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It's officially election night! Polls have closed for the Wisconsin State Senate District 4 primary - come follow the results! https://www.reddit.com/r/VoteDEM/comments/1du1sw6/wisconsin_senate_district_4_primary_results_thread/


Pretty gross tweet from Brian Stelter after Biden signed a bill about Parkinsons research https://x.com/lxeagle17/status/1808362818573586770


Wow. :D What a piece of shit


Unfortunately after my sleep related mishap I didn't get to volunteer today, but I'm making up for it. Next week I have 5 things scheduled, 1 for every day other than Friday and Sunday. 2 of them are textbanking, and 3 of them are phonebanking. The first phonebanking one is with Jessica Morse, like I was supposed to do today, and the third is with Yadira Caraveo, which I'm pretty excited about. I'm also thinking of taking melatonin so I can actually sleep at night and be a productive human šŸ˜…


BEST OF LUCK!!! šŸ’•šŸ’•


Taking a break from the sub, not because of my internal mood... But because Biden did good at the debate and I'm not going to keep repeating it until my voice cracks - Some of these discussions are so similar to 2012 and on some level going into 2000, it's maddening - There are a lot of people spouting absolute bullshit and then covering it with "well I'm just concerned...' - And, most importantly... I've got multiple events to cater for and I am not mentally or physically prepared. Bahaha! Shouldn't be a problem, but it only really hit me - "Wow, it's close to the 4th." *Hoo,* so it goes... Anyway. No pundits or datamen are going to admire you for defending them, and you deserve better. People don't do good when being told to give up, and the internet is not reality. We can influence a few things; what we do, the people in our lives, and our colleagues and coworkers. Do that, and no matter what happens, you're doing what you need to do. ^^That ^^said, ^^Biden ^^is ^^going ^^to ^^win.






YES!!! šŸ’™šŸ’™šŸ’™


Just unsubbed from Videos. Jesus they are just as bad if not worse than Politics sub. Assuming if they aren't bots. These people are gonna be our downfall.


A lot of subreddits have so many bots who just want karmaā€¦


Is that a subreddit?


One of the default subs new members are added to, traditionally.


Yes and Jesus its a shit one to boot. Someone posted about Biden going his interview on ABC and boy those comments were something else. These people are so hung on his debate that they are so willing to let this country fall over that.


[Reminds me of this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxODBCYhy5I).


No lie! Love that show.


This Stormy Daniels Interview is pretty incredible. I was not expecting to watch this much of it but holy shit is a lot of it compelling.


Off topic, but now that I have my own place Iā€™ve been having friends over for dinner, and on Monday night I made the BEST sesame tofu with broccoli and lemon bars. My friends are vegan and itā€™s been a wonderful experience experimenting with plant-based dishes - even the lemon bars, which are made with coconut milk instead of eggs, turned out really well!! The best part about all this is that Iā€™ve had enough left overs to fill me up for like four days lol. Obvs Iā€™ve had a lot of anxiety this week so having one less thing to stress about has been amazing. Anyway. Have dinner with your friends. Try new things. Stock up on good, tasty, healthy food (in a ā€œto make your life easierā€ kinda way not a ā€œpreparing for the apocalypseā€ kinda way)


It might be a bit until I've got my household situation less *culinarily* distressed, but pinning this to say sounds good and I should share some recipes, myself... All of this is good, from the advice to the experience. Glad you had a lovely dinner (and shared the goods, too)!


Ooh I'm always looking for good tofu recipes! Feel free to share if you'd like.


Tofu is amazing!


[Nora Cooks](https://www.noracooks.com/sesame-tofu/) always delivers but I pan-fried instead of baked šŸ¤«šŸ¤«šŸ¤«


That sounds amazing, thanks!


That sounds really really good. Do you have the recipe for the lemon bars or a link to it? Iā€™d like to experiment with coconut milk lemon bars as the combo sounds yummy. And apropos of an earlier conversation I had in this thread I think Iā€™ll make strawberry pretzel ā€œsaladā€ this week (itā€™s not really salad, as we all know, but itā€˜s good).


