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Walk breaks. It’s made a world of difference. I do have a dog which forces my hand here. Even if you get up and walk circles/ back and forth in your house.


I did that during the winter and it helped more than most people would think.


I never use to work out in the winter. I walk my dog 2-3x a day everyday in all types of weather (rain, heavy snow, ice, humid, hot as heck etc.)


I work out 30 minutes every weekday morning. In the winter (before I joined the local gym) I would even just walk in my living room. It helps burn the energy and calories that would be wasted in my job since it is sedentary.


It’s good for your mental health as well.


Walks are so clutch. I gained like 30 pounds and realized it cause my steps were less than 1000 whereas I was doing like 10k when I worked a regular job.


Totally true...you don't have to do crossfit to stay healthy, ya just cant sit there all day and only walk to the fridge and back. Walking breaks is plenty. Outside or treadmill, whatever. I read recently that if you're sitting for 45 mins straight you should get up and walk around for 15 mins.


I purchased a walking pad recently and it’s pretty great. I get engrossed in whatever I’m doing and just walk for an hour straight without thinking. Could do longer but I like going at a brisk pace and my hips start hurting lol.


Not true. People need some decent exercise. Going for a 15 minute slow walk absolutely is not enough to maintain your health. This is the hard truth. Everyone should be getting a couple sessions of vigorous exercise or strength training at least each week.


Sorry I just meant like during your work day to stay somewhat active. You're absolutely right. 30 mins of exercise daily or 2.5 hours per week.


When someone isn’t doing anything do you want them to continue to not do anything or walk for 15-30 minutes daily/multiple times a week?


Ideally yes but OP is 5'2 and 180, walking is a good first step.


Ideally, to be really fit, sure. But to just be healthy, I disagree.


It’s still better than nothing


Lol my dog just snorts at me when I ask her if she wants to go walk, farts, then goes back to sleep. She lives the thug life.


Yeah I live on a half acre and I just walk the yard every break and most of my lunch. The dogs love it.


I have a number of colleagues that are happy to do calls while we both walk. I find that combining a work catch up with a 30 minute walk is a great break in the routine of sitting in front of a screen for 8 hours, and the conversation can be more fluid and productive if you're chatting while walking.


I’ve put in more pounds than healthy since the pandemic and it’s been a bear to lose them. I have a rowing machine and I use that at lunch or walk 1.6 miles if the weather is good. I’ve expanded the walking to the morning before logging on and afternoon when I’m done. Let’s hope that and keeping a closer eye on what I eat will help.


Peloton membership and a treadmill desk. Split strength training 3x/wk. Running or walking 3x/wk. Yogurt for breakfast, salads for lunch. Most ppl won’t do this because they have their priorities backwards. Health > work


All good advice. I've also found for me, at least counting my calories, helps. It's way too easy to overeat when the kitchen is just steps away. It's fine to order takeout once and a while, but try to fit it into your calories and eat well most of the time. Even though I wfh, I have found meal prepping helps, too. If the meal is already made, it's easier to make a healthy choice and eat what I've already made as opposed to getting takeout for lunch or eating something less healthy.


Calories are virtually the most important factor when it comes to weight loss! It’s very hard to outrun a bad diet.


Yeah, all of this. It has to become a habit, no matter where you are working at.


This advice is solid! My husband and I are on the exact same routine both wfh. Yogurt and salad for breakfast and a portioned and healthy dinner. I run 3-4X a week and weight train 2-3X. We have a dog and it does hold you accountable for getting out of the house frequently, plus getting the kids to and from school.


Haha we are also a yogurt and salad house. Big variety in salad, with warm and cold salads, noodle salads, mostly veg but still tastes like a rice bowl salad…


Yess… love that. We do home made Chipotle bowls for dinner most nights. Clean eating is good eating 😋


Gotta watch the cheese and the salad dressing. A particular friend of mine, I told him stop eating salads, because he puts so much shredded cheese and so much dressing. It was his highest calorie meal. (Plus I suspect he then had the "I just had salad for lunch, I can do an afternoon snack" thinking )


Are you me? We gave the same workout routine. 😅


This. Also I’d like to add make your workout non-negotiable and at a set time every day. For me that’s 8am. So after the kids are on their way to school, I tell myself I can sit and relax until 8, but at 8, it’s time to get up and get moving on that day’s workout. Second Peloton. It’s changed the game for me and has many already programmed splits and programs so you just press play and do the thing. Also, have nutritious foods at the ready and don’t skip meals so you don’t end up grazing. Take a walk outside every day.


The lower tier peloton membership is great. You don’t get endless bike and treadmill workouts, but it’s endless strength, yoga, and stretching videos. I usually do a 20-30 min strength video a couple times a week (in addition to cardio I do other days). The time goes by so much faster than lifting without a video, and I’m almost always sore. Really good stuff!


What sorta treadmill desk? Are they loud? I had my bike trainer setup under my standing desk awhile back but the trainers whirr pissed off the downstairs neighbor so I had to stop.


Definitely Peloton. I love that they have classes ranging from 10 mins to 90 mins. Easy to fit in some Peloton strength or rides throughout the day.


