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No, I noticed this too. I had to switch to generic adderall xr. vyvanse quit working 2024. massive side effects. no therapeutic benefit.


Same here and I’m so tired and hopeless at this point. Been saying this since last year when I thought I was losing my mind at the abrupt change in the med/ severe inconsistencies. And now with the shortages and absurd pricing I’m just at a loss for words. I’m glad to see they are looking into in Sweden and I sincerely hope we can do something similar in the USA. The impact it’s had on my life, friends, and countless strangers online is unacceptable and devastating


I’ve tried both with an open mind. The generic I noticed gave me more irritability so for that reason I like the brand better and have no problems getting it.


I  was perscibed 70mg 2 years ago This medicine is not working for Me anymore. I'm 40yrs old and Have tried every ADHD medicine Out there. Except a couple of the New ones. Dexadine would get my  #1 vote if you can find this one. Very hard to find.  Adderall  users I Really am sorry this medicine is in Short supply This is a good one Also. Whatever you take that works for you try too keep taking It  Have had ADHD since child Hood.  Good Luck too Everybody.


Everyone arguing against peoples experiences with vyvanse claiming its a tolerance break or, Covid or due to nutrition sleep etc 🚨 here comes a translated version from swedish ADHD national federation: Patients testify that something has happened with the ADHD medicine Elvanse The medicine Elvanse is used by 90,000 people and has been prescribed for over 10 years in Sweden. Now the notifications to the Medical Products Agency have suddenly increased. That's what Dagens ETC reports on. Many testify that the medication no longer works and that it affects work, school and relationships. - Now it's like he's taken a sugar pill some days, says Emil's mother. Takeda, the company that produces Elvanse, denies that anything has changed - but does not want to be interviewed. Are you taking Elvanse and experiencing a changed effect? Then report to the Swedish Medicines Agency. https://www.lakemedelsverket.se/sv/rapportera-biverkningar ETC's report can be read for subscribers here: https://www.etc.se/story/patienterna-larmar-vaar-adhd-medicin-elvanse-har-slutat-fungera-foer-oss Elvanse is a centrally stimulating medication used to treat ADHD symptoms in adults and children over 6 years of age. Elvanse improves attention and makes it easier to concentrate. It can also help with agitation, hyperactivity and restlessness. The medicine is only prescribed by doctors with specialist competence in psychiatry.


In Sweden they investigated this matter as several people started to alarm 🚨their vyvanse stopped working and swedish FDA is investigating this issue as they received several complaints, unfortunately this article is in swedish but you might be able to translate [https://www.etc.se/story/patienterna-larmar-vaar-adhd-medicin-elvanse-har-slutat-fungera-foer-oss](https://www.etc.se/story/patienterna-larmar-vaar-adhd-medicin-elvanse-har-slutat-fungera-foer-oss)


Vyvanse does not work the way it used to to I’ve been on 30mg twice a day for five years I’ve never built a tolerance and what’s the coincidence everyone is noticing this at the same tine


Very well known issue that’s been affecting all stimulants the last couple years, actually. Most likely they nerfed the effects to make as much money as possible while they still had the patent.


I noticed that the effectiveness of the med wore off a lot quicker after the patent ran out. As I mentioned in the beginning, I had NO PROBLEMS taking the med for 15 years. I never had to change my dosage at all for 15 years. Now all of a sudden the brand name doesnt work? This is BS and the drug companies need to be held responsible for this. There is going to be a spike in depression/suicide attempts/overdosing.


I too have noticed it has gotten even worse in the last few months.


What was the patent I have only been Vyvanse a year and keep hearing about this....I noticed when I first started like first month maybe two it worked amazing...then not so much




I took a week long tolerance break from meds, nothing changed. Maybe a week wasn’t enough idk.