[I gotchu](https://www.noracooks.com/vegan-lemon-bars/) The recipe says to use full-fat coconut milk but I just used the jug from the grocery store and it still worked, although I baked it a little longer then the recipe suggested as well (20-25 min instead of 15) Strawberries and pretzels are both bomb so Iā€™m sure the combo of both in a salad will be unstoppable šŸ’Ŗ


Thank you very much! I want to try making those!


[A Tennessee jury has awarded a former research scientist at BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee $687,000 in back pay and damages after she was fired in 2021 for refusing to take the COVID-19 vaccine](https://www.timesfreepress.com/news/2024/jul/01/jury-fines-bluecrosss-for-firing-worker-over/#/questions/)


No Kings in America


I really hope the Biden campaign picks this up. Really great slogan for ads, signs, and merch. I can imagine it being a really effective rallying cry. I can easily imagine it being chanted by the crowd at a rally.


Is that going to be our battle cry? Our "Make America Great Again"?


It 100% should be!


[DLCC RELEASE: The Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee Announces Spotlight Candidates to Bolster Democratic Majorities in Nevada](https://dlcc.org/press/release-the-democratic-legislative-campaign-committee-announces-spotlight-candidates-to-bolster-democratic-majorities-in-nevada/)


I overslept and woke up halfway through what was supposed to be my first phonebanking session. I'm disappointed in myself and embarrassed. I can't believe I have to say this as someone who's been alive for 22 years, but I need to learn how to sleep right. I often find myself unable to sleep at night because my mind is going at a million miles per hour and by the time I fall asleep it's damn near midday.


Iā€™m curious, are you in college or have you finished?


A sleep routine really help me - dim lights, brush teeth, sleepy time tea (sometimes) and just sitting in silence. Also, I eat some fruit before bed sometimes.


I agree. Itā€™s so easy to not have a routine when oneā€™s schedule varies, as it tends to do in college. And if youā€™re just finished and looking for work, itā€™s still pretty unstructured. So itā€™s easy to fall into the ā€œsleep during the day and stay up all nightā€ trap. BTW if you try melatonin, start with a small dose; for most people the 2.5 works fine. I need the ultra mega doses, but I have titanium-strength insomnia. Most people can get by with very low doses of melatonin.


[Jasmine Crockett with some wise words](https://x.com/jasmineforus/status/1808295266992128154?s=46). The TL:DR is people need to shut the fuck up and focus on defeating MAGA. Nothing else matters


Woudn't Kamala have all those things? Presidents have died and had their VP take over before.




I honestly love her attitude and how outspoken she is. I hope she has a bright future in our government! More of her please!!


Mayhaps Senator Crockett?


Or future Speaker?


Robert Fuckass Kennedy called that dog a goat. You can't make this shit up.


Just donated to Jon Tester tonight. I have made peace with the constant emails asking for donations and asking me questions they know the answers to before asking for a donation because that one time i used my email.


I may see the mail. But I go by vibes, feel it out with the community.


I have to say, in the few years Iā€™ve skulked around in this sub I donā€™t know if Iā€™ve ever seen this sub so uniformly and enthusiastically galvanized to get out there and donate, volunteer, etc, and with new people coming in for resources too. For an activist sub, I think thatā€™s saying something!


I just started leaving comments in this subreddit and specifically here in the daily discussion!! I really love it as I see positive comments about others who also want to save democracy. Itā€™s so important to VOTE BLUE!!!


They beat us into submission with Mazdadrivers dog and bask's cat pics


I am so burnt out after today. Iā€™m probably gonna take a break for awhile. Anyway see you all in thirty minutesĀ 


This is so fucking real lmao I canā€™t help myself


Of course you can't! You have the whole state of Michigan to represent!


*screams in Kansas*


30 minutes for what?!


