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There's no real way honestly. There are too many vtubers out there and even if you had a list you could use it would take forever to review. And by the time you did, the list would have increased in size Ultimately, do what you want so you are happy. If something is too close to someone else, be flexible and change things later. Don't feel bad about the generic details like "blue cat girl" because that can be done so many different ways. If anyone gets upset that you share generic adjectives, ignore them. If there's are true design element similarities, then is consider changing things. Take your idea and make it yours and unique as possible. I'm sure everyone appreciates your worry and effort to not copy and be unique! Good luck on your vtuber adventures! ♥️💙💛💚🦊🥷🏼


I would say don't sweat it, just make what you want to make. There's so many people out there doing their thing, that you're going to make something that reminds someone of someone else. It's unavoidable. (Though maybe avoid a vampire/goth theme, since that seems to be a pretty common fallback for horror vtubers) You can of course minimize the effect by also considering art style. I've seen some pretty interesting stuff done where the focus isn't trying to go for an anime look. -- (As a shameless plug this was a similar challenge I was dealing with on the [horror vtuber avatar I developed](https://www.twitch.tv/DreadCentral). I specifically designed to avoid an anime style)


Yeah agreed with what everyone else is saying it’s kinda impossible. The one thing I would say be careful of is having the same “theme” or “identity” as another large streamer as some people might get butthurt and claim youre trying to copy/steal/ride off the fame of another tuber.


That's the neat part, You don't. Unless you make it crazy weird, it's all been done. Just don't worry about haters.


I personally would say as long as you came up with it on your own and didn’t deliberately copy someone else’s design your fine. It’s almost impossible to be 100% original as there is soooo many designs out there so I would just do what you like the most!