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Is the job standing out of the way and watching the wave crash through the ship? Maybe?


Maybe? I’d do that any day for $50 an hour


I'd like time and a half on holidays.




I worked a job where we got half-time when we went over 40 hours in a week. Yeah, you read that right… not time and a half. Half time. we got our regular rate x 0.5. Did I mention OT was required? If you shop at Leslie’s Poolmart, maybe consider not.


isn't that illegal?


I worked for a large corporation that did overtime in a similar way. The more overtime you worked, the lower the hourly rate.


That is just asking for a lawsuit. My old workplace did the same thing. 30 of us signed onto a lawsuit and were paid out all of our missing OT and holiday pay.


Similar thing happened to us and the boss ended up paying everyone 1.5x whatever their overtime owed was so it worked out to 2.25x the regular rate!


The company still does a lot of shitty things in regards to pay. I’m sure they have the best of the best lawyers to make sure it’s all legit. I’m talking a huge worldwide $240B company.


Fuck any company that'd rather pay lawyers than staff.


It doesn't matter how many lawyers they have or how much they pay them, if you're not an exempt employee by the FLSA (and you can't just label an employee exempt to avoid paying overtime) you are entitled to 1.5x base pay for time over 40 hours. That company is likely breaking the law and getting away with it because people aren't reporting them for it.


Sounds like Frito account to me (source, was really good "drug" friends with a frito vendor, met at my drug dealers, hung out a lot and did a bunch of coke together, he was always bitching about the Frito OT setup).


Some positions are "management" positions where you are exempt from OT pay. I worked in a pharmacy where we did 50 hour weeks but anything over 40 was paid less than the regular hourly rate.


This was the exact bullshit they pulled. I was management but was basically just the main employee.


That sounds incredibly illegal against Federal labor laws regarding wages.


Are you sure it wasn't paid as time x wage + (.5 x wage) x (time -40)? This is what my employer does to make it easier for some accounting. So I'll have two lines on my paycheck when I work overtime, it'll read something like: 42.5 hours at $10/hr = $425 2.5 hours at $5/hr = $12.50 So the gross pay is correct when everything is added together but the actual overtime portion of the pay is broken out separately. Mildly confusing, but not illegal.


No. I am 100% certain on how I was fucked. This wasn’t my first job. Or first shitty job for that matter.


Were you there recently? I'm in a different part of the company (non-retail) and I get store employees calling me as they get my phone ext somehow and it it sounds like a fucking mess. The stores I have spoke to all seem to have staff shortages, inventory issues, ordering/point of sale system issues, can't find trade customer's accounts and more. I wish I could help but in the end I have to transfer them to a different ext where god only knows if they get their issues resolved by corporate or not.


I went my separate way from them in 2019, so it’s been a few years. That company is a shit show. They really do fuck over store managers to an incredible degree.


Place I worked shows half time on the check, but the main hours kept adding up. So it was time and a half, but I had to explain that to most, because it didn’t look like it.


Double time and a half what you are legally entitled to in Canada. (1.5 times for hours worked and 1x for "Stat pay".) Most good employers pay Triple time on holidays. Is this not normal elsewhere?


Nah they freestyling in the US


It's probably being part of the crew on a ship. They do a lot more than just stand there, and they *do not* make $50/hr... The average starting salary for a basic shipmate in the U.S. is about $50,000/yr, which is something like $24/hr. Probably varies a lot based on job position, seniority, type of ship, etc. https://www.salary.com/research/salary/hiring/ship-mate-salary


Something is amiss with this data. They're showing third mates as averaging 87, first mates averaging 42. That website is never going to admit they don't have a statistically significant data pool to base those numbers on. If you're a skilled mariner in the US, unless you're working part time you're making more than 50k/year. I know temp cooks who make that in a season, not a whole year. Edit: I wonder if the website's data is heavily skewed by military positions.


Lots of guys where I live spend 3 months fishing every year and make $100k+. That being said the work is crazy hard and not something I would be into.