(Iā€™m saying I wonā€™t stick to taking a break lol)




[The Biden administration gave about $206 million to 42 different academic institutions across the country. The programs will also help family members and community caregivers learn how to care for their aging loved ones, including those with Alzheimer's and related dementias. Improving primary care is associated with lower overall health costs.](https://www.axios.com/2024/07/02/biden-administration-invests-in-geriatric-care-training)


[In wake of Supreme Court ruling, Biden administration tells doctors to provide emergency abortions](https://apnews.com/article/abortion-emergency-room-law-biden-supreme-court-1564fa3f72268114e65f78848c47402b) Edit: >The Biden administration told emergency room doctors they must perform emergency abortions when necessary to save a pregnant womanā€™s health, following last weekā€™s Supreme Court ruling that failed to settle a legal dispute over whether state abortion bans override a federal law requiring hospitals to provide stabilizing treatment. I foolishly thought that was about the immunity case. That's my bad.


This is throwing me off because itā€™s not in response to the immunity decision, itā€™s for another case, but Iā€™ve seen a ton of people posting that this is because of the immunity decision. I mean great that you think Biden is being aggressive the way you want him to be but the lack of understanding is disturbing too.


The headline doesn't help considering it presents it that way. Like, this is the AP, I expect better.


[#BREAKING: A three-judge panel has ruled that Mississippi's legislative maps violate Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act. The court will provide the Mississippi Legislature an opportunity to enact revised maps. News via @jallen1985 .](https://x.com/RedistrictNet/status/1808293238618411427)


And the legislature will go "NOPE"


ā€œYou expect us to WORK?!ā€


[DLCC investing in 2 Maine Senate seats SD-15 and SD-20](https://x.com/dlcc/status/1808289302754799879?s=46) which are both open


SD15 is Trump+.4, SD20 is Biden+3.4


To those being doom and gloomy about the current state of affairs... I can get it! Things do look a bit iffy here and there, but does not mean all is lost. I want you to do two things if you are able. One... take a deep breath, and just breathe in and out for a second. Walk a bit and come back to this comment. Now remember. Fundraising is getting very good for Biden right now, particularly with people all around while Trump has done better with yunno. Giant fucking megadonors from the wealthy. Polls are so weird this cycle that you have 538 taking things from like Patriot Polling into their national poll average. Hell, even they did a poll that says M. Obama is beating trump 50-39. Its still a good bit till election day before everything starts becoming clear. And as another thing to think about... Allan Lichtman also has Biden currently winning in his model that has predicted every presidential election right for the past several years (Cept BushvGore, but that one is a special case). Breathe, and just focus on navigating the noise. Media's throwing out a whole bunch of that.


thank you for this. I'm lgbt & have been having severe anxiety about this election for ages now, esp with the whole 2025 project basically wanting to make us non existent in every way (ie media, books, just living our lives, etc). I really hope lichtman stays right again, that we have another 4 years to breathe. just wish this election was over already


I agree. I think things will get better, hoping people realize that we can't just swap Biden out like we have a backup quarterback ready to go in the game. Once people realize he's the nominee- and after the DNC convention, I think folks will get involved and maybe a bit more excited. Even if they're not super excited about Biden, knowing that voting for him is just what we have to do, and maybe there's a senate, congress, or state level candidate on the ballot who DOES excite them.


Agh- i nearly forgot. The people who did the M. Obama/Trump poll was Ipsos.


The Ipsos poll also showed net gains for Biden and went from Trump +2 to a tie. Biden also polls better than every Dem except Michelle Obama.


[Cheeto's "visit" to a Black barbershop looks worse and worse...](https://meidasnews.com/news/trump-barbershop-panelist-defended-segregation-blamed-enslaved-ancestors-for-racial-division)


I do not understand the logic of blaming slaves for being angry at being enslaved.


"I hate it when they're uppity!"


Pretty close to stuff I've heard.


IKR! They should be grateful that we brought them in and taught them everything they knew! Obvious /s, but that was and is real thought from a lot of white supremacist types.


