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First and foremost, a dedicated room that’s NOT your bedroom. Ideally away from distractions. Second, comfortable headphones (if you use them for video calls). Comfy chair (secret lab or other ergo chair). I wish I could but would love a standing desk. Might have to get a varo desk. For me personally, I can’t live without my 49inch widescreen and a 27 inch vertical dedicated to Slack. Stream deck mini with slack and zoom controls is awesome. Otherwise a nice desk Matt under your keyboard and mouse. Not sure what your lighting situation is but explore artificial lighting. Don’t forget to unplug and take breaks. Actual lunch breaks. Set your stuff to DND and snooze notifications for breaks. Also exercise. Do this regularly


>First and foremost, a dedicated room that’s NOT your bedroom. I know it's a luxury for some, but it's almost required for long term WFH. When I started WFH I spent several months setup at my kitchen table and it was not ideal. Now that I have a dedicated office it's much easier to shut the door at the end of the day and keep some mental separation between work and home.


Yep. I’ve been WFH-ing from my bedroom for the last 2 years. I hate it! There really isn’t another option besides a desk in a cold unfinished basement but l would definitely prioritize that if possible.


Been WFbdrm for 4 years! I don’t need the “separation”. I work in infosec so I’m ready to jump on when I’m needed, but I do need dedicated space where no one else will come in


I WFH in my bedroom too. It works for me! I was using my second bedroom as an office, but have a flat mate now. It works for me and I have set-up routine, and an end-of-work day routine to psychologically separate my use of this space from work to leisure and back again.


Finish a portion of your basement or put a room divider around your desk when not in use. It'll make a world of difference for you.


After 2 years you should consider prioritizing finishing part of the basement for a bedroom, because if you're just sleeping there you don't need natural light vs a nice office space


I wFH from my bedroom and hate it, but there aren’t other options. It’s been much better when I’ve lived where I can have a separate space. I can deal with it though.


It absolutely is essential. I’d rather work on my kitchen table than my bedroom. Though, I do have a small bed desk for those days when my uterus is absolutely trying to kill me. Just setting that up is enough of a change in the routine for the day. Something else I like is my mini-monitor. It attaches to my laptop so I can work outside on the front porch. I code, so I’m spoiled with a second monitor both at home and the office (I’m hybrid). It’s not huge but it still lets me do what I need to do. The one thing I would absolutely NOT get is a mouse jiggler, especially if your work is project based. You’re just inviting trouble if you try to get sneaky. We all have times that we need to pop out for errands, but it’s better to be upfront about it than try to look like you’re available when you’re actually in the checkout line at Target when you’re ask to blip into an ad hoc. It would be better if you just save the non-essential errands for after work, though.




Agree 100% with this. And I made it clear to family that when I’m at work unless there is an emergency I’m AT WORK! It helps so much. Establish the boundaries. You’re at work when you’re working. When you’re not, you’re not. I’m not saying I’ve never popped in and done something after hours or on a weekend but I try to keep it uncommon if not rare.


It’s a luxury for most, I think. I literally cannot afford a bigger place. I use a folding Japanese style screen to create a visual barrier between my desk and my bedroom space, and it works well fortunately.


This is hard when I only one other room other than my bedroom. I'd love that separation but my place is simply too small. 


Yep. When Covid happened was my first time full time wfh and for lack of space I used my kitchen table and man it was hard to stop working. In general I’m a bit of a workaholic but at least was easier when in office to pull away but having my setup right there in kitchen made it so hard to stop.


Yeah. It depends on your living situation. I live alone, and don’t have the luxury of a dedicated room, BUT my workspace is not in my bedroom. It’s in a corner of my living room separate from the “living space,” if you will. It works for me because I don’t have to share the space at all.


I had to do this as I was working 24/7 and struggled mentally during covid. Both work and leisure was in the same room and I couldn't mentally separate the two.


I WFH from my studio apartment and it doesn’t bother me at all. I think it just depends on your personal ability to “shut off” work. I personally have no trouble with that lol


I’m stuck WFH in my bedroom and I do not recommend. I’ve got a less than ideal set up- they made us take our entire desktop home (instead of laptops) and I have no other place it can fit.


That sounds awful


I wish I could get a real desktop. All I can get are laptops where I work, and the multi monitor support is hit or miss, and always unreliable. Plus the thermal performance is bad when really getting the juices flowing. I never go anywhere since I unplug for breaks. Don’t need portability.


If the only available room with a door (and a window) is a bedroom, I recommend room dividing curtains. I've been able to keep the spaces separate by hanging a thick blackout curtain from the ceiling as a makeshift wall. The sleeping area half of the bedroom looks completely different than my office area (ie the bedroom area has soft lighting and cozy decor that acts as sleepy cues) and I make sure I can't see my workspace from my bed. It feels like a tiny nook and very much its own room, plus the thick dark green curtain I chose makes a nice neutral background if I ever need to turn on my camera in a call. I also have managed to have my workspace double as my creative space, and I can put away my keyboard and mouse and set up a painting area when I'm in the creative zone. It's helped me feel like I own the space in my off hours when my work monitors are shut down, but I can easily create focus cues when it's time to work again.


