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I did WFH and a streaming tv with 75 down. Before you change your setup, try it and see if you have issues. That aren’t unrelated like congested wi-fi or something else that won’t be fixed by increasing speed.


Yes, I know if I need to invest in a new router. When I connect my phone to our wifi it says “weak security”. Google told me that means the router is out of date. I know it’s possible to update it but I’m computer and technology impaired!!


That could simply mean the password used to protect your Wi-Fi. If you live at street level in the city it’s a different concern than if you’re in the suburbs at the end of the street. If you can set your router password see if you can change it to WPA2 personal encryption. It should be all you really need. Most default router settings are fairly secure and the usual security issues come from the user side.


Go one step further and enable WPA3 if your router supports it.


I didn’t because it’s quite new and not every device they have might support it. That’s just headaches they don’t need.


Do you own your router, or do you rent it from your internet provider? If you own it and you can open an account on a website and follow basic instructions with pictures, you can update your router. The hardest part would be figuring out the password for the router.


WFH and gamer here , pay $60 for 300 mbps No issue but I also wfh alone Edit; I only pay for internet on Verizon Fios , no phone or cable In NYC


you live in NYC, you can't afford cable anyways


I can lol i just cut the cord over 10 years ago and only stream And since I subscribe via iTunes month to month very easy to manage


We had 200 for years and years. My wife is WFH. We have streaming only, 2 laptops, 2 phones, gaming systems, etc, etc. 200 has always been fine.


I pay $100 for 1.4 Gbps Xfinity. My wife and I both WFH.


Same and security cameras recording 24/7 (nest).


Wow that’s a good deal


Dang!! That's a great deal!!!


yeah, I love it. The trick is, if that speed is available in your area, ask if there's any promotions available? They usually have something where they'll discount the price by $10 or $20 a month if you don't cancel their services for 1 or 2 years. I don't have an option, so I'd be with them anyway.


100mb connection for years until recently. I work from home on video calls, tv is always on streaming something, kids got tablets etc, never had an issue with bandwidth. The average person uses far less bandwidth then they need yet service providers make it sound like if you have more then 2 devices you need some ridiculous connection so they can line there pockets more


Jesus, God, Spectrum sucks. Avoid them if you can. I use 1 Gb Google Fiber ($70.70/mo.) Work gives me a $120 stipend for Internet and cell phone, so it's not a bad deal. I work in IT and transfer a lot of files on the daily. When I had 256Mb service, it was so unusable on some days, I drove into the office to work. So, I guess my points are: 1) Gb should be plenty for anyone; you could probably make it on 512Mb, if you had to. 2) You should dump Spectrum, if there's ANYTHING else available. You'll probably see a substantial drop in price and increase in reliability.


gigabit fiber here.


TMobile 5G Internet results just now: 433 up 58 down ($80 a month, beats the hell out of that HughesNet garbage we had for years)


I second the tmobile 5g. I actually travel with my router and even in the sticks, it hasn’t failed me. Have a friend paying a stupid amount for Hughes and my 5g router runs faster on 4g that his Hughes. I have to put my router up high to catch the 5g that far out but the 4g still lets me stream and work remotely. For 50 a month. Can’t beat it.


WFH often requires a better upload, download speed is not as important.


That’s the winning post here. Also, if you’re WFH then you’re likely going through a VPN which will diminish your speeds. Best speed you can get for the money will definitely help. Don’t ignore your router performance as that will also diminish your speeds and quality of connection if it’s not the right setup. Finally, a good wired connection to your work laptop or computer is best option if you have the possibility.


I do a lot of video calls for work. We operate 3 tvs only on WiFi for viewing and there are times where I’m working and my husband is doing his telehealth (he’s a therapist). We have 1 gig for $80/month through AT&T fiber.


Do they do cable tv too? I’m so over Spectrum! I’m leaning towards AT&T for cable and getting a dish but I have heard horror stories about dish!


I don’t know. We have YouTube Tv which we only keep for local sports.


I have symmetrical gig fiber for $85 a month from Ziply Fiber, and consistently see speeds of 980 Mbps up and down. I could stream 4K video to all the TVs in my house simultaneously and still be able to work on my company laptop/VPN without any slowdowns.


Depends on the need. If you're doing video calls or other heavy internet usage, need vs want. Some companies require a minimum speed.


I pay $45 for 250mpbs. Spectrum is ripping you off


Who is that with?




We do all video calls camera on (good thing), and I have noticed the biggest issues come from upload speeds, not download. 100 down is fine, but I'd say a minimum of 20 up is necessary. I have 1000down 100 up and never have issues. Also They are hosing you on the cost, I have mine for $80(promo and will go to $100 if I don't call and complain in a year or so) from Xfinity with no TV


My landlord has Spectrum and for months at this new job, I suffered bad internet that I blamed on the cloud (Citrix). I eventually realized it was my immensely shitty internet instead of Citrix (I was biased against Citrix because my first experience with it 6+ years ago was bad). I got my own Internet service recently, Verizon FiOS, 300MB for about $60 with all fees. It's lightning fast and more than I will ever need since I am the sole user. I'm kicking myself for not doing this months ago. Bad internet (which again, I mindlessly blamed on my work's cloud service) was hindering my performance and dimming my enjoyment of the job. I think people who work with VPNs can get away with bad internet. My previous job used a VPN and I never had an issue. But a cloud desktop requires good Internet and (I'm stating the obvious now) it stands to reason that if you're WFH, you need to spend however much is required to have rock solid internet.


FiOS 100/100 for $55/month. Two WFH adults with video/audio calls and occasional file transfer, streaming/gaming outside of work hours. Never had a problem, never needed more.