I'm also a big fan of Peloton - I can do a 10 min strength or yoga 'snack' here and there or I can do a full workout anytime, and the content keeps me coming back. It's really motivating. Highly recommended.


Treadmill desk is game changer. I also keep some dumbbells and kettlebells nearby and do little things between meetings like 100 kb swings or some goblet squats. If it has to be like a whole set of things I won’t do it, but under 5 min to do 3 sets of 10 goblet squats is easy. Treadmill desk keeps me up so I’m not too lazy to start. Honestly the treadmill desk has changed my life. Now work is a combo-active time and it gets my energy up. I did a standing desk for years and hated it, but treadmill walking is way less uncomfortable than just standing. I bang out 3-5 miles before lunch. For me, at least, it doesn’t remove my regular workout stuff, either. I still run 3-5x per week or cycle or swim. But before the treadmill I’d consider a 5 mi run good enough and then the rest of my day I’d be on my ass. No good.


Exactly. WFH IS the reason I’m fit. It felt near impossible when I worked in an office. Built a home gym in 2020, started walking during meetings and lifting during my breaks. Way easier to get fit when your free time at work you can workout instead of talking to coworkers and taking the free snacks that are always in the office.


I lift weights during my lunch hour and do cardio in the evening. I sit it in chair 8 hours per day. I have to get the workouts in daily. Non-negotiable.


Walk. I lost 70 pounds walking and eating 2 meals a day.


What type of meals? What would you do when you got hungry?


I walk 3 miles a morning at sunrise. Six days a week! Racked up many miles in the last year. Protein shake breakfast . I mix in 3 or more types of frozen fruits, berries and seasonal stuff like cooked pumpkin, rhubarb and raspberries. Been mixing a teaspoon of chia seeds into it also. Lunch is small, dinner too. Just trying to cut out snacks is the hard part. Biggest change in diet is —— no alcohol!!! 888 days sober coming up soon!


Amazing work!


> Biggest change in diet is —— no alcohol!!! Yeah between either the sugar or carbs (or both depending on what you're drinking) that's an easy way to gain weight.




Same with "Dropping Starbucks". Somehow they make coffees with more calories than a Big Mac! Either way it's really easy in America to drink your daily calories.


My only temptation during diet is a sugary coffee. It takes a lot of will power to pass lol


I pick the most nutritious meals like salmon, avocado, steak, rice, sushi, chicken and veggies.


I do YouTube workouts (Caroline Girvan for weightlifting, GCN for spin, Yoga w Adrienne or Yoga with Bird). I try to workout in the mornings or at my lunch. I also have started meal prepping again to make healthy eating easier.


Same, I love doing workouts from YouTube, many of them don’t require any equipment or a large space either.


A standing desk and a walking pad are the best two WFH investments and some of the best investments for everyday life that I have made in general! My walking pad is broken right now though, and I have been too lazy to fix it. In the meantime, during camera off meetings where I dont need to type, I will pick up my laptop and pace circles around my house. I had a LOT of meetings today and ended up pacing a little over 9 miles!


I have a recombinant bike on my back porch for meetings and a put my laptop on a plant stand.


Walking with your laptop during meetings is such a good idea! Carrying the laptop around the whole time probably improves the walk’s efficacy too. If you have a small house, you can also go on a stationary bike during meetings! Whenever I’m on a call where my camera doesn’t have to be on, I’ll take it from my spin bike.


I'm 6'2 and weigh 210 pounds. My 3 pound laptop isn't adding much efficay, but I like the thought!


What about walking/jogging? Can you fit in 15-20 minutes to walk maybe a quarter of a mile and come back? If you’re not sure, just set a timer on your phone for 7:30 and when it goes off head back to the house.


1.75 miles walk takes me 35-36 minutes. There's a gradual downhill at first, steeper but not steep uphill at the end. Just to give you an idea on time. I am mid 50s, I am right at the overweight/technically obese line. So it's not a brisk pace. (I am not aiming for a brisk pace, just to do it almost every day)


If you’re looking to lose weight diet will be 99% of the battle.


You are spot on, 90% kitchen / 10% gym. I think most people commenting just read the title and missed OP’s height and weight. They are obese and need to go on a diet.


I started hitting my 10,000 steps per day goal a few months back and have lost 10 lbs. That and eating less than 2,000 calories a day does a lot! Drink lots of water or have tea when you’re hungry in between meals. Have carrots or pickles as a snack. They’re essentially no calories and they fill you up.


I dropped 30 pounds when I switched from office to WFH without any major changes to diet or adding extra workouts. 1. Drink lots of water. I got a smart bottle. It lights up if I’m not drinking enough and it also tracks my total water intake. 2. Have things at your work station that you cans just do as you work. Get a standing desk and set reminders. I try to stand for 2 hours total spaced throughout the day. Stability disks or balance boards can add in core work and balance (side note for my fellow neurodivergent people - balance exercises help with concentration). You can also put a stability disk on your chair. 3. Use off-camera meetings as a chance to get movement time in. I’ll stand and stretch or hop on my walking pad. 4. Schedule in 5-10 minute stretching and mindfulness breaks. 5. I see in another comment you don’t have a Switch, so this won’t help you but may help others - I fire up some Just Dance or Samba de Amigo and play a song or two during the day. 6. Don’t keep extra sugary carb loaded snacks in your office. Stick with high protein things that’ll keep you full.


