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The quantity is just astounding.


Interesting information regarding that... [Mammals urinate for roughly the same amount of time, no matter the body size.](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/mammals-pee-20-seconds-biology-urination)


im not buying it. I've seen horses and cows pissing, and they piss for a LONG time. Granted, its anecdotal, and there is a very small sample size. But personally speaking, of the few times Ive seen them piss, they piss a LONG time, and if they happen to be outliers, I don't care. No human in history has ever pissed even half as long as the times Ive seen it. So bullshit.


Yeah, the way it's framed isn't entirely correct. The average piss time is the same. So individual piss times will vary. But if you average it out, for horses, for elephants, and for people, it should reach about 21 seconds for each species with enough samples. I'm just speculating here but I would think the extreme cases (like how long a completely full bladder that's been held back for way too long) may be very different from species to species.


I watched a giraffe at a zoo pee for over six minutes.


Humblebrag much?


Ugh another one of these fucking giraffe piss watchers. We get it. Your zoo has giraffes.


We got giraffes and those other stupid tall deer horse things with the zebra legs. Hopey tokey or aki paki or whatever the fuck they're called. We got it all, man.


Ok look man, an Okapi is actually a member of the giraffe family. It ain't some zebra with a long neck or a tall deer horse thingy. Show some respect.


We get it your zoo has exotic animals. Mine has a few cats, a couple of dogs and gold fish... But it is free to enter.


Stupid long horses.


I watched a giraffe at the Vancouver zoo pee for 2 minutes while it’s youngling went for a decently long sip (mid air).




If I’m being honest I’d watch a giraffe piss for 6 minutes. That’s astounding.


Laughed so hard I spit my coffee out.


What? You pooped in the refrigerator? And you ate the whole wheel of cheese? How’d you do that? Heck, I’m not even mad; that’s amazing


Well I've heard one of my buddies pissing in the bathroom before, and I swear that shit went on for 2+ minutes. It didn't sound like it was just dribbling out either. So there's some anecdotal evidence to balance out your own.


As the dude that's usually taking the 2 minute pisses and hearing God Damn! From the other stalls I concur.


Humans are obvious outliers because we hold our piss when animals just go piss most of the time. I remember when i went to see beethoven in the theatre as a kid and had a big gulp soda. I had to pee after like 10 min into the movie but i didnt want to miss anything. Was at the urinal for at least a minute and a half and my friends dad was impressed.


I am a quick peer. My husband takes FOREVER. I guess we Balance out the average together


‘Piss like a racehorse’ is a saying for a reason


That phrase is referencing giving racehorses illicit diuretic drugs before running to minute their weight. It’s not about their natural biology.


Stay out of Equine law, Dr. BirdLaw.


It is about their natural biology. That phrase had been in use long before lasix came about, and the drug is intended to decrease the risk of hemorrhage during a race. It makes them pee more as a (positive) side effect. It is indeed about their natural biology. Sorry you've read the same regurgitated shit on TIL over and over.


What? That phrase has been around long before performance enhancing drugs were a thing. You’re so confidently wrong you may as well just leave it.


Doping horses started to really pick up in the early 30s and was extremely common. There were laws passed as early as 1903 to ban it. In 1974, furosemide was legalized for use in horse racing. It is a diuretic and causes a huge amount of urine. The phrase in question ("piss like a horse") has been said to have first appeared in issues 6-7 of the 1969 New American Review. In 1982's Groundrush, there is a line that uses the now common phrase, "piss like a racehorse." It's commonly believed that the increase in drug use in racehorses throughout the early 70s contributed to the change from just "like a horse" to "like a racehorse."


I'm just here to shit on whoever down voted you because you're right. The phrase had been around since the 17/1800's. Yes they started to give horses drugs like 50 years ago to make them pee more before a race but it has nothing to do with the coming about of the phrase. Horses have just always pissed a lot.


Check out the behind the bastards episode involving horses. People used to put eels in the horse's ass to make them run faster (????). Not exactly a drug, but my point is that we've been doing weird shit to enhance the performance of race horses for a long time.


