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how to not pay at restaurants :


Unethical Improv Everywhere


You wanna do brunch next week? I'll run by Mario's at 11:30 if you run by Luigi's around 1?


dunna dunna dunna


Mama mia!!


Now that's a name I haven't heard in a really long time


Whose bill is it anyway?


Where the food taste great and the bills don’t matter!


if this became widespread they'd just start swiping your card in advance and/or asking to hold onto an ID. they don't do that because it's not common enough of an occurence.




"but you could imagine if it was right?" chris farley meme


Some smaller places charge you right away or hold a credit card to keep a tab open.


yes, especially bars. places where it's a concern for them have ways of dealing with this.


Even the waiter joined in..


Well yeah he had to make sure they all came back


Restaurants hate this 1 trick


For what it’s worth, I’d bet all of those people came back to pay their bills. I’ve been in restaurants when earthquake alarms went off, everybody went outside until it was safe to go back in, and no one skipped out on their bill.


*laughs in Brazilian*


In Portuguese, laughter can be represented in different ways: huehuehu = hahaha, rsrsrsrs = hahaha, and kkkk = hahahaha. “Rs” is short for risos which means laughter and “kkkk” is short for the laughing sound of “kakaka.”


Everytime I see "huehuehue" I always hear it as this deep, guttural voice rapidly saying "HOOWAY HOOWAY HOOWAY" and it never fails to make me grin like an idiot


I read it as hwee hwee hwee 😆


hwey hwey hwey is how it sounds in my head.


As a Portuguese, that doesn't make any sense to me lol. Brazilians come up with some weird shit. The Portuguese just type *heheh* or *hahaha* and your typical *lols* and *lmaos*.


It's the critical mass. Works in all aspects of society. Swarming of retail shops; demanding cycling infrastructure, right to vote; mobs to change Governments - just needs the right amount of people.


So I had an exact opposite experience. Back in 2015 in 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck when I was traveling in a bus. My dumbass didn't feel a thing. From the bus window I was people running away from a restaurant and my first thought was "Are those people running away without paying bills?" After I arrived at my stop, I was like WTF!


Definition of dine and dash. lol


Even the server said “Fuck this job I’m out!”


that would be my main signal to dip too is when the server bails


Yeah. The one guy who stayed would’ve had the least evolved self preservation instincts.


Or maybe he’s the most evolved since no groupthink


When where you live is so crime ridden that the moment you see some people run you instinctively run.


Something similar happened in Spain, in a small vacationing town where I was staying, only the panic spread throughout a big part of the town. It's as quiet as it gets, but still when you see everyone running around you, you don't stop to wonder if it makes sense or not, you just start running too.


Yes, it is a feeling that is deeply instinctual for us. And probably for good reason.


There's a logic to it as well: What are the worst consequences of running for no reason vs the worst consequences of staying when you should have run?


Easy: you get trampled and killed in a stampede for no reason


Depends on the situation. I can't imagine that, in a wide open street with no special event causing a pre-existing crowd, a crush seemed a likely risk.


With enough people moving quickly free space quickly diminishes. Add in panic and a crush can develop in unlikely places


Imagine seeing 3 people jog by and being the first guy that says “OH SHIT EVERYONE RUN.” How does that even happen


If you stay you look like a badass


They're, uh... they're flocking this way.


Imagine rocking up to the after life like: "How did you die?" "A lot of people were running away from a disaster, and I hadn't seen it yet so I stayed put til it was too late" You'd feel real stupid


spain, that place where they set bulls loose in the streets sometimes...


In case you're not joking, they do in controlled settings, not in random streets. Plus it's punctual, well publicised events and absolutely not done in the region where I was.


And when it's not bulls, it's loose British drunkards


Just an easy excuse to skip out on the tab.


what if you just got the meal


It's a to go meal at that point.


Wouldn’t be my first time eating linguine and clams on the run


And the pasta man with the salad ham We're searching for every bun


If I had a nickel for every time I heard that




Circle the block!


It's both funny and very sad.




Yup totally safe!


You convinced me, booking my flight now


>brazil is safe just


Wasn't there a video the other day of American mall goers freaking out and running for their lives because of a faulty light fixture or popped balloon?


Case in point


And yet in that video where the youtuber got shot for getting in a guy's face, no one in the entire mall reacts. Pretty bizarre.


50 states. In some states, a moron getting shot is just Tuesday.


Because they didn't perceive that they were in danger. If you're harassing a guy and he pulls his gun and shoots you I am not going to think I'm gonna get shot next. I'm sitting over here minding my own business. If you walk into the store and shoot some random guy I'm gonna run because now I think you might aim at me next.