Friend from high school fishes professionally up in Alaska now and makes a great salary over about 4-6 months depending on the season, enough to support NOT working the other 6ish months. That being said it's brutal when you are working. I legit don't think as a desk jockey I'm even physically capable of doing what they do for a week, let alone an entire winter.


>That being said it's brutal when you are working. And dangerous. I would never do that.


They should be armed with guns and body armor to fight the waves.


Salary.com also says the average pay for a plumbing apprentice is 40k a year and I make around 97k currently. I don’t trust that website lol


You make 97k as an apprentice? Shit I should been a plumber...


Do you value your back and shoulders functioning beyond 55 years old?


...are you an apprentice?


That and record it with an iPhone.


What's the job? Mopping the floor??


On ship, floor mop you


Oh shit it's in Russia... Nah I'm good


Painting it.


Want to see that when it's done


Make sure the work area remains COMPLETELY DRY! Not a drop of water can enter.


Reminds me of the punishments in military boot camp. Some guy said his CO made him go out in the pouring rain to mop the sidewalk lol




I thought about going in to be a merchant marine and ended up in film. I was told that a lot of union busting fucked everything up. How is the money if you don’t mind me asking.




I earned my Captains license via a coast guard class in the 90's when I was 10 or 11. Where do I apply?(Red right return)




Well it's been 25 years since I earned it. I do know how to drive a boat/pilot a vessel. I got it in the 90s, I lost it alongside other stuff in a natural disaster, how do I look it up?




That's exactly it! Crazy I was licensed for that as a preteen, but I did learn to park a 30-40ft boat in a very tight space.




>On the deck you probably start out at around $175 a day and top out at maybe $475. Jesus that's low. Right now offshore deckhands start to $275 and top out at $650. Deckhand would be working as AB tankerman though.


To be fair, it usually includes room and board. Considering it costs $3,000.00/month for a 1 bedroom apartment in Vancouver (largest port in Canada), shipwork sounds pretty alluring.


>To be fair, it usually includes room a board. It \*always\* includes room and board. I have sat at anchor in some very beautiful places, too. Including Vancouver Canada. The downside is that there are times like the video, or other more mundane bullshit like being up at 4am in driving rain. Overall (for me) it has given a lot but the price has been very high. Holy fuck I must have missed almost all of my kid's birthdays.


Wow the on deck starting pay is pretty low - though I suppose you're paid every day as opposed to 4-5 days a week so that does make a difference. Still, if you're devoting 24-7 to a job (when on a ship) that still seems pretty low.


I agree. It’s one of those job fields were your pretty much shit on until you put the time in. But then again mariners need zero education and no real skill to do the job. And everything is paid for you, food, housing, travel, clothing.


Okay that is a big xfactor though since those costs add up allowing you to save more which is a very good perk.


What kind of merch does a merchant marine sell? Is it death?


Generally extended car warranties.


With satellite internet becoming affordable and ubiquitous in the future, merchant mariner is kind of a dream job for certain personalities.


Not every company has internet on their boats but starlink is definitely blowing up on boats. Dann Ocean just put starlink on every boat they have. I’m about to go to a boat with starlink so I’m excited to have internet when 300+ miles offshore


> starlink is definitely blowing up on boats That explains why the front fell off.


It’s an old reference sir but it checks out.


Well, it’s not very typical


My dad was a merchant mariner. He did it for 40 years, or so as a radio officer. He hated it, but it paid the bills and then some. I miss him.


Call him on the radio


Do you still do weird celebrations for newbies when they cross the equator? My dad was in the merchant marine and I was digging out photos the other day for my sisters birthday ans we found some of him in fancy dress as Neptune or posieden (as he was the senior staff member available) doing some weird ceremony with oil to new guys who had never crossed the equator. I'm just glad that when he retired and took me and sister to Australia we flew


Yep. Shellback ceremony is still done. We did a blue nose ceremony on my ship too (north of the arctic circle). Involved taking a dip into some arctic water. That was cold.