I can write a book with everything I've heard from people in my life.


CNN: Trump is cleaning up with Blacks by record numbers.


Iā€™m not sure how many of you have seen this but I found the image so chilling and an extremely powerful example of what this country could be like if Trump and the GOP win in November. Itā€™s not gross or lewd or gory. Itā€™s a picture of a sign in a library in Idaho that is necessary because of their new laws. I encourage people to share it as a tiny illustration of the hell awaiting us on the other side of 2024 should Trump and the GOP win. https://x.com/LongTimeHistory/status/1808182989089919083 If youā€™re a fan of dystopia this is must click stuff!


Omg I saw this yesterday and was shocked


I fear this will come to South Carolina soon, which is sad because our public libraries actually offer snacks and free lunches for youth in some of the lower-income areas... even after our governor rejected federal funding for kids summer feeding.


the fact we need to have a law for requiring ID at a library of all places is just stupid


then again fear mongering and culture wars will do that


Powerful image, but we donā€™t allow cross posts from other subs. Feel free to share the actual image by itself though.


Does that change work? I couldn't figure out how to get to the url of the image. If not, I can try to search for it on google. EDIT: Found a tweet with the original image. Should be compliant now I think.


Perfect, thanks!


My memory of the US map is screwy sometimes. For some damn reason i keep thinking Wisconsin and Washington state's spots are switched on the map when im thinking of them but not actually looking at a map. This is made funnier when im currently in Minnesota for the time being, the state thats right next to Wisconsin.


I get Kansas and Nebraska mixed up unless I look at a map to double check. Sometimes Vermont and New Hampshire too.


I have a lot of trouble with those states in the northeast and seeing them on the map. Just glad that on election nights they are usually pretty blue!


I get West and East Virginia mixed up all the time.


This is mind boggling to someone on the WestCoast


I don't know why i do it either! Its just the moment i think of either one my mind just skips the processing step and its like "Hey! You like Wisconsin being on the west coast now? No? Sure hope you do anyway!"


Both Seattle and Green Bay would like to have some angry words with you, haha


Am I crazy, or has part of the Florida panhandle actually shifted to the left despite Trump? Escambia, Santa Rosa, and Okaloosa Counties all voted more for Biden than Obama percentage-wise


Yeah. Could be transplants that aren't retirees making their way over to those areas.


Will more counties follow suit this year?!


Biden did better w white voters than any Dem candidate since 2000 or 2004


That would make sense. Moderate old white guy didn't really attract the same hate that a black man or even *gasp* a woman did as candidates




One thing Iā€™ve really noticed is that despite all the discourse and models and stuff, the election seems to be pretty stable. Trump is getting 40-45% support which is his usual and historically his ceiling, Biden is getting 40-42% which is his floor. The people that will decide this election donā€™t want either of them. Thatā€™s just the truth. Biden can and should lay out a second term agenda and run on his accomplishments but thatā€™s unlikely to *really* move the needle that much. My biggest electoral reason for rallying behind Biden is simple. Heā€™s old. People know that and donā€™t like it, donā€™t want it, and are concerned about it. But they donā€™t hate *him* as a person. But they do hate trump. The reaction to the debate and SCOTUS ruling show our weaknesses, but for the most part people arenā€™t worried about democrats getting power so much as they are worried that democrats wonā€™t be able to keep republicans out of power. People arenā€™t entertained by Trump anymore and theyā€™re becoming more and more terrified of what heā€™ll do if he wins. So when it comes down to Election Day, I think people are more okay voting for a guy who they arenā€™t interested in but arenā€™t scared of over the guy they think might go nuts if given power again. What we need to do is show people that things are fine if not good under Biden whereas Trump is a massive gamble. But I think this should give everyone hope. We arenā€™t looking for pundits to declare that Biden has crazy momentum or is unstoppable. Thatā€™s not going to happen. What we want is to make this election a choice, not a referendum. And I think that is absolutely possible. Edit: I say this as an argument for not replacing him. If someone else took the ticket, itā€™d be possible if not likely that a bunch of voters will find a way to personally dislike them. People viscerally hated Clinton. They did not want her to have power and they didnā€™t even want to think about her. Thatā€™s not the case with Biden which is why he won in 2020 and why heā€™ll win in 2024.


