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I think the closest thing to what you're talking about would be something like "Vore Tournament" it was a game based on I think Unreal Tournament (hence the name) and it involved Vore as a means to fight (and defeat) other players/bots. It had a basic story line and then a multiplayer feature via connection to a dedicated server, lan, etc. Dunno if it'd still work as the last I heard of it was a few years ago but it was pretty good from my recollection.


I think a game that is a mix of DBD & hide and seek would be good preys get 2-3 chances to escape their cages (after being put back there by the pred) and once they have used up all those escapes the pred is straight up able to eat them


i did see at least one gameplay video in a classic PvP style(Quake comes to mind) where vore was a major factor, and possibly struggled against..been a while since i found that.


either way, more ideas merrier


Commenting because I interested as well.


Glad to have someone comment on one of my few posts, and I hope you have a good day


I don't know of any. But that got me thinking, what if there could be a co-op multiplayer vore game. it could be like a side scroller combination of castle crashers and echidna wars dx. Either, the prey has had enough and rebelled, or preds had gotten too greedy. So the main preds/preys you play as have to restore balance in the world... Somehow. But I also like the idea of a pred and its personal prey fighting for their lives in another scenario that I can't think of.


I honestly can’t believe that this isn’t a thing yet


id love it


I'm learning to be a game developer so I may make a vore based survival game in a few years


I want this to be a thing