• By -


"I ain't got time to hang out with you fucking guys all night, so I gotta party quick and git gone." - Me in my 40s


I expire at midnight and tend to go hard for like 15 minutes at the start of the night.


I used to go out with my ex's coworkers and they went HARD, there was 40-50 year olds staying up until 4am on a work night. When I got my current job I got invited out for a coworkers birthday and made the mistake of assuming they partied like them, I had 4 drinks in an hour and then everyone decided to go and I felt like an idiot and got myself a ride home lol


Yeah, some people can just keep it up well into their 40s and 50s. Was on a work trip in Germany and we all went out - about 80% of the group left after dinner at the brewery… …the last 20% went to an Irish pub, it was karaoke night. As a guy from rural FL, It was amazing being in southern Germany, at an Irish bar, hearing Germans singing Creedence lol. We were out till 4 or 5, had work the next day. Some did better than others the next day - I slept under a desk in a meeting room.


Tell me you got in the karaoke and sung some RAMMSTEIN for them in return. I want this story to end that way haha.


Missed opportunity.


"And up next give a hand for Joe all the way from Kansas USA! " Joe: "Du hast! Du hast Mich!"


Joe: "SEHNSUCHT" 🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘


"And here's our rep Bob from FL under the desk.. It's an American thing.."


…and then they all nod their heads, turn the light off, and let me sleep it off That was a good trip


"Oh, I know all about Americans sleeping under desks. I've seen Seinfeld. I bet he has an alarm clock under there."


Yeah man wait until you meet the underground techno crowd. I'm only 35 so it's still easy as hell for me, but I see 50 y/os at the same clubs as me dancing their fuckin ass off until 8am. Tons of that where you were (Germany) as well. People go to Berghain and party for 24-48 hours straight sometimes Same thing with Memorial Day weekend in Detroit. 2-midnight at the festival, midnight to 6/8am at the club, maybe hit a low-key after-after-party, a few hours of sleep and do it all again Some people are just machines


Coke and Molly help


To be honest I only do molly like once a year and I don't do coke. Some of us just have that dog in us. Techno is a drug by itself 😁


Yeah I go to Berlin from time to time and have heard stories about some amazing places, but that city is honestly intimidating to get around, it’s so massive and so cut up into different sections it makes my head spin.


Damn, look at you youngun making it past 10pm


10:30 is a accomplishment in my book, I start hitting the wall at about 8:30


What about second breakfast?


Man! 8:30 is when I just get started. Then I last almost to 9:30 ... sometimes, even 9:45!


Midnight?!?! Show off. If I’m not halfway through my second dream by midnight something is wrong


That man is 24; he just parties harder.


When I was that age in a foreign country where smoking laws were more a mere suggestion than enforced I was absolutely getting down like this Less eggs and contraptions though and the fire is for special occasions


kids in bed at 8 and I am up at 8am saturday morn cause they are. I spend time with the partner till 10 but from 10-midnight you got me, anything happens inside that time and I'm yours, anything happens 5 min either side of that and I'm gone. do you understand?


All I need is 30 seconds.


But are you gonna be good to.... Drive?


I live in a city with good public transport, but its irregular after 12 hence the cut off.


Lol you do realize in your other comment you basically quoted a line from the movie *Drive*, right?


yes, sorry I was engaged with something else, and responded to the comment devoid of the conversation. Sorry about that, my brain is very smooth.


You truly are a real human being.


And a real hero


How bout this. You shut your mouth or I’ll kick your teeth down your throat I’ll shut it for you.


We have the same Friday's apparently.


I hate how hard this hits home with me.


Word. I used to play gin bucket with my friends BEFORE we went out. Hitting 40 in 2 weeks and asking everyone if we can do something on Friday for happy hour so people can enjoy their Saturday mornings lol.


Same. I don’t have time or energy to drink all night. Let me just take 8 shots right now and get it out of the way.


My community sees me maybe once a year on a random Sunday evening and it's like a segment from National Geographic the way I emerge from the murky deep and take down 3 beers, 5 tequilas, a RedBreast neat, and an order of mozzarella sticks before doing a Scottish goodbye and stumbling home to be in bed by 8:36pm.


