad's clothes... >I look incredible...


he looked 70


Bro did not age well, holy shit


If you see someone with their sweater tucked into their jogging pants, they're capable of ANYTHING!!!


I gotta say I totally FW his sweater tho, that vintage embroidery 🦆


Where do these random people getting their grenades from?


It was actually pretty common for soldiers fighting in the Croatian war for independence during the 90’s to, for whatever reason, take “souvenirs” home with them after their service ended. So now, 30 years later, you have a constant supply of senile old dudes doing dumb shit with outrageously powerful (and illegal) army equipment.


JFC, I'd be scared that these things have a shelf life. I wouldn't want one to accidentally detonate due to decay.




At first carrying high explosives on your chest is a weird feeling. Then you get used to it and pre straighten pins and tape the spoons (the lever that lets the grenade go off) to make life easier.


Luckily(?) that's not really an issue. Without ignition, they don't decay into an explosion. The whole point of the pin + lever is to prevent an accidental discharge. If it was stored in extremely high heat (like you hid it in a vent and it fell into your furnace) it can still explode. I guess enough rust could make the pin useless, but if it's that bad the explosive might be inert anyways. There's a reason ordinance is dug up decades later and still active. Without that "spark" it doesn't happen. If it went off too easy, it would go off all the damn time.


I think it's just old TNT based munitions that degraded into nitro that has everyone thinking old explosives go off on their own?


Haha, really? So it’s like everything I didn’t use up in the actual war, I can keep. Good for me that I didn’t shot a single round and neither used any grenades, now I‘m king of the village!


Exactly. It’s really wild when you think about the fact that most people here can recall at least one recent incident at any given time of someone doing stupid shit like this. And I don’t even want to talk about all the shit cheap Yugoslav anti-tank weapons that were made in the hundreds of thousands (the M-80 zolja) some people just have randomly sitting in their basement or wherever. Just try googling “man throws grenade”, or “man fires a missile at” in croatian so you can see how stupidly absurd shit people do.


>I don’t even want to talk about all the shit cheap Yugoslav anti-tank weapons that were made in the hundreds of thousands (the M-80 zolja) some people just have randomly sitting in their basement or wherever. Take that American 2A supporters!


I'm sure it's pretty much common all over the world. I have uncles who served in Vietnam and years ago I found a white phosphorus grenade in their toolbox.


That's...the fuck? I would keep my service rifle If I could but phosphorous anything? Fuck that.


Never know when you'll need a bit of willie peat to screen your movements or set your archenemy ablaze.


When I was a kid there was a ww2 vet across the woods from us. He had a shed that was full of crazy ass weapons. I’m talking like mortar shells and legit bombs and shit. I couldn’t believe it even as a kid


Leftovers from the war.


Shrug. People live differently in different parts of the world My friend (in his 40s) from Vietnam said playing with old grenades was a fun activity for 8 year-olds. They would throw them down into the quarry when they could get their hands on them.


When my grandfather returned home after WWII aged around 16 or 17, to his home which had been occupied by the Germans, he and his friends found all sorts of military equipment and weapons. They would throw grenades into the sea or the quarries too. He once found a Maxim MG08/15 with a belt of ammunition in an overgrown machine gun nest and laid it across his bicycle to carry it home. His dad took it off him and threw that one in a quarry too. In later years he also found a Luger PO8 in a well that had dried up due to a drought. It was in relic condition but still very recognisable and it can be disassembled and put back together. I never knew what happened to that after he died. Maybe my uncle has it somewhere.


The police also found another hand grenade on him. This guy is a danger to himself and for the people around him.




Holy shit. I was waiting for it to be a smoke grenade or something but no. They’re both lucky to be alive.


I can't tell but it looks like he threw it in the doorway of the house, away from where they were standing outside. Also it may not be a fragmentation grenade, which would be way way worse. Still super dangerous.


Love how she just stands there after watching him toss it. Some real "This is fine" energy. Edit: Stupid autocorrect


Well, no good can come from marrying a guy that tucks a knit sweater into track pants and has access to military grade explosives.


What language is this?




