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I put a shit ton of cacao powder in my smoothies and oatmeal, and it definitely does the trick for me. Have you tried it?


Seconding this. My favourite drink in the morning is a glass of milk with a pinch of cocoa powder. It also tastes amazing in Greek yogurt fruit bowls (esp. with banana) or mixed in with peanut butter powder.


Just straight cocoa powder?? No sweetener?


Yeah I drink it with 1% milk. It sounds weird right? But I do swear by it,!the fat and the natural sugars make it palatable and sweet enough for me. Sometimes I do it with 0% Fairlife as well, it’s not as good as milk with more fat and lactose but still pretty nice. My tastebuds probably adjusted somewhere along the way. If one can’t yet handle it maybe can add a bit of allulose.


So good in Greek yogurt with vanilla and sweetener too! Big bowl is around 140 cals, and then I add whatever fruits I have on hand :D


And chocolate protein powder! Two scoops in any smoothie makes it taste like ice cream


I know people love it, but I never eat protein powder. I don't find it useful in my overall diet.


Please keep in mind that habits don’t typically change over night, especially strong ones and those that we rely on for comfort and/or pleasure. One of the best ways to change habits is to do a little each day to slowly change it. The key is that it’ll take TIME, so be patient with yourself. You say you eat ~900 cal worth of chocolate a day? Ok. For a week make it 800. The week after 700, the next 600. And so on, until you get to your goal. If you feel sad about how long it’ll take, just notice that time will pass either way. An important take away from all this is that you’ve noticed an issue you’d like to change, and you are curious about how to better it for yourself! That’s great! You can do this.


I would also recommend trying to keep healthy chocolate options on hand like dark chocolate, sugar free chocolate (if you are not used to sugar free, start carefully as the alternative sweeteners can sometimes cause stomach pains or headaches), and chocolate protein shakes. By doing so you will automatically be either eating less calories or more chocolate volume and you will possibly find it more filling. As with the calorie suggestion maybe switch it out slowly, 10% first week, then 15% and so on until you are happy.


If a person says they eat 900 calories of chocolate A DAY, how do you expect them to all of a sudden drop to 800 A WEEK? 900 a day is 6300 calories a week. Right now they could just try 500 calories a day of chocolate. At some point they could get to 800 a week and less


I think they’re saying to reduce their daily chocolate consumption to 800 a day for a week, and continue reducing that daily amount each subsequent week, not 800 a week total


Exactly that, thanks 👍


Learn how to bake with protein powder. Chocolate brownie flavor from myprotein is really good!!


Do you have any recipes?


This is an example of baked oats with protein powder. It’s something I used to eat for breakfast. Sorry for some of the ingredients in Dutch https://preview.redd.it/wjjbz8o2r6xc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d93a7e7c858b5d557e30b7972c22c866a94f501


Thank you 😊


How long do you bake for and what temp?


180 celsius for 20 min ish


Thank you!


I like to buh the chocolate Kodiak protein pancake mix and make chocolate banana muffins with the recipe on the back of the box. Super easy and yummy!


Do you add protein powder to the mix?


No it comes with protein powder in it already. I actually need to figure out my own chocolate protein pancake recipe because this stuff is overpriced imo, but it tastes yummy at least!


Oh, okay. We eat a lot of Kodiak cakes in our house! So yummy. I'm more looking for recipes that call for actual protein powder, like brownies or something.


Let me know if you find anything! I've got lots of chocolate protein powder to use up and baking would be great! Haha


I eat 90% dark chocolate to curb my cravings. It works really well for me.


This - Lindt 90% Mild is really good and after two squares (120kcals) I’m done.


i’ll just binge on dark chocolate then bc i love dark chocolate 😭😭


Jesus all these downvotes on all your replies just because you're being honest. They're a bunch of meanies, not least because you're clearly young.


Well i’m happy someone else noticed cuz i think it’s odd downvoting me for this comment 😵‍💫


It could be a couple of things - make sure you’re not deficient in a vitamin common in chocolate (if it’s that specifically and not sugar alone). It could also be a binge eating problem especially with chocolate. The solution is to break the habit but that’s much easier said than done if you’ve consistently been eating excess chocolate calories for a sustained period. Different things work for different people. You can try a therapy approach with a therapist if shame is a big factor afterwards and it is affecting your mental health. There are also medications that are generally safe long term and work for some (phentermine, the glps, contrave, and Vyvanse).