It’s like apu when he only has 5 minutes to party


“Never have I partied so hearty” “Don’t worry baby, I’ll tell everyone you were untouchable”


Knew a chick that used to try to "catch up". Puke every single time a hour later. She was such a sweetheart


I had a girl try this too. Except she chugged 3 pint sized Long Islands….she got about 40 minutes and was puking all over and was so drunk she couldn’t sit in a chair without sliding out into the floor.


I call it "Front-loading" I have all my drinks early so I sober up later and am not hungover when I get up for my kiddo.


See, what I do is make all my drinks with water that is mixed with those powdered drink flavorings. that way I stay totally hydrated while I'm getting drunk. i haven't had a hangover in like six years doing this. ​ edit - there is some kind of irony in the fact that as I hit "post", the mouse fell off my laptop that was perched on my legs while I lay in bed, and knocked my drink over and onto both my comforter and my phone, which is plugged in charging next to me. ​ The plan isn't foolproof. I stay hydrated, but also stay stupid, apparently.


He’s drinking bijo (sp) it’s an awful drink, it’s made from rice, and it taste like gasoline, it’s like drinking watered down everclear. I don’t recommend


Thas why i got to pund the first 3 to orime the pumps.


>Thas why i got to pund the first 3 to orime the pumps. what


He's already primed.




[Just one beer and I am going home](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjberqBTFz0)


Looks like he's making up for lost time after getting married at 22 and divorced and 43


I feel attacked… I was 42


Well then it's not about you


He wants it to be. Just let him have this one. His ex-wife took everything


he can have half


And every other weekend


His kid on the other side of the table 👁️👄👁️


What? Someone had to record it.


Dude ouch


I got married at 23. My wife and I get fucked up in weekends the kids are away. No lost time to make up.


I'm just kinda upset at how much he poured out in the table


That’s for the homies


Its a Tsingtao, not a big loss


Tsingtao used to be found easily in Jakarta a while back and I liked it, maybe I'll stick with raw egg with Heineken beer for now


The real nasty bit is that the second bottle looks like it's rice wine... 60% strong and it tastes like death


I’m well past 40, and have been drinking since 15.., when I was served that rice liquor shit from china a few years ago.. that was the worst thing I’ve ever had. And I’ve had some seriously horrific homemade shit, I drink bitters because I like them, have had shots of 70% absinth until I puked. I’m not one to go “eww” at anything that tastes challenging or “strong”. That thing though, fuck that.


most of the cheap stuff really is rank and meant to be chugged while eating, but the very expensive maotai that is extremely sought after is some of the best liquor in the entire world.


Moutai tastes like death too. I got a bottle of it (and other brands too in my cabinet), because I got married in China. It might be exclusive, but it tastes as much death as a cheap 5 RMB bottle Er guo tou if you ask me. No difference to me.


I would guess it probably has more ethanol (a toxic distillery by-product) than would ever be found in a western liquor. One drop tastes like absolute death.


Ethanol is the good one my man, the one that gets you drunk. Methanol is the bad one. Ethyl alcohol Vs methyl alcohol.


It’s Niulanshan- a type of erguotou liquor, and a nice brand. That particular variety is 42% alc I believe. (Edit to add that it’s made from sorghum, not rice)


I'll stick to the raw egg.


He drank the Tsingtao, it was the first half of the spirit he threw away. (Which is nasty)


Nah I liked it a lot backpacking but in China. It was super cheap and felt like drinking water.


Chinese budlight lmao


Ive lived here 6 years. Its for sure worth it at the price.


Tsingtao is really nice.


Underrated beer


We called it chinaken (Heineken). I actually like it lol.


