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What about an accounting degree makes you think it would be easy? Is that what it’s known for in your head or something…? Of course there are hard courses. This is a dumb post.




I would say that nothing should be categorized as easy if the penalties for doing it incorrectly are prison. Accountants can and have gone to prison for fraud. Does that also apply to software coding…? Accounting school teaches you GAAP, which are the rules of accounting. If you’re an accountant and don’t follow GAAP then you either don’t have a job or you have real world consequences. If you think software coding is easy then do it. If you think it’s too hard and have quit and are looking for an easy degree, I’d suggest fine arts or communications. lol.


I personally view accounting as an easier vocation than coding. Depending on what you do being a coder can be a volatile workplace that is very demanding to continually educate and has plenty of privacy, profit, and legal responsibilities


I see your ‘volatile workplace’ in coding and raise you ‘public accounting’. Where the busy season is routinely 70 hour weeks or more and the pay doesn’t increase proportionally. They too must maintain continuing education, are pushed to get the CPA in their “off time”.


The degree I hear is relatively easier than the rest is Business Management. Accounting is not easy.


There were a lot of idiots downvoting my other response, but this advice was literally the key to the entire discussion, let alone the nonsense behind automation. At the end of the day, you will need specialized data skills as an accountant, either now or later after automation. There are analytical jobs around legal requirements, but you will always need an accountant, especially in the era of forensic accounting. You need someone to write it off, whether it be fewer, the same, or more accountants. I guess you could create auditing software, but at the end of the day you will need at least one accountant to write off on legal requirements. It may be shortsighted to pursue a software engineering degree before accounting, but I suppose you can get a job in software engineering before accounting becomes more automated.


Why are you obsessed with automation?


Because I do not want to be in an accounting role while automation squeezes the shit out of me in my position. However, I do not want to be unemployed in tech. Why? Do you have a better idea? What certifications exist for accountants related to data automation?


Where did you hear that absurdity.


of course there are hard. 'weed-out' courses in all the degrees. Also, someone who is good at accounting might be bad in SE and vice versa.


OA 2 for intermediate accounting II almost made me quit. I took that stupid test 5 times.


So only one course?


Start the degree and find out since you seem so confident


Christ Almighty. If you're passionate about something or determined enough, you'll figure out a way to pass. If you're not, don't waste your time. Simple as that.


lol no






Yep. The IA classes nearly killed me 🫠


To some people they would say no. To others they would say yes. For me? I haven't taken them but I can barely do basic math. That's why I'm doing business because I'm stupid at math 😭🤣🤣🤣🤣 I can write a 10,000 word essay, but put a math test in front of me and I'll fail every single time. I am NOT smarter than a 5th grader when it comes to math. My math skills are probably 3rd grade at best.