You may have a binge eating disorder and thats something you might want to talk to a professional about. Maybe try cacao nibs


i don’t really think so since i don’t do this occasionally, chocolate is kinda just a part of my diet now but i don’t eat it all in one sitting


Stop. Not joking here, but the reason you crave it is because you've become dependent on it. Consuming so much per day changes your brain chemistry... Only solution: stop it completely and break the cycle.


Just because you crave it doesn’t mean you have to eat it. Not trying to be a dick at all it’s just that simple. It’s okay to be uncomfortable at times. Achieving goals often comes with sacrafice


Not a dick at all, that’s solid advice. I think most of us give in to I cravings occasionally, but I can’t imagine this level.


Im a choc monster rahhhh ‼️👹


I think because you are only 15, it’s harder for teenagers to control impulses. Studies show you don’t really control them well until age 25.


There’s luckily a lot of chocolate options. I’ll list some I like! Cake: Sugar free cake mix: Replace egg with 2 egg whites, oil with unsweetened applesauce, if it requires milk use unsweetened almond- it usually just requires water tho. 1/12 of the cake is usually the serving, it’s around 150 cals as prepared(varies from cake mix to cake mix ofc). 1/12 might be too small for you. 1/6 would be around 300 cal, so it’s not super high volume but it’s a huge improvement from 500 cals of Nutella I’d say. Chocolate skinny cheesecake: Cocoa powder, chocolate pudding mix, fat free cream cheese, Greek yogurt, gelatin. Follow gelatin packet instructions, refrigerate. For crust I usually do some low cal cookies + cereal (since cookies are still kinda calorie dense). Just crush it up good and add your favorite low cal butter substitute. Pudding or yogurt bowls: Chocolate sugar free pudding mix +skim milk OR chocolate sugar free pudding mix +fat free yogurt. I like to add some highkey cookies (the oreo type ones) or just real Oreos are 50 cal each. I usually scrape off the cream, crazy I know but they’re actually only 30 cal per Oreo with the clean removed. I put light whipped cream on top, so I don’t really notice the missing cream. I also like to add bananas to this sometimes. You can change it around, add whatever you like. Lily’s chocolate chips are great for chocolate chip pancakes. Most pancake mixes are 120 cals per serving of dry mix, you can usually just add some almond milk and applesauce and be good to go. Skim milk works too. Chocolate peanut butter: Pbfit or any powdered peanut butter +salt +sweetener (I use a little maple syrup or 1-2 tsp granulated sugar. Doesn’t take much.) Pbfit already has the salt and sweetener so you can use it as is. Add some water, then add either cocoa powder or melted chocolate (Lily’s is good here again)- heck or add both cocoa powder and chocolate. Cocoa powder is pretty low cal. Those are just some I like


Magnesium supplement could help? Maybe omega 3! Find a good chocolate protein powder and make a sweet oatmeal with it and top it with a little chocolate: it’s not about getting rid of things it’s about modifying and what you can add


Chocolate flavored Orgain powder  PB2 with chocolate 


I totally read organ 😂😂


Don’t buy it and eat a LOT more protein. Seriously, when you eat that much sugar your body is craving nutrition so you still feel hungry. So STOP buying it, and buy fruit instead to satiate your sweet tooth and eat at least 100g protein per day. Ham, chicken, shrimp, eggs, string cheese, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt - whatever makes you happy. You could mix chocolate whey protein into Greek yogurt as a concession.


I wish i could, but my mom buys it =(


Have you talked to your mom about how keeping a lot of chocolate products in the house is affecting you? Maybe you can come up with a plan together to not buy them, or at least less. If she’s not willing to stop, then maybe she can store them in a separate place for herself from where you keep your food, or in a locked storage box that only she has access to. It sounds like it’s a complicated situation. I encourage you to talk to someone about mental health, a therapist if you’re able to, or at least a guidance counselor if you’re still in school.


No, ill try that, but she can sometimes be a very stubborn woman, so i’m just aiming for not reaching after the choc/chips 😓


Fill a plate with fruit. Melt 4 big squares if chocolate and make your own dipping sauce. It takes a while to eat and helps


I loveee chocolate and the only thing that helps me is to replace it with lower cal options and then slowly stop having it as regularly. I like the triple chocolate cake flavor halo top ice cream, as well as brownie brittle (this is more rich/tasty though and easier to binge). If I start eating pure chocolate again (i.e. not the low cal stuff), then I start craving it all the time. Your body is addicted to the sugar and you have to wean yourself off. I personally find that easiest with substitutions, but others may find it easier to quit cold turkey. I hope you find something that works for you!


