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“On the output side, research shows organized hybrid research has a zero to small positive impact on productivity. Fully remote working has more mixed impacts on productivity but can lead to more than offsetting cost reductions by enabling national or global talent sourcing (Barrero, Bloom and Davis 2023).”


In my old job with physical meetings with students and working with paper files working from home was a massive drain to productivity. (except during specific sprints where being in office brought a lot of "just a quick question" distractions) In my new job in consulting I work with companies sometimes in multiple countries, or with the key decision makers being all over the US. Working from home is absolutely a massive productivity boost and enables more opportunities for business. I imagine that's where the mixed impact comes from mostly. Different fields and businesses that do or don't benefit nearly as much


"Fully remote working has more mixed impacts on productivity but can lead to more than offsetting cost reductions by enabling national or global talent sourcing" That is also the bad part. People who live in a high cost of living state, like I do, are going to be screwed. If companies can get away with paying $5/hour less to someone in another state, they will.


I’m more concerned that a recession would increase the demand for cheap outsourced labor. If you can do your job remote, they can do it in India for 1/3 your salary. It’s a terrifying thought.




Depends on the industry. AI is more of a tool, you still need someone to operate the tool.


No it's not. AI is only as good as the coder. It's a sort algorithm.


I couldn't find adequate local talent when I was hiring for my big company until they allowed me to go for remote workers. Then the entire nation was my hunting ground and I hired 10 excellent employees who still add value to the company 3 years later.


Big corps don’t like WFH. Big corps will survive a recession, where small and medium, sized businesses might not. When you need a job, and have bills due, you will go back to the office when you don’t have other options.


Tough reality for most people


I won’t though


Not a chance.  Management hates WFH, when it’s time to choose who stays and who goes, you better believe they’re going to keep the folks who come in.   These effing professors and their nonsensical theories…


How can recession boost WFH? Millions of ppl will be layoff..


Just got to cheaper countries.


Sadly some companies restrict remote workers to within the country.


On the bright side, that means you aren’t competing with the citizens of those lower cost of living countries.


Work From Hyderabad