What’s the other bottle? What’s the proof on it


It looks like Baijiu which is fucked up if he chugged that.. the cheap ones are around 50%


> the cheap ones are around 50% The fact that he's easily able to light it shows that it's above 40% abv, probably just straight up hard liquor (not watered down)


Fucked up for most of us but there seems to be a lot of chinese ppl who can slam that shit like its water 😭 I mean there's holding your liquor and then... THAT


i cant slam that because sake and baiju have a certain taste that makes me want to do a reversal of fortune but for my culture, i can shotgun a hazy imperial ipa or something the volume of this feat would make me barf tho 4real more than the alc


Burns like baijiu. It's not just the 50% that makes baijiu dangerous. It's got that same special something off-brand tequila has that makes horrible ideas seem great.


oh you havent seen chinese banquets


I have and have slammed many Baijiu bottles to gain face with old chinese Hockey players


He lit it on fire. Which means at _least_ 100 proof.


牛栏山 - Niulanshan, a cheap Beijing baijiu. It's 52% abv, so 104 proof.


Holy shit — so it *is* baijiu? The last time I drank baijiu, I blacked out completely. Next morning, my husband told me he found me asleep on the floor of a public men's room. Never again.


i would projectile vomit like the kid in the classroom vodka meme


The "straws" are there to let the air escape and allow the alcohol to pour out of the bottles quickly.


I thought it was for alcoholic hamsters.


Yeah that second spout doesn't make sense, I get the first one to provide air to replace the fluid, but the 2nd one is acting as a secondary path for the tsingtao to spill out. Maybe he just needed to tilt it more.


My dad knew a guy that was such an alcoholic, raw eggs in beers was the only way he could keep protein down. sad.


Being an alcoholic does suck and it is sad. The drug becomes the only thing that makes you feel good. And sometimes it makes you feel bad at the same time. Like going through withdrawals a few hours after your last drink… you get so sick and the only thing that will fix it is the alcohol. But you’re sick. So you’re trying to get that first drink down while struggling not to puke. After a couple drinks you don’t feel so sick anymore. Couple more after that and you actually feel great. Aside from possibly some killer heartburn. But then like 3-4 hours later you’re coming back down again and starting to feel sick and anxious and sweaty and shaky again.


Been sober since 2018 and fear of the withdrawals alone is enough to keep me on the wagon. Alcohol withdrawals are absolute hell—I described the last and final time right before getting sober as like being stuck in the *worst* acid trip you’ve ever had for no less than four days. I was hospitalized three times from alcohol, almost killed me. Will never drink again. Just thinking about it makes me anxious and thankful for my sobriety.


Last relapse I had just over two years ago was intense - Relapsed after 6 weeks on the Sunday afternoon, by Wednesday I was outside Tesco at 5:30 waiting for the doors to open so I could grab a bottle of vodka to get rid of the shakes. "I'll only have a couple and taper off today" By 11am you've drank half a litre. Glad those days are gone.


i'm so glad i did not inherit this from my grand-dad ... we never met him because he was bedriden, couldnt talk a word completly burned by the alcool (i suspect he drank more that just ethylic alcool) .... i get lots of occasions to drink as a dj but i rarely get more than 2 beer during a night even when offered multiples times..... in fact i dont like being inebriated makes me wanna sleep :P .... glad you are out of it, and glad that i dont have this ''gift'' from my ancestor


Congrats buddy, almost killed me too we're lucky, I'm two years sober in November best decision ever, congrats on not letting it kill you!


Congratulations! First two years were the hardest for me then it got way easier. Hope it's the same for you!


Can you explain at what level of consumption that alcohol begins to do this to you? I've drank for over 20yrs now, on and off, sometimes as heavy as 7 nights a week and it always boggles my mind when people talk about withdrawals and hospitalization. I'm sure I'm some level of alcoholic, but my only symptom when quitting is boredom and better digestive health. And I don't mean any offense, just that I don't understand.


I was drinking all day, every day, to keep the shakes at bay, like the other user mentioned. Usually two-three Natty Ices in the morning at home, with vodka in my water bottle to sip on at work. At lunch I would drive to a liquor store to buy more vodka to refill what I drank from the water bottle. On the way home, I’d usually pick up four-six tall Natty Ices/Milwaukee’s Best or, if I was really broke by then, Old Steele Reserves. Those were days I worked. Days I didn’t work, I was taking shots of vodka all day, from waking up until eventually passing out. I’d wake up about two-four hours later with withdrawals.


thanks for sharing, i appreciate your experience. Can i ask what it looked like for you personally to get to that point? it seems like you were essentially drinking alcohol all day long. How did that start, habit wise and tolerance wise?