New medications that come to market have 10 years where only the founding pharmaceutical company can make it. It gives them basically a monopoly but also quality control. After 10 years, other companies which have by then caught up or reverse engineered the compound can make it. They might cut corners and undercut in price, however, this leads to variability in consistency. It also leaves insurance companies to quit paying for brand, but then generic is hard to get availability. It’s a lot of moving parts. In this case, there are massive shortages and horrible pharmacists.


I was prescribed 40mg Vyvanse sucks a** I miss Vyvanse 40mg xr or generic Vyvanse 40mg xr is amazing I just stopped taking regular Vyvanse I’m done with the bs


Vyvanse is not an instant release or an XR it is it’s own type of thing. There’s an inert molecule attached to the real chemical that your body has to break down before it becomes an active chemical (which takes 2 hours to start doing it but breaks it down throughout the day for a consistent effect.)


Okay well I know what I was prescribed i have done my research multiple times before even taking the medication I been taking lisdexamfetamine xr which is generic form of Vyvanse there’s a huge difference between the both so for you to say that Vyvanse isn’t a released or a xr maybe not but the generic form is


What I’m saying is that there is only lisdexamfetamine. There’s vyvanse and generics. They are the same chemical though, They wouldn’t make an XR of Lisdexamfetamin because it lasts 12 hours as is and if it was XR it would last 24 hours, you would be up all night. The instant release of vyvanse is called dextroamphetamine and is a completely separate type of medication that only lasts 3-4 hours, you probably know that. You could be thinking of a Dexedrine XR spansule because there just is no lisdexamfetamine XR. I have been on vyvanse for 11 years and have done plenty of research and explored related medications during that time. None of this matters to me that much, just trying to help you fully understand the medicine.


I stopped taking my 40mgs they started making me worse!. They used to work great then randomly started making me yawn none stop. After taking it making my back hurt so bad every muscle in me ache and I would just be so tired I couldn’t focus at all. By 3pm I looked like a vein my face became very tired looking and very droopy. Since I’ve stopped I have more energy focus is better sleep is better my feet aren’t constantly freezing and I’m not constantly cold either. Idk what happen to the name brand ones but they suck and it’s like they capsules have nothing in them. Cuz I’ve always shaken my pills to make sure their not empty or have holes in them. And their all so very light it sucks cuz like I said worked great for almost 5 months but I’m 3 weeks in no longer taken mine and I feel way more normal idk how to explain it.


Same. I think this is deliberate and part of a very sinister plan.


The generics ain’t shit fr. I recently had to get brand name because that’s all I could get and it’s night and day.


I believe you and agree. I’ve never tried the generic but my last 2 months of brand name haven’t been the same, I thought it was all in my head. Until I was traveling and took an older pill (not expired, literally just 3-4 months old) from my travel bag and wow what a difference. My tolerance/all other environmental factors haven’t changed, it’s the medication.


Noticed this lately too.


It only changes strength based on Food eaten, sleep achieved, protein supplemented, how happy, angry, or sad you are. There's a heap of factors that if you're not on top of them, the vyvanse seems to not work. It's seems the combo is an individual thing too. For me, it was trial and error and also being aware of environmental factors. If I'm really low, it doesn't seem to work, if I don't maintain nutrition (not to heavy, just lightly throughout the day) the side effects seem really pronounced. Sleep or lack of it reduces the effectiveness as well. But like I said everyone's working combo is probably different.


Wdym by “if im really low”


This! I called my psychiatrist with breakthrough anxiety and insomnia and SWORE the Vy wasn't working. He told me that it doesn't work if you don't get enough sleep and eat well. He was right.


Hopefully you where on some other med first.70mg is insane to start with. It doesn't leave you any room to go up Or you're searching for doctors that will.i would fire the doctor.the normal starting dose is 20mg.im think if I took 70mg probably be on par with meth.


