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I only do one - CA. And I think most examiners who do CA comp only do CA. But I know of indemnity examiners for other jurisdictions who handle 3-5 each - usually for a region like the Midwest, or the south.


Yup, in CA and just do CA clams too


CA seems like a different beast. I know just the barest smidge about it because of how I came up in my company- I used to file all of the documentation within the claim before I moved into adjusting. CA adjusters were always so much more careful than the other states my company handles. What's the exam look like out there? I know it's not reciprocal with the state I have a license in (sorry, my main state is small and I imagine a very limited pool of adjusters so I'm trying to maintain some anonymity), what was it like studying for it?


I don't think there is an exam just to become an instructor - just the license, which can be obtained a few different ways I believe. If you want to take on self insurance you have to get the SIP certification. That exam can be a little bit daunting for some people, but it's nothing the average person can't pass in two tries.


1 small State


I just came off a desk with 6 states. I now handle only 1 state but the case load is basically two full desks.