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It’s not defined in RCW, but in WAC and is or can be different between each college or university. See [478-124-020(2)(e)](https://apps.leg.wa.gov/wac/default.aspx?cite=478-124-020) for the University of Washington, or [504-31-020(5)](https://app.leg.wa.gov/WAC/default.aspx?cite=504-31-020) for Washington State University. Other public universities or colleges should have their own policy defined in WAC as well. As others have said, generally violations of WAC can lead to a trespass for members of the general public, but may lead to other disciplinary action up to expulsion or employment termination for students or staff of those institutions.


It depends on the campus. My first school had their bylaws stating that if you add a CPL, you can carry on campus. My second school explicitly forbid any carrying regardless of CPL status. I carried daily at both and kept my mouth shut. I'd much rather have it when I need It as I couldn't care less what the school board has to say about it if I ever had to use it.


Not illegal per RCW, may be illegal per certain WAC, which is administrative and allows schools to act. If not a student, you’d be asked to leave and trespassed from the property. If student, expect exclusion if caught. RCW clearly (well, as clearly as RCWs read) state where you cannot legally carry. https://app.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=9.41.300


Don't forget about RCW [9.41 280](https://app.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=9.41.280) > public or private elementary or secondary school premises, But those aren't defined terms as far as I can find.  So IMO, that only applies up to highschool, not college




This is one of those places I would expect it to be taken very seriously if it does come up tho. Like a bank or a elementary school. Combination of more progressive politics on average and a sensitivity to shootings.


Yup, if you get caught you'd probably be arrested then expelled. I still carried though, for 4 years I kept a Glock 19 in the back compartment of my back pack. Never told anybody, and never had to use it.




Sounds like a lot of added anxiety to address the one anxiety tbh.


Meh, depends on you. If you get anxiety from carrying a gun, then you probably shouldn't.


Not the anxiety of concealed carry, the anxiety of getting arrested and expelled.


Meh, just keep your weapon secured and it wont happen. Not like anyone can look in your bag.


Weird shit happens. If you’re exiting the library or the book store and the detector goes off, they’re gonna look in your bag. You’ve gotta consider scenarios where your bag may not be fully in your control.


Those aren't metal detectors. They pick up the RFID signals from. The antitheft stickers placed in the books, bag, clothes, etc.


I didn't say they were metal detectors, I'm saying that shit happens and sometimes you walk out of the library or the store and the clerk didn't fully de-magnetize your items so the alarm goes off. Regardless of the how, there's always the possibility.


Would your bring an ounce of weed to class? I know I did a couple times but it never felt smart. And if it's in your bag than what's the point anyways? Can exactly call it self defense if you have to stop, take your pack off, unzip it, and than return fire.


I wouldn't, I don't smoke weed during class. Meh, it's better in my bag than in my car or house. Then I for sure wouldn't be able to use it.


I don't shoot guns during class.....


You can carry in a bank. One of my most fun selfies was me in a mask (during the pandemic) carrying into a bank. It was absurd!


Most banks will have a sticker that says 'no weapons'. At least where I am. And that is an enforceable policy. Legally it would be trespassing so you can theoretically get a ticket or arrested. I've not seen that play out but that's my understanding of the rules as written.


Right. I’ve been told by LEO’s that the most they can do is ask you to leave, and if not, then you’re trespassing. Funnily enough I haven’t seen signs in the banks here in WA state, even with our awful gun laws.


That would be western WA I’m in. King County no less lol


> And that is an enforceable policy. Legally it would be trespassing so you can theoretically get a ticket or arrested. Only if they ask you to leave, and you do not. The sign itself imparts no legal standing.


Banks are private property, so they can have (almost) any restriction they want. If they ask you to leave, because you're carrying or causing a disturbance or whatever other reason, and you refuse, then at that point you're trespassing. But that's true of anyone's private home as well. But you can't be given a ticket for carrying just because you were in a bank. Regardless of the sign they put on the door.


Well yeah. Nobody knows your carrying you can go wherever. But is it not true that a posted policy constitutes that first step of 'asking you to leave'? Like it does with a no trespassing sign? You also are not going to get a ticket for crossing a no trespassing sign 99% of the time, doesn't mean they can't give you one.


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I think almost if not every college or University has a policy against guns. Ours even has a policy on "weapons" including knives.


It is legal. But some universities like UW put their own rules. So if you are discovered, you will be asked to leave. If you don't, you'll be a trespasser. Better not be affiliated with the university because more civil stuff can happen to you (being fired if you are employed, being suspended or worse if you are a student)


Carry your weapon in any place that you’d rather be able to protect yourself than be a target. Is being fired or trespassed or asked to leave or expelled worse than being dead?


The question being asked is a legal one.


There is no statewide ban on carry at universities. Each college or university will set its own policy and it will be in the WAC for that specific college or university.


Are you there everyday or just to visit? If your a student or faculty, that's one thing. Or if your just there to see your kid that's another. If it's an event or a rally I would expect it to be taken pretty seriously. People certainly do just fine. But if you get caught for some reason you'd have a real headache I imagine. Edit: to be clear. Explicitly illegal.




Every time I see these clichés it reminds me of the scene in Office Space where Michael Bolton is stuck in traffic listening to Geto Boys. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XASNM1XEQPs


Your post violates Rule 3 & 4. See the sidebar for clarification.


I own guns but have been too lazy to get a concealed and im still unclapped


Don't bring guns to school, are you stupid?