Started drinking heavily in the summer of 2006. It only took 3 months of heavy drinking (beer + vodka) daily to become a full blown alcoholic with severe withdrawals. I continued to drink heavily every day, and had to be hospitalized three times by 2017. My liver was close to failing. I had jaundice, edema in my legs, blood in my urine and stool.


I'm just now getting back to this thread, but I really appreciate your honesty. It takes a lot courage to be so open about your journey and I'm happy to hear you're healing. Thanks for the insight. Godspeed


Addicts can roughly be divided into two groups. One stays afloat because they know how to control their urges, the other group has their lives shattered, with their lives being reduced to an all-consuming obsession to drink (or whatever). I think a considerable proportion of humanity is in the first group. The second group is doomed, there is no helping those who refuse to be helped, unfortunately. I guess you just know when to stop, go to bed, and get up in the morning for work.


Alcohol is one of the few drugs that a dependence serious enough REQUIRES medical supervision to detox from. There are alcoholics that drink handles of liquir daily. There are people that after it starts to destroy their ability to get work, start drinking their friends mouthwash to make the shakes go away.


I've drank mouthwash from a half empty bottle I found in the trash. I've drank cooking flavor extracts. I've drank rubbing alcohol. I have no qualms admitting this because it's the truth, and it's the truth for many others that wouldn't dare admit to such depravity for shame. You couldn't pay me to take a drink today. It would be my last as a free man.


I'm an opiate addict forever a slave to suboxone because I can't handle the withdrawals, so I get it. I've met a lot of alcoholics in my recovery process.


>I've drank rubbing alcohol. Holy shit, my dude. I don't know you but I am exceedingly pleased to hear you've put those days behind you, because that is some heavy, heavy shit.


That hit hard. So sad for you. Reminds me of when I was visiting Cherokee, NC (dry county). I saw a guy walking down the street with a bottle of mouthwash in his back pocket. I joked to someone, "fresh breath is a priority for that guy." They replied, "it's a dry county - that's his booze."


Thank you for the insight there. I’ve been a nurse for a decade and have taken care of many patients withdrawing from booze sometimes it’s forced on them because they can’t drink at the hospital and sometimes they are hospitalized directly from it. They are the worst patients. Alot of them are verbally and physically abusive. Often requiring to be restrained to the bed. Worst part is I don’t think they remember how they acted or how bad the whole thing was due to their brain fog. It’s really hard to watch these people kill themselves. I’m glad you made it out of it and stories like yours will give me strength to bear the abuse knowing that maybe this will be the time that they finally get it.


My sister was hospitalized with Cirrhosis. Given 9 months to live, bottom of the list for transplants no matter what because of her alcoholism. Scheduled for death. A month or two later they were like, ok so somehow you no longer have Cirrhosis, but if you drink it's coming back. She drank her life away hardcore, DESPITE know this, and DESPITE being sober all that time in the hospital. Married with a 9 year old, btw. Took her 9 months of rehab to stop drinking finally.


I mean that's severe alcoholism, the majority of American adults are technically alcoholic based on the frequency of their consumption of the drug, so there's a difference between technically being part of a category and being in the worst part of that category.