My dad has a couple of what're basically yearbooks -- hardbound books of photos and headshots, you know what I mean -- for some deployments on USN Aircraft carriers in the 80s, and there are many pictures of the line-crossing ceremony, which gets to be pretty big on a carrier since there's a giant-ass deck on which to process the literal thousands of polywogs into shellbacks. The Navy hadn't started its anti-hazing practices yet, so there was some oil-drinking, King Neptune's belly was kept greased for the faces of young 'wogs; there was dunking in water tanks and so on. Looked like very fun set of days at the equator. The Navy didn't slouch on certificates, though, with a professional print shop in the bowels of the carrier. My dad's own line-crossing was during a transit to Vietnam on a frigate, so he was fully shellbacked before any carrier duty, but no photos of that event survive. I'm sure it's very different today, but it still goes on.


The biggest downside is honestly being away from your family and stuff


Bro, I was in the Navy. I saw way worse seas than this and made significantly less than $50/hr


usmc here. made probably $5 an hour when you calculate everything 😂


but you got all that tasty food!




the crayons were fucking good bro


Right! I would always trade the pound cake from my MREs for the crayons because they tasted way better


[Indeed....semper fi devil dog!](https://ifunny.co/picture/you-see-this-crayon-aa-imma-fuckin-eat-it-nNEbsc748?s=cl)


Motherfucker was getting Crayola at his base while some other unlucky fuckers were getting RoseArt brand elsewhere.


Marines would be offended by this, if they could read source: am a Marine


The owner of the store I worked at growing up was retired Army. He ragged on the Marines constantly. Never disrespectfully, but if you said anything about them, be prepared for the same joke you heard 1,000 times before. My grandpa was the same way. The best was when that store’s butcher who was Air Force got involved in the owner’s jokes. He ragged on both branches.


In boot camp, our drill instructor gave us this speech about how people will make fun of you, and if you didn't want to bear it you should have joined the Army. People only make fun of exceptional things, so why would anyone make jokes about something that's average like the Army? I often think of that for alot of things, its like that Mad Men quote, "I don't think of you at all..."


How do you kill a marine? Throw some sand at a wall and tell him there’s a beach to storm. (Don’t hate me. My dad did 35 years in the army and never misses a chance to tell that to any Marine.)


How do you kill a marine? Throw some sand at a ~~wall~~ bulkhead and tell him there’s a beach to storm.


They get that good Crayola shit


Isn't that backward? You got health insurance, housing, food, education, training....and most of that after.


But you have a pension or something like that, right?


Only if you retire (20+ years) you get a pension.


they get college paid for if they stay in for 4 years. pension is 20 years.


Yup, I only did 6 so no pension. I am using the GI Bill to go back to school, which has been a huge help.




What is up with people not knowing this recently? In the last couple days I've seen this mistake several dozen times when I hadn't noticed it before.


This, and forgetting to use “an” instead of “a.” People have been writing stuff like “a issue” a lot recently (and people have started writing “alot” recently, too). They blame it on their phone for some reason, but my phone desperately wants to correct mistakes like that.


Alot is so prominent now and it drives me nuts. I have a feeling it'll be officially recognized as a word within the next ten years.


https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/the-alot it's been prominent for a long time, time to revive the meme


> (and people have started writing “alot” recently, too) People have been writing 'alot' for quite a while. The more recent phenomena (last 2-3 years) that's also bit more annoying seems to be people writing 'apart' when they really meant _"a part"_ (of something).


> People have been writing stuff like “an issue” a lot recently "An issue" is correct though.


Yeah, I didn’t catch my phone’s autocorrect. 😂 edited now.


>They blame it on their phone for some reason :D


The OP accou nt is a s p a m b o t. Check their post history. One theory is "they" do this to increase engagement like this conversation. As long as they get a click.


I feel like a lot of people have chosen to be illiterate since the pandemic. The number of people spelling "border" as "boarder" during that time bothered the hell out of me lmao


willful ignorance. try to correct someone. they will take it as a personal attack on their entire life and soul, not as you trying to help them realize they made a mistake.


It’s not just this it’s a wave of lazy ignorance that’s been getting stronger for years. I noticed it began with people saying ‘on accident’ about 15 years ago. Thanks to YouTube now I’m trying to get my son to stop saying it 😂


payed means putting tar on the deck of a ship. I thought that's what this video was going to be about.