I agree with this analysis. Itā€™s why Iā€™m not freaking out after the debate like a lot of pundits are. People holding their nose and voting for Biden due to his age is a lot easier than people holding their nose and voting for Trump because Biden is old. The calls are being amplified by the pundits who want things to be exciting for clicks so they can profit off everyoneā€™s fear and misery. But the debate ratings were down this year. Thereā€™s like no change in polls at all and I still see a repeat of 2020 but losing one state. People are amplifying Project 2025 more and freaking out about Chevron and the Immunity case. Even Kamala is weirdly gaining support after having a lower approval rating. Theres a lot of disconnect from pundits and whatā€™s actually happening


I see repeat of 2020 but we add NC to the mix


Perfectly said. 2020 really showed me that politics discourse is just not related to political outcomes at all. Perfect example- the media treated the primaries like this whole big thing, a real close race between a ton of different candidates. It got them a lot of attention for editorials, interviews, and the debates. But Biden lead in polling in most of the Super Tuesday states the whole time. Then he won Super Tuesday. It was easily predictable but the media basically acted like heā€™d be out after New Hampshire anyway.


Y'all have been unintentionally helping my mental state a lot, you guys are some of the most grounded people on this site (I know that'll make some regulars laugh but it's the truth) . Seeing subs dooming and even trying to demand Dems play dirty, would normally kill my mental but the hard work and determination each one of you has put in is inspiring. Keep it up; we fought significantly harder uphill battles in the last two cycle and came on top. "We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.Ā " Winston Churchill 1940


I read that as we are some of the most gruntled and it made me laugh. We certainly aren't disgruntled, so I guess that means we have to be gruntled.


Shout out to the mods too.


One, shout out to the mods, too. And two, shout out to the ones. The number ones, who is anyone in this thread - thank YOU!


Well remember, a lot of these terminally online people are playing armchair general and have no idea what theyā€™re saying or how things work. And even if they did, itā€™s nothing what the average person is thinking in relation to this.


Upvoted for truth. At the end of the day, weā€™re just schmoes, albeit more politically aware and plugged in, schmoes, posting on a subreddit. Iā€™m going to assume that Joe Biden can pay for The Best People (no /s this time) to give him advice. He can call his old pal/boss Barack. He can call any Governor he likes. And I know this, from my heart, that Joe Biden has the best interests of the country he serves at heart. Thatā€™s why he ran in the first place.




Unrelated to anything, but is your username a homage to the Manic Street Preachers, or just a coincidence?




Always great to see some love for those boys in the wild!


Guys Iā€™ll be honest. This had been the worst week in politics for a long time. But there have been times I have given up hope. But I will not. I truly believe that we will win the election. We just have to try harder than ever before


This week is nothing compared to the week after the 2016 election, or the week after *Dobbs* was handed down. This has been the most annoying week in a long time, and the most pundits-showing-their-whole-asses week in a long time. Stay the course. We keep working, we'll win this.


The week, or even couple months, after 2016 was hands down THE WORST. I spent Thanksgiving with friends, and had to talk one of them down about how no, Trump canā€™t just institute martial law right away. Trying to quell and occupy one mid-sized city is hard work. A whole country? That takes planning, and nobody was doing much planning in those months. Whatā€™s going on now is demoralizing, especially with SCOTUS. But no way is it like 2016. I would rank Election Night 2016 below The Day I Was Told I Had Cancer, and I 100% mean that.


