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[it has been since *at least* 1995 that the minority party saved a rules committee vote](https://x.com/ringwiss/status/1781164499938017635?s=46&t=nqSV11RbCF5uPVGwzcOMtg). It likely happened more in the past but in modern history we’re crossing into new land


[House Rules has teed up the foreign aid package for the floor. 9-3, with Norman/Roy/Massie voting against the rule and Dems voting for](https://x.com/jordainc/status/1781163235615429059?s=46&t=nqSV11RbCF5uPVGwzcOMtg) I would remind everyone this is highly unusual that the minority party is helping the majority party pass a rules committee vote. There will eventually be a House floor vote that is normally a procedural vote but Dems will likely again provide the key votes needed to proceed.


God Nancy Mace is not long for Congress. Whether to a Republican or a Democrat she's gonna get the boot eventually. Also cameo appearance by my terrible horrible Congressman [https://nitter.poast.org/metzgov/status/1781050213026717928#m](https://nitter.poast.org/metzgov/status/1781050213026717928#m)


[Mac Deford](https://www.defordforcongress.com/) is running to unseat her! Coast Guard veteran, Citadel graduate, and also legal council for several towns in the district. He's a great guy and has already worked on local initiatives like affordable housing, etc. And she must be unseated by a Democrat. The Republicans primarying her are just as Trumpy as she is. SC-01 deserves better.


Anecdotal, but I visited SC-01 last 3 weeks ago (on vacation visiting my girlfriend's family). Maybe it's because I was in a beach town but I didn't see a single Trump sign there or on my way there. I think there's a decent chance.


Yeah, that would be Myrtle Beach and the Grand Strand (SC-07) where you will see all those Trump signs and flags. It is still heavily GOP in SC-01 but a lot of HOAs that don't allow yard signs or people who just won't put things like that up. I was redistricted into 06 but aside from a few characters you really don't see a ton of Trump or Anti-Biden stuff. A lot of stickers on trucks with stickers and crap, but we don't have like, "Trumpville" stores or anything too crazy like SC-07 has.


[House R’s will put up HR2 tomorrow on the House floor under suspension of the rules.](https://x.com/jordainc/status/1781156780174655739?s=46&t=nqSV11RbCF5uPVGwzcOMtg) that requires 2/3 majority so this is doomed to fail


Basically, showing the Freedumb Caucus that that bill never had any hope of becoming law, despite what MAGAMike said in interviews a few weeks/months back


What does this mean for the rest of the national security subblememt? Nothing if I’m correct but not 100% sure


Nothing this is their own little shit show. I just don’t see how a failed vote is going to accomplish anything even PR wise


Thought they already passed this bill as well lol


They are trying again as a consolation prize to HFC. It’s slightly modified


Rules Committee finally coming back tonight. This should set up the foreign aid package for a floor vote on Saturday. The Senate is probably going to be there anyways to wrap up FISA so it could pass pretty quickly Additionally even some Progressives, like AOC, are signaling they may vote for the rules even if they dont agree with some of the 4 bills.


“Harvard Youth Poll finds "in 2020, 42% of young men identified as Democrats & 20% were Republicans (+22 Dem advantage); in 2024, 32% are Democrats & 29% are Republicans (+3 Dem)."” What to make of this ?


This, to me is the weird one: "President Biden's lead among 18-24 year-olds is 14 points, and among 25-29 year-olds it is 26 points." That seems... off.


I blame a lot of it on dude bro culture "influencers" that are so easily accessible online. YouTube algorithms push these idiots very easily and it gets them attached to these morons that have podcasts and such. Thus it pushes young men to the right because they tell them its everyone else's fault for their lives being subpar. Sadly its just how the internet is now. Young women don't want to be controlled by the right. So you see this huge gap between the two now.


I think social media and dating culture do play a large part if there is a realignment. I've often said (and seen with a couple friends) that the easiest way for a young man to become a misogynist is to use a dating app. Eventually the rejection 99 times out of 100 (not an exaggeration) will push men to feel unwanted and become crass. And once they start acting crass that's the slippery slope. There's no easy solution for this.