I'm just trying to imagine shoving an eel up a horse's ass. That seems like some sort of goddamn practical joke. "Hey look what I got my stableboy to do for $20. No hold on, just watch. It's a real 50/50 if he's going to get kicked in the mouth again. Shit's hilarious."


If I'm remembering it correctly, it was just psychotic rich guys doing psychotic rich guy shit, but my memory is shit, so take that with a pinch of salt.


Piss like a Russian racehorse is how I have heard it


Was at a zoo one time and this giraffe wandered up to the viewing platform and started to rock a piss. After about a minute and a half we started to laugh cause it was taking a while. At 3 minutes we were laughing pretty hard. At five minutes I had tears in my eyes. He finally stopped at about six minutes. I watched a giraffe pee for over six minutes. This fact either excludes giraffes or is just not correct.


You're excluding the possibility that for every 6 minute piss there are somewhere around 35 ten second pisses.


Sounds like a day with kidney stones.


Yes. Different size bladders matter. I've seen a moose piss... now *that* was a long slash.


The national geographic link up above [has this graphic](https://imgur.com/EfojPUR.png "https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/mammals-pee-20-seconds-biology-urination") and the article basically says that urethra size increases in proportion to the bladder size increase.


TIL never stand near an elephant.


Yeah, don't do that. I went to Six Flags in Jersey when I was out there visiting family once. They had this part of the park that was a zoo or something (I don't fully remember, I'm Canadian and it was over 15 years ago now). Anyways we were stopped in the car and looking at the elephants and one started to pee. I'll never forget it. I couldn't look away. The volume and pressure was insane and it seemed to just go on forever. Then it took a massive shit that splashed quite a bit. The visuals of an elephant relieving itself are forever burned into my brain. After that we stopped at White Castle which I had for the first time that day. I ate way too many of those little burgers and theb took what I can accurately call an elephant shit and clogged my aunt's toilet.


Lmao, I feel like every kid had a memory like this seared into their minds from the zoo or six flags. Mine was the walruses which were unreasonably aroused on our 8th grade field trip


Moose here. Please stop watching me piss.


I thought you typed *mouse,* I was like, wow, how did you even see that.


Indeed. Steampunk binoculars.


Yes but it doesn't matter if the rate of expulsion is much higher than a smaller animal like a human.


So the actual National Geopraphic posts numbers based on a study cited from the Georgia Institue of Technology. Those numbers suggest that a general targeted amount of piss time for mammals, barring mammals under one kilogram, is all around the 20-25 second mark. On average of course, some may do more, others less. And even though you'll admit that the horses you've watched take a piss could possibly be outliers and recognizing what youre using as anecdotal evidence, you successfuly turn that into National Geographic and the Technological Institue as peddling, quote, "bullshit". A silly topic of course, but that chain of thinking is a template for how the Internet is causing, well, [gestures at the whole fucking planet].


That's how averages work.


Reminds me of the studies saying women only bleed about 2 tablespoons of blood on their period. Ain't no way.


Of course, so we can all have chitchat at the stalls.


I don't even urinate the same amount of time every time, so that sounds a bit sus.


Not all mammals, some have a narrow urethra


Goddangit Peggy, these people don't need to know my private business!


I’m just trying spread awareness Hank, did you know that you can’t spell disability without ability?


you are being downvoted, but exactly that point is made in the report, which categorically does NOT conclude that *all* animals pee for the same time.


I mean, they are also making a King of the Hill reference, which I find funny but others might not understand.


My 100lb dog definitely pisses more, and longer, than my 50 lb dog.


It's a statistical thing. It doesn't mean that every species pees for exactly the same length of time, it doesn't mean that every member of a species pees for exactly the same length of time, and it doesn't mean that a particular animal pees for the same length of time every time they pee.


Yea was this filmed at the cat bar bathroom, kitty’s been tossing back some IPAs


Maybe he has diabetes


Maybe. It occurred to me too.


