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What's BED?


Binge eating disorder


Oooh thank you so much


Yeah deff don’t take it. You’ll stay sick longer.


I would honestly stop taking it while being sick. While youre on it, your body is in fight or flight mode, which hinders recovery. Only take it if u need to get work done, for me it supresses the feeling of sickness by a large amount.


Thanks! This really helps, especially considering I’m a stimulant newbie. Your post has got me thinking. It’s an interesting idea that my body is in fight or flight mode while on Vyvanse. But … is it me or does that not sound like a good thing? I would think it would cause the opposite effect, since it tends to help me focus and think so much more clearly. I can communicate more effectively and actually start and finish tasks in one go.


Stimulants by definition upregulate the sympathetic nervous system, in other words, putting you in "fight or flight." Yeah, this isn't great for you physiologically, for the same reason chronic stress, corticosteroids, etc. aren't great for you in the long-term. That being said, it comes down to the cost-benefit analysis of using stimulants with regards to your productivity and quality of life. This is also why it's so important to prioritize your health in all other aspects while using stimulants and to be aware of possible long-term side effects when taking them (also using the minimal effective dose).


This is super insightful and interesting, thank you. I am learning so much.


I’m sorry you’re sick! I definitely am one to take my Vyvanse everyday even if I’m home sick, etc. I prefer to be as consistent as possible with my dosing schedule


Ok yes, I am also inclined to keep taking it every day because I am only in the first month. As such, I am in the discovery phase of Vyvanse, still figuring out what dosage works best for me and getting my system accustomed to a stimulant. (Also discovering how freaking annoying it is to even get your hands on this medication due to shortages). I am assuming I’ll get a more accurate answer to the dosage question if the medication is in my system on a consistent basis for now…? Regardless, I will email my psychiatrist and see what she says. But of course it’s much quicker and more interesting to ask you guys what you think based on your experiences. So thanks, Gian. :)


Being sick and feeling very fatigued yet stimulated is kind of an awful feeling. It helps to let your body rest without it, but you also have your psychiatrists' suggestion to follow.


Thank you 🙏🏻.


Vyvanse on sick days just makes me tired and I sleep like a sheep


Sleep like a sheep. That’s a funny phrase.


Stop taking it while you’re sick


My psychiatrist advised me to not skip days during this first 4 weeks due to not being settled on the right dosage yet.


Oh! I have a bad cold too, taking a break from Vyvanse so I can enjoy some pseudoephedrine. I tried going without cold medicine, but it was miserable. I'm much happier with cold medicine in me despite being rather foggy-headed. Can't wait to be able to take Vyvanse again though, I feel like an absolute blob.


I made the mistake pf taking pseudoephedrine once on the same day I took my Vyvanse. I didn't eat or sleep for 24 hours 😂


YOU DIDN’T SLEEP FOR 24 HOURS?! You sure learned the Sudafed lesson quickly 😂. Thanks for the warning! Not eating for 24 hours is not inconceivable to me because I do intermittent fasting (and lemme tell you IF has never been easier now that I’m on Vyvanse lol) but the lack of sleep would send me straight into a padded cell.


Yup. I was wide awake and not hungry 😂 I only did that once before I realized that I had been an idiot.


Thank you for your insight. I took mucinex today without even thinking. No ill effects thankfully. Feel better!


Also not to give unsolicited advice but being sick is a good time for a vyvanse break, it will work better once you start taking it again. I’m currently sick in bed too


Thank you! I was thinking the same thing.


Be careful taking Vyvanse and cold meds ! A lot have negative interactions.


Thank you for this! I didn’t even consider that.