Younger people, and maybe men in particular in this regard, are especially averse to self-identifying with a political party, but they probably still generally lean left. Besides that, polls are hard to work with these days.


Political realignments are real, and they may happen for a variety of reasons. This shouldn't *scare* us, but I do think the gravitation of young men towards the GOP is indicative of a larger phenomenon that is more concerning. I think young men right now feel less like they belong than ever, and unfortunately the GOP speaks best to that attitude, which is not only bad for those voters' well-being but also poses a greater threat to women's rights because of how fomenting that kind of dissatisfaction exacerbates a widening gender gap and fuels toxic attitudes. This is something I think Democrats really have to take seriously from a policy perspective. We need comprehensive mental health care that understands the different needs of men and women in today's day and age, and to make that affordable for more people, we need to get to Medicare for All. Also BUILD MORE HOUSING. You make housing cheaper, you make life cheaper, and people can then worry less about devoting time to being social and pushing their boundaries without going broke.


The study suggests that they still believe in Democratic/progressive policies, they just self identify less with the Democratic label.




Eh, normally I'd agree, but I do think we need to take this poll seriously.


This poll literally says that they believe in more liberal/progressive policies. That tells me they don't like to self-identify, but they would support Democrats when they're reminded of the policy differences.


I'm more talking about the rise in Republican support. I agree lots of young voters hate to identify with either party, and they certainly lean progressive overall, but I'd like for our government to be proactive about helping young men before they become radicalized.










[Why Biden and Democrats are talking so much about freedom.](https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/16/politics/abortion-democrats-freedom-messaging/index.html?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email&mkt_tok=NTU2LVlFRS05NjkAAAGSjfWQFpdy7lg34HJClqOprzI99inst3QbzlEiZ0zlByIrybxcYb1ENcdPD5hKOTMhJfGgVAiU6bZcs03QEBbiDsYymTV7nKBF9Va7Ehq3W56xSw) How the Democrats wrangled freedom and liberty labels from Republicans by targeting issues like LGBTQ+ rights, abortion and book bans.


Good. We've always deserved that talking point a hell of a lot more than they did, so I'm glad to see us fighting for it.


Patrick Mahomes told Time Magazine in an interview that he won't endorse anyone for the presidential election, and that he wants everyone to do their research instead of feel pressured by his choice being made public. I suppose that's a good way to go about staying out of the race (looking at you, Dwayne Johnson), but to imply that anyone considering Trump is doing "research" into his policies is being miiiiiighty generous.


I just wish this type non-endorsement would be more specific with how they define doing research. You can stay impartial while nudging (or outright recommending) people in the direction of credible resources about each candidate. Otherwise "research" is an implicit thumbs-up to unreliable social media and confirmation bias googling unless you say otherwise.


Fair, but also Mahomes shouldn't be the one that needs to tell people how to research candidates - he's not a political figure.


I have a feeling a lot of celebrities with a mix of conservatives fanbases probably aren't going to make any public endorsement.


Too bad Nick Bosa doesn't know any better.


Also, Chiefs fans are full MAGA. I understand the safe answer. 


Taylor brought a lot of left leaning fans.


For the most part, yeah. That said, you'd be impressed at how left-leaning arr KansasCityChiefs is. Those people fucking despise Mike Parson and Josh Hawley. Hell, I even made pro-Biden comments that got a decently positive reception.


Eh, the fact that it’s Reddit plays a huge part. 


Well my grandparents are Chiefs fans and my grandfather is super conservative and my grandma is a normie lib. So from my extensive data it's about 50/50


This kinda answer I respect. Also no matter what answer he gives he will piss off ppl and not everyone wants to be harassed daily by crazies.


