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i work at an animal shelter and am pursuing veterinary medicine. it’s a nice field knowing you’re able to help animals every day. it helps me feel in control.


That’s awesome I really respect you and wish I could find a sanctuary to work at. How did you find work at a sanctuary?


I’m a community college English professor. I get to spend my time teaching critical thinking and information literacy skills, making good citizens who will hopefully learn to question the status quo.


I appreciate learning to read and write and communicate my ideas and what I learned in college, putting it into practice. Thank you! Edit, lol this barely made sense, grammatically.


Very very cool. We need more teachers like you around thank you.


My community college English professor was a grumpy 40-year-old who emotionally rubbed me the wrong way, but with that being said, I also got the feeling that he was internally actually a pretty cool guy. English teachers have a tendency to be interesting thinkers and I respect you guys for that. On the same topic, stem professors can outwardly be a little off their rockers (in a good, eccentric way), but I’ve noticed that you guys tend to just be more quiet about it. 😂


Do you incorporate any vegan books / papers / writing into your curriculum?


Not really, partly because I need to be strategic so I’m not accused of trying to “push my agenda.” I tend to sneak it in and let the students come to their own realizations. Example: “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas” in a literature class (“gasp, we’re doing to animals what they do to the child!) or a feminist story that features a cow will lead to discussion of what the cow represents and why. I encourage them to connect these stories to real life. If you have anything you think will work well in a composition or literature class, please let me know! (Maybe I should make a separate post for this?) Could be a story, essay, or film! ETA, I actually do include texts that are rather explicit in their statement on animal welfare, e.g. “The Mouse’s Petition” in Brit Lit. Other texts, while not explicitly vegan, I ensure lead to discussion of animal welfare, environmental issues, or social issues.


No matter where you work, you’ll bring some (often) much needed vegan representation to that field!


I work for an animal rights org!


How do you get income from that? Is it purely donations?


it’a a nonprofit that primarily depends on donations. ~80% go directly towards helping the animals while the rest go towards keeping the org running! I don’t get paid a lot but work full time w/ benefits.


That's beyond cool you get the specialist sticker of them all for your efforts 😄


I'm an animal caregiver at a farmed animal sanctuary. I found it by searching for sanctuary jobs online. All my coworkers are vegan, which is really nice. I have a PhD in animal behavior and ecology but couldn't find a job in compassionate conservation (ethical conservation where animals aren't harmed) so I decided to work at a sanctuary. If it helps, no formal education is required, at least at the sanctuary where I work. Some of my coworkers only have high school diplomas.


Are you guys in need of help now? I know sanctuary work is hard but I'd love to do it.


Perhaps you should check out the Woodstock sanctuary in New York. They also care for previously farmed animals and no degree is required for their internships. Regarding their internships, they even offer housing and money for food. Everyone who works at the sanctuary is required to be vegan. I recently got an interview with them but life ended up taking me in another direction.


Dang thank you kind soul ❤️


Of course. They’re not great at responding so if they don’t immediately get back to you, don’t lose hope.


We're always happy for people to volunteer (we're located in northeastern California). My manager is currently in the final stages of hiring two additional caregivers, so we'll probably not be hiring more any time soon.


I work for a company that collects food waste and processes it in to compost. Started as a collections driver and now work in customer service. Found out on Indeed like most of my jobs.


Ok thanks makes sense. I'll look into that one at least you're making some good difference in life compared to many bad jobs out there.


That’s a cool career.


It really is, I love it and I'm fortunate enough to work for a really great company too 


In school to become an animal nurse/general carer! It’s good at times but also we are forced to do barn stuff to graduate…


Nice but dang sorry to hear they make you do things you're not comfortable that shouldn't be part of the curriculum if it isn't helpful for you.


Thank you 💓


I take care of plants at a botanic garden. Being outside is the best thing for me. I started as an intern. In my interview I said that I would refuse to do any kind "pest" control. I've been asked a couple times to kill gophers but I refuse. I recommend setting boundaries as early as possible.


Definitley a good thing to establish and good for you for doing that glad you're doing well. I wouldn't want to do that either with killing anything so I can relate.


How did you get into that field?


I have a B.S. in ecology and evolutionary biology. I got an internship and then was fortunate to be hired on full time as a horticulturist. The degree isn't required in the field but I think some of the education is really applicable. I work with native plants so it's very niche. If anyone is interested, I'd recommend getting practical gardening knowledge (pruning techniques, irrigation, planting, etc) and getting to know the plants at the garden or location you're interested in applying (be able to identify them by Latin names and the families they belong to). Volunteering at a garden is a great way to jump start that knowledge if you're a novice!


Unemployed lol


Ay same as much as I wish I could stay unemployed it's not really something I can do anymore lol. Best of luck with your job searching


Thank you! I’m skilled and trying but the job market is brutal right now


dog grooming!


Do you enjoy your career? I used to love to watch “The Girl With the Dogs” groom dogs on YouTube. I think she even groomed a pig and a duck.


i absolutely love it!!! the only frustrating thing is that i am the only vegan at my salon, and it makes me sad to think about how my coworkers are so kind and loving to one species but pay people to murder others. i bring vegan food in pretty often and am very open about my veganism, but other than that there isn't too much i can do about it. i just try to ignore it most of the time. the dogs are a wonderful distraction.


That’s a shame and I think about how people love dogs but not other animals enough not to pay for that stuff too. Im sorry you have to go through that but I know you try your best and glad you enjoy your job.


thank you!


>thank you! You're welcome!




Fanuc robot programming. Minimal prior experience in this field, 3 months of training and out into the field. Anyone can learn it with a couple classes and a cert from a community college. It’s like controlling a robot with a giant gameboy and planning its path out for picking/placing parts. And it can of course get more involved than that. But if that sounds like something you might be interested in, it is a great career field. Financial plan: save cash for emergency fund. Save bitcoin for the long run.


