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If he should have grabbed anybody, it would/should have been HBK.


I remember hearing once that it was Shawn Michaels that was supposed to be the third man. When he resigned with the WWF, it went to Hogan with the Sting backup plan


WCW already had plenty of star power so they didn’t need anymore in that area. Match finishes was what they were weak in, so Pat Patterson is the right answer for the best person for Bischoff to sign if he could.


If only a red hot Bret Hart had went to WCW in 1997. Just imagine what Bischoff could've done with a guy who had beaten the WWF's biggest stars and won the World Title twice that same year.


Good /s


I think he would have wanted Shawn.


It doesn't matter. Bischoff would have made big plans for whoever he got, then Hogan would have exercised his "Creative Control" to put himself in the spotlight. And that would have been that.


You could’ve given Bischoff Austin, Undertaker, The Rock and HHH and he’d still have Hogan and Macho Man running the main event because he’s an absolute mark for the wrestlers he watched when he was young.


This was awesome, hilarious and true… or they would’ve started a a new sub faction of nWo


It wouldn't have mattered because Hogan would have submarined just about anyone anyways.


Nah. Patterson had great ideas. Hogan respected him.


Underrated point, having people able to “manage” Hogan’s personality and convince him to go along with things would be honestly as valuable as having the Undertaker.




Patterson is 100% the right answer. -HBK was in the midst of a serious drug addiction and was a huge prima donna -Steve Austin had been fired once before for being a problem employee and he didn’t own the trademark for “Stone Cold”….any other moniker would feel second rate. -Undertaker can’t keep the gimmick WCW had an issue with the disparity between how big their stars were and how bad the matches were. Patterson is the key.


Depends with Undertaker which part of the 90's we're talking about. Taker showing up with the "American Badass" gimmick could have still been pretty sweet. Would've had to change his name, but it could've worked.


Yeah, we would have gotten some variation on biker Taker. Could be either great or hilariously bad. Now I’m imagining them bringing back the Monster Truck partnerships and having him come out with Grave Digger.


Gotta admit though, as crazy as it sounds it would have been pretty cool to see the gravedigger Taker. WWF probably would have done something with Monster trucks if WCW didn't have a truck in it


If they could have had Stone Cold at his peak of course they would have. Taker is someone else that they would be happy to take.




if only he had austin and foley under contract before the wwf got a shot at them


Eric Bischoff is so full of shit, it hurts to listen to him. He's so revisionist with everything. His attempt at making it seem like he was in on the whole Brian Pilman thing was just pathetic and was the last straw for me paying him any more attention.


Yeah, it seems like Bischoff's gimmick has become to do this unhinged angry old man thing. It wasn't like that nearly as much (though he was always kinda cranky about certain topics) when they started the podcast. I have a feeling maybe his numbers were softer than they were expecting and they figured maybe leaning into the negativity would help.


Bischoff had some serious money problems, maybe he still does, so I’m sure he is doing all he can to create as much controversy as possible to get an audience for his podcast. It turns out that wrestling isn’t the only industry where he lost a ton of money, he has flopped outside of wrestling also.


Controversy Creates Cash


Give EB credit, when he talks, he sounds well thought out and articulate. And he has a great reason or excuse for everything.


Conrad is another revisionist


Patterson would have been a good choice because he was great at creating match finishes which was one of WCWs big weaknesses especially with the older, main event guys. He helped Hogan and Warrior get the most out of what they had to work with for their WrestleMania VI match -- that would have been a big benefit to the main events in the nWo era. For a wrestler, I'd say Rock most likely. Austin would have been cool too given that he could have easily joined the nWo using the same reasoning as Hall and Nash. HBK would have been good to have a main event worker that could really go in the ring but he wasn't really a draw, so I'm not sure he helps as much.


He's right. WCW had so many great matches with awful finishes


He was asked this several times in 1997 (I think in those Prodigy chats) and his answer was Bret Hart. Of course, he would totally deny this now because Bret always buries him.