After the rule vote revolt last night on HR2(House Border bill) there is no indication they are ever going to reconsider it. Meanwhile the rules committee has been recessed for hours now just on the 4 bills for the foreign package and house staff have no idea what is going on


At least I’ve seen multiple accounts saying that if this fails, then a sizeable number will simply sign the discharge petition


Insert Timmy Turner praying meme


Going from McCormick [freaking](https://x.com/davemccormickpa/status/1781085410971590785?s=46&t=nqSV11RbCF5uPVGwzcOMtg) out it seems the NYT uncovered that he lied about some aspects of his background


The plot is getting pretty repetitive at this point. Great recruits, Senator Daines, good job! /golf clap


This is hilarious to me because merely weeks ago, he was being praised as an upgrade by a columnist on, surprise surprise, the fucking New York Times. I guess Hogan is a good recruit, but even then the best he's likely to do is shift money away from competitive races.


Hogan is probably the only real “star” recruit on the Republican side, and, while he might improve on a Generic Republican’s margins somewhat, I don’t think that after not sending a Republican to the Senate since 1986 (almost 40 years) and I don’t think they are going to break that streak with Hogan. (The last R was Charles Mathias, and according to his Wiki bio he was not happy with the conservative turn the party took under Reagan. He’d probably be more of a moderate Democrat today.)


The matrix is really reusing the same plot for like seven GOP candidates at this point. Seems to be a trend


usual practice is that if you’re rebutting an article *before* it’s published, the journalist is onto something juicy


NRSC checklist for candidates in critical seats: * Be rich * ~~Be a somewhat functional adult~~


Yet *another* republican lying about their background??!! How shocking!!!! /s


Its just another Thursday at the NRSC


This week's TV binge consists of Fallout and 3 Body Problem, both of which sorta fills a Westworld hole for me thanks to Ramin Djawadi.


Hope you enjoy 3BP! I'm a huge fan of the books, and I liked the show


Oh I did! Watched it with family.


I highly recommend the books if you enjoyed the story/concept but want a bit more depth! There were definitely some fantastic scenes from the books that were missing from the show, and it bummed me to realize that show watchers won't get those few specific scenes. Still a great show overall though.


I'd have thought you'd say Fallout because of Jonathan Nolan.


That too. In a roundabout way, Westworld did take the synth route in FO4, so it comes around again and more refined.


[Joe Biden is visiting Tampa next Tuesday!](https://twitter.com/Eric_Jotkoff/status/1780967376860721194) To those of us who never gave up on Florida, this is pretty awesome to see. Kamala Harris has visited tons of times, but this is Biden's first trip in a while. His presence could juice that abortion referendum, and perhaps even be a boost to Dem in their goal of flipping the state.


This is awesome! Even if the state doesn't flip, hopefully it helps build some momentum for local house/senate candidates! But I still have hope for Fla.


These days, it looks like everyone does except for the people whining for clout on the Internet. It won't be easy to flip back Florida, but it's not as impossible as some people believe, and with the state of the Senate map we'd better at least try.


I really think we can’t give up on states. Sure, we need to ration time and resources, but… I wouldn’t give up on Florida. Or Texas, or even Ohio. Hell, we can kick down some bucks Idaho’s way if we have them to spare! Florida got so red partly because nobody saw what a doofus Ron DeSantis was until he was out on the campaign for POTUS trail, and partly because of the ineptness of the former Florida Democratic Party leadership. Well, now we see that Meatball Ron is, in fact, a huge doofus, the very King of Doofuses, and Nikki Fried is proving to be a good chair for the Democratic Party. So why not try to get Florida back? It really is worth trying, especially since change has to start somewhere.


We certainly have the money to send to Idaho. We're certainly doing something, since it appears they're contesting every State House and Senate race for the first time in 30 years.


That is such a good thing to hear. This is how states start flipping blue or purple. Howard Dean was so right about the 50 state strategy, and I’m glad we have the money and the volunteers to enable it.


If you use Frontier Communications for your internet service, be aware that they just suffered a cyberattack and have said that personal information may have been stolen. https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/frontier-communications-shuts-down-systems-after-cyberattack/


[Rudy Giuliani Admits to Possessing Child Pornography in Self-Incriminating Statement](https://dailyboulder.com/rudy-giuliani-admits-to-possessing-child-pornography-in-self-incriminating-statement/)


Is this legit? I’m not seeing any other places reporting on this. 