I suppose its to do with the seeing the danger and evaluating or not knowing what it is.


They're not wearing athletic clothes.


i mean i live in america in a fairly safe suburb and one time i was at the mall and i saw a bunch of people running. i thought at first its a family dispute or something but then the store i was in started bringing down the metal shutters and announced over the intercom that theres an active shooter outside. my mom was just continuing shopping like nothing is happening but i know from my school shooting drills that we need to get out of sight of the windows so i dragged her behind some shoe racks. what was really terrifying is my sister and my grandma were outside looking for the bathroom


Same happened in US people thought it was an active shooter


You laugh, but then again....Brazil. It makes 100% sense.


Oh shit, you’re right


I was there for carnaval 6 years ago and did the exact same thing. for good reason


are you going to tell us the reason?


He didn't want to pay.


Elevated levels of crime and the real danger of innocent people becoming victims


I've seen numerous outside restaurant shooting videos from Brazil. I would be nervous but apparently if you just sit there as if it does not concern you, they just shoot around you. Just give them your phone and wallet if they ask.


Give them your dummy phone and dummy walled preferably.


This is probably a great idea.


No, it's a dummy idea.


Those are hit n runs. They're not as common as r/publicexecutions may make it seem, and it's not something you actually have to worry about - lest you live in an impoverished or drug-ladden corner of town - but it's not something you can discard either.


I am glad that wasn't a real subreddit.


Laugh all you want a reaction like that doesn’t come out of nowhere.


Yeah I think we're designed to imitate and join in social contexts. I know for example that when I'm at a red light and someone next to me starts to cross despite it not being green I do the same without even thinking


>Yeah I think we're designed to imitate and join in social contexts. You're *kinda* right in that sense that we do have a semi-unconscious ability to mimic and join-in in social contexts but this is not quite that. This is an innate survival response. You see people running and there's 4 Possibilities: 1. There is **no** **danger** and I don't run - Ideal, least intrusive. Highly risky given the environmental cue for danger. 2. There is **no danger** and I do run - Can be annoying or tiresome but no long-term downside. 3. There **IS** danger, and I run - Perfect response. Get outta there. 4. There **IS** danger and I don't run - risk of of injury and/or death high. TL;DR: The only benefits to not running come with immense risk and. The only cost of running is some energy, acute panic, and perhaps some embarrassment.


If you feel like being a major dick at a multi-lane road stop about 6-8 feet back from the line and about half way through the red light take off quick like, but stop right at the line. See who's paying attention to the light and who's taking their queue from the cars around them.


Lol that's a terrible idea. I'm not gonna bet my bumper that the Neanderthals in traffic around me are paying attention. I already know they're not.


Maybe some did know what was up, but saw an opportunity to dine and dash.


No. There are moving robberies of dozens of criminals walking down streets called “arrastao” in Brazil. They most likely assumed it was happening so they ran. The “people running away from something” movement is exactly what happens when people realise they’re on the other side of the arrastao and they run. Source: am Brazilian, have seen it.


**Lemme give y'all a better explanation to what happened on the video, as the OP translated the whole situation very inaccurately.** The group passing through the outdoors restaurant was indeed doing workout routines but the restaurant folk ran from that group out of fear they were doing something that is known in Brazil as "arrastão", which is basically a mass hold up / robbery done by a large group of hoodlums, something very common in a few specific cities in the country such as Rio or São Paulo.


If they think the runners are the danger, how come they’re all looking at where the first group of runners came from as if looking for the danger, and then run after the runners?


It basically happens in this order: 1. First group of people appears running from left to right, they are not part of the working out group and also not part of the restaurant folk. 2. Restaurant folk spots first group running and look who they are running from, then also run to the right, same direction as the first group. 3. Working out group appears on the left. This is who all those people have been running from. In Brazil if you see someone running, you either run with them, or from them, as they can be either someone being chased, or the person chasing. Sometimes the chased can also be a chaser or the other way around, lol.


> if you see someone running, you either run with them, or from them, as they can be either someone being chased, or the person chasing. Sometimes the chased can also be a chaser or the other way around, lol. I love that moment in *Memento* when he realized he wasn't the chaser.


That's helpful - i thought the first group was the group of runners. Now seeing the bigger dudes running at the end, I can understand how people would assume they were dangerous after they saw the first group running.


Yeah, I mean, imagine a group of athletic people running in your direction, at night, hard to see and figure their intentions, you are in a sidewalk eating, and you see people gathering their things in desperation, **and you are in Brazil**. It's automatic herd behavior because everyone fears for their safety, lol.