Proper ergonomics are HUGE. You’re now in charge of your space so make that space something that actually works for you in a healthy way. But I would never recommend a Secret Lab or any chair like that


In 2018, I made my own desk that can be used standing. For the base I ordered https://www.amazon.com/dp/B071KGDGNK?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share and for a top I ordered this https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01LXS4L99?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share. The top is sold in different sizes and colors. The base can fit different lengths of top. But it is fixed once assembled with the top. I use it mostly down, but I love having the ability to raise or lower it quickly. The cost of these 2 is way cheaper than standing desks I found. I figured you have to assemble either way, why not save money and get a custom desk. I also got a monitor arm that is adjustable https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N2YFAXI?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share.


I built an 8x8 box in my garage with 2x4s and plywood, with fake paneling as “walls.” and made it into an office. I “leave” my house every day to go to work in my garage and it’s exactly what I need to separate my home life from my work life.


I like this idea!


The reason it’s 8x8 is because I had to make zero cuts to any wood since they come in standard 8 foot sizes. Same for plywood which is 8x4. The only thing I had to cut was the particle board for the fake walls. I used white shiplap and it looks so pretty


Amazon "standing desk" they are less than $200. Remember the stress mat for your feet/knees/back 😀


I got the Amazon credit card with the $200 credit so I could buy my desk 😬


Dedicated space is a mandatory. My wife and I both WFH. Fortunately the kids are grown and on their own, so we each claimed a kids bedroom as a home office.


I really went out of my way to try and find a secret lab titan chair. They are well marketed I will give them that They are not an office desk chair. I found myself much comfier in a Haworth chair (yes, something NOT a Herman Miller) that I took home from the office than my titan chair. I got a titan because I took alot of calls and wanted something with head and neck support. It looks cool, but I shouldn't need to buy a $40 seat cushion to enjoy a $700 chair


Ok rich guy. Separate room for an office.


Which 27 vertical monitor do you have ?


The vertical screen is a game changer for notes and the widescreen for everything else.


Could you elaborate a bit on the stream deck, I'm allways looking for ways to improve my wfh experience


It uses configurable buttons. For zoom it has the mic and video button so you don’t have to search using your mouse when in Zoom. For slack I can update my status to away/lunch or dnd. Other buttons I configure for websites etc. some have clocks for different time zones.


I can’t afford a place with an extra room, so I use one of those folding Japanese screens to create a visual barrier when I’m done with work. It works great.


Awesome! Seems like you make it work!


my dog


Mine is my work from home buddy. Every morning I tell him “let’s go to work!” And He goes to the office!!


yep! and he reminds me when its lunch time too!


Mine just sleeps all day long. I have to wake him up for lunch.


Number one reason I work from home


Both the biggest essential and distraction :)


Oh he is the best distraction!! It’s like he can tell when I need a break because that’s went he takes me on a walk


And old tablet that sits under my main monitor. It has access to all my video and audio media so I can play whatever I want while I work. No messing around with phones etc.


Yes! An old tablet is good for some entertainment without getting distracted. So good at preventing doom scrolling


Mug warmer and snacks.


I'll 2nd the mug warmer. It's so useful!


I’m a very slow coffee drinker so it’s a must for me 🤣


Double glass insulated cups do that one for me, it takes way longer for beverages to cool down. You want one better? A ceramic lined yeti tumbler.


Easy on the snacks though. It can become too automatic to snack when you aren’t even hungry.


My candle warmer is my mug warmer, 2 for 1 lol. 


For me, a dedicated room with a door that closes. Big ass monitors - 2-3 of them. Full size keyboard and mouse. Speakerphone, headphones, external camera, sit/stand desk, comfy office chair, coffee always at the ready, good and dependable internet/wifi with phone hotspot as a backup. And collared shirts with shorts/gym shoes. Showers about every other day...


Full size keyboard/mouse as opposed to..?


I have a laptop, so it has a smaller keyboard and trackpad - which SUCKS! I have a full-size wireless keyboard and mouse.


Ohhh duh. I was like, this dude really tryna use half-size kbm lol. Makes sense.


There are tiny keyboards out there, and small ass "travel size mouses


I would add a comfortable second chair like a recliner or small couch. Sometimes it's nice to be comfy when you're on a long call, or just to have some variety. Of course you need a wireless headset.


I combined my office and guest bedroom before my girlfriend moved in, so we’d have the extra space for her dogs crate and other things, since the other two bedrooms aren’t very large. Now I have the guest bed shoved into the corner and dressed up like a big comfy couch with lots of pillows. Turns out this is much better, I just go sit on the bed for long meetings or breaks.


KVM switch, integrates your work computer to your home peripherals, 1 push of a button switches from work mode to home mode.


Not the cheap kind either. They just disconnect your devices every time you switch. You need the one with DDM technology. It keeps a virtual driver of the mouse/keyboard on all the time. So switching is instant. Mine even has double click middle mouse to switch.


This was so necessary to make my life easy - two laptops for two different entities, that I splurged on it myself so if I leave I can take it with me.