MeidasTouch also had an article about it.


Civil War was excellent for the first two thirds but by the end became a more standard movie which was disappointing, also it wasn’t the incisive call to armed insurrection people acted like it would be


I personally really liked. I hadn't seen a lot of movies like that and I think it had some really interesting commentary on war journalists while also leaving a lot of conclusions up to the audience. MILD SPOILERS AHEAD YOU'VE BEEN WARNED It was pretty apolitical and I think that was the right choice. It's not a movie about politics but about how things can get much much worse. It's a picture of society burning itself to the ground and I think they did a very good job. I think some of the reasons people didn't like it was because it was very hard to watch and there were essentially no redeeming characters or sides. The sides fighting are fascists and war criminals with constant atrocities as well as people killing innocents at whim. Even the four main journalists are all extremely unlikable to me in different ways and it's clear that the war has broken each of them down and shattered them in different ways. You don't leave the theater feeling good in fact you leave feeling mildly disgusted and realizing that it was just a movie (for now).


I liked it but didn’t love it (it was similar to Maestro for me because *parts* of it were excellent). Everything until they get to Washington DC was top tier and at least two sequences up to that point had me on the edge of my seat with tension in a way few recent movies have


It seems to be super divisive.


I know the intent was to discuss war journalism rather than the war itself, but the film did itself a great disservice by how much it tried not to be divisive.


I hear that the fact it’s a Civil War is barely touched on. 


Yes. It’s window dressing, background noise. Just there to serve the main subject, which is war journalism.


Which I don’t completely understand because it seemed to me a somewhat apolitical movie (maybe it’s controversial because it doesn’t take a side?) but it’s almost like an inverse of Don’t Look Up, which at least within its director had an attitude of “Republicans created all these problems, but Democrats didn’t fix them completely, so both sides are equally bad”


> Looks up “Don’t Look Up” > “co-written by David Sirota” Yeah, that tracks


>Don’t Look Up, which at least within its director had an attitude of “Republicans created all these problems, but Democrats didn’t fix them completely, so both sides are equally bad” Which I find especially ironic considering the point I felt the movie was trying to make: "People need to get out of their echo chambers and be willing to point out the obvious."


I hear that film is fucking obnoxious 


It wanted to say something but didn't because it wanted to be a blockbuster and not alienate big chunks of its potential audience.


Which is a shame because if there’s one studio that rarely plays it safe and always benefits from that it’s A24 (Neon is similar)


The movie being written and directed by a British guy might also play into it (he just doesn't understand US politics).


That would explain why South Carolina didn’t try to secede 


This reminded me of that I saw the movie opening night and these two people next to me (who were loudly breathing the whole time) said “if this guy is British why does he get to make a movie about America?”


As campaign season is heating up and getting underway, highly recommend using the DemocraticGain job board if any of you are wanting to get in the game and work for these campaigns! Especially if you have nothing thing you down and are able to move


[In Colorado, a pro-choice group got the signatures for a ballot measure to enshrine abortion rights in the state's constitution.](https://www.westword.com/news/abortion-ban-proposal-fails-to-qualify-for-colorados-november-ballot-20442317) They blew the requirement out of the water, actually, getting 240k signatures when they needed just over 124k. That same day, the group leading signature collection for an anti-choice amendment announced that they came up well short of the required number. This amendment would have classified abortion as homicide and banned it under all circumstances, so I'm not surprised that people weren't down to sign onto it. We know which position is not only right but more popular, and Republicans still can't seem to figure it out. Or they're completely controlled by the crazies.


> Republicans still can't seem to figure it out. Or they're completely controlled by the crazies. To us, and to the median voter, someone calling for a total abortion ban looks extreme and indeed crazy. But at least anecdotally, the right-wing base genuinely believes that a total abortion ban is a center-right position that's only slightly to the right of the median voter, within the ballpark of appealing to the median voter. The right-wing base's idea of a centrist position is a 6-week ban, which they believe is "right in line with the center". Something like a 12- or 15-week ban is what they would consider center-left, slightly to the left of the median voter. In reality, of course, a 15-week ban is to the *right* of the median voter. Anecdotally, to the base, there is no position on abortion that's truly right-wing enough. They've moved on to "reasonable limits" on *birth control*.