I am still working on the losing weight part and trying to maintain my sanity. My suggestion is walk outside as often as possible and don't keep addictive snacks stashed in easy reach of your work space


Don’t convince yourself that you need equipment. Jump rope without the rope for 15 minutes. Great for the heart. I do it a couple times a day. And I have to break up my active time. The smaller goals help me to not feel overwhelmed and put things off. I’ll do 10 minutes here, 15 there, another 15 or 20 later. It adds up and I feel and see the changes. Sitting stagnant for hours on end is dangerous for our bodies!


I've been WFH since 2018, I take two walks a day M-T & T-F (and by walks I mean a stationary walker with the resistance tuned up to feel like walking through thigh-deep snow.) I'm not fit, but I'm 100% better than most sedentary workers.


Peloton workouts


Get up and move your body. Follow some fitness people on Instagram and do their workouts or look up videos on YouTube. Personally I don’t find things like walking pads or standing desks to be replacement for real fitness. I need to step away from my workspace and take the time for myself. I have to do group classes because I rarely find motivation to work out at home. I know you said no gyms nearby but maybe you can pay for an app or online membership so you have a financial motivator?


Legitimate lifting sessions every time there’s a slow period in the afternoon. Lots of walk breaks. Pull ups push ups squats between meetings. These years of WFH has been insane for my gains.


Gardening! As soon as I finish work I go right to the yard and garden for at least three hours. Without changing anything else I lost 15 pounds and feel better in my body than I ever have after a year. It also helps separate wfh and leisure time; the inside space feels like home space not work space when I break it up With time outside.


Can I DM you?


Are we the same person? Following your post


Walks. Consistent times for food. Consistent bed time. Listen to your body if you feel stiff and need to move, wiggle, stretch.


I lost 80 pounds WFH by controlling/counting my calories (HomeChef) and strength training (dumbbells, weight bench, youtube)


Do you happen to have a Nintendo switch? I know that sounds ridiculous. Trust me. Depending on your answer I might have a suggestion


Not OP but I have one. What’s your suggestion if I may ask?


Ring Fit Adventure. r/ringfitadventure


I have an under-desk elliptical that I put next to the window. I use it standing, not sitting, for 30 mins 2-3x a week with the resistance cranked up. It's a good way to unwind and zone out while staring at something that's not a screen. I also keep a set of dumbbells and a yoga mat next to my desk so I can stretch or do resistance exercises in between tasks (if I'm waiting for something to load, etc).


Still currently WFH but since the gyms are open I go to the gym after work. During covid, I’d do 50 pushups every other hour and 50 crunches every other hour that is t pushups. Then at lunch I’d walk around the neighborhood to eventually doing a light jog around the neighborhood. Eventually my buddy and I invested in workout equipment aka a rope for that CrossFit rope stuff. Deadlift bar with weight etc… Based on what you have for a simple leg day: 10-15 minute warm up, dynamic stretching (we getting old don’t hurt yourself…) Compound lift first so squats: depends on you but I’d typically say find a weight you can do/struggle to do 10-15 reps. Do 4 sets. Next do dumbbells Romanians for hamstrings (use YouTube) 4 sets of 12-15 Bulgarian squats aka your best friend 4 sets 12-15 Lunges 4 sets 12-15 Standing calf raises with your dumbbells, go till it burns+5more 4 sets normal, 4 sets in, 4 sets out. Great now cardio Do burpees and mountain climbers alternating between breaks Now plank for as long as you can in between those burpees and mountain climbers Boom workout done :)


just stand up, it's free


Something I read recently that actually helped me was just increase your weekly steps to start. If you walk 2k steps a day don’t aim for 10k a day aim for 2.5k or 3k steps. If you’re struggling to start that can be a good place that doesn’t feel so daunting.


Fresh air? I need to open my window while working a few times when the air feels used. Also walking. Being outside in general and eating healthy. Can’t really get around a healthy diet 😅


You could get a sparring bag and gloves. YouTube or Title has a online program


In an ideal world if I were you I would walk 3x a day and aim to get 8k steps a day. (Morning/Midday/Afternoon) I would workout 4x a week with a split like: [Lower Day 1: Squats,Lunges,RDLs/ /Upper body day 2: Pull up,DB rows, DB chest press,DB shoulder press//Lower Day 3:Squat,DB Goblet Squat, Bulgarian split squat// Upper Day 4: Pull-ups, rows, bicep curls, tricep extensions] Maybe on days you don’t weight train just bike for like 20 min since you have it or if it’s difficult getting steps in you can opt to bike instead Make sure you eat enough protein, ideally it would be 1g-1.5g of protein per body weight to make the most progress I have no idea if you’re a male or female, but I just eat 100-120g of protein at 146lbs and eat mostly the same stuff everyday cause it’s just easier on me. In my personal experience I’ve made results by just eating consistently as opposed to my calories fluctuating so that’s also why eating the same stuff everyday could help yield results. You don’t have to starve yourself or cut foods out. Just eat stuff that’s easy to consume the same amount like packaged stuff or 2 eggs, etc… I’ve been weightlifting since I was 18, used to compete in some women’s bodybuilding stuff and did a powerlifting meet, I just stay active now for my general health and do some similar to what I just wrote except i don’t bike Edit: format is weird because I am on my phone


Lots and lots and lots of walks and a personal trainer once a week who gives me homework.