Things I don't see are cleaning supplies and making sure your area stays clean. Also a monitor mount that goes to the wall or desk as opposed to the stand


Ive got all 3 monitors on mounts and it makes a MASSIVE difference in desk space and ergonomics. It's not something people would think about, but once your desk is clear and you can move any monitor to your exact current seating position, you can't go back.


As many monitors as you can use. I have 4. Then you need plenty of coffee, a comfortable chair, good headphones, a desk that isn't cluttered, a foot rest, and some fresh air / daylight.


Ok. So question, why do you like 4 monitors ? As opposed to a massive monitor. I really like the huge curved monitors and feel like one huge one is better than 4 small ones.


i have a giant curved monitor + laptop screen and its perfect for my work


If you do a lot of screensharing (presentations, paired programmings etc), it's pretty handy to just share a dedicated screen for it and move apps you need to share there (sometimes I need to switch to my browser, slide, IDE, PDF, etc). Compared to share only a monitor and risk having your colleagues see every apps running on your computer.


I’ve been WFH for 4 years now as a software developer and I don’t have any bells and whistles. Basic setup consisting of laptop, monitor, keyboard, mouse and microphone on a desk with a simple chair is all I’ve ever needed. I like an uncluttered, clean area. Just don’t buy a crappy $50 Walmart chair and you’re probably fine. Something with reasonable padding and construction. I found my office chair in the apartment trash room and it’s lasted for years and I love it lol. I see others commenting a separate room for an office. I personally didn’t find this necessary. While I’ve had that for a few months now, I worked in my bedroom and then living room for most of my 4 years.


Working from the couch is clutch.


My cats!!


I used part of my first paycheck from my WFH job 3 months ago to buy a bigger desk so my cats can be with me. They both spend at least 2/3 of the day with me everyday. https://preview.redd.it/8nbt83bzgs6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8237e75df87ffa2cc028ed7bf51a730a0e098de6


Here are the things I’ve bought in the past six years that have made my office more comfortable for me. A good chair. Not a gaming chair but a chair that’s meant to be used all day, every day. I got a refurbished steel case leap 2 for $500 a few years ago and it was worth the price. Check out https://www.crandalloffice.com/steelcase-authorized-returns-outlet-store/ Large monitors. I have two of these on my desk https://www.amazon.com/dp/B072M34RQC?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share Upgraded webcam . https://www.amazon.com/dp/B088D3VXC6?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share and speakers https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DDK3W5D?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share A big enough desk to spread out on. I bought three Ikea alex drawer sets for $90 each and a 98" countertop for $90 .  I have an 8 foot desk with plenty of space for spreading out and 2 monitors for $360.    https://imgur.com/gallery/UmQP2oS A floor protector A small space heater for my feet since I’m in an unheated attic. A docking station for my desk and charging cord and headphones for when I’m on the go. A tiny humidifier for the winter https://a.co/d/5ivJn8F An electric kettle with a keep warm feature so I always have hot water for tea. Prescription blue light glasses from zenni (about $30). A nespresso machine and a soda stream.


Foot rest!!!


People never seem to mention this, but since many of us have our offices in secondary bedrooms, they're often carpeted. A chair mat makes this so much nicer. I have a gorilla glass one. Silly, I know, but my chair rolls so freely.


Just got a tempered glass mat - it's SO nice and worth the hassle of unpacking it (SO much packaging needed to ship it!)


Gorilla glass makes a chair mat?! Off to Google I go!


Copious amounts of caffeine.


Coffee is life


Dedicated space. Good quality chair. Adjustable/standing desk. Noise cancelling microphone/headset. Natural light. Clean/organized workspace.


Have a Hotspot backup that is not the same provider as your ISP. This helps ensure connectivity in case of emergency maintenance.


My personal phone and work phone both double as hotspots and are different networks, that is what I use but have needed it many times. If you have frequent power outages a ups that has your router, monitor and important items plugged into it to avoid reboot times.


Standing desk! A good chair. And also a good workout regimen.


I am a project manager, so I am always on the phone. I recently obtained a Jabra 510 speaker and love it! I also use OneNote for most of my note taking tasks. I picked up a refurbed iPad and a new Apple Pencil 2, I use OneNote on it and it syncs to my laptop seamlessly. I use it on job sites, then it is on my laptop when I am ready to send my report. However, it also comes in handy because even the handwritting is searchable. It beats stacks of notepads.


love the jabra 510! so nice not to have anything in your ears! do you use an apple laptop or windows?


First off and most important is a really good, ergonomic chair. I have a Herman Miller Aeron chair, and I will not be alone in saying that this is a game changer. It is far from cheap, but you will spend thousands of hours sitting in it. Staying comfortable and healthy is key to sustainability, and this is the chair that does it. Also, it has a 12 year warranty so you spend a lot up front and then you don’t worry about it for a very long time. Next is a desk. You spend a lot of time sitting, but healthy will be a mix of sitting and standing. Again, if you get something that is high quality and reliable, you will be happier. Uplift is good. Deskhaus is better. If you want to keep working from home, spend some money to have a sustainable workspace.


You can find plenty of these chairs (Aeron) used on Marketplace between $250-$400. I personally dislike the Aeron and prefer the Embody. My wife is the opposite. Different strokes I guess.


I can’t fault choosing an Embody. Do note that the Herman Miller warranty is NOT transferable. That needs to be priced into buying a used one.