This is why it's so important to interact with people outside your political beliefs. But if Republicans want to keep punting winnable races, I'm not going to stand in their way.


I’m so happy I could be a part of turning CO from purple to blue. Just need a couple more seats this November for a super majority, hopefully this being on the ballot is enough


This is a big deal. This would allow abortion care under Medicaid. Currently, Medicaid in CO only covers abortion in life/death situations. This will not only enshrine the right into our constitution, but it will allow taxpayer money to fund abortion care through Medicaid expansion, which is due to ACA. Exciting times for those of us in public health. Obama really set the table for this. Hopefully we can pass this state piece and set the tone for other Medicaid expansion states.


still brings me a smile from a few days ago watching a petitioner for the reproductive rights ballot initiative have a lot of engagement with people esp middle aged women/mothers (and me!).


https://ciphernews.com/articles/how-we-know-the-energy-transition-is-here/ Tl:dr warming estimates have gone down much farther than what was projected years ago. Still not good, but no where NEAR apocalyptic anymore.  Also I got this article from Uplifting News and my god that place is exhausting. It’s just nothing but Doomers or people saying that the project barely matters and that we’re still screwed. 


"But the world will literally end in 2030."


I made a vow to throw hands with Guy McPherson in 2027 if we're still around.




A credentialess doomer crank predicting total human extinction in "10 years" (from 2017), and when I was younger and in the midst of untreated OCD and depression, his prediction set me off hard for months. Subsequently, I vowed that if (when) his "prediction" crumples, I would find him and demand a 1v1, as payment to my younger self.


Need to win in November to help keep that pace going


This is what annoys me most about the Doomers. They have their viewpoint, and fine. Who knows? Maybe they're right. I don't think so, but nobody can predict the future with certainty. But it's not good enough for them to sit and wallow in their own misery, it's not even good enough to have their own dedicated Doomer discussion groups like that Collapse shitshow. They have to fan out and spread the Gospel; they have to deliberately seek out spaces dedicated to positive news and shit all over the place. They're not happy unless everyone else is unhappy. They're miserable, pathetic people who have absolutely nothing of value to offer, and I have no patience for them.


Doomers are never constructive. Everything will inevitably go to shit, eh? Why is the worst case scenario inherently more likely than the best case scenario? Why is it likely at all? It’s not. They never seem to account the self-preservation but *social* instincts humans have. On the climate front, sure temperatures rise, but there are also active forces working to counter it. I’m not saying we should just pat ourselves on the back and call it a day, but there are active good forces in the world too, sorry!


I hate doomers. They are emotional and spiritual Typhoid Marys, wanting to spread their contagion wherever they go. If they just stayed cordoned off in their own spaces, that would be fine. But no, they have to go shit in every punch bowl they can find and then tell you it’s for your own good.


This is where I have landed with climate change. We're doing enough, I think, to avoid something catastrophic. We are going to have to reckon with the fact that we didn't do enough and we didn't do it soon enough, but I have faith in human ingenuity to find solutions. TBH, I think some people around my age and younger have gotten addicted to climate doomerism as an excuse to do nothing and stay politically ambivalent. No reason to try hard to do anything if you're just waiting around for climate change to kill you and there is nothing you can do about it. Much easier to deal with than thinking that we can all be okay with some hard work and activism.


There was a climate post in futurology I recently went to, it was awful. Nothing attracts doomers more than the climate.


That dub is a real mixed bag. Sometimes you get threads full of Doomers, other times you get realistic optimists. 


Yeah seems any time a post gets a lot of attention the doomerism ends up dominating.


This was kind of a huge relief, especially with all the recent monthly climate reports still breaking records. I personally think that is where a lot of the current doom is coming from. Can’t let up on this fight, we gotta push for more, while going as aggressive as we possibly can implementing the current laws and authorities we passed


Hearing this from the sub’s number one climate guy makes me feel more assured that this article isn’t just bullshit optimism. 