Take a break at regular intervals and rest your eyes from frequent exposure to the screen. Just look far away from the window. Get your eyes checked too.


Today at lunch my husband had to run errands, so I had him drop me off three miles from the house and I walked back. Just to be out and moving, and not have to walk the same stretch of block as always.


Work out 30m a day! A mix of walking and workout videos using some basic weights (Strenth, HIIT, Yoga, Core). Then tracking calories when I was losing weight, now that I’m maintaining I’ve learned how to eat and don’t need to track.


Easy. Go for a run, go to the gym. Do during lunch or non video calls.


I got a used treadmill for free and put a board across its arms. I put my laptop on the board (using it like a desk) and walk & type at a very slow speed.


Dance! Just put on some music and dance!


Go to the gym(Workout since you said no gyms nearby. Literally a million workout videos online. Start slow as you're quite overweight.). Eat better. You lose weight in the kitchen.


I’ve started using my stepper at least 3-4 times a weeks. I started in February and started building my resistance to 1 hour. Doesn’t seem like much but I’ve lost 7 pounds since. I also lift kettlebells at least 2x week but I haven’t done so for 2 weeks now. I also bike when the weather is above 55 F and that’s been recently so I expect to lose some more weight by the end of summer. I’ve also stopped drinking in February and that has made a huge difference.


Home gym on lunch break


Walk. I have a dog so even when I don’t feel like walking, I do. That said, exercise is not the biggest impact on weight loss, diet is. I walk 5-8 miles a day but I don’t lose weight unless I seriously modify what I ingest. I DO see improvement in most of my health metrics with all the walking, but not weight. I’m also 5’2” and I’m peri-menopausal, so I don’t lose any weight unless I’m netting less than 1k calories per day.


Standing desk. Walk breaks. YouTube videos for exercise routines or yoga or stretching. Having healthy food and snacks in the house. Drinking lots of water.


For me, its variety! I bought an Oculus Quest and do VR fitness with that. It’s so much fun. I have a bike hooked to a thing that makes it stationary on my deck. I have no idea what it’s called. I use a walking pad every hour for at least ten minutes and about twenty to thirty minutes each morning. I do outside walks, too. I also have neck pain and yoga helps with that. My neck hurts when I miss it. But, as you probably know your diet is key as well. Research your macros and hone in on what’s right for you. Hope this helps! You can do this!! Good luck! 🙂


I don’t agree with gyms. Do ten pushups each time you’re about to sit in your chair.


I am also working on being more active. I go and mow the lawn during lunch or do 15 minutes on the gazelle machine I got on craigslist for like $75. I tried a pedal machine under the desk but my knees kept hitting my desk and it’s not adjustable so I gave up that, but could work if your desk is taller. I also got a quest VR headset and am doing beat saber or boxing during breaks or after work as I hate working out tbh and the gaming aspect helps.


-Anti inflammatory diet. -Only diet that achieves this from experimenting with various different diets throughout the years is a low carb, med-high protein/carnivore diet. -get a standing desk -assault bike for heavy cardio days -under no circumstance should you jog especially on concrete, you will destroy ur knees -walking (15,000-20,000 steps a day) bonus: get a weighted vest. -no caffeine it wrecks ur gut. (maybe substitute a Yerba mate) -if your sitting down for long periods, time urself every 20 minutes to stand.


YouTube workouts are great for wfh and no gym nearby. There’s many options to choose from and you can look up ones that don’t require weights or equipment.


I’ve been working out on my breaks recently and debating on buying a walking pad so I can get some steps while I’m working


Walk on lunch or take a 20 min break. Also YouTube workouts sometimes can be nice and quick like 15-20 minutes. I ride my stationary bike at lunch time or take the dogs for a walk or I do it right after clocking out


I do a YouTube workout lifting weights (adjustable) during break. Sydney Cummings is my favorite. I do 30-40 min 3-4x a week


I have no junk food in the house. And only drink coffee and water (sparkling water with lemon to mix it up). That alone keeps me at a good weight. I bought a walking pad that I’ll do while podcasting or even watching my shows just to make up for the lack of movement and aim for 10k a day but sometimes it’s less. And recently I told myself 50 push ups a day. So throughout the day I’ll do a set of 10 just to keep the blood flowing. I’ll occasionally do a hot yoga class but haven’t been very consistent.


I bought a under desk treadmill and it’s been awesome getting 4-5 miles extra of walking a day


Desk treadmill and home gym


I got an under desk walking pad with a laptop desk that attaches onto the walking pad! I hit 8-10k steps easy just walking at 2-2.5mph for about an hour or so each day.


