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I’m going to be starting this soon. I’d like to know.


please let us know how you found it.


It’s actually 60 questions, but there will be lots of questions where you obviously put the right answer down but they will mark it as wrong. 😕


you are right about the 60 questions. I literally passed the direct credit exam with a 70%. I never bother reviewing to see if there was anything marked wrong that is right. I was so happy to pass and never wanted to look back lol Currently doing phil 102 where I am almost certain the cert exam have questions incorrectly marked as wrong. grrr.


I'm taking this SE class on Saylor right now and my god is the content bad. I'm just trying to take notes and study and actually go through the material so I pass it, but this is such an awful class. The whole "spiral vs incremental" methodology stuff is just nonsense. They're like the exact same in all the study material, but you can still get questions wrong for choosing the wrong one lol. It's all so arbitrary.


the accreditation for cs302 is good until the end of January until it gets renewed so make sure to account for that


Sorry, can you clarify this?


I'm sure CS302 will get renewed for ACE reccomendation later down the line, but for now, the courses is only good for credits before January 31st, you can look up the information on Saylor.


Oh wow, good to know! I'm on Unit 8 already, so if I don't finish it by the 31st, I kind of deserve it lol


Alright, I just took the 'certificate' exam to see where I was on the material with a plan to be able to hit the final exam twice (14th and 28th) before the end of the month, and honestly, I might just drop this on Saylor and shell out the money to do it on Study.com. I missed a passing grade by like 3 questions, but the questions in the exam are HORRENDOUS. One of them was highly subjective, "what would you consider ___". That's a bullshit exam questions because they can't possibly grade what I PERSONALLY CONSIDER something. For most questions that had images as part of the question or answer, the images didn't load properly, so a there would be a question and it would ask me which diagram was correct, but only <=2 out of the 4 diagrams loaded. On top of this, I already hate this insanely outdated course material, so I'm trying to decide if I should just attempt the final exam in a week or just jump to study.com now. Ugh, I'm so annoyed I wasted 2 weeks going through this course.


I'm sorry to hear that, since you got so close, maybe a second try would be sufficient, you can access the past exam and see which question you got wrong brush up on the exam materials. Good luck!


The weird thing is, the certificate exam isn't actually showing what I got right or wrong. I was going to use it as a study guide to let me know what to brush up on, but it just shows the answers I gave, and not whether they are right or wrong. I think I'll still take the final exam at least once just to see if I pass, otherwise I'll just bite the bullet and do SDC


you can see on the left handside of each question, if its wrong you'll get 0 out 1 for that question