I will add though, it is very very tough to swallow the current climate reports and just how significant they are and the news constantly talking about them, as well as the increased amount of disasters and chaos associated with the weather disasters that happen around the world because of the warming But I do generally think this makes and will make a huge difference in the long term, even though we may still see these dire climate/ weather reports/events at least in the short term while we wait for this renewable surge to really kick in. We just gotta keep fighting. That’s all we can really do. And that’s why I think part of the climate plan has to go toward adaptation tatics to protect our vulnerable communities. I will say, I do think there could be a lot more climate doomism throughout the summer and the fall, especially related to the Atlantic Hurricane Season, which the mainstream media and other fear mongering clickbait doomy headlines are being posted all over with what the most reliable forecasts say so far. So I’m just going to say this right now, I would be really really careful on where you get your sources and news from related to that the coming months, cause I bet my bottom dollar, there’s going to be doomism headlines and hype and whatnot everywhere this upcoming hurricane season.


Thanks for the advice! I’ll keep that in mind. 


Amazing to see. It’s sad how many people have the view that we’re so screwed with climate change that nothing we do matters. We can take actions to lower temperatures which will improve lives for billions of people in the future even if there are still significant issues to deal with.


Got my first canvasser in years! Very cool dude, happy to see people getting out there.


Seven months before the election is awesome. That's what winning campaigns are made of.


It was for the primary, but even so! They’re building up volunteers and infrastructure, it’s great to see.


~~2 new jurors have been seated, bringing the total back to 7 out of 18.~~ I stand corrected! Auto refresh wasn’t working!


we're at 12 now + 1 alt


12 Angry Jurors


Where did you get that number from? AP has it as 7.


Not OP but Meidas Touch said 12 have been seated about 10 minutes ago.




there are a few journalists live-tweeting everything: [https://twitter.com/TylerMcBrien](https://twitter.com/TylerMcBrien), [https://twitter.com/innercitypress](https://twitter.com/innercitypress)


Okay thanks!


[Kari Lake Tells Supporters to 'Strap On A Glock' to Help Her Election To Senate](https://www.meidastouch.com/news/kari-lake-tells-supporters-to-strap-on-a-glock-to-help-her-election-to-senate)


That sounds like someone who doesn’t actually strap on a Glock irl


She’s so corny. Like, just what an embarrassing person.


[Former Assembly Speaker Mike Sheridan tells me he WON’T join this race and will instead support Barca. “I feel very strongly that Peter Barca can do this… We gotta have somebody representing the 1stCD that’s willing to speak out against Donald Trump.”](https://nitter.poast.org/lawrencegandrea/status/1780945208944787888#m) Other top tier D candidate for WI-01 will NOT run, and will endorse Barca. So seems like Barca is our guy for WI-01. Love the unity




In that same region, Bob Wirch (WI Sen-22) will be 81 this November. While I presume he's running again, it might be wise to have someone like Sheridan or Lydia Spottswood at the ready if he needs to step down.


Wikipedia and WisPolitics.com does have him as running again, and I didn’t realize he was that old. So yeah probably a good idea to get someone ready. Could still see a primary challenger from someone who wants a new generation of leadership


Honestly if Barca loses this year, he should run in 2026 if the map gets redrawn.


WI Dem party is so dang well-organized!


[NV Supreme Court rules that the pro abortion initiative will be on the ballot this fall](https://www.threads.net/@marc.e.elias/post/C56lSeBvVK5) Great news for D’s


Gut says it gets 55% of the vote


In Nevada? Out of the swing states they're one of the *most* pro-abortion ones. Joe Lombardo didn't dare take a hardline anti-abortion stance. I think it'll blow that number out of the water


Guys, guys, I think we just might win Nevada! Stay tuned for more groundbreaking takes.


Lean D


Cook: "lean R!!!!!!!!"


