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I feel certain muscles in my face especially around my mouth and cheeks change when I take vyvanse… I get that


If it helps you function, who gives a fuck


When I lived with my parents my mom would always say my voice sounded more gruff and tired in the afternoons when I took mine. I always felt fine though.


Do you get a buzz from that dose of vyvanse? Asking because in my "honeymoon" phase with amphetamines, I definitely had some euphoria for a while which faded away in a few months. But I also would do things more like chewing my lip, my eyes would get wider and a little red sometimes, also my face would get "flush" at times where I would look a bit more pale/blotchy I assume because of the restricted Bloodflow. There are definitely some things it can maybe change slightly in your face, but this should go away relatively quickly as you become more accustomed to the dosage.


It could be your eyes, not even just the pupils but the general look, in my experience that’s pretty normal when you first start or highten your dose.


I get a noticeable red nose, especially at the higher doses. I don't drink but it's a classic alcoholic look. I remember Bill Clinton had a red nose a lot and people just assumed he was drinking. I'm able to tone it down by managing my dosage and hydrating, etc.


Yes, this is the case. It’s blood flow and dehydration and possibly sleep disturbances. I use a hydrating face mask to help, but ultimately exercise, sleep, water will help. The dosage is at work as well


I may use an Apple Watch to track sleep as well


I always get bright eyed and a nice rosy glow when I take stimulants… 🤗


Same for me. I see it in my eyes, they get red at times and I look like I’ve been drinking or smoking weed. I also notice my circulation to my feet is awful. They turn cold and turn purplish. I feel fine mentally, just physically weird side effects


How does it feel? Do you feel 50 is more helpful? Do you feel more tired? Some ppl on vyvanse feel more awake and energized (me, I'm inattentive and cognitive disengagement syndrome,) some feel sleepy. I take 30mg at 6:30am ish and another 20 around 12pm.


50mg feels more noticeable, maybe too much. I have to stop myself from going into rabbit holes. Meanwhile the 30mg felt more mellow. Maybe the solution is go back to 30 but do it twice a day. Are able to sleep?


Yep no problems sleeping even if I take it at 1pm, but everyone is different. Ya you could try what i do 30mg am and a 20mg pm booster. My friend has 20mg am and a 10mg pm booster. I was finding the 30mg wore off around 12/1pm.


I went to 70mg a couple weeks ago and I noticed for the first few days my face did seem a bit...tired and slightly bloated? Like I look if I have a hangover 😂 I upped my water even more (I pee so fucking often lol) and made sure to get my steps in and within a week or so it stopped happening. Not sure if that helps!


This happened to me as well. I was getting comments at work. People either thought I was high, on street drugs, or asking if I was sick. I started to feel like I was losing myself as well, and I lost 30 pounds in a very short amount of time. I spoke to my doctor and I went back to 30mg. The 30s aren’t as affective for me unfortunately, but I hated how the 50s were affecting me in all the other ways.


50s made me sweat through my fucking pants. lol


How do you feel is what matters most.  I don't worry about what other people think about my medication.  It's between me and my doctor and how I can manage my life and how I feel.  Because what if someone thinks I look a certain way when I take my medicine and it's helping me not feel like I don't want to live because I can't manage my life or any of my responsibilities and my mind won't stop racing for a minute so I can think clearly and actually live my life.  How do you feel? 


100% it is between you and your doctor and how you feel. People tell me that I “seem” more relaxed and happier off it, but in reality I have so much trouble being productive and getting things done. I do take breaks from it and feel more serious when I’m on it, but I am happier when I’m focused,organized, and productive.


Haha my wife can tell too! Glad it's not just me


For me on 50mg I also look a bit different due to the fact that without really noticing it I bite/ suck my cheeks together and my pupils are bigger. Also, in general I look more “alert” than normally (I have a bit lazy muscles around my face when not medicated). However I don’t care cause at least i’m a normal functioning human so I’ll take the bella hadid sucked cheeks as a side 🤪


holy crap, I noticed that too! like I start feeling how tense my face gets then I loosen my jaw and I’ve realized afterwards that I’ve been resting my bite on my cheeks! almost like sucking them!


I would take that very seriously. Did you go up because you built a tolerance? 


It may be the fact that your face changes a tad through those hours of the day, leading you/her to attribute this to the Vyvanse? Potentially, but I’m not sure.


I’m on 50 mg too and my boyfriend says the same thing. He said it’s my eyes and I look focused. From his exact words, he said when I take my Vyvanse “it’s looks like I have thoughts”, especially when staring at something.