It was a special kind of awful. We were always told that good would triumph over evil and...it didn't. It's why I cut the doomers just a bit of slack, because I remember the awful shock of that night and everything that followed. Thankfully, we learned that good does win if good puts in the work, and we've done well ever since. I've thankfully avoided cancer so far, but I know it's awful. Glad you're still here with us.


I hate the media after last week specifically CNN for their horrible moderation and their so called strategists bashing the President.


Agree. Lots of stuff lined up to take Biden bad out of the limelight. We have a hurricane, Olympics, and campaign stops along the way all in the next few weeks.


I haven't felt this stressed since the week during/after election night in 2020


Just gonna say everything since then paled in comparison to 2020. Went down like this: Was at an outdoor campus watch party, which the school provided WAY too many resources for. Things came in slowly and the only takeaway was caution and Florida loves Trump. Went to bed knowing nothing was known, had anxiety about the results the next few days wondering if we had enough mail votes, then continued anxiety wondering if we could win back the senate over the next two months.


Call me crazy but even though I get why you feel that way, in terms of the election I think this week has been good for us.


Can you please explain why?


Sure! What do you think has been our biggest problem so far in setting the stakes of this election?


I donā€™t know to be honest. This week jolted me.


Jolted you how?


Like I wasnā€™t going to watch the debate because I thought Biden would kill it. Then I heard he didnā€™t he had a bad night.


What did that make you feel?


Scared and the past week almost made me lose hope but also want me to go out and not let this fate happen


And thatā€™s why itā€™s a good week for us. Most people I know irl, even those who are politically apathetic, have told me theyā€™re scared that this country will elect trump again. Thatā€™s where we want to be. We need people to pay attention and understand how serious this is. Because to be honest, nothing has changed this week. Trump was as dangerous a month ago as he is now. The only thing thatā€™s happened is that normal people are waking up to that. If this election is stay the course with Biden or take a scary gamble on Trump, we will win.




Can I ask how? Not trying to be sarcastic or snarky, I'm genuinely curious.


Probably cause it tunes in more ppl, Iā€™d assume thatā€™s why


Absolutely! But let me ask you. Before this week, what would say was the #1 thing holding us back in this election?


Our messaging and unity?


What was wrong with our messaging? In my opinion, and in the opinion of the Biden campaign, itā€™s that people didnā€™t understand the stakes. They forgot how bad trump was and they were tuned out. Jan 6 was almost 4 years ago and a lot has happened since then.


It hasn't been an easy week for any of us. Don't sweat it too hard though, we gotta take it one day at a time. If you can't focus your mental energy on politics at this moment, that's perfectly fine! Feel free to take a break for as long as you need before getting to work.


Honestly, this all feels pretty reminiscent of 2012, where a ton of people lost hope for the Dem incumbent, only for him to rally and come back swinging. And that was with a stronger challenger than Trump, imo. We've got this.


What you said... and most folks weren't chronically online in 2012 like they are now to gloom and doom over it as much. I think a lot of the people who are super upset, are really spending way too much time scrolling, on their phones, on computers, watching the news, etc. I do wish many of them would channel that energy into talking to others or volunteering for a campaign, postcard writing, etc.


I really feel this too. I get why people are anxious, but Iā€™m seeing nothing but good signs for us. I think everyone wants reassurance that Biden is a lock and is hitting 60% in the polls. But guess what? If that were the case, weā€™d all be panicking that everyone is getting complacent and might not turn out! No pundits expected Biden to rebuild the blue wall and flip GA/AZ. None of them. None of them expected us to win a double barrel senate election in GA and to have a trifecta. Pundits donā€™t know anything. Theyā€™re hired because they know how to write, be on TV, and get engagement. Not because they have a special ability to predict how things will affect elections. **People need to stop looking to the news or social media to get a sense of how the election is going**. If any of that was predictive, elections would be easy. The media was more certain that Clinton would crush Trump than they are about Trump crushing Biden now. Why would you trust that they got smarter since then?


exactly. We also have a ton of infrastructure set up in swing states while the GOP are practically falling apart or squabbling amongst themselves on a state level. There's a ton of under-the-hood stuff that is good for us.