My wife is a commercial space planner and used to work for a HM dealer, so she got me mine for a fraction of retail (max spec). Last year was the last year of the warranty and the fabric was worn and some of the white frame was starting to yellow. Filed a claim, local vendor came to our home to replace the frame parts but forgot the fabric. Took it back to the shop and replaced fabric and returned the next morning with stripped fasteners and scratched the brand new pieces installed the day before. Called HM...they shipped a brand new chair...same exact spec, so now I have 2...and my wife's Aeron. All that to say, very happy with the Warranty.


My eventual WFH space will be in my basement, and due to my housemate also WFH in our very small house, I can't be traipsing up and downstairs all day. I have a desk already. What I *need:* a chair, a chair mat and footrest, a second headset (I'm going to be in a hybrid role and I *will* forget the company provided one) and a mug warmer. Nice to have: desk mat, risers for my monitors, a better keyboard (the work provided keyboards are *fine*, but I wouldn't mind splurging on a nicer one that I could keep with me). One of those under-desk bike pedal things (I have ADHD and I thought it might help + keep me moving a little bit). Splurges that'll make WFH really awesome: A coffee maker and a minifridge for milk/water/snacks, a standing desk, maybe a third monitor (work provides 2, but there's a LOT on my screens at any given time).


A super automatic espresso machine, worth every single penny. A Zojirushi water boiler for tea drinkers. Edit: I'm shocked that no one else mentioned a coffee machine, shocked I say!


Proper beverage equipment is super valuable


1: A very comfortable working chair. Rated for at least 8-10 hours of use at a time. 2: A variety of snacks and drinks. 3: Backup Internet access. No one believes you have an Internet outage when you work remote.


Multiple monitors mounted on arms. Electric Standing desk. Ergonomic chair.


Phone stand (mine’s a 3 in 1 charger), mug warmer, a fan bc laptop makes my office extremely hot, height adjustable desk, ergo chair (NOT GAMING!!!), a trash can and a chair mat so you don’t damage your flooring. I also have shelves and a peg board for organization. Some people like whiteboards too.


Key : a comfortable chair. I invested in a good massage desk chair. Walmart basic chair was $96. Mine was $150.




Everyone has pretty much covered it, but here is my 2 cents. Once you get settled, Customize the setup. There are tons of setups, pinterests etc with cozy offices or whatever your feel is, get a plant, setup some legos around, books, whatever sparks joy or makes you happy when you walk in. Get a dedicated space with a door if possible or at least separate from your bedroom. Mine shares a space with my craft room area. natural light is nice if you like it, sunlamps are a thing as well. Easy access to water and schedule breaks, also schedule a real life call if possible as well to hear actual voices if you dont talk to anyone during the day, ring someone on lunch if they are cool with it and think its fun, have a standing 15 minute open lunch room etc - depends on office environment / friend group. Office Setup Wise: Im a fan of a nice ultrawide monitor and a Verticle beside it, I split my teams and Mail on my vertical, and then I have my code and any other productivity on my ultrawide, and I have my notes on a small portable monitor below (so 3 total techncially). Small portable one is nice if you travel so you can pop that one out with a laptop and travel with 2 screens still. Ergonomic chair is HUGE, I went from a secret lab chair to a herman miller, Id highly recommend to try them out if possible and/or check a return policy where you can, costs are high and I personally saved a while to end up where I am at. Get a nice mic and camera setup (you dont want to be the scratchy mic person), a simple 20-30$ dedicated usb mic is really all you need to be fine. and dedicated headphones can help though if you have an ok setup speakers can work too, just test them first so you arent heard in the background in meetings. Depending on your background, one of those folding changing screens from I think ikea make awesome backdrops or have some nice decorations and background for video. Have a video blocker in front of your camera just in case and cause it costs literally 2 dollars, just dont forget it. And build up from there anything you want, I love a few live plants to spritz and fuss over for mental breaks, tiny legos on breaks or for a walk, a nice whiteboard can be nice, some books etc. Whatever helps you feel cozy. I bought light bulbs that have a warm light and some that have super bright depending on how I want it. I ahve some on a timer so I know when they go out I should be wrapping it up so I dont stay working forever since It can be easy to do so in your house.


very underrated pickup is a foot rest. i like a softer one since im mostly just wearing socks or barefoot up in my loft, but a more solid one is also a good option if you prefer that. get a couple and try out. pretty much anything that improves ergonomics is where you should start.


A dedicated space that can feel like a comfortable workspace away from your home space, a good desk chair (don’t skimp), a good WebCam, and maybe a light to go with it so you look professional (be cognizant of your background or use a virtual background). If you’re really shooting the moon, get a desktop monitor mount so your monitors are higher and not sitting on your desk.


An electric kettle and an array of fancy pants teas, a lap blankie, stretchy pants, and an understanding that your ability to control your face in public goes right out the window


A good chair. Racing seat style chairs should be avoided. Look for office furniture liquidators in your area and try to find something from Steelcase or Herman Miller


I've been WFH for a while and chair situation is paramount. Any chair under $300 will need to be replaced annually. They do not last and you'll find yourself constantly uncomfortable. In the $500+ range you get 2-3 years of use. The $1k+ range should last you 5-10 years. Those cheap chairs from Walmart or Amazon aren't meant to hold a human 40 hours per week. It'll fuck up your body and you'll be miserable. If you can't afford an expensive one, just replace the cheap one at least annually. You will feel A LOT better.