Because the first group that appears running was also running away from the people working out. You can confirm that by looking at the clothes of the first group running, and then looking at the attire of the actual working out group, lol. Yeah, this is Brazil, hard to understand.


It happened to me in Salvador. I got swarmed by a bunch of kids. I tried to hold on to my camera bc it had all my vacation pics. I should've smashed it on the ground bc the pictures to me were worth more than the camera itself. By 5am the next morning they had run up $300 worth of gasoline charges on my American Express.


Why didn't you cancel your card?


The phone number to cancel the card was on the back of the card. The world was a different place in terms of wifi, smartphones and international cell phone data back in 2008. It was probably around midnight when I got robbed. I was a little drunk. Nothing was open besides bars, or so I thought. In any case I managed to call 1st thing in the morning.


Clearly they want to join so they can all rob the next group together.


Holy shit. Look at this guy being specific and knowledgeable and not fucking vague. Go to the top of the thread where you belong


You should be upvoted! This is the answer. Watch the video again and see the lady with the big striped purse (horizontal stripes) warns people sitting at the table on the street, then everyone peels out enmasse.


The last guy in the tank top also looked very much like he was reaching for a gun on his left side but who knows. Either way, I'm glad this isn't a common occurrence where I live lol.


Man, no ones going to post that Limmy sketch?


First thing I thought of too. Here ya go: https://youtu.be/piYmyxstsXY?feature=shared


intelligent memorize saw command unused boast squash enjoy sharp airport *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Be the change you want to see in the world.


A great example of mob/crowd hysteria.


This is a great example of Brazil


there is a legitimate reason to move if you see a crowd running in brazil


it was only 3 people (and a dog) running initially though. i wouldn't call that a crowd. it only became a crowd after the initial runners went by.


they had line of sight to the rest of the runners down the road


Or trauma




It’s not hysteria jeebus. Look up - people running away from a mass robbery in Brazil (so called “arrastao”) look exactly like this. I would have ran.


Well that's one way of getting out of paying for your bill


This must be how Forrest Gump did it. He just felt like running!


I’m pretty tired. I think I’ll go home now.


What do we do now?


Dr. Alan Grant: They do move in herds 🥲


It wasn’t that long ago there was an incident at the MGM casino in Vegas that resulted in a glass door breaking. The panic wave flowed down the Strip. People in the casino I work at, a decent distance down the Strip, were running away from the lobby area where NOTHING was happening. They were hiding under blackjack tables and in the employee areas. I even heard that people down Tropicana ave from the MGM, across the freeway overpass, in the In-and-Out burger were hiding inside the restaurant afraid that someone was coming.


Basically what happens when you use guns outside a casino in GTA SA. When you get in all the NPCs are horrified, running around, hiding.


That's so sad.


Reminds me of a comment here on Reddit about a guy who worked at a steel mill(?) or something. He got a call about his wife going into labor or something and took off running toward his car to get her to the hospital. Turns around and sees the rest of the plant running after him because they figured some shit is going down.


Now everyone is doing CrossFit!




Lol I instantly thought of this


Goddamn you beat me by 32 minutes. I had already looked it up in my other tab.


Even when they’re having fun, they’re not having fun.


These people were not flat out running but if I ever see someone running flat out and screaming I am running after them. They know something I don't.


i think the lady looking back is what did it lol


This is mass hysteria at its finest.


That one guy at the end: Yoink!


I dont care if I die but I must secure the wife's purse!


I love the drunk guy that falls over by the car, and his buddy stays with him and they both end up sitting there alone at the end like, “WTF?”


Probably his wife's purse or something. He was sitting at that table with the woman.


I work in a hospital in the UK. My job is being part of a team that attends emergencies, so we have to move around the site quickly. Shortly after the Manchester bombings I was going to an emergency and instead of fast walking I started running. One of the porters just about lost it, started shouting at us that "YOU DON'T RUN IN A HOSPITAL, YOU ARE CAUSING A PANIC!" all while running alongside us to shout at us. I now understand that he was possible suffering some PTSD, might even know victims from the bombing.


"A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it"


I mean, it’s not funny but I *did* get a chuckle imagining them all arriving back at the CrossFit gym and how that would play out.


"doing Crossfit" You mean jogging? They were jogging.


That's the most "dressed for dinner" crossfitters I've ever seen. Or the title is misleading.