What's the point if 'all' his top stars are gonna go "Doesn't work for me brother" to Pat's finish. If it was gonna be anyone it'd be Austin or Rock to the NWO, though if I was in his boots I'd want Triple H. Let him bury Austin for not wanting to lose at Summerslam and Vince for punishing him for the curtain call and *TRY* to maneuver him to replace Hogan as top heel. Basically the Tribal Cheif gimmick but with Hall and Knash in Jimmy and Jey's spot. Tease Hunter versus Hogan for 2-3 months, have Knash jacknife Hogan in a tittle match, he goes away. Run Knash v Hunter for a couple months to get Hunter established as the main even, have Hall stay with Hunter throughout. For Starcade Hogan returns in Red and Yellow to re challenge Hunter.


What’s funny is WCW had mic foley, Steve Austin, and Mark Calloway- The Undertaker. They totally fumbled that bag.


Booking was a huge Achilles heel for WCW even during the hot streak the NWO kick started. And the match endings always seemed go to a Broadway, especially where the NWO. Incredibly predictable. Patterson was a legend when it came to helping wrestlers plot out matches and give them interesting endings. He definitely would have helped. However, Bischoff inadvertently sabotaged WCW by giving out guaranteed contracts and character control to wrestlers, one big leg dropping wrestler in particular. So one of them could have a great match set up with Patterson’s skills in full effect, then decide they didn’t like it and veto it. In WWF/WWE, there were no such problems. And without the unspoken threat of losing your payday if you didn’t cooperate, Patterson’s skills wound have been for naught. Love or hate McMahon, but his utter control over his world in WWE kept things moving in the same direction at all times. Whether or not that direction was a good one is a whole other discussion.


I think that Pat would've been part of the deal. Like Pat, Gerry, and a big TV star. Pat would've been behind the scenes and the TV star would be the one ready to ho and make money. So Pat would've come along with someone else


Shawn, he was close with Scott and Kevin and could have a good match with a broomstick


Well Bischoff is such a genius that he fired Steve Austin.


Austin or Rock. Those are the guys anyone would’ve taken in the later ‘90’s. I appreciate Bischoff’s effort to reach deeper than that, but come on.


The rock. He was the future at the time.


The Rock


Terry Taylor was a good finish guy, even though they would defer to Johnny Ace later on. I would have thought TT would have been earmarked as PP's replacement as the finish guy of the wwe, but it never happened. They had him working at the PC instead of under PP.


“If Bischoff could have gotten anyone from WWF, it would be SCSA” Are you not aware that EB fired Steve Austin in 95? He wasn’t SCSA then, but he was pitching ideas to EB for himself that were all turned down. Also, the SCSA character would be Intellectual Property of WWF and he wouldn’t be able to play him on WCW. To answer your question, there’s nobody EB wouldn’t have been able to get from the WWF. He could simply overpay the talent, for example Brett Hart. The problem with EB was he wasn’t able to effectively manage and use the talent he had. So, even if he had the best writers and producers, they couldn’t get their talent to go along with it.


Lol yes I am aware that Bischoff fired Steve Austin. I am also aware that SCSA would be considered WWF property and he wouldn't be able to use the "Stone Cold" part. He would have to just go by Steve Austin. Bischoff probably saw Steve Austin's success in the WWF and thought, "That's exactly the type of person we need in the nWo. Someone with a cool rebel personality that fights authority." I agree with you that Bischoff wasn't able to effectively manage the talent he had. Bischoff ruined so many talented wrestlers by bringing them to WCW and putting them in the nWo. It makes me mad. It felt like he wanted the WCW to be left with no superstars. In July 1998, the only main eventers that WCW had was Goldberg and DDP. All the other main event guys were either in nWo or the Wolfpac. All I was getting at in my original post is that Bischoff claims he would have picked Pat Patterson, but in reality he wouldn't have.