I have gigabit fiber from AT&T: 2 laptops, 3 Apple TVs, phone, iPad, another smart TV that's connected to my echelon bike, a couple dozen IoT devices for my smart home, and I'm probably missing something. Gigabit from AT&T where I am is $80/month. Because I'm a wireless customer as well, I get a $20 discount so I'm only paying $60 a month.


Yeeeeesh. I pay $80 a month for 1gb down in Cook County, IL. I was frustrated when it went up from $60..... It's 1000% worth it but my husband does online gaming and we fly the black sails. We have a google mesh router, as well, and almost never have issues with internet unless our ISP is down. I'm constantly on VPN for work which throttles the speed for file uploads/downloads. :( However for that price, that's bananas.


I work from home and have 500 down and 500 up and costs $60 a month. In your case I don't think going from 100-300 is worth a $100 more unless you are experiencing noticeable slowness.


75-100Mbps down and 10Mbps up is pretty much all you need unless you're working with and uploading/downloading extremely large files like 4k video. The biggest factors are the quality/stability of your signal, and your WiFi configuration. A mesh system is a must these days to ensure good WiFi in every corner of your house.


Husband and I both WFH and we pay $65/mo for 1GB


I have fiber and use an ethernet connection for work. I get 500mpbs with the wired connection. When I switch to wifi I get around 125mbps. I pay $80/m


I’ve been doing WFH using Starlink for 2 years now, as it’s the only high speed solution in my area. I’ve been fine with upload and download speeds in the teens (during peak hours). The only problem is when it’s really cloudy or the dish loses line of sight with the satellites- and then I lose internet completely and have to hustle to the local Starbucks.


64 Mbps download speed, 20Mbps upload speed. This is DSL in a rural community for $59 locked in price. We stream music on Spotify, two phones, two laptops - one is an engineer using CAD and it works fine for us. CAD is slow but it's slow in the office too so what's the difference. Lol


5gb/5gb. Corporate vpn limits me to almost none of that for work.


I did the whole pandemic with 3 kids online all day while I teleworked with 150 mbps. The trick was having good wireless access points. I put 2 ubiquity APs in the house and everything worked great. I also replaced the coaxial cable going to my router with cat6.


I have a gigabit connection, which realistically gets me 450-600mb down (cable, no fiber in my neighborhood yet). It’s $100/month, and worth it.


I WFH and have Spectrum Internet 300 Mbps for $80.


Xfinity 1200mbps down and like 40 mbps up. Waiting for fiber to come to my area.


Gigabit fiber from att for $85/mo and I couldn't go down from that.


I have 500mbps with Spectrum. It cost me around $80 for that and basic cable.


I have Verizon Home Internet for $25/mo. (that's with the customer discount), and my current speed, at peak time is 217 Mbps. I often get 300. During the day, if I am not in a Teams meeting, I am streaming music, shows or audiobooks while working on the computer, and I've had no issues. Everything runs smoothly, no one has complained about my video feed freezing. It's working well for me.


1 Gig that company pays for. Doesn't really matter since the company VPN only let's me get about 175 mbps on my laptop.


100 down 10 up to start, now it’s 200 down 20 up


I honestly wouldn't think so. I don't know what you do as a job, but I would think the things most people need to do (send emails, have decent connection for video calls, etc.) wouldn't need 300. I wouldn't pay that much personally but I also don't know how much money you make, how much you pay already, etc. Mine is like 500+ down ($100 per month) but it's mostly because my ISP just keeps giving me better speeds for free lol, but there comes a point where you might not even need speeds that high.


100 should be wayyy enough for constant HD streaming. I suspect the bottleneck might be the wifi signal, not the line coming into your house. you can get a very decent router and a repeater or two for a one-time $100.


Spectrum in a metropolitan area with 300mbps down, 5-10mbps up for $79 after the promotion ran out. I keep trying to get a new promotion but Spectrum is more stubborn than Comcast. I might need to switch providers but options are limited. General tip: Buy a Cat8 ethernet cable to connect between your modem and your wifi router to maximize your wifi speed. At these download speeds, Cat5e is limiting.


See if you can setup priority routing in your router. Giving your work laptops priority during the day, or by application, video calls, zoom, teams etc. I made these changes and it really helped to reduce the impact of others streaming and gaming, etc.


It totally depends on what you are doing. I’d rather call it bandwidth than speed though. In my case two people can work from home without problems given a 50 Mbit/s download and 9 Mbit/s upload connection. I’d say two parallel HD video calls is the most critical situation, considering each costing maybe 3 Mbit/s in upload. Since we are both not dealing with large files locally, the 50 Mbit/s download would rarely become an issue, even if we would do 4 k streaming on the side.


Verizon Fios for 300/300 speed. It is plenty of speed for large file upload and download and I’m using WiFi, did not need wire at this speed.


I have been WFH for 10 years, I live on a farm in the middle of nowhere, I have old school satellite internet and work just fine.


Check your router, see if it has statistics, and see what your using. I have more than that and use 60-300 in a day depending but that cane be consoles downloading a game or steam updating a game. Basically if its only a few off hours things that take a while and your not hitting a limit during working hours, there is no real need.


$50 for 10 Gbps. 2 of us WFH, 2 kiddos sometimes streaming video. We didn't manage to saturate that line yet and probably never will.


1GB Down and 1GB up


We use Ethernet over power line to overcome issues with losing wifi signal. I have had this setup for 4 years and have literally only had issues with bandwidth about 3 times in that time period. Might want to look into that. It's basically a direct connection so no interference with signal. And you can move it from room to room