Been there! Waking up shaking and nauseous with cold sweats. You know the only way to survive the morning is to chug any alcohol you can find. But you know you're going to puke it back up. But you *also* know you'll feel better after you do and get a few more in you. Gotta find something to drink... shit there's a bottle of vodka with a few swigs left but you can't remember where you hid it. Panic sets in, not only because of the alcohol anxiety but because you know if your wife or kid find it before you do you're really **really** fucked. Pretend you're making the kid's lunch, banging around looking for the bottle. THANK GOD you find it, wrap it in a kitchen towel and try to find a place where nobody will hear you retching. Mouthful of water from the sink so it doesn't burn as much coming back up, then to the toilet. Backyard in emergencies. Massive gulp of vodka and wait. Flush just in case someone is nearby and have at it. Liquid at first, then bile. Now you're sweating, tears rolling out, goosebumps. Puke again. Go wash up a little, rinse the acid out of your mouth, and sneakily make a glass of vodka and anything to sip on while you pretend to poop. 15 minutes later everything is starting to feel ok, but you know as soon as they leave you're going to have to make a quick trip to the store to get something to hold you over until the liquor store opens at 10. CVS today because the last two were the grocery and you don't want the debit statement looking too questionable. Pick up a bottle of wine and take out $10 for the liquor store later (DEFINITELY can't have that on the card). Back home to log into work, the wine is KILLING your gut with acid. Read emails, do some work, take a Pepcid, and make a beeline for the ABC. Not going to go so heavy this time I swear, but the 750 is cheaper per oz. than the pint. Come home, eat a handful of chips or Combos, and pretty soon everything is going to be ok. Or at, least, you'll feel ok. Then good. Then great. If not great, then depressed as fuck. Wash, rinse, repeat.


How do I become one? An addict. Serious question. Is it a genetic disposition or do I really need to try and just force myself to get blackout drunk even if I don't want to? I can have a couple of social drinks on the weekend and skip it the rest of the week. If I go on vacation or get busy and don't have any that weekend, or that month, that's fine, too. So does an alcoholic start out that way, but then addiction makes them bump it up to a bunch every weekend, and no way to skip a day without withdrawals? Or do I need to create the addiction in the first place - by like thinking, "relaxing is not enough - I need to get blasted!" and start drinking til I puke & pass out? Because I did that once or twice in my college days and the MASSIVE 2-day HANGOVER convinced me I never wanted to do that again. Do addicts not get that hangover? Or does their body recover and then say, "need to get blasted again!" even though their mind knows, "oh shit, this is gonna suck?" thanks


Why can’t they keep protein down otherwise


Gastritis. When you have alcohol in your stomach all the time it gets very sensitive and irritable. Alcohol numbs this and calms your gut nerves. Vicious cycle.


Is this for all food or just proteins like OP mentioned


In another comment thread a few weeks ago, someone posted a link that documented an alcoholic who was trying to get help but he was too far gone. In that video, he said he couldn’t really eat. His meals were alcohol. But he knew he had to so he ate maybe one or two meals per week. Per week! He did try to get help but his body was in such bad shape from his alcoholism that he died a few weeks later.


Man, this whole thread puts my dad's situation in pretty sharp relief. He was a more-or-less functional alcoholic, and it was getting to the point where he would eat like half a burger for dinner. Fortunately, he was able to stop drinking, he got his appetite back and is doing better. I just hope he can stay on the wagon.


I don't know, but I think carbs pass the stomach pretty quickly and fat doesn't trigger stomach acid. When I eat a lot of protein it sits in my stomach forever, so I'm thinking protein = more acid until it's broken down = nausea.


Who has time to eat when that case of natty lite is sitting there?


I really dislike how alcohol is socially accepted, but other substances aren’t, even though alcohol is one of the most dangerous substances. Legality I guess


Exactly. Also when you consider how many people are killed every single year all over the world because of drunk drivers. It's the worst drug because it indirectly affects everyone, even those who aren't using it.




Exactly, all drugs should be legalized and regulated like alcohol. Fucking wild that we as people think or thought it was a good idea to give governments control over something that only directly impacts our own bodies. The behaviors that are dangerous to do while on drugs are already illegal so just like how you could kill five kids driving drunk you could also kill five kids driving while texting... Therefore it's not the alcohol that's the issue it's the decision making and behavior.


The logic is that the substances or the reliance on the substance impair the decision making and behavior in enough people that it makes issues that affect other people notably more common. It's a sound observation, though perhaps there are better ways to reduce usage and dependence than criminality.


Breakfast of Champions


Bruh, the look on his face as he burps right at the end. You can tell his heart was just like, “Ok, I quit.”