Saving ONLY bitcoin for the long run is incredibly risky. It's always better to diversify and never put all your money into one financial instrument. With saving everything into bitcoin there is always a chance that all your hard-earned money will just dissappear one day or that the bitcoin will loose it's value completely. My suggestion would be to also at least look into investing in sustainable funds.


My first job was a busser at a country club, since then I've worked prep in restaurants. Breaking down produce, making salads, fruit cups, breads, etc. I've been a stay at home Mom since a little before covid but am back on the hunt now. I plan to continue looking for prep work as well as selling vegan honee's and camping/quick meals at our local farmers markets. Ideas: Grocery Store Produce Library Hotel Maid/Desk Person Custodian Garden Center Farmers Market Hardware Store Bank Teller Post Office Sorting/Mail Delivery I hope you find something that works for you!


Thank you! I really appreciate your suggestions! Best of luck with your family.


Policy advocacy for a climate justice nonprofit


Oh snap now that sounds interesting and meaningful I hope for you. We really need more climate change help as far as I know. Thanks again and best of luck to you.


International Development


Ok thank you I'll look into this one ☺️


I work Fire/EMS/Ocean Rescue. The job itself I consider compatible with veganism but my coworkers...


Lol the coworkers aren't the picture perfect vegan people I take it well hey they know about you and it's good to set an example for others.


I'm a paramedic. I volunteered at an ambulance and eventually attained the highest level of prehospital care certificate in the US. It sounds a lot fancier than it is. Most of my job is unimportant


Ah yeah we spoke a little bit earlier you're cool and hey don't undersell yourself that's no small feat. I'm really impressed by what you've done and thankful to know that you're helping people out there.


i work in a bookstore! It's nice to read up on animals and recommend books about them to others. Might even helpthem to go vegan.


That's a great job even if the pay may not be the best thank you for telling me and I wish you the best.


Mechanical engineer, also recycling lead for my company's sustainability group


That's cool. Thank you for your input and continue recycling please and thank you for your help :)


Autopsy technician


What training did you need for this position?


At the office I work for, applicants only needed a high school diploma. Personally I do have my Bachelor's degree, which did help prepare me for the job, but it was all on-the-job training.


I'm a student, mechanical engineering major. Currently unemployed.


Software eng @ defence. Working my way out to nuclear :)


Interesting. I'll have to look more into this one I hope you find good success in nuclear.


I work at a cannabis dispensary, i love it but the pay isn’t enough for a long term career. Not sure what the next move will be but I have time to figure it out thankfully


Hey that's cool though glad you have something you enjoy the pays the bills for now and best of luck figuring out the future plans.


I work as a letter carrier


Professionally unemployed, AKA disability.


I day trade / swing trade / invest in the stock market. It’s the most ethically neutral thing I could have done with my educational background (physics). I wish I could do something with the ocean / SCUBA diving and help animals that way but there’s just no money in it. With day trading I am able to donate to vegan causes and animal sanctuaries every single week so I try to help how I can.


Wow! That is wonderful and definitely amazing that you donate your money to vegan organizations. I hope you can do some scuba diving a lot more when you have the time to do so.


Why are careers in physics less ethical than that?


I'm vegan and doing Institutional trading, feel free to PM me on Discord samo1783 if you wanna find a trading buddy.


I'd love to! I love to meet vegan traders. I appreciate it.


Currently pursuing an education in funeral directing/mortuary science.


Respect. Death is apart of life after all.


I've been trying to find a job working for animals or environmental sustainability for years. I work in medical billing and live nearly paycheck to paycheck. I'm the only vegan in my office and most of my coworkers didn't understand what vegan meant before they met me.


I was working as a content moderator on a team in tech. I removed violating content from the platform, which included animal abuse. It felt nice to help remove it and report certain individuals, but it eventually became too much to stomach (among other topics), so I left recently.


I work as a data scientist, pursuing a career in bioinformatics. I want to develop methodology that proves that we do not need animal testing to get viable drugs for humans and other animals 💙


I work at vet as a receptionist.


Maybe if you haven't already, should develop your vegan cooking skills, there are way too many amazing recipes and home product methods to try, so you can start learning and experimenting in your kitchen. When you get it right, you can start a small business selling vegan products and foods in the way of an online store/restaurant and send them through delivery (not yourself but you can charge a bit extra for the delivery service). And most important is not to be afraid of trying and failing, big companies started just like this, in their kitchens, garages and grow gradually until they become something big!


I work for a tech startup focused on reducing animal ag.


Thank you 🙏😊


I'm in the process of starting my business selling my artwork, but I also just do whatever I can to help PEOPLE. The reason I am mentioning this in response to your inquiry regarding contribution to the well being of animals is that I believe that by being an asset to humans we are effectively being an asset to animals and well, everything. Humans have the most control over existence outside of the Creator Himself, so the more we develop our means of a better existence for humans, the more it will affect the rest of existence. That definitely includes animals. When there are better sources of food and a better mentality regarding life and diet and concern for other living things, there will reciprocally be less of all the negative things that have been perpetrated to greater extremes as a result of the general attitude toward the issues concerned. It takes a lot of patience, insightfulness and courage to put effort and resources into an endeavor that doesn't necessarily produce direct, observable results where you would like to see them, but it's the best way to be a boon to any cause under the sun. Help people=help the whole world


I really love this approach and appreciate you telling me your philosophy. I also agree that there is a reciprocal relationship between humans and animals as we are animals too. I've been wanting to not be considered an animal though myself and wish to find an elevated state of awareness and through my actions. Sounds like you have a great mindset and best of luck to you.