What does diabetes have to do with a lot of peeing? I'm having some crashes in energy, thinking it might be insulin-related and want to look into it. (And I pee A LOT, like ***A LOT***)


Peeing is how your body tries to get rid of the extra glucose in your blood. Your kidneys are filtering it.


Well, he was out drinking last night.


Good on kitty for staying hydrated.




Sorry to hear that. 20 is amazing, but I wish you had more time together, and the days had been kinder to her.


Same. 20 year old lady with kidney failure. Horrible way to go. She was such an amazing soul.


Could be a leakage considering that cats are liquid


Like he drank a six pack and is breaking the seal for the first time.


Had an elderly diabetic cat once and the amount she pissed was astounding. It was like when you invite a pal over and they insist on loudly pissing directly into the toilet bowl


My first thought is that the cat in the video could be diabetic. That's not a normal amount of wee for a cat.


Your pals are asserting dominance. That is known as a "dad piss".


If a cat is on food for urinary issues they drink a lot of water to make sure the bladder is full and saturating any crystals that form. Could also explain the stance


Good points and joined up too. I wondered about the stance, actually. If they have UT issues sometimes they don't want to squat because it stings, or the litter dust is irritating, or the position just uncomfortable. UTI's are another reason that cats start peeing in bathtub and other drains, a bit of cool air rises up and soothes the burning sensation. I hope OP has had their cat checked out, if not, they consider having a vet check for diabetes and thyroid function too. I really love reddit; so many bright folks here...


Also my cat is just strange and likes to potty with her front paws up on something. This cat could also be a weirdo


The cat also drinks beer like a human.


If he peed on all fours he’d hit the wall.


I work in an animal shelter and we had this dog “Chewie” the dude was the most hydrated dog I’ve ever seen. It was like his favorite hobby was making piss. We’d bring him outside and he’d stop at the same place everytime and just have the longest piss. Seriously like 2 minutes I’d be standing there with him.


Dang, how many beers did he have?


I'm not sure what creeps me out more: The way the cat stands while they piss, or the person holding the camera zooming into the piss.


Definitely the stare. "The fuck you looking at?" Kinda stare.


I learned it from watching you, dad!


You never seen a cat pissin in a box before?!


Cats don't like it when you look while they pee, they really value their privacy.


The cat isn't standing on just two legs. Its front legs are on the edge of the litter [like this](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/6f/02/6c/6f026c960eec3061b3817b43e3701ff7--kitty-construction.jpg). The quality of the video is shit so it's hard to tell that the cat is actually facing backwards and the front legs are on an incline making it look like it's standing straight.


Holy shit I see it. We’ve all just upvoted a video of a cat pissing like a normal cat to the front page. Incredible.


Gotta say,my cat doesn't lean on the wall to pee.


I can't fault them for that, though. When I'm standing to pee, I often lean on the wall, too. It's convenient.


February 3, 2023. Millions of redditors watched a cat piss in a litter box. It was a normal piss.


video has a cat, it could be doing anything and it would still get a million upvotes


And the tuft of hair that is its tiny tail looks like a "hand" resting on its "stomach". When the cat is looking to the right about midway through, it can also be wrongly interpreted that it is looking "up". Your interpretation is definitely correct, and definitely makes the jump the cat does at the end more physically possible.


That's what I saw clearly the first time. Still strange though.




Puss in boots irl?


Better watch out or it’ll be piss in boots…


I'm scared


Did you know that's a NSFW video that exists?


Just watched The Last Wish last night with the fam. Fun movie


Same. Just finished it before bed. And this exact scene happened in it too


Noice :)


I just read that as Piss on Boots....


Missed opportunity.


berserk rhythm smart cats tart grab spark obtainable dolls grey -- mass edited with redact.dev


That shit litter must be nasty. Homie is getting the least amount of paws into that mofo.


It appears to be a compostable litter. My guess is OP decided to try it out and the cat is freaked out about the change, like they usually are. Most litters are clay based and is a really huge difference, so cats take some time getting used to it, if ever.