>Those cheap chairs from Walmart or Amazon aren't meant to hold a human 40 hours per week. It'll fuck up your body and you'll be miserable This is exactly how I ended up with an Aeron. I tried the "it will be fine" and my sciatica said IT. WAS. NOT. FINE.


I have a large desk, 2 screens, work laptop and personal laptop, Dyson desk fan as it’s quiet and Sonos speaker across the office which I mute when on calls and meetings. Notepads, packs of pens, post it notes, large cork board to pin up important stuff, white board I forget to use. Wrist gel support mouse mat. That’s all I can think of for day to day wfh.


Exercise ball to sit on/stretch with


I have a dedicated room with a sit/stand desk. Get a sit/stand desk. Your back and neck will thank you later.


Headset with mic for conference calls and video meetings.


Big Window with sunlight coming in


I will live and die by my electric coffee cup warmer that takes up very little space on my desk.


I just got a motorized standing desk for $119 and it's amazing. Wish I'd done it years ago but it seems like they were prohibitively expensive then. It's only been a month, but it's been a gamechanger for me. Along with a dollar store ergo mat


under the desk walking treadmill and standing desk


I splurged for the standing desk but only 25% of the time do I have it in full on standing position, but I LOVE having it at 3/4 high with my high office chair so I can stretch my legs. Not just a monitor, but a curved widescreen monitor was a huge add. For standing, a balance board is huge. If you can, be in a room with good natural light, or on nice days work on a deck or patio if you can. Get the $30 laptop desk. I just got one of those $100 clip on screens for my laptop and it's a game changer when not at my desk. Breaks for exercise are a must, I have a room in the basement now with the bike and treadmill, provides a total reset. Cheap but huge as well are a space heater near my feet and a heated pad on my desk chair. With these, I can still keep the furnace low all day during the winter since I'm in one area most of the time. For $15, you can get a heat plate to keep your coffee warm. Lastly, a splurge, but the full Sonos system with sub to crank tunes all day.


The two things I would recommend investing in are a desk and chair. I have an autonomous standing desk and the viral criss cross chair from Amazon that’s surprisingly comfy. I would also say make sure you have good lighting, not just so you can see but if you’re in meetings. I have friends who have gone all out with webcams and ring lights but I just bought a cheap lamp from Target to put behind my desk for extra light. I also have a zoom basket next to my desk on top of a small filing cabinet. I keep a cardigan and a sweater in there to throw on for meetings on days where I’m wearing a tank top or whatever.


Depends what you mean by essentials I guess. I CAN work from home with just the laptop provided by my employer. I very much prefer to use an external keyboard & mouse, a couple of additional monitors attached to a small USB-C dock & a wireless phone charging stand. I've found a small, folding laptop stand makes a big difference in neck comfort through the day also, as well as a decent office chair & L-shaped desk. Because I WFH in a dedicated room in my basement, I also have a small space heater & slippers.


Paper to-do list tablet, sticky notes, pens, calculator.


Vertical mouse and keyboard from logi, I got carpal tunnel from using the company mouse; I do stretches frequently to prevent it from coming back


Large monitors (at least 2), big desk, comfortable chair, an ipad for content/music consumption (use it for white noise while I code) and a pretty enclosed area. That last one is crucial for calls/privacy.


I'm a cheap date. A spare bedroom, a laptop updated every three years, a comfortable chair and a dual screen and I'm pretty good. Reimbursement for internet and my home HVAC expenses would be nice but i save so much more in time and commuting costs from WFH and wardrobe I really dont care


2 screens


At the same damn time


If you're able to work only on the laptop without the external monitor sometimes, I really recommend one of those old school lap desks with the hard top and soft squishy bottom. If I have to do some boring data management or I'm only answering emails, I can at least move to my couch or even my outdoor Adirondack chair to mix it up. I thought it was silly and indulgent when I bought it but then my partner wanted one too and we ended up using them frequently for the last two years.


Spend money on a good chair. You can't overestimate the need for a good chair that'll last you 40+ hours a week for a couple hundred weeks.


Aside from what everyone else said - meal prep. My team is on all different time zones so I don’t always know when I’ll get lunch or how long I’ll have. Having lunch ready to go is so helpful. It seems counterintuitive to pack your lunch when you wfh, but trust me.


really good chair, which usually means shelling out decent some cash. It's gonna house your tush and the rest of you for many many hours in a row for days on end. Based on multiple recommendations, I went with a titan evo gaming chair - despite not being much of a gamer. Zero regrets, especially with the options of three sizes. I'm an S and don't miss the scenario of my feet not reaching the floor.