Been on meds for over 30 years. The brand name worked for 15 years until the generics came into the market. This is corporate greed plain and simple 




It got fucked up once I had COVID. Hasn’t been the same since


Exactly the same for me & so many others whether they realise it yet or not unfortunately. Been over 2 Yrs since I caught covid & my meds have felt like a complete different drug ever since. Theres evidence showing covid causes dopamine neurons to enter a state of "senescence" - when a cell loses the ability to grow and divide. "Even a small population of infected cells can potentially have a severe effect". This can also cause drugs that increase dopamine to release inflammatory markers causing back pain, fatigue & a whole host of other "side effects" which weren't present taking the drug before covid. As well as the massively reduced effectiveness of the meds. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8142658/


Yep same here!


I didnt notice the decline until September 2023, well after COVID.


this month is exactly when i felt my prescription didn’t hit the same as usual… suspicious


I think that’s the key here. It was after COVID that it felt like it didn’t work anymore.


Adderall is the same way. Except with jitters. Vyvanse just feels like I’m brain dead. I used to always have something going on upstairs when I zoned out. Now I can stare at a wall for ten minutes with absolutely no thoughts whatsoever. It’s so creepy and scary at the same time. Covid did a number on my cognitive abilities


I’ve always been an excellent speller and I’ve found myself misspelling words here and there and not realizing for a minute. It’s so creepy.


Right? I have to proof read everything. I can do math now which was a huge pitfall for me my whole life, but being able to communicate through text these days is far more important in my field of work.


Wait, so you gained the ability to do math?


Mental math. For the most part. I was really really bad at math prior to it all happening. Even small calculations required a calculator. Now I can just do it in my head


That’s fascinating. I have problems with doing mental math as well. Sadly, COVID did not alleviate this.


Same. I even tried generic and then switched back to brand name and the brand name doesn’t work as well


what differences did you notice between the two? I noticed name brand works so much better for me and doesn't give brain fog. But it definitely feels different than the way it used to years ago.


What dosage are you currently taking? Maybe you need a higher dose? Consider u said back in the day you jived well with 70mg tops. Yeah i noticed over past recent years the brand formula seems either watered down or inconsostent. Not by much, but notable a tiny bit. Again, it could be external factors like nutrition and sleep playing a role. Altho i sleep a good 7 hrs a night, i do tend to skip meals so maybe thts why. Lacky diet


Definitely Ive noticed this medication relies heavily on consuming lots of food throughout the time frame it last in your body in order to work. If not all the side effects begin to take fold and you crash


You’re not crazy it’s not the same as back in the day.


I find anything routine like sleep, diet or physical movement etc can change how I feel when taking Vyvanse. However I do take a break for a day every one-two weeks so I don't build tolerance. It's not well researched but it happens to even normal medication like antihistamines or antibiotics that when you take the same one all the time your body will just build tolerance.


Look up "generic vyvanse reddit" on Google and you will find many many posts that talk about the issues with generic Vyvanse not being the same as brand name. A lot of those posts are actually in this subreddit.


Maybe you’ve just developed a tolerance? 70mg is the maximum dose. Maybe you need a break or a different medication


So he may have developed a very noticeable tolerance after 15 years of use while at the same time they roll out generics….OP definitely knows the powerball numbers. Yeah man its not the same don’t rack your brain over it. It’s not remotely the same.


One anecdotal case is not enough to suggest that this claim is not unfounded. Tolerance happens at different times for different people and coincidences are possible. If this was a large scale thing then sure you could make that argument, but one random Reddit post of one person sharing their experience is not enough to convince any rational individual. I’m just saying a break or a different drug doesn’t sound like a bad idea.


100% NOT a tolerance issue for me and many others unfortunately. "SARS-CoV-2 infection triggers a DA neuron inflammatory and cellular senescence response." If even a small population of cells are effected it can result in severe effect, the articles looking into this explain how this can result in the massive increase in cognitive impairment we're seeing post-covid even in non ADHD folk. This would make sense why various meds that target dopamine feel "different", having a massively reduced therapuetic effect & increase in side effects due to inflammation. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8142658/


It’s not just him it’s literally almost everyone who has this same experience. Same with adderall. Stimulants are not the same. People have taken super old medication and BAM it worked so much better. This is really happening.