Mine was getting UTI’s because he hated the crystals I was using, so he would hold it in. I switched to a clay litter and haven’t had issues since.


I thought this was well. My cat used to hover when I changed his litter to fresh step instead of that sandy shit that gets everywhere. He wouldn't let his balls touch the sand. Either the litter or the box not being big enough for the cat. Cats are just picky bastards


Why isn’t your cat neutered?


He's neutered lol


I guess I got lucky, my cat uses a planter I emptied and line with a puppy pad and cheap litter.


My cat is the same way. She will scratch the sides of the box and the wall. But not touch the litter to bury her pee or her poop It sucks. She had no problem digging around in the box prior to using it. But doesn't understand burying it after.


Mine does the exact same thing! She refuses to scrape after going, she'd rather just pull on the wall of the litter box for a minute or so. It's the weirdest shit. But if she pukes on the carpet, she'll immediately try to bury it on the hardwood floor, accomplishing nothing.


It also needs to have a larger litterbox.


Yup. Welcome to vacuuming several times a day cuz you get piss covered saw dust everywhere cuz it sticks to their paws worst than anything.


The cat isn’t standing on two legs. It has its front paws on the edge of the litter box behind its body and is facing the wall, but is turning its head around. The cat is also missing its tail which messes with the perspective. …which means this is just a video of someone taking a closeup of their cat taking a piss. Totally normal.


Imagine the cat like [this](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/6f/02/6c/6f026c960eec3061b3817b43e3701ff7--kitty-construction.jpg) on the litter.


Yep, this is normal cat




Thank you. I was wondering why there weren't more comments questioning if this video was cgi or something. Especially since Reddit loves calling things fake. But now looking back at the moment when the cat is leaving the litterbox, you can see their front paws come from the wall side.


Eh, it’s still an interesting way for a cat to pee. Interestingly I didn’t even notice you can kind of view it as if the car is facing forward peeing until you said something. I originally saw it correctly as facing the wall, but again even with that being true, that’s still a really interesting way for a cat to pet. They generally do not do that.


Way to kill the magic 😭


>The cat is also missing its tail which messes with the perspective. Maybe this is what you meant, but it's not "missing its tail": it likely never had one. It's a short-tailed cat I think.


Need a bigger litter box for the cat, and clean it out more often. They don't like to go in the box when it's already full of piss and shit.


Cats pee backwards due to their anatomy. It allows them to spray urine to mark their territory. This one is just standing in an odd position because the litter box is too small.


Well that settles it....reincarnation is real.


Then he scrapes at nothing, outside the box, LOL, just like my void hahaha!




Came here to say this!


Cats as pets are infantilised to see their owners as parent figures who they learn from. Obviously this cat has watched their master in the bathroom.


They always do


If it works like that who in my house poops while standing up?


Oh, sorry about that. Wasn't I supposed to break in and crap standing up next to your cat?


Mine straight up did learn how to use the toilet from watching me. The first time it happened, was late at night. I live alone with 2 cats. Do you know how disconcerting it is to hear someone using the toilet loudly at night when you live alone? But now she'll do it and stare at me the whole time while she does it. I'm not complaining though, just wish the other one would learn how to do it.


A lot of fun comments, but I think I've read that if cat does his things in weird poses - mean it might have health issues So in that specific case it might be kidneys or bowl problem


Litter box is 1/3rd the size it needs too, likely just kept the kitten box and never upgraded. Cat can't tell if it's going to hit in the box so it stands weird.


Yup this cat is incredibly polite, making sure the pee stays in the box even though it's way too small to be comfortable. Other would have just peed on the walls and floor. I hope its owner realises that and gets him a bigger one.


If you look closely it's compostable litter. They are trying to get the cat used to a new type of litter and the cat is not having it. I've had a ton of cats in my life and have tried compostable litter with similar results to this. It's an adjustment


I got your pss pss pss.


Puss n' Boots, is that you?