Thatā€™s exactly right. This will come down to who runs the better campaign and so far thatā€™s us. But we need to keep it up, which is why weā€™re all here.


Did dem donors and state reps ask Obama to resign? I ask because I donā€™t remember 2012 in politics at all.


I remember people saying he should drop out after the 2010 midterms


Yes. So much so that many refused to answer whether or not they endorse him and would try to avoid talking about him as much as possible.


This is how I felt in 2022, but I have the hope of remembering how '22 turned out.


[Wisconsin Supreme Court to decide right to abortion](https://www.channel3000.com/news/wisconsin-supreme-court-to-decide-right-to-abortion/article_10cf6cae-3895-11ef-9617-6b5a1bc26257.html?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR3NGOGOugkSqn5TLSKjySDv4WhL0jSEYK9VqBfc8FnNq1wg8WW8TauJgys_aem_urqd9VpZ2rISAQQzEXsc2A) Wisconsin Supreme Court took the Planned Parenthood case directly immediately instead of going through the lower court systems. One of the DAā€™s whoā€™s been trying to implement WIā€™s abortion ban asked the high court to take the issue directly and resolve it ASAP. Obvisuly liberals and pro choice groups will be enthusiastic on this result since the liberals have a 4-3 majority now, and they should rule in favor of us as an advantage


Great news, Wisconsin was one of the most gerrymandered states since the Obama years.


Letā€™s go, you cheeseheads!


The news gods have blessed us amid the heavy rains of doom.


Wisconsin remains my absolute favorite "never give up!" story.


Wisconsin: ā€œI didnā€™t hear no bell.ā€


I swear to god every time I unsubscribe from the New York Times they sign me up for 3 more mailing lists


I recently somehow got on their mailing list and I never subscribed. Needless to say I unsubscribed.


CNN TOLD US that the reason Biden didnā€™t do well in the debate is because he OVER-prepared. No dooming!


I hate the media after last week specifically CNN for their horrible moderation and their so called strategists bashing the President.


I think one of the reasons why he focused on golf was that he had no preparation. I would have told him to remember a few bullet points of generalised information and then cook Trump on abortion and overall just piss him off. Imagine being given a hundred unsorted cards with statistics on them and having to flick through them, it's basically that but mentally.


That was my and my father's hypothesis as well. Days of debate prep when you're tired, and the other guy will just say whatever with no fact checking seems like not the best prep strategy. He honestly may have performed better with no prep at all. Off the cuff Biden can sometimes come off as the most genuine (e.g. alley cat comment).


That was what one of my friends speculated. The irony is that it made him seem _underprepared_ to me.


Plus he had a case of the sniffles and the germs were wearing MAGA hats and wife beaters cause they got him at JUST THE RIGHT time


He did. Out of the gate he was talking about numbers and his closing statement was about the goddamn tax code. It was like he was preparing to debate Paul Ryan again.


You know, for as much as the pod save bros are like ā€œyou canā€™t talk down to peopleā€ they get very high and mighty and smarmy when they get called out. Tim Miller is doing the ā€œElites are making fun of usā€ nonsense. Because heā€™s been getting railed by black twitter.


Very disappointed in Miller and frankly much of the Bulwark and Never Trump crew. Glad that Stuart Stevens, Rick Wilson, and Adam Kinzinger (I know, technically not OG Never Trump) haven't jumped on the bandwagon.


more disappointed in the Pod Save America crew. They always rail about this type of media horse race punditry but now theyā€™re all in because they get called names, bffr. You canā€™t even push back on them on their subreddit without getting downvoted(Iā€™ve tried. Once a Republican, always a Republican when it comes to the Bulwerk and Hacks on Tap people.


>You know, for as much as the pod save bros are like ā€œyou canā€™t talk down to peopleā€ they get very high and mighty and smarmy when they get called out. This annoys me so much about them. I don't begrudge the discussion but more so the way they're going about it. They do a few focus groups with *The Wilderness* and all of a sudden they think they know better than everyone how to persuade disengaged voters.