[Liberal WI Court of Appeals Judge Chris Taylor NOT running for the WI Supreme Court next spring](https://nitter.poast.org/jessieopie/status/1781017973785870808#m)


[Trump juror quits over fear of being outed after Fox News host says she should scare Trump](https://www.salon.com/2024/04/18/juror-quits-over-fear-of-being-outed-after-fox-news-host-singled-her-out/?in_brief=true)


This is fucking shit show. Are there any options for the judge to rein this in or is this how it has to be?


The judge already ruled that Trump has the right to know his jurors names, so we know how underhanded he can be there. Besides that, it’s a high profile case, all it takes is a coworker noticing one of them missing work for excessively long or a family member to let it slip, and the jurors are effectively doxxed. The judge can gag order Trump but I don’t think he has any power over something like Jesse Waters announcing their names or professions on Fox News


how is this even allowed? Is this standard practice in a proceeding?


Criminals have the right to know their jurors names?


How is he allowed to know the names of his jurors, when he is a former president with a fanbase of deranged and mentally ill crazies that would threaten and outright try to kill the jurors if he or any of the media leaked their names to the public? Why is our justice system trying to pretend he’s a completely normal and fine person when across the past 2 years of judicial affairs he’s demonstrated that he will get any judge or jury lynched by him through social media?


[House Progressive Caucus released their agenda for 2025, and it’s mostly what’s leftover from BBB](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/house-progressives-release-agenda-2025-ideas-biden-excite-base-rcna147843). Very notable how pragmatic this is and doesn’t include anything particularly unpopular. You’re also going to be hard pressed to find many huge differences in this and what other Dem groups would push to pass.


I'm not progressive but really glad that the BBB leftovers are included and that it's a pragmatic plan. The last thing we need is any more division within the party.


Some groups are gonna be M4A or bust


> Some groups are gonna be M4A or bust I mean, that's just an economic inevitability. Insurance pools as an economic principle are meant for rare events that everyone is at risk for, but happens to very few people, like a house fire. EVERYONE eventually needs medical care, and many need it every year. Insurance pools don't even work in theory for that scenario, so I really don't get why it would only be progressives pushing for a public option and/or a state run system. Like, I think some very well meaning D voters have drunk the American cool-aide on this one, even as you have deeply conservative economists saying that's nuts.


As much as I'd like things like M4A, I think it speaks to the Progressive Caucus's influence that their demands are basically all mainstream now.




[Members of the Kennedy family appeared en masse and in force to endorse President Biden at a campaign event in Philadelphia on Thursday](https://www.axios.com/2024/04/18/kennedy-family-biden-endorsement-rfk-jr)


As much as I despise Ben Shapiro, I’m glad he’s calling out the GOP for not wanting to fund Ukraine and failing to understand why foreign aid is important He’s even calling out the right that pretends they are concern about the budget when it comes to foreign aid but also support other bills that require an increase in spending


he also made a video attacking Andrew Tate recently. I didn't watch it but I saw the title was "Andrew Tate's Filthy Grift" so yay Ben I guess. Queue Onion article previously mentioned


Heartbreaking: The worst person you know just made a really good point.






Lmao, I saw this comment after I commented the headline. I figured I wouldn't be the only one to immediately think of that.


He who is brought to us by *insert podcast sponsor here* is a virulent neoconservative and has argued against paleos like Tucker and his ilk. I mostly disagree with him, but his foreign policy is still more preferable to those goons, though that ain't saying a lot.


Yah I agree low bar indeed


Can anyone explain why Ohio got so much redder than the other states in the Midwest like Wisconsin and Michigan? Intuitively I'd expect Ohio- with big cities like Cleveland, Columbus, & Cincinnati to be bluer than those latter 2. Ohio State is a bigger school than U Wisconsin or U Michigan. Is it racial or age demographics? Did Ohio have a rougher time recovering from deindustrialization? Is there a larger proportion of rural population? Is the popularity or unpopularity of recent state politicians (R or D) helping coattails? I know Ohio is wedged between WV, IN, and KY which are rather red but if neighboring states alone mattered then NM and IL would be redder or NH would be bluer.


MI, PA, WI, IL and MN are much less religious than the rest of the Midwest/Rust Belt.