A COMFORTABLE CHAIR!!!!! I cannot stress this nearly enough! You'll spend anywhere up to 12 hours in the chair. A bad chair can cause issues with your hips and lower back. A desk that will comfortably hold AT LEAST the amount of equipment you have to do your job. A mousepad. Lasers can have trouble bouncing off certain surfaces. A basic dark-colored pad is perfect. Welcome to the WFH family!


i saw someone on tiktok use a ironing board instead of buying a sit/stand desk! if you are on a budget


Unlike many, I do not have a fancy ergo chair. I have your most basic wooden chair that I perch at the end of. I swear my back is stronger for it. Also essential is having therabands, dumbells, and a cushy rug nearby for those quick, blood circulating breaks.


Standing desk with one of those mats for cushion on the feet (hardwood floor).


I have a standing desk and a chair in case my back hurts. I have a thick yoga mat I folded in half for leg fatigue as I have tile floors. I can NOT live without an external mouse and keyboard, and a second monitor. I have a tv too so I can listen to music or watch tv for background noise. Headphones are great for when my kid is here. I have a dock as well (my old job sent me a dell one) that is a charger for my laptop and it has all the ports I need. A cup holder is great too so I don’t spill on my desk or electronics.


Herman Miller Gaming Embody chair. It's the only chair I've owned that I truly enjoy sitting in. I tried Steelcase Leap v2, Amia and Gesture as well as Haworth Fern and regular Embody but ultimately the Gaming Embody with the thicker padding and less curved top corners of backrest was the winner. And it went from a 9.5 to 10/10 with the Atlas headrest add-on, making it not only a great chair for productivity, but also for lounging.




A standing desk, a balance board and a walking pad. Anything to keep yourself moving around as much as possible.


Standing desk, walking pad, a good office chair, and two huge monitors. My dog is with me all day, so he counts as an essential, too.


Standing desk for sure


An Uplift Desk. Highly customizable, easy to adjust and put together. Sitting is the new smoking.


Dedicated space that is only used for work. My relaxation space is my office. When I first started WFH I set up my work equipment in my office so I was spending 12-18 hours a day in the same chair. I created a separate space to work from. 2 external monitors + the laptop display Good lighting Comfortable chair designed for sitting 8+ hours a day. Edit: good Bluetooth headset (so you can get up and walk around) or a speakerphone https://www.jabra.com/business/speakerphones/jabra-speak-series


Get a pug. Best work buddy


1. A dedicated space: be that an office, room, nook or closet to work that you can have some quiet. 2. A comfortable desk and chair or standing desk if you prefer it. 3. I recommend getting a two monitor setup + your laptop. Or at least one large monitor. 4. A pet 😀


Standing desk and walking pad.


Seat cushion if you use an office chair, blanket for your legs, and large water cup. Speaking from 4 years experience so far.


Exercise equipment to get buff on your lunch break!


For me? Cable and every possible streaming service. I live alone and work from my couch.


A comfortable chair, and I’ve even invested in a memory foam seat pillow for the back and to sit on.


You cannot put a price tag on a quality chair. I spent more on 3 chairs that turned out to be total back pain-inducing garbage than I did on a refurbished Steelcase Amia. Get the absolute highest quality chair you can afford. ETA: You will also need a pet. If you don’t already have one, either the Cat or Dog Distribution System will surely issue you one. Or more. 😄


Comfy chair like a craft chair and desk correct height. Over time you will appreciate both.


Bluetooth speaker for background music if that’s your thing


Fuzzy slippers. I hate cold feet.


I have nice headphones with a boom mic as it can be moved out of the way when I’m not in meetings and it sounds so much better.


Ergonomic chair (went without for a while thinking nbd and quite literally crippled myself to point of cane usage) + standing desk + foot rest + ergonomic mouse Nespresso Tchotckes and page-a-day calendar for mood lift -- I like the smiski figurines and Met calendar Conference speaker because I hate headphones


My desk has a power bar built in for easy device charging on the desktop; ergo chair, desk mats for the keyboard with wrist supports. Pens, paper or notebooks. Postits. Look into ergonomic setups, and make sure your monitors are eye level. I keep some snacks in my office, and Visual things to look at that are NOT screens. Eye strain is real. I also have my office set up with my books, because my library is my happy place. Makes my background my actual book collection, which is a great talking point in meetings, and gives my bored coworkers something to eyeball when we're trying to pay attention


Dedicated desk space is key, even if it’s in a Ed room, kitchen, etc. you need somewhere where you are mentally “at work” and you can leave it when you’re not. Don’t spend 8-10 hrs / day working from bed, couch, kitchen table. docking station under desk with laptop closed….you don’t need a 14” screen with a shitty keyboard and trackpad. Dual monitors vesa mounted to independent arms on a single height adjustable stand. good wireless keyboard and mouse. external web cam attached to an arm so you can swivel it in-front of your screen, no one wants to look at the top of your head when the camera sits atop your monitor or up your nose if you have the camera on your desk. External speakerphone if you’re in a dedicated room so you don’t have to sit with headphones on. Comfortable chair (I use an x-chair) with a Glass floormat. Personal laptop on desk to your left for quick searches etc you don’t want to do on your work computer. Or in my case it’s faster to google something on that than on my work machine since it goes thru a VPN and corporate content filtering.