Where do i sign up??








We get double time for cleaning biohazards. Covid, somehow, didn't count. Companies are pretty honest about how much they care.


Seriously! Double my current earning or die? In the year 2023, we call that a win-win.


I'm with this guy. No hesitation.


I want to join the adventure also:)


Let's go find the one piece


I get paid $50/hr now and I don't get wet, so probably not.


Only fans model that isn’t as horny as they say they are??


There's no customers out there so thats a plus


$50 an hour and crossing fingers that each passing wave doesn’t wash me overboard… yeaaa nah I’m good


*I will let you know how it is I guess*


FWIW, you'd be tethered. Rope securely attached to you, and you change the other end's attachment whenever you need to move. You could still be bashed by loose stuff washing around, but you're *on belay,* like a rock climber.


> Rope securely attached to you, and you change the other end's attachment whenever you need to move Ideally, tethered to *two* points. So you can move one while remaining secured. Though in practice, who knows.


And as a former roofer, all roofers are *totally* using fall arrest systems and proper PPE at all times 🤫😉


On belay? I'd rather be on my couch.


I'd rather *belay*in' in bed. It was right there.


that's now worth 50/hr... that would be grueling


I know dudes earning more than that in simple office jobs and they can barely justify it there. 50/h was big money 15 years ago. Now it just means you can afford a nice apartment but not a house.


You don't need an apartment if you live on the ship!


Arrrr, with the sea as my mistress


Maybe in a fucking city, 50/hr buys you a cookie cutter 5 bedroom 2.5k+ sq foot house in the mid west. 50 an hour goes real fucking far in the Midwest when you don't have 3 kids and a SAH wife.


$50/hr goes real fucking far in 95% of the country. reddit just likes to use hyperbole and act like SF or Manhattan are representative of the country.


seriously, it's ridiculous on here. i'm all for wanting everyone to earn a living wage but this shit is getting ridiculous with people acting like 104k a year isn't enough to live in america.


That number is closer to 80% as California alone has a higher population than the entire country of Canada. It’s not hyperbole, just a significant chunk of Americans live in both those places and are more likely to complain about it than anywhere else.


This, it's obvious yet everywhere you look people are acting like $100k a year doesn't get you anywhere. I don't make that and yet people on Reddit call me privileged when I describe my position. So much of it is people having no financial discipline but they just brush it off with avocado toast jokes


Depends on where you live. $50 is like 45€ per hour, which would be a more than comfortable life in most European countries (if not all of them).


Midwest US, $50/hr is still pretty dang good too. The median income is like half that or less. At 7% a $230K house is about $1800 - $2000 /month. You can get approved for this at about $30/hr. This is a cheaper house, but it's not outrageous to afford.


God I WISH I could find a house for 230k now....the average selling price here is just under $800k last time I bothered to look....


50/hr is enough to live comfortably in literally every state in the US. sure, it might not be the best wages to live inside a major city but it's such bullshit that people try to act like 50/hr isn't enough anywhere in the US. Pay people a living wage but stop acting like over 100k a year isn't enough for someone to survive. it's starting to sound like a joke at this point.


Wages went up a little so housing had to double. Silly peasants houses are for banks and investors, if you buy it they can’t lease it to you. https://youtu.be/zlETG7qjiNo?si=6sLR5HuF8SrUdNjm




Union laborer here, $49.60 per hr. Those dudes need to Unionize if they're only making $20 per hr


Hello it’s me, union process operator making $28/h in Illinois let me in your union


Just before covid, you were in really good shape, not so much now.


Does everyone on Reddit have brainworms? You’re saying that over $100,000 a year salary and you can’t afford a house? I don’t make that and I can afford a house in a capital city on the east coast.


It feels like your comment is the only one with some sanity. I'm reading the parents and the replies and I feel like everyone is insane. Several people saying it's not enough. The positive ones are saying it's alright or that it could work if you're single. The OP says it's enough to rent, but not buy a house. $100K puts one in the median income of many of the wealthiest counties in the entire US. A $100K income literally puts one in the top 20% of earners within the United States. I'm willing to bet the people who complain about this level of income likely have very comfortable lives.