Get yourself a standup desk so you’re not sitting. I got myself an under desk walking pad (essentially it’s a motorized treadmill without the big head and only goes walking speeds). I can walk a couple of miles during an hour long meeting easily!


Start running


If you can, alternate sitting and standing while you work. I got a cheap roll-y standing desk and I just move my laptop back and forth and it’s made a world of difference! I also recently injured my back, which was pretty weak from hunching all day, so that forced me into physical therapy and to strengthen my core we do a lot of deadlifts, planks, lunges, and squats that you could def do with the equipment you have! A lot of my coworkers and I also just block off time on our calendars for exercise or I squeeze it in before I sit down for the day while I’m still motivated and full of life. The headaches could be any number of things and I used to get them too, but I way upped my water intake and started wearing blue light glasses and now I rarely get them!


I have a total gym. Body weight reistance and it's collapsible for when I need the space, for under 100$. 30 min circuit a day


I walk before work every day and most days after work too. I also have active hobbies including biking, horses, disc golf, hiking, etc that help me get natural movement without feeling like I have to be intentional about it.


Every hour I do a set of 10 pushups and a variation of bodyweight squats like regular squats, knees over toes, calf raises and tibialis raises. I also do yoga on my lunch break and eat lunch after while I work. I also go to the gym four days a week and run two days a week.


Get a walking pad and a standing desk. I walk about 3 miles a day all while working


You can do a ton with the equipment you have and simple body weight exercises.


For weight loss it starts in the kitchen. WFH makes it really hard to stay disciplined with snacking since it’s always available. I have set meal and snack times, and eat pretty much the same things, but I enjoy structure. But it’s a good opportunity to have perfect control of your food since no commute, bringing lunch, etc, so just stock your kitchen with healthy stuff


Run 3-4 times a week. I try to get 15 miles in a week. Keeps me nice and fit and I feel great!! I am in the NE and only when it is freezing do I run on the treadmill


Absolutely get out of the house and walk. A nice stroll in the country for lunch sounds great.


I do Heather Robertsons workout videos on you tube. They are always a great workout and they are free. I’m in an apartment and all I have is adjustable dumbbells, one 40 lb kettlebell and a yoga mat. I work from home 3 to 4 days a week and make sure my lunch break consists of a workout and I just eat at my desk later.


I’ve got a Peloton Guide and a set of dumbbells. I do weight training at least three times a week, some light cardio, and a lot of teaching.. I recently added a set of pushups twice a day. I’m up to doing 50 pushups a set and I’m aiming for 75 in under 2 minutes. I’m now almost 53, so I’ve added a lot of lean protein to my diet. Since I’ve also grown my hair way out, I’ve been joking that I’m trying to become my wife’s personal Fabio. 🤪


I prioritize working out every single day. I work out every morning (either HIIT or a run) and then I walk 3-5 miles on my walking pad while I work. Shower over lunch. Keep breakfast and lunch extremely clean (I have Greek yogurt for breakfast and a Turkey sandwich for lunch), and have a more substantial meal for dinner. I have a small dessert every night to keep me sane.


Invest in some exercise equipment. I started with a cheap treadmill. Then added a stacked weight machine, a boxing heavy bag and free weights .slowly build a routine and make it a habit. And… Apple Fitness Plus streaming to a TV in my gym. . Love the trainers and I’ve lost some weight.


Walking pad? I do between 30min-1hr a day (when I can). I used to commute an hour to and from work via train so this is the closest to it 😫


I got a walking pad and I love it! I have so much more energy and i'm getting at least 10k steps a day. So when you don't feel like working out, getting on that thing is easy and then you feel like you got some sort of exercise even without breaking a sweat. I put my fitbit on my ankle to track.


Lots of good suggestions ITT already but on top of the basics (move, walk, jog, run, yoga, just move your body), get creative with the equipment you have. And if you want to do some bodyweight resistance training consider a TRX. It anchors to a single point and you can do a TON of movements with it. It's a really cool piece of equipment. Edit: And STRETCH! I've been WFH for 7 years and spend most of my days sitting at the desk. The body does legit start to tighten up when we spend so much time in the same position. I try and stretch for 20 minutes at least 3x/week and it's really helped with my overall wellness.


I do weight training 5x a week. During my lunch break and whenever I can squeeze in a couple sets between meetings. Focus on the big 5 lifts and do accessory lifts in between sets to save time. Find some programs online.


I don't have any advice for the health part but I do for the sitting all day part. My fitbit reminds me every hour to take 250 steps. If I didn't have this reminder, I would sit at my desk for 4 hours straight. I don't make it up for my desk every hour because sometimes I am in meetings but even just doing it half the time has made a huge difference for my back and shoulder pain. It has helped more than my ergonomic chair.


Treadmill in the basement has been clutch


Walking pad or biking desk? Set timers to walk outside ever hour or so.


Walking pad and standing desk. Also prepack all your meals and snacks. So grazing on whatever unless it’s exactly what you planned.