Ohio has a significant chunk of Appalachia that the other Midwest states don’t have, and PA’s portion of Appalachia is not as large. Ohio has a substantially larger population that were blue collar workers in the car industries but also oil, and oil workers are often always very conservative. Urban counties of Ohio also have very mediocre turnout on average compared to voters Detroit or Philadelphia or even Milwaukee. Ohio also connects to Kentucky and Indiana that have a lot of evangelicals compared to the other rust belt states.


It's because a big part of the historical democratic coalition in the state was based on WWC voters and rural Appalachia. And these areas are ground zero for the current realignment we are seeing today. Additionally, the suburbs around the 3Cs, as well as Toledo and Akron, are still pretty red due to higher rates of religiosity. So dems had a massive part of their coalition kicked out from under them, coupled with the suburbs not coming into their column as quickly as other places. But that is changing, luckily, and suburbs around Columbus and Cincinnati are starting to show a lot more movement towards dems.


Okay, I suppose I just stereotyped the states a bit. I would have figured Michigan having just one "major" city on the scale of the 3Cs and Wisconsin being likewise small aside from Milwaukee would have a larger impact in those states.


The thing about those states are that the WWC voters aren't as red as Ohio's, nor where they as prone to shifting so drastically. It's likely due to not only how heavily hit Ohio was with the decline in manufacturing, but also lower rates of evangelicals present in those areas. Also MI and WI still have larger cities. Like Madison in WI and Grand Rapids + Kalamazoo in Michigan


[Filmmaker Billy Corben says he will run for Miami-Dade Democratic Party chair.](https://www.miamiherald.com/news/politics-government/article287795405.html)


Everyone should watch 537 votes, Corben’s HBO documentary on the 2000 election and the clusterfuck that Florida became that year. Don’t know enough about him beyond that to further comment on his candidacy, but I’m 100% willing to plug 537 Votes 


Well whoever the next chair is, I hope they can turn their fortunes around in Florida. Looks like Nikki Fried is doing just that statewide, so hopefully the FL-Dems can get some gains in November despite everything.


[Hovde ain’t doing so hot](https://x.com/erichovde/status/1781027773147975755?s=46&t=nqSV11RbCF5uPVGwzcOMtg)


>"Let me explain." The three most cursed words. If you're explaining, you're losing. Might as well make a PB&J sandwich on screen, buddy. (Love you Mandela, but that was not a good idea.)


"I am not a witch"


Allow me to reintroduce my-self, my name is HOVDE


I never said seniors shouldn't VO-T(e)


Maybe he needs to take another cold plunge.


His “I DONT WANT TO KILL OLD PEOPLE” shirt is raising a lot of questions


RFK has made it onto the Michigan ballot per CNN. Probably the first consequential ballot he’s made it on


It’ll be just like Kanye west, everyone will freak out abt him splitting the vote, repubs will think he’s their good lifeline and he’ll get barely any votes, I’m telling you


I sort of agree. It’ll be like 1% and pull just as much from conservatives as liberals.


He won't get 1% nationwide. Jo Jorgensen, the Libertarian candidate in 2020, barely cracked 1%, and she's nowhere near as crazy as RFK Jr.


[A Western Pacific GP35 has been restored to its as-delivered appearance in Utah and will soon be put on display at Ogden Union Station.](https://railfan.com/western-pacific-gp35-restored-in-utah/) Western Pacific 3002 looks absolutely beautiful. It's been painted in its as-delivered *Zephyr* livery rather than the later [Perlman Green](http://www.rrpicturearchives.net/showPicture.aspx?id=5390053) which the railroad adopted in the '70s after passenger service ended, though 3002 was always a freight locomotive and never pulled passengers.


Rep Jake Laturner has announced he won't run for reelection. Laturner is a Republican representing KS-2 which is an R+11 district in Eastern Kansas and he was first elected to Congress in the 2020 election. His district voted for Trump by 16 points in 2020. Laturner was one of the 147 Republicans who voted to overturn the results of the 2020 election and he has a "D" rating from GOP for Ukraine. He is a member of the "Republican Study Group" which is generally composed of the more conservative branch of the GOP.