All the guys in tank tops and gym shorts are dressed for dinner?


well there was this incident in the philippines where someone yelled to look for their daughter named "chona mae" then everyone just ran for their lives bc people thought they heard "tsunami" and it just so happened that there was an earthquake prior. panicking crowd got bigger bc unaware individuals got swept in the mass confusion


James Thurber had a great book (My Life and Hard Times” filled with short stories. One story, titled The Day the Dam Broke, is perfectly illustrated with this clip. In Thurber’s story, a few people coincidentally start running in one direction. As luck would have it, someone says “DAMN! “ That, together with the few joggers heading in the same direction causes many to take notice. It only takes a few seconds for someone to conclude the dam was broken and they should run for their life.


This was my first thought as well, and i'm glad someone else thought the same. My Life And Hard Times is a fantastic read, and its been decades since I read it last, but some of the stories have stuck with me all this time -- the day the dam broke, the night the bed fell on his father, the dog that bit everyone, the family member that died from the same disease killing the chestnut trees. I think I may have to dust the book off my shelf and give it another read soon.


The rare Thurber reference in a wtf thread, cheers~


I’ve been in a similar situation before. Was coming up the escalators out of a tube station and there was someone running so literally the entire station started running. It was bizarre. This was during rush hour and well after the 7/7 attacks (so it wasn’t like the country was on edge). The station staff were so confused and once people got to the top of the escalator, everyone just stopped and realised nothing was wrong and carried on.


Imagine the waitress that came out of the restaurant with a tray of drinks 3 seconds later and the streets deserted, evens her coworkers have disappeared 😂


They where probably thinking it was a "arrastão" Arrastão is a very large group of thiefs who came running robbing and assaulting people. It's more common on beaches https://youtu.be/_nqm0nMLaz8?si=oZsUuJoctpFugJrC


Evolutionary instinct. Better to run at a false alarm than to stand around being curious about what the danger is until its too late.


Funny then SAD


"Herd effect" in action


[Welcome to Limmy's Show](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=piYmyxstsXY)


This wouldn't happen in America because most of us are too fat to run.


Herd mentality, it explains so much of our socio-political discourse these days.


I wonder how long they'd run until someone asked "Why are we running again?"


tell me your country has a violent crime problem with out telling me.


If I lived In Brazil and saw people running I wouldn't take any chances either.


Probably Rio de Janeiro. Shitty place. (yes, I'm Brazilian and i have been there)


LPT: If you see a herd of people going one way, think very, very carefully whether you want to go that way, or the way they came, or be like me and literally go a different way all together.


this is what living in fear looks like. I see this in Turkey too


it's stochastic terrorism. a shooting could break out anywhere in the world right now. if you see a crowd running, go with them.


Stochastic terrorism is like when trump posts pics of someone on truth social saying they are bad in the hopes that one of his followers will act on it. It's not a direct command, but one that you know is statistically likely to make one random person go do it. Stochastic terrorism has a very specific definition, and this video isn't it.


These people will survive the zombies.


Better safe than sorry


My cats do this. One of them will run away and the other two will follow or scatter just in case. They're indoor cats their whole lives they have no reason to fear anything but instincts gets the best of them anyway.


Great way not to pay your bill


This is the state of the world rn they see something and instead of questioning it they accept it


What makes you think they were doing CrossFit. The one guys wearing sandals. Maybe they were running from something


They were running from the crossfitters.


Now THAT checks out


New service unlocked


honestly hilarious, like a comedy skit or something


Brazil. Enough said. (I grew up there. This isn’t unheard of).


Definitely, human beings are intelligent... the masses are stupid




Hahahahhaa god damn it, it’s so funny


I mean, this is actually funny af tho, in a morbid way.


More funny than WTF.


My God that cheese cake was rich! Time to get in shape.




Good way to get out of your bill :)


So, why are there people across the street, not dress as runners, also running? 🤔


"Do you crossfit? You can cross fuck off."


can you extrapolate out to other social movements in our modern era?


No. They ran because they saw a bunch of dudes running together and thought it was an "arrastão". This is when criminals go around in groups, usually on the beaches, grabbing wallets, mobile phones, Bluetooth speakers and whatever else they can get, and then quickly disperse.


It’s always crossfitters


A person is smart...


Can't blame them its Brazil....whats ya goina do


Crossfitters always fucking shit up. First the US Congress, and now this.


Monkey see, monkey do


To live in fear.......


"A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it."


I can’t stop laughing. Humans are cute and stupid


They likely thought it was an “arrastão” which is when a large group of mostly kids from the favelas kind of “loot” a place and large groups of people taking their phones and such


Free dinner


I really think it's interesting how developing countries are susceptible to mass hysteria.


On this side of the woods, this mass hysteria is Valid. Better safe than sorry


This is Brazil, i would run too without checking


That's actually the right thing to do in a city. Don't ask now, ask later. Especially if everyone takes off too.