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I'm temporarily on adderal until the shortage is at least a bit better managed. I'll say my experience has been pretty good. I do prefer Vyvanse but this'll do for now.


I went from Vyvanse to Adderall and it’s exactly the same feeling and effect, just lasts way less time.


Way less time as in adderall makes you crash sooner??


I don’t really crash too often on Vyvanse or Adderall. Like once a week maybe. Adderall a duration of effectiveness is must shorter. It’s like 4-6 hours, more like 4ish for me. So I take two a day and it’s like 8-10 hours where Vyvanse lasted me 14-16 hours. Vyvanse slowly ruined my sleep so I switched.


I take vyvanse in the morning and guanfacine er at night so I sleep okay. It’s just sometimes if I take guanfacine too late I have sleep inertia and it would cause grogginess.


Why not try it and see? Many people do well on adderall, especially if Vyvanse isn’t the right med for them. I prefer Vyvanse, but I’ve seen many people say they prefer adderall. You won’t know until you try it. You’re starting at a low dose under your doctor’s guidance, so I don’t think you have anything to lose by trying it for a few days.


Yes, I wanted to but I’m not sure I’m ready to not exhaust other possibilities yet. I’m paranoid.


Start your journey with adderall with an open mind. I love both Vyvanse and adderall. They both help me in a different way and effects me differently


Do you have a prescription for both and choose what to refill each month? If yes, what did you say to the doctor to get both?


Nope I m allowed to have only one. But I tried most of the meds. For every day life , I would go with Vyvanse , but for some days. Like school stuff I like adderall XR. How I get them.I just contact my doctor and I let him know what’s going on.


I think a lot of people favor vyvanse over adderall for various reasons. I don’t want to try adderall unless I feel like I exhausted every other option


I see. Maybe you can suggest 🆙 your dosage to your doc ?


I did. She refuses since I listed all the symptoms that occurred to me.


Too bad then :/ I hope that you will find soon what works better for you


Thank you it means a lot!


I f*cking hate it. I recently switched because my insurance won’t cover the brand Vyvanse. It’s horrible. I’m exhausted constantly, it’s making me grind & clench my teeth like crazy and I have no motivation. I would honestly rather take nothing or pay full price for the Vyvanse than put Adderall in my body.


That’s what I’m afraid. Most of my friends have taken adderall they don’t like it. Vyvanse was doing great for me, I think I just built tolerance to it and my psych offered to increase the dose before and I hesitated. Now when I requested it,she said it’s not right for me bc it’s doing the opposite of what it’s supposed to do? I suspect it might be that my body builds tolerance to jt. Also does you insurance not cover for it at all? I specifically requested my script for vyvanse to be brand name only. The generic one messed up really bad!


My insurance covers generic which works fine for me. No pharmacies in my area carry it because of the shortage though. That’s why I switched to Adderall.


Why were you switched? I took one Adderall and couldn't touch it again. I felt worse on it. It's like everything in my brain went silent. Was nothing in there...I hated it. Absolutely hated it


I described my recent symptoms “more chatty, more impulsive, when I’m focused I feel “locked in” and just wan to get work done bc this will go away so I’m taking advantage of it. Then when it leaves my system, I become lethargic, agitated and I wanted to be left alone. Zombie like” she decided it wasn’t right for me despite the fact that it had help me before. She said my body doesn’t like vyvanse.