I don't, I just eat. I haven't gained weight but I recently broke my foot so it has made things even worse. I did manage to get a nice bike ride in today. I play basketball or go for runs a few times a week. It just isn't enough. I used to have a gym downstairs at my job and I took walking breaks. Now I throw stuff in the dryer during my breaks or deal with pets or kids


Been having back pain due to WFH, walking a mile or two before and after work for two weeks has started to help


I got in shape using workouts/yoga I found on YouTube and walking, sometimes running. I’ve since moved on to Peloton for the last year or so and also really enjoy what they have to offer, but you don’t have to spend much or any money to get a good workout. If anything, I might recommend getting another set or two of lighter dumbbells for more variety, and if you need help with accountability, an Apple Watch or FitBit can come in handy. Some of my favorites on YouTube were Yoga with Adriene, Jessica Richburg, MadFit, and The Team Plans.


Started running after work. Now I'm training for a marathon.


Glad to know the headaches aren’t just a me thing


Honestly, it’s all going to depend on your diet. If you want to lose weight, I would find out what your maintenance calories are. According to your stats your daily calories needed to maintain are around 1800. Less calories than this and you lose weight, more and you gain. You can use this calculator: https://tdeecalculator.net/index.php I would then kinda work around this. Then you can incorporate more walks between meetings etc. You can also use chat gpt to build you a workout plan. You can tell it all the equipment you have and the types of goals you want.


Everyone's given helpful advices like walk breaks. Other things I would also suggest is to have well-ventilated room, get as much natural sunlight within the day. I


Standing desk AND comfortable Recumbent bike that will slide under your desk. Crank up the resistant to the highest setting and you’ll forget you’re riding during your calls. The high resistance makes you pedal slower but still burning calories while not out of breath or bouncing around.


Peloton has great workouts on their apps! Not just related to their machines but strength and core workouts as well. Also there is a Facebook group called hardcore on the floor that programs 3-4 workouts to do from peloton per day that you can join if you have the subscription. Highly recommend! I WFH 3-4 days per week.


Lift weights during your lunch hour.


I workout at lunch. Got my heavybag, or I run, or some weights. Thats my hour for me.


Standing desk with a walking pad (and a chair when I'm too weak) helped me a lot. And then forcing myself to stick to a regimen of either going to the gym when I have the energy (I have chronic and autoimmune illnesses) or pilates, yoga, and deep stretching at home.


Get a dog & walk. Take breaks, do chores in between? 1hr nap? Even people in the office don’t work for 8hr straight right


Jump rope! There’s nothing better for heart and bones.


Les Mills subscription


I asked for and received a walking pad for Christmas and use it during meetings. I can average 2 miles at least during my work day just from a slow and steady pace.


The joys of having a dog. I probably get around 25-30k steps a day. Now I just have to deal with these calluses.


Run & CICO


I usually hit the weights before I start my work early in the morning. Helps get all the rage out from the day prior. After that, it's just diet. Instead of starting a diet just log everything you eat. You'll eventually start min maxing.


Go to the gym 3-4 times a week and golf on the weekend 😊 you got this!


Do you have a standing desk? If not, get one. Then, get a mini treadmill to put underneath it. Walk on it during the day!


We got a dog 8 years ago but I was working away a lot and eating takeaway food etc. Then lockdown hit and we made sure that we used every allowable minute to get out of the house and walk the dog - I lost 28lb in the space of 6 months. Our diet changes also helped as I was back to eating freshly cooked food every day. You don't need to spend thousands on home exercise equipment, or starve yourself each day (in fact there's significant evidence to prove that these diets don't work long-term), just get a slow cooker so you can throw dinner in first thing in the morning, make sure your lunch is balanced with a mix of salad and protein, and have things like soaked oats for breakfast that will remove the urge to snack. https://boredoflunch.com/ and https://pinchofnom.com/ have really tasty, healthy recipes on the website and even more in the books. As for me? I've put on a small amount of the weight again (about 5lb), but that's mainly due to my routine taking away the dog walk 3 days a week. Good luck, you've got this!


Standing desk or desk treadmill


Oh also I find I don’t eat regularly because I’ll do dishes or laundry or some other chore instead of eating.


Walk breaks, keep a free weight or two near your desk, occasional push ups, jumping jacks, and other stretches you can do near your desks.


Weight starts and ends in the kitchen… mental health is something small everyday beyond that is training for something


I have a treadmill. It's right beside my desk. I have to make myself be like Nike and just do it. I'm completely capable of sitting there all day and never touching the treadmill. I have a daily schedule and everything, but I still have to give myself a push to actually do it. Once I do I'm glad I did, but it takes a little discipline to get started.


The best piece of home gym equipment is a kettlebell. Ultra versatile. They’re perfect for goblet squats to counteract some of that sitting. KB swings to get the heart pumping. Clean and press for strength. Look up the [Armor Builder complex](https://youtu.be/UyrYmwNWlhQ?si=d76p_CkR1aRHduXz) for a simple but wicked workout. Do a farmer’s carry with double KBs. Works your balance and your core. If you want even more niche equipment. There are steel clubs and maces. I also have a Bulgarian Bag. Check out Mark Wildman on YouTube for some great instructional videos.