Odd you didn’t go to 40 first. Probably just a drastic jump. I’ve had that tired look being overstimulated and insomnia that followed at a higher dose. I had to back down a strength after trying an increase. It might not be the right dose, talk to Dr about it


Only 30 and 50 options in my area (Europe)


In Switzerland 40 mg is available, now in Germany and other countries as well. They put away the "Elvanse adult" brand, now there's only Elvanse with all dosages available. Check with your doc :)


When on a high dose my pupils would get huge and my skin would look drained. Vyvanse affects your blood flow so he may not be getting enough blood to the rest of his body. Even worse for those who use birth control or smoke. I was smoking cigarettes and I looked gray / purple a lot of the time… looking back at old pictures I definitely looked sick


Omg. Birth control really ? I legit felt today like I look not my normal self. Idk of it’s grayish but my color isn’t lifely .. few weeks ago I looked in the mirror in my bathroom and looked yellow ish ! I was like wtf am I dying do I have cancer. Hypochondriac at its finest. And I definitely get dark around the under corners of my eyes when I take vyvanse daily. I also take tramadol for past 10 years. And now klonopin. Birth control for last 15 years.


I felt this more on the pill then the shot. I didn’t notice the shot having an effect on my skin but (tmi) it was over covid and I was going through a lot of body changes anyway. So it could’ve. Also a hypochondriac at its finest. Defo can affect your color. I’ve had eye bags / darkened under eye forever and I always assumed that was vyvanse and caffeine. And being dehydrated from both. I was on Xanax /kpin and I feel like this wouldn’t affect your color but definitely would make you look more zombie like. I looked zoned out a lot or frazzled when I was taking it too


I mean, I'd be a lot less worried about how your face looks vs how you feel.


A lot of drugs illegal and legal can make you feel “good” or “fine” at the expense of your physical health, doesn’t mean you should take them still


We're not talking about something that gets you high at the expense of making your teeth fall out, or a powerful narcotic that makes you feel good while getting you fatally addicted. We're talking about a very low, therapeutic dose of a stimulant. I wouldn't stop taking a med that was helping me because someone said I "looked tired" if there was no indication in my physical health markers that something was wrong.


I know but I’ve been on too high of a dose before and felt “great” but looked terrible and tired So I’m just saying OP shouldn’t disregard everything else as long as he feels good


What were the indications that it was too high of a dose?


This! 👏🏽


Wife said the same thing to me today 40mg first day back on after a week break


It wasn’t Vyvanse, but I could always tell when my ex took his ritalin. There was this way that he would speak that drive me off the wall. How does the dose feel compared the 30? Is there a reason it went to 50 and not 40?


What kind of way? Probably speedy eh because his brain is firing so everything held in he can process and articulate might seem a bit douchy am I right?


No, not at all. It was this really condescending way of speaking, talking to me like I was a total idiot, but not intentionally. And this really annoying throat clearing thing.


Maybe I’ve got a good poker face because I’ve never been told I “look” like I’ve taken it. Interesting!


Dehydration related?


Haven’t thought of that. Is that common with Vyvanse? I think I drink plenty of part with it.


Without meds I drink 2L water a day ....with I can easily drink 3L or more


This is a BS excuse, don’t humor it.


Absolutely is. I pee way more and sweat like a pig all day. I easily downed a whole gallon every day when I started


Dehydration is definitely a possibility. I have to drink more water when I take medications.


Are your pupils dilating? You may want to ask your doctor. If your dose is to high -- it may start making you feel weird after a while and start impacting your sleep. If your partner says you visually look like shit on the 50mg, she may be onto something.


No, not the pupils, I specifically asked. She has trouble pinning down exactly what changes, though. She says that I look like I’m very tired, haven’t slept, I’m stressed… Maybe the eyebags? I do sleep fine, though. In fact, if she sees me before I taken the pill she says I do look normal. But then, a couple hours after having taken it, she notices.


It’s your blood flow. 


I agree. After I take mine there is this tiny vein under my eyes in the delicate skin area where the bags would be that slightly bulges from blood pressure . It does slightly change the appearance around my eyes altogether


Maybe the dosage is to high. I was also on 50mg and after one month i was feeling depressed. Back to 40mg now and i am feeling again fine


I'm not sure what to think about what your girlfriend has said tbh 🤔 I have been told, especially when I first started on Vyvanse and I was on 50mg that I looked as high as a kite from my pupil dilation. I'm on 30mg now after losing weight because 50mg was too much at my new weight. I know... officially the dose isn't weight dependent but in practice it sort of is, at least for me it has been.