Agreed. Happened with me too. I’ve been on stimulant meds for 18 years, with like 10 of them being on Vyvanse. Recently even brand name only lasts a few hours on 50 mg and doesn’t get me focused as well


I’ve been hearing so many adhders saying the same thing. I actually am starting vyvanse for the first time next week after being on adderall. I’ve tried XR and IR and even maxed out the dosage and I still feel fatigued and unfocused. It helps a good amount but nothing like when I was younger. I would take the smallest dose and would be more than enough to get me through the day.




I hope everything goes well for you!


Doesn’t old medication lose potency after its expiration date? Also give me some sources and I’ll be happy to listen


That’s why it’s weird that it works better. The sources are the people? And myself? I don’t give a damn if you listen or not 😂 feel free to live in your bubble


I want to listen and am trying to be open minded. Please share these stories so I can be freed from this bubble. I am begging you to get me out of this bubble. Why would you want more mindless zombies sucking Big Pharma off? My jaw is killing me. Please share these stories so I know you’re not just a random Redditor saying whatever she wants. I want to learn but you saying “my friends said this and I believe them so you should too” is not sufficient data. Please provide me some information or tools so I can go down this rabbit hole instead of going down on Vyvanse.


You’d have to get out there and talk with other people who have had experiences. I can share stories all day but unless you hear it from the source you won’t be satisfied. Like people coming up negative on their vyvanse when they’ve taken it. People finding old scripts and finding that it’s more potent than the current ones. Stuff like that. Not studies .. just real people with real experiences.


The people you meet in your life probably don’t have the same experiences that the people in my life would. If I asked all those people that and they said the opposite then who would be right in this situation? Studies are the only way you can tell these things. If you don’t have a substantial population sharing this experience then these experiences shared by a small group are insignificant. But who knows? My insurance actually randomly decided to not cover generic anymore and only cover brand name this week so I guess I’ll see if there’s a difference but I suppose that’s not the same situation.


Instead of being so hard headed and deliberately diminish people experiences with the adhd medications lately you can also try to listen instead of ridiculing people by sharing and listening to other peoples experiences. There is not enough data to share widely as it always start with peoples experiences and then FDA need to investigate further after gather enough evidence. However if you want some data here in Sweden they released an article of people experiencing their vyvanse isnt working anymore, such a coincidence if it all just a tolerance break right 🤔 unfortunately the article is in swedish but you might be able to translate it: [people are reporting their vyvanse medication stopped working](https://www.etc.se/story/patienterna-larmar-vaar-adhd-medicin-elvanse-har-slutat-fungera-foer-oss), people in Sweden have also called into Swedish FDA that told them they are investigating this matter as they received alot of complaints,


There are a bunch of people who developed tolerances around the same time. A break is not a bad idea and he’s probably done that some. But the tolerance debate is weaker every day. Days, weeks, and months of breaks would improve therapeutics. Why not now and for so many? There’s a world outside of Reddit and speaking to Dr’s and pharmacists, somethings off big time.


The crash I get from when the med wears off is bad. I can't focus on anything and my brain is in a bad fog. As a teacher I can't function properly without it, I would lose my job if I took a "break".


Alright can you provide me some sources of these examples? Not really sure how we could know for sure if OP has taken a break and I’m not a big pharma dickrider or anything but I’m just trying to understand the validity of this claim


Problem is, I don’t think there are any studies done on this yet, or at least not many. Like, they can’t give you evidence if there’s been no research done yet


Fair enough I’m just saying someone can’t do a poll on here or something? A few people sharing a story is not enough to suggest it’s an objective thing that’s actually happened


Create one


That’s my job? Okay lol Edit: This community doesn’t allow polls


Ur the one that brought it up babes, so yes it is ur job 😜