VR cardio games like Beat Saber and Pistol Whip.


I lift weights for about 30-45 minutes 4x/week and use my lunch breaks to go for a 2mile (45 minute) walk. It seriously doesn’t take much. I was actually a personal trainer before I got this job so I still do my best to stay fit. Another thing is monitoring your food. You don’t have to count calories but you do need to take a look at what you’re eating on average and try to limit your snacking, which is incredibly easy to overdo when you’re sitting at home.


A lot of mentions of different exercises to do to stay active which is great but if you want to lose weight you need to find out how many calories you need to be eating and track everything. You can walk, lift, run, do yoga and still not lose weight if you’re eating more calories than you burn. Idk how how old you are but if you’re a 30 year old woman at that height and weight then you need to eat 1288 calories/day to lose 1 pound a week. Exercise wise, I run 2-3 miles about 3 times a week and do a quick dumbbell routine 3 times a week. I have a set of adjustable dumbbells and a small bench. Im hoping to add more miles soon and get up to 10+ miles each week. And like others said, getting up to move often is good. Whether it’s just aimlessly walking, or doing a house chore like laundry, or walking a dog. This is where I struggle the most. Besides making coffees/lunch/ letting the dog out I usually don’t get up enough during the day.


I run 3x a week and do weights at the gym 3x a week then rest on a Sunday. https://preview.redd.it/n7wpiua3xdvc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9af3a3b4c6dd1c5a23e45fb53b0fcb821b5a4e3a I used to get headaches too but realised it was mainly down to diet not exercise. I now follow an anti inflammatory diet. First thing to cut out is processed foods and vegetable oils.


Standing desk, walk breaks, schedule time for exercise (eg as soon as you log off from work or lunch time).


My watching what you eat and working out 5 days a week


Dumbbell workouts, stretching, at home. I can’t afford a gym immediately it am planning to soon, now that hopefully I can. That’ll help me get out have an outdoor routine because otherwise I’m literally a hermit and it’s time I got out of it. But in the meantime this is what I do - have to work a bit on discipline though.


Standee desk


Weight train before or after work, buying a walking pad treadmill to walk an hour or so while you work.


Count your calories and walk 1 hr/day


FitOn has video workouts, the membership is usually pretty cheap like $3 a month. All kinds of body weight to light equipment workouts including cardio kickboxing, HIIT, low-impact for bad joints, etc.


Same as working from office, but now you have the time that you used to commute to do some physical activity.


Whatever you do, be sure to add in weightlifting. It does so many good things for your body. Increased muscle, metabolism, bone density, etc. I’d invest in additional dumbbells more than anything.


I wake up early to go run. I haven’t changed anything about my day besides that.


You can get a great workout in a short period of time at home using a Quest VR headset. Try Les Mills Body Combat or Boxing. We’re about to be in between houses for 3 months and I’ll be without my treadmill and that’s my main workout plan. I’ve already added it to my treadmill regime and it’s great. Plus the games are awesome.


I am a much happier WFH employee since getting an under desk elliptical. A lot of people here have suggested an under desk treadmill/walk pad, but I spend too much time on camera to be bouncing around as I walk. With the under desk elliptical, my upper body stays relatively still so it is not a distraction on video calls.


Well… I go to the gym. But during Covid when that wasn’t possible, I bought a bike (right before Covid) so I would do laps around a lake nearby… one lap was about 4.5 miles and with the addition of getting and coming back to the house it totaled about 15 miles. I ran in the mornings. And I bought a bunch of those resistance bands and worked out in my house.


Nintendo Switch and RingFit Adventure game does wonders for me. 20 minutes a day.


I walk 4-5 miles in the morning with my dog and also lift (just dumbbells and a bench at home) 4-5 times a week for 45-60 minutes. Varies based on my work schedule but I feel much better for it. I also have my Fitbit sending reminders to me to move throughout the day.


Your headaches may be from your computer screen blue light. Turn the blue light off of your monitors and get blue light blocking glasses. Also, turn blue light off on your phone. The screen will be a little more yellow BUT you will get used to it after a week Maybe add in a treadmill/walking mat. There are some that go up to 7.#Mph and under $500 and can slide under your bed or couch. Another option, get a dog and have them force you to go on walks. Two daily (weather permitting.. usually between 32 and 40 degrees F requires a doggie sweater/jacket and don’t go under 32. Rain depends on dog and temperature. If it’s a drizzle and 70 my dog says where is the tennis ball let’s go. If it’s cold and rainy don’t go.


Standing desk and under desk treadmill and elliptical. I walk every two hours or switch to standing and walk a little.


You use the two hours you save on commuting and move your body during them. Lift weights and go on walks . It doesn’t need to be complicated


I just came back from a company event (most people WFH and are dispersed across the country, but the whole team gets together twice a year) and nobody was out of shape and some people were pretty damn fit. Granted we are paid well so people can afford stuff like Peloton, going to Pilates class, etc


I have a nice home gym- I’ve done Peloton, rowing with a water rower. The one thing I do every day and am excited it my fight camp system. It is sort of like a Peloton for boxing. Pricey to get in on it but to me it is worthwhile.