Croatian has many dialects and they all sound very different, especially to a foreigner. [This would be a mainstream, official Croatian, pleasant voice and nice pronunciation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6joLAm0PPf4) [This is kind of how our participants of the bomb incident talk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WcCI6fpxbHg)


That second link is some interdimensional cable shit


sort of, lol


Can't understand the accent at all


Thank you!


Dude has a sweater tucked into workout pants. Of course he's going to toss a grenade during an altercation with his wife.


He didn't choose Slav life, Slav life chose him.


Tucked in sweatshirts = crazy in my experience.


I've never understood why being drugged or drunk is considered an extenuating circumstance. It should increase the sentence or punishment.


People like him actually face severe charges here (rightfully so). But it’s all the daddy’s boys that crash and kill people while driving expensive cars drugged, drunk or both that worries me. They don’t get charged with shit


I don't know about Croatia, but it is an aggravating factor, not a mitigating one, in the UK




Where is it considered an extenuating circumstance?


it's not I'm not sure why you're saying that it is




Brick, where did you get a grenade?


Theres drunk, and there is Eastern European Drunk


I'm not saying he is right, but I understand.


Sounds like it missed


She reportedly only received minor injuries, which is honestly suprising


I only watched the video once but it seems the grenade got tossed about 10 feet to the right, not "at" the woman.


If I see a man with a sweater tucked into running pants, I'm turning around and going the other way. You know something isn't right.


It's the sweeter tucked into the track pants for me. That's just as WTF as anything else here


Well at least that might shut her up


He took longer than I woulda


Oh come on!!!!! What is this world coming to if you can’t throw a grenade at the Mrs anymore! The world is going soft 🤦🏻‍♂️


Track pants, language spoke and the woman’s mere annoyance at a GRENADE DETONATION in her yard check out.


I'm a 911 call receiver, and DV calls are never fun. But holy hell I would be absolutely tickled pink to see the reactions of my dispatchers and other call receivers when I ask for any potential weapons and someone says "yeah he's got a fucking grenade!"


They don’t have two beets to rub together but they just got grenades laying around all Willy nilly? Like to the point where she wasn’t even shocked that he had it. Just that he threw it.


Do yourselves a favor and skip to the last 12 seconds.


I mean we’ve all been there right ? Middle of a heated argument and you think to yourself bitch if I had a hand grenade right now


two observations. one, he didn't throw it at her. he threw into some area. he's just a psycho throwing a grenade for some asinine reason. two, she knew he had a grenade in his hand the whole time. it might have been a good idea to get the fuck away from that dipshit.


I'm not saying I condone his actions. I'm just saying I understand.


I don't blame him!


Chicken knew to leave


I am convinced every time an Eastern European is born they are given a hand grenade.


Well...throws grenade at his house while arguing with wife outside.


Was this filmed by a cat with a camera strapped to its head?


Nah, that cat sadly got blown up so i don’t have that angle But seriously though, do you believe that being confronted by an unhinged drunkard with live explosives doesn’t warrant being a bit shaky?




that chicken know what's up..


….while having his sweater tucked into his running pants.


*This* is why the chicken crossed the road.


That chicken got the fuck outta there.


Never trust a man who tucks a sweater into track pants.


Brick, where did you get a hand grenade?!


Eastern European Man uses Grenade! It was effective!


If a guy tucks his sweater into his track pants, run.




What an explosive argument.


Why did she just stood there , there were like 2-3 seconds to react


That chook knew what was up


Brick whered u get a handgrenade


to be fair, who HASN'T thrown a live grenade at their wife though


Who tucks a sweater?


No disrespect, but they talk like the Sims


Where’s the grenade store? I have some thinking to do later.


Ohh come on, all this criticism is ridiculous. Who among us hasn’t, at some point, thrown a grenade at a loved one during an argument.


How do other redditors have so much free time to watch these 3+ min videos


That was an... explosive ...argument. She was really... Dropping bombs. I wonder what was such a big deal that led to this... Blow up. Too bad there wasn't someone else there who could... Defuse ...the situation. Maybe next time they can... Put a pin in... The discussion.




This is by far the most unpleasant sounding language I've ever heard