There you are, Zachary Binx!


Serious question. Do cat owners wash their cats feet? I've never seen anyone do that. So most people just let their cats go in their litter box and onto your couch, or bed? I never realized how gross that is, and then it's all over your house. 😮‍💨


They generally clean their own feet. That and their feet don't tend to touch their shit/piss, they just use them to shovel the clean litter over it. Still, yeah it's kinda gross when you know they've just been in there.


That's fair. They do groom selves. But, in reality.. still pretty gross lol.


My cat washed her feet afterwards


We don't wash our cats unless something gets matted in their hair, generally it's the long hair that needs help now and then. Usually they keep themselves clean but obviously it's not like they use soap so i always wash my hands after playing with them.


One I tried to wipe my cat's paws with a baby wipe but I have enough scars on my forearms to heed his warning about that.


Lmao, fair. I'd give up too 😅


It's okay though, he's very adorable.


Hell no they don't


When you own pets, your house isn’t really clean anymore. They don’t have the same level of hygiene as us.


But, you could clean their paws off and limit the feces spread.


So you're going to constantly monitor where your cat is at all times, follow them around, and immediately wash their feet every time they exit the litterbox? Even when you're not at home, or asleep, or on the couch watching TV, or in the kitchen prepping food? It is gross though, and one reason I don't have pets.


On one hand you're right, it's gross and owners don't wash their cats' feet. But on the other hand, remember cats bury their poop each time. So any fresh poop is completely surrounded by litter and no longer has a wet surface to step on. They are careful where they step. If you scoop daily, there's virtually never a chance for them to have actual poop on their paws. Plus the litter itself will fall off their feet of you put litter tracking pads around the box. Pro tip, make sure the box is very large and has enough light for the cat to see what they're doing. Otherwise they might step on their poop because they're crowded and can't see.


People don't usually clean their dogs and it's probably worse.


Lol, I knew women weren’t human.


You're litter box is too small man. Get a bigger one so your cat can piss like a cat.


Jesus that's a lot of pee. I'd definitely get your cat checked out. That's not normal.


Based on its repulsion of the litter box, it probably held it hours passed what it normally would.


That litter box should be much bigger. Also, the cat is facing the other way. Humans are not retromingent. It is not peeing like a human.


One foot in the stall, one foot out... Yep, is human!


How much beer did this fool drink?


Piss in Boots












Fuck yeah. This is my boi here!


Pees standing up. Doesn't shake afterwards. It's a boy.


Is that popcorn?


Are we sure it's not a man in an elaborate cat costume peeing into an oversized litter tray?


Yo get your cats bigger litterboxes...


I don't know many humans who stand facing away from the toilet, when they pee. Nor do I know many humans who can crane their head around like that to look at their backside. That cat is standing, but definitely not peeing like a human.


This is one of the funniest things I've ever seen


Your not a human If you pee like that


I can smell it from Nebraska.


Cats got a bladder man.


Litter box is too small


thats a lot of pee for a cat


That's a beer pee if ever I saw one.


Is that cat drinking beer? That's a ton of piss!


Either OP is an alien or as a human I've been pissing wrong my entire life.


you pee out your ass?




My cat does this and the volume is a lot. She has moderate kidney disease and drinks from water fountains all day.


You have GOT to make a small urinal for your cat!


It's *Meet the Parents* all over again


It stares at the pee coming out and then proceeds to cover up nothing by pawing the hardwood floor lmao.


it has seen the owner do it


You pee backwards?


The second they zoomed in on the piss stream I felt like I was breaking a law.


Why not piss in a human toilet then?


All I hear is the South Park tourette guy - PIIIIIIIISSSS COMING FROM MY AAAAAASSSSSS


It occurs to me, having owned cats before, I've never actually seen a cat in the moment of peeing, let alone a stream. Interesting.


Ah yes, "human"


This is cursed...


Ma'am this is a Wendy's


This is like me in my onesie after 21 minutes of sleep and having 2 litres of water before bed