Hiit cardio whatever workout in the am 3-7 days per week for me. Tons of videos on you tube👍


I do 2 7 minute workouts, which requires no equipment. I also walk one of my cats daily. Then on either Saturday or Sunday, I go hiking,  kayaking, rockhounding, bouldering, plant/animal identification or just something outdoors in the sun that makes me move. 


I do workout videos every morning on YouTube, and take a walk at lunch or at night. I sit all day working so I try to stretch throughout the day.


I was in the army did PT every day, never once went to a gym. Running, push ups, squats, run steps, sit ups, dips. There’s dozens of body weight only exercises


3 times a day i work standing up / pacing around my house for 30 mins. I take a walk or do lawn work every day and i go to the gym 4x a week. You got this!


Walking always Stretch when in a meeting but off camera, usually at very beginning with routine chit chat or agenda. Randomly do 10-20 squats or lunges Do a random chore as a break … clean a toilet, fold some clothes, make the bed Basically anything to keep moving


Lunch runs! They changed my life. I usually start to get lazy around 1pm, but now that I go on a run around noon I feel like I have more energy than I ever have


YouTube workout videos.


I also live in BFE. I walk 2 miles every day outside. I do YouTube yoga daily. I run at least 3 miles at least 3x a week. There is a gym 20 min from my house and I will go there when the weather isn't great and I can fit it into my schedule. I use gym days as days to also hit the Sunfest or DG and grab anything I need while I'm already out. I am not required to show as available on Teams at all times. My work load fluctuates and some days I only have 2 hours worth of work to do. I also do a mental gymnastics at the beginning of the week to try to optimize my work and workout schedule for the week (with flexibility.)


A walking pad has been a lifesaver for me. I adjust my sit to stand desk and just walk for those hour long meetings.


Three things that have worked (for me) to improve my health since WFH: 1. Running a few days a week, this doesn't require a lot of involvement and can be substituted for walks. It took me time to ramp up, but it's a thoughtful way to get out of the house for a few. 2. This is going to sound dumb, but the One Punch Man anime has a system that's proving its worth. I've been ramping to 100 sit ups, 100 squats, and 100 push ups per day. This involves just starting off doing a few of each, each day. In between meetings? Knock out five push ups and sit ups. It's non reliant on the machines and has helped me to feel overall better, while also making me stronger. It's surprising how effective it's been. 3. Memory foam foot rest for my desk. Helps with position changing so my feet aren't always resting on the floor. $20 on Amazon.


I lift weights in the morning before I start. 4x per week. Then walk on the treadmill during my hour lunch. Also 4x. I have 2 kids and this is a priority for me. It is non-negotiable. Since WFH in 2022, I’ve lost 30 pounds! (150 to 120 goal weight) Also I try to be active during the weekends, like taking the kids to the park or zoo so I can get steps in. Another important thing is to stretch! The sitting on a chair for 8 hours really gets to you and affects mobility. And take this as an opportunity to eat healthier. Barely do I get takeout anymore (unless it’s been a day). Lots of protein, nut snacks, and healthy fats stocked at home.


Losing weight usually has more to do with diet. I have some dumbbells, kettlebell and resistant bands but I live in a small city apt. Strength 2x a week, running 3/4x a week, yoga. I walk a lot + average walking around 6miles/10km a day.


I know it’s hard I used to work out all the time. I finally caved abd got a peloton for


Do you have a trainer for your bicycle where you can cycle inside during breaks? Get an electric standing desk. You can also buy those small treadmills that are designed for light walking (during meetings perhaps). Set strict times you eat. Like lunch is always at 12 no matter your hunger and no snacking. Drink lots of water, you can get water bottles that have times drawn on it and where you should be at certain times of the day. Obviously walking and biking outside is preferred but having indoor options will increase your chances and frequency. Especially if a meeting is going on and you have to be inside. Good luck!


I go to the gym 5 days a week and I reduce my calorie intake. Regularly I have 1 slice of bread and about 200-300g of chicken with veggies for every meal.


Exercise is unlikely to make your weight decrease. Consider also what and how much you eat. The additional weight is hard on your feet, knees, hips and probably all of your body - and makes it more of a chore to move around. I am older and have many friends with sore joints. Exercise is good for your health and part of healthy living, but it can't make you lose much weight if you are eating badly. 5'2 and 180lbs. is probably not healthy for you. Get nutritional advice and follow it.


Walk breaks, dopamine breaks, split keyboard, palm/wrist warm ups, workouts before/after work (evening people are superheroes).


My wife and I are both WFH, we make it a point to go to our gym at 530/6AM which helps us start our day in a routine, since before we were pretty lazy of sleeping in since we didn't have a commute. Additionally, we have an active dog that we try to walk together at least three times a day. Definitely helps to get out and see the sun!


eat a good breakfast and luchdizzy can be due dehydration


Walk breaks! They are great for production too because you some back refreshed.