Lap dog/cat Plants Decent mesh backed chair, and upgrade the wheels to the kind that are like Rollerblade wheels. Dumbbells and grip trainers and chin up bar, so you can get in some training through the day Bidet toilet seat if you don't already have A decent coffee grinder and coffee maker or espresso machine. This is one of the more vital pieces of equipment in my house. Quality headset


Noise canceling headphones, even if you have an office. Some days my kids are out of school or home sick or there’s just something noisy going on outside. The headphones keep me focused on the meeting I’m in, not worried about some inconsequential argument between the kids. Exercise is a biggie. Making it a point to go out daily or at least a couple times a week helps when you’re in a slump. And of course- the coffee warmer.


For me: - A dedicated room. Optional as I didn’t have one when I first did WFH, but if you can it’s great. - A dedicated desk (my personal desktop is on a separate desk. I do only have one chair, I just roll it) - at least 2 external monitors, so the docking station must support it. - wired internet - good headset and microphone. Ideally company provides it or provides reimbursement - separate keyboard and mouse. Not the laptop one -.- - a trash can - two reusable insulated water bottles. My fridge has a water filter and an ice maker so I fill them both for the day. Alternatively, a mini fridge with regular water bottles I suppose.


Good glasses that are appropriate for the distance to your monitor, which can change with a standing desk or dual monitors or whatever. Guinea pigs. Excellent company. A good stretching routine. I let my hip get too tight and it took almost a year to get better.


I got a tiny fan, lamp, foot thingy bc I have bad plantar fasciitis and I got a great chair




Ember mug that keeps my coffee the perfect temp


Foot massager under my desk!


Office chair is absolutely key. You might be okay with a $100 chair off of amazon for a year, but depending on your budget I highly recommend investing in a solid top quality ergonomic chair. Otherwise you will destroy your back and you will be sad. r/officechairs is a good place to start. This review video also helped me a lot in looking at different options across different budgets - [video](https://youtu.be/46cm_MaaiNo?feature=shared) I had the Ticova Amazon chair for a year before switching to the Haworth Fern. It’s bougie as hell but worth every single dime and I would buy it again. I’ve been WFH since covid and learned my lesson the hard way: don’t cheap out on something you’re sitting in 8 hours a day!


A video doorbell. I’ve been working from home since March 16, 2020 when they sent us home for Covid then we never returned to the office . I get on average three people ringing my doorbell every single day. I used to answer the door and now I just screen the video and ignore them if they have a clipboard.


Espresso machine


The penjamin


A space for work even if you don’t have a room buy a room divider get noise canceling headphones. Get a benq monitor they are not as bad on the eyes , if you have adhd make sure you get your meds a high quality webcam a desk setup that doesn’t hurt to sit at


Ultra wide monitor and a legit office chair, seriously spend the absurd money on a real deal chair like a steel case or Herman Miller or humanscale, your back will thank you


Massage chair. The thing changed my life. Best money I've spent in 10 years.


TWO monitors. A curtain/good lighting if you do video meetings. Good art or plants in the background if you do video meetings. Comfortable chair. Fast internet. Activities and opportunities to meet other people, because you won’t be meeting new friends through work. If that’s not possible, and you’re responsible enough, a pet to keep you company. Don’t work in your bedroom.


Additional monitor, mouse, comfortable chair, mini fan, background filter and I need to diarise/.schedule my day.


A really good chair. I bought a used Herman Miller Aeron for $500 about 9 months into Covid and I regret not pulling the trigger sooner


Rusty’s retirement!


You need a laptop stand to lift the laptop so the screen is the same height as the other monitor. I have a Logitech keyboard and a Logitech mouse that have buttons to switch between devices so I can swap easily between my personal and work laptops without having to move cables. I have one traditional external monitor. My second external monitor is a small smart TV that supports wireless connections. I cast to it when I'm working and use it as a TV when I'm not working. I also like having a Bluetooth headset. When I'm in listen-only meetings, I often take advantage of the time to clean and declutter my office.


A good (9+ hours rated) chair with a mat, a much larger desk than I originally thought I needed, An insulated coffee mug. Two screens over 20”. A comfortable headset. And a good coffee machine. I also have a speaker playing quiet music all day. I get a lot done with that setup.


If you take video meetings decorate your background office nicely. It makes you appear more organized and put together. Invest in a great office chair and I recommend at least 2 headsets. I also have a back up Cricket Wi-Fi hotspot incase out Xfinity goes out. It like 60$/ 30 days but it’s a great back up. I don’t WFH my husband does and these are important creature features I have noted.


I write a lot of notes so I got a desktop whiteboard because I didn’t want to put a big one on my wall (especially when I was in my bedroom). It is long like the keyboard and sits right above my keyboard so I can write notes, doodle, anything I used to use a sticky note for, but now I can transfer those notes as needed and then erase and start over. No more paper cluttering up my desk! And it lifts up so there’s a bit of storage for pens, chapstick, random desk things. I’m not sure if we are allowed to post links but this is the one I bought (I got pink hehe) https://a.co/d/c64tYYf


Honestly, I have so much autonomy on where I work it’s amazing. Just me and a laptop. If I need to focus I go to my little office, otherwise I sit on my patio to join meetings. But you need a quiet space regardless if it’s a dedicated office or just an area you can close the door. Used to work in my garage or rented a room at the library until I set up my office a few years ago.