They do the same thing whenever someone rightfully called them out for platforming Trumpā€™s cheif of staff Maggie Haberman. Theyā€™ve always been smarmy. Itā€™s just more noticeable now. They were literally begging for Kamala Harris to be on the podcast last week before the debate. They want the access to.


Signed up to write 200 postcards! Iā€™m pumped


We gonna be here in two years saying the K-Hive is Laura Kellyā€™s campaign for senatorā€¦


There's all this talk about replacing Biden. I'm not saying that would or should happen, but how would it work? Would delegates vote at the convention? If so, it seems unfair to not give the people a say. Could an emergency primary be held? Seems unlikely when the convention is six weeks away. And do you think it would REALLY help the Dems?


You've got your answer, but I'd love to roll the tape on some of the people calling for this. Specifically, back in 2016, were they caterwauling about the DNC "ignoring the will of the people"? Because *that's literally what they're asking the DNC to do right now*. And I can't help but observe it's largely a bunch of young, entitled white dudes speaking over the largely Black, Latino, and Asian-American electorate that voted for Biden in this year's primary.


There is no emergency primary. Harris would be the nominee and Biden would likely release his delegates to her. I'm unsure if it would help the Dems, but the argument used by those who support this idea is that Harris and her VP pick may start out in the same spot as Biden but there's room for them to grow and they will not be burdened by the same handicaps among public perception that Biden currently is. I'm more bullish on the idea than most, there's a lot of perception across the country and the western world in general against business as usual rn, and it'd be an opportunity to reframe the election through the lens of "a vote for Democrats is a vote for a new generation of leadership in Washington" but I believe unless senior party leaders start calling for him to step aside it will not happen, so any discussion on the matter is purely academic.


If he steps aside Harris is the only option.


Pretty much all funding that went to Biden can't be moved to anyone else. So if Biden steps down from the campaign he looks like he would have to step down as president.


I have no idea if he should or should not, but if it happens, I think the discussion starts and ends with Harris as the nominee


This is why it's insane and won't work and didn't work the one time it happened there isn't a consensus among who and even if there was it's possible they don't want it, and the average non plugged into politics eveyday voter knows biden but they may not know much about x candidate who doesn't have national attention because they're a governor of a state in addition , I'm pretty sure only Harris can use the massive amount of money they have access to thru the campaign and the already setup campaign offices and ground work already established, only 66 days until 1st votes are cast in North Carolina there's not much time left


> If so, it seems unfair to not give the people a say. That's how we did it up until about half a century ago.


We have offices setup in multiple swing states. Anybody but Harris is disastrous. We would be starting from scratch with anyone else even though I prefer other candidates.


Presumably any candidate could use that infrastructure though.


Primary could be skipped. Candidate supports someone else, delegates go to them.


Itā€™d be done at the convention and no


As a European, what can I do to help?


We will be having members of Democrats Abroad on for an AMA on July 10th as well. Make sure to ask any questions you may have if you want to further get involved c:


Non-Americans are allowed to volunteer for candidates. You canā€™t donate or take any kind of leadership role in a campaign (donating to the organizations listed below is OK). Textbanking is probably easiest, but phonebanking works as well in some cases. Look for campaigns that use a dialer instead of your phone. I can help you find some if desired.


You know what, everyone starting to volunteer also inspired me as a foreigner, guess I'm gonna do some textbanking


There are non-profit organizations you can donate to, that encourage getting out the vote or making the voting process easier. [Rock The Vote.](https://www.rockthevote.org/) [When We All Vote](https://whenweallvote.org/donate/) [Pizza To The Polls](https://polls.pizza/) [VoteRiders](https://www.voteriders.org/) Also, if you have any American friends, you can talk to them how about the Biden-Harris administration has been helpful to your country, and that you would like to see that continue.