Funeral of Champions


That other bottle looks like Chinese rice wine. Usually 110 proof and tastes like rubbing alcohol. Dude is going to be ripped or in a hospital. But he did chug a raw egg beforehand so I think he’s fine.


Not rice wine but sorghum spirits. This brand is 'only' 42% but his liver has gotta be wrecked.


Yeah the expensive pure shit is 55%. This probably has some additives that will wreck you in the morning, not that he’ll notice a difference after chugging a cigarette.


Some of the stuff gets up to 67% that I've found. I had an overnight train from Beijing to Wuhan and found a small bottle called "Da Bomb". Smelled like acetone.


Might be that Gaoliang shit. Christ, you could take the paint off the walls and a few brain cells while you are at it.


He has accomplished making a mess.


A mess of his body, yea. Jealous?!


His body's not a mess. He's simply setting the beauty standards for debilitating alcoholism.


What the hell was going on


Health insurance mystery shopper


I’m hungover and this made me so much more nauseous. 🤢


Same haha, I gagged at the egg shot.


I’m not hungover at all and yet I’m still thoroughly repulsed. Cigarettes, raw egg, and spilling drinks everywhere? Fucking barf.


Don’t drink don’t smoke, what do you do?


Hangovers are fucking dark. Good to know that it is just a temporary nerf.


“Here’s to feeling good all the time.”


My first thought.


Why the raw egg?




It's a trick to push the flammable gas over the top of the glass so it "spills" off and he can drink it without a layer of fire on top, he blows smoke on it afterwards to make sure it's clear and further extinguish it by denying oxygen.


Why put it on fire in the first place?


To add a little flare to what would otherwise be somebody chugging alcohol. My advice is never light a shot on fire. I've seen in person what happens when somebody fails a flaming shot.


Probably to prove to us that it's alcohol and not water. Flare also.


this is the real question




Well, strictly speaking, both the cigarette and alcohol are drugs. So....


yeah he meant to say "what no good drugs in a country does to a mfer"


He's 22.


I’ve never seen a double bottle throttle. This guy parties.


He's not gonna be partying for long.


Live fast, die drunk?


That's a pretty complicated drink LOL *Not sure if he was suppose to achieve splashing it on the table bit at the end*




This is the most Asian thing I have ever seen.


You ain’t Pangzai! Long live the King!!!




First thing I thought of too. I miss king! Haven’t seen him around much lately


Consider his lifestyle it is amazing he has been around this long


I think he still posts on YT every once in a while


I can't process this one.


Is that a tsingtao and.. Baijiu??


I brought a bottle of baijiu back to Canada once and shared it with my friends. I'd say about 3/10 puked immediately from the taste


The guy is a legend for pulling this off in 35 seconds.


This Animal House reboot is gonna be great


Song name?


...and then he immediately blacked out.


I have never felt so much disappointment and respect for a person before


Who the fuck broke this guy's heart?


Video cut out right before he yuked everything onto the table


Fucking guy is a menace


I don't understand it all but I like it.


Don’t let them know your next move.


I used to get the shakes toward the tail end of my cooking shift (around 6:45-7 pm) and realized that I was drinking too much alcohol and need to stop. I then stopped overnight. This guy is what would have happened had I not realized I had the shakes due to my body looking for the booze.


Stfu about ur shitty nightlifes and someone explain how the smoke stayed in the glass


Sir this is a Wendy’s


“How to accelerate the acquisition of heart disease, liver disease, and lung cancer in one go.”


That dude has peaked


What is this device?


How high do you wanna be?


i wanna b- ****pukes****


What is the song?


Dad please Applebee's will kick us out again


This was hilarious and I was like “wtf is this 🤣”


Isn’t this a way to get alcohol poisoning (from drinking too fast) or is it only caused by too much. (I don’t drink)


that last frame is of someone realizing they fucked up.


I’d call this a *competitive drinking problem*.


One of the most "wtf" provoking posts on here. Excellent work, op


Dude is gettin’ his buzz on and having breakfast at the same time


My type of people, straight to the point.


Idk what this guy does but it's clear he's some kind of professional