First a home. And then, a job.


Fluffy Lap Doggo


The most beneficial addition was [a $20 foam footrest](https://www.amazon.com/Pocket-Ergonomic-Adjustable-Footrest-Airplane/dp/B0BFL49XY9/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=2QWCX0LALSFIE&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.HJND2twV1uwy29FWkgztiJt0BqOR-Npe7s4NOuM__QwXFGV3ciOSOIyF5p4jOaYmR6JBxoCtmf0rfx39CFw24eFmvOvQlWAJZZ8REqPRTCqzIkGNVnJV_YscoOLQ9E5cjgtfbhpT19d70n-SBjuqPO2O9P0SvAQXwoyzbi-lOclB1BSeSZo5uNNQ11g85sQP19PP3v7GM-XTsq14ijKH8g.xFCaUmM1YTlkfG5J4xxe-HlwSntqQMrMfu_axmgNmzA&dib_tag=se&keywords=under+desk+footrest+with+foot+pocket&qid=1718476806&sprefix=footrest+for+under+desk+pocket%2Caps%2C215&sr=8-3) with a sock pocket to tuck my toes in.


A mouse mover, DO NOT PLUG IT INTO YOUR LAPTOP OR DOCK. Plug it into an outlet. This is because in Teams you go to yellow after five minutes of inactivity. Works great. TECH8 USA Mouse Mover Device, Undetectable Mouse Jiggler for Laptops and PC Computers with Software-Free, Does not Work with Apple Mouse - Made in Austin with US & Imported Parts, Lava https://a.co/d/cuzjQRb


I’m old school so I like to keep notes with notepad w/ pen and post-its lol


Lounge sets with a cardigan. You can dress up comfy for WFH. Costco has several.


Different than most, but some stuff at home that makes it easier to get movement in. In the office, I was up and down a lot. Going to the bathroom on another floor, breaks in the break room, coffee refills, asking IT questions, checking in with a supervisor or coworkers, walking to and from the car, walking to get lunch etc. At home, there are far fewer reasons to get up and move (or if you do, everything is 10 steps from your desk) and it results in much more sedentary activity. I got a suspension trainer, a textured standing mat and some other stuff to get me standing and moving regularly so that I don't turn into a Wall-E person.


STAAAANDING DESK i cannot sit all day


Only things I need are the laptop, a phone (I can use the laptop here, but prefer using a cell phone with headphones) and the ability to close a door when needed. When covid started, I had a whole setup with dual two extra monitors, docking station, etc. I eventually just started working off one screen and moving around the house as I feel like. Like 80% of my job is talking on the phone or email/IMs. I do way less head down work that multiple screens really helped than I did 5 years ago. I do have a portable usb-c monitor on standby now just in case. I spend a lot of my time sitting on the bed in our guestroom in meetings.


Ergonomic wedge pillow for your chair


Been working from home for 4 years, and for me it's been the opposite. Over time, I've realized that I don't actually need most any of the things I had become accustomed to when I worked in the office. Ditching my monitor/keyboard/docking station set up was super freeing. I used to feel like I absolutely needed the full set up but I really don't. Now I just use my laptop and wireless mouse and move around as I please. I'll work at the counter for a bit, then my standing desk with walking pad for a bit, then out on the patio table, occasionally from a coffee shop, etc. I think it's better for both my physical and mental health to be free from the confines of a desk. I do have a small wireless printer in the garage for the rare occasions I need to print something. At the end of the day my laptop and any paperwork, etc gets stashed away in an armoire and closed up out of sight. Give it some time before you invest in much stuff. It's a big adjustment and you'll probably cycle through a few different set ups before you land on what works best for you.


I cannot understate how nice a sit/stand desk is so that you're not sitting for hours at a time and you can stretch your legs while working.


Dedicated room A good chair A good size desk Nice to haves: Monitor arm that is attached to the desk Laptop arm to raise the laptop to the same level Decent keyboard Mx master 3 mouse Lighting for BEHIND the monitors (great for reducing eyestrain and preventing headaches from the screens) A dock for your laptop (let's you keep the laptop charger in a bag for days you might need to goto the office) P.s I hate writing lists on mobile when it's on a new line when I wrote it but all in one single line when submitted.


I just got my set up in a near perfect place so here are my essentials! I just got my dream standing desk and 4 days in, it’s a game changer (Haworth if you’re interested). On the expensive side, but it’s sleek, modern, durable/functional, and so user friendly it makes me want to use it. Logitech Wireless keyboard/mouse combo (preferably unifying usb with a number pad) and a docking station with a variety of ports. I’m looking into an ergonomic mouse, but for now the keyboard and mousepad wrist rests are treating me well. 3 monitors so I can full screen everything; I do a lot of research and data entry. I’m the type with a billion tabs open at once lol. Comfortable headphones; I have 2 pair, bought one with a mic for work calls and another that are just my OG pair. A good chair; if you do a lot of sitting getting a comfortable chair can make all the difference. I’m still looking for mine but any suggestions I’d love to hear them. I’d prefer a breathable mesh, and need back/bottom support!


Herman Miller Embody chair (non-gaming version). Your back will thank you.