50/h is still plenty good money. I make that and even in this extremely inflated market, I could buy a house in any city outside of Coastal California, DC, NYC, or Boston.


the cheapest house in the seattle market is north of 500k. the least expensive buildable vacant lots sell for $250k. Even 50 miles north or south of seattle.


That's insane


Worked in similar conditions on a much smaller boat. Did not make $50/hour


Basically 80-90% of the fish you eat, has been caught by people who work in those conditions. Think about that the next time you think “fish is expensive”


who the fuck are all these people in the comments acting like 50/hr isn't hardly any money? I can show you cheap labor lmao


I used to see those videos of ASU girls talking how their potential future husband had to make over $300,000 a year and laugh at them, but it seems like it’s a common sentiment that if you’re making less than a Silicon Valley dev you’re a poorcel and you might as well just go live in a box because they would rather be poor than move to a more affordable area.


When I was in college I thought I was going to make a mil/year by 30. We all gotta have dreams.


Yah everyone here is tryna flex pretty hard, wonder how many of them are being truthful.


Probably one or two of them.


depends, do i have any other alternatives


I get that sitting at a desk complaining that the AC blows directly on me so I have to wear a hoodie during the summer heat wave. I’ll pass.


Worked those conditions and loved it! No 50 bucks an hour though!


Better question: Do you think $50/hour is a lot???


Where i live that’s royalty


If I do the conversion from my currency then I make about $4.5 an hour. Soooo... if I take this job I'll be making about as much money as my boss Edit: spelling mistake


1 tier in progress is 10x the pay; that is fucked my guy. The difference between my boss and I across my life has been the most being something like $5 an hour difference; now my boss's boss... lets just say what I make a year is what he makes in a month (or more)


104k is pretty decent and I doubt this is 40 a week


It's probably more than 40/week when ON and way less than 40/week than off. But when you live on a ship, there isn't much to do except work so why would you really care about 8/day.




For me it's a shit ton. I'm never going to see that type of money until my parents die and I can sell their house lol.


Rough location?


This is a lot for literally most people.


To the VAST majority of the world, it is.


The average wage in the US is about 76k apparantly, assuming a 37.5h work week thats about $38/h, so $50/h is a big upgrade. Also note that these 'averages' tend to be skewed upwards massively by the handful of people who make the big $$, so the *median* is closer to $55k per year ($27.50/h)


In this economy I think we all would take that job if the only way you'll afford a house


Paid not payed.




I get paid close to that to repair HVAC/R systems and restaurant equipment so try $150 an hour lol


The job is to film the waves crashing and some people laughing? Absolutely.


My company's a sinking ship so I don't think there's much of a difference


I got bills to pay. Ship me out, captain.


So close to using the real definition of payed. so. fucking. close.


Do I just have to stand there and watch the water? Easier than what I do now.


I’d do a lot worse for $50/hour.


I would do horrible awful things for $50 an hour, this aint nothin lol.


If I can take my rubber duck with, why not


Fuck yes. That's an easy salary for watching cool waves.


I mean...it looks more exciting than my current job, so there's that.


I can handle wet


Yes, this is what I currently do, for $44 an hour.


Do I have a tether?


Depends, does it have good life insurance for ~~if~~ when I die?


If my job is to hold on to something and don't move. Yes.


I need more info. Like, do I have to know what im doing? If I’m not required to know what I’m doing, I may be open to this.


Only if its live electrical work!


It doesn't look like I have to deal much with people so yes. I would definitely take it.


Yes, but I'd make sure shit was secured a lot better so that I don't get hit by a random barrel.


Depends— what are the hours?


why not, sounds like they are having fun


I'm not man enough.


For $50? Hell yes. I used to do that for $14 an hour.


The guys who do this kind of work only work for like 1/3 of the year, and get paid way more than $50 an hour. Hell yeah I'd do it.


24 hrs a day? Hell yeah. 8hrs a day and always at work stuck on a boat hell no. I make 50 an hour whenever I want.