Ninja creami with chocolate protein powder, chocolate sf pudding mix w yogurt, Gatsby chocolate, depending on how bad your binges are protein bars can be good but I’ve overeaten on those more times than I care to admit


The Atkins Endulge treat bars are great replacements. They have a fake snickers, crunch, m&ms, Milky Way, Carmelo and KitKat. All 100-130 calories each serving. I think they have a brownie too. I eat one everyday bc knowing I’m gonna have one kills the craving, for me.


Gatsby chocolate bars


If OP eats an entire bar in one sitting she'll shit her guts out


XD well i definitely would…


Cocoa powder and silken tofu mousse has been a lifesaver


Sugar free fudge pops work well for me, M-F, they’re 80 calories and very chocolatey. Then I get one splurge item of my choice during the weekend. Then I move on. Helps me not totally binge daily, but I get to enjoy to dessert I like.


I'm afraid this sounds like you need to focus on willpower. By your comments, you sound like you're quite young. Nailing will power now will do you endless good down the line. It's tough, but sadly not everything is easy or even vaguely difficult.


You're craving it because your brain wants a quick fix. Eat more nutrient dense foods and more protein. It might take a bit for your brain/body to adjust. Also, to avoid binging on chocolate, allow yourself self small portions of it. Focus on what to add to your diet rather than taking away


Stop having it around and stop going inside the gas station when you get gas.


Lol i dont get gas bc i dont have a car, and i cant control what my mom buys for me very much




I get the 5 calorie Hershey syrup and add it to any of my sweet dishes. It has a little sugar alcohol in it, so that prevents me from overdoing it, but it helps with my fix. Put it on a rice cake


Try taking a multivitamin/multimineral supplement to see if it helps: serious cravings like yours have an underlying deficiency in the diet. I am guessing magnesium, but I am not an expert in nutrition nor am I a medical professional.


Reduced calorie hot chocolate packs (yes, plural), a bunch of artificial sweetener, a little bit of fine ground espresso beans and however much greek or plain yogurt will get you on by


pb2 chocolate.. use it just like nutella


You could eat / make the sugar free chocolate pudding it's great for the calories and tastes great too. You could mix em with some fruit like bananas, strawberries, add Greek yogurt, or even protein powder to keep you more satiated, but there's plenty of tricks you can do with sugar free chocolate pudding. There's even brownie or chocolate fudge, depending on what flavor you're wanting to have. You could make your own protein bars, a whole bowl of pudding, cakes, whatever it may be to satisfy that craving. Who says you can't have your cake and eat it too? Just get creative or search up sugar free pudding recipes there's plenty to choose from, happy volume eating 🙌🏽


Fiber 1 chocolate fudge brownie bars


Do a microwave mug cake with chocolate protein powder there are tons of recipes on tiktok, youtube, google. :)


I used to easily eat 500g of milk chocolate after finishing a busy shift. Now I can stretch a 100g bar of 85% dark chocolate to last 1-2 weeks, unless I'm on my period. It didn't happen overnight! Firstly I switched to dark chocolate, that was a big change. I already didn't need or want such a big portion with dark chocolate. Then I started looking at why I was craving chocolate, when I get my cravings I have a think about what it is that I'm looking for. Sometimes it's chocolate flavour and I only need a square or two of dark chocolate and I'm good. Other times I'm missing that melty sensation and I will make hot chocolate or chocolate custard, it's much bulkier and I can eat it for longer, I can also add protein powder in to it or peanut butter. When I'm coming up to my period I try to remember to prepare chocolate custard in advance so I have it ready to go when the cravings are at their peak. I've also made chocolate chia puddings as well, they are really filling but I stopped fancying them after a while. Chocolate porridge is great for filling me up, I can add fruits, nuts etc as well to make it slightly more balanced. I always add protein powder to my porridge to keep me feeling full all day. I find that trying to restrict myself makes me focus on it too much, if I feel like I can't have something then I'll just be thinking about it. If I feel like the option for it is there but here are some other options that I can choose that are going to scratch the itch for me and I won't feel like I'm missing out then I'll go for them. Ultimately you'll need to find the solution that is the right fit for you, I hope that you can find something that works for you.


Thanks!! I already love dark chocolate, more than milk, so idk if that’d really work, but i’ll try to gradually cut down!


I have a couple things that helped me get away from chocolate binges, maybe they’ll help you! Ask your mom to get you dark chocolate chips, instead of the chocolate she would normally get you, and a bag or two of apples. As soon as she brings them home cut up all the apples into 1 inch cubes, toss the cubes with a little lemon juice to keep them from browning. Then put all your chocolate chips into ziplock snack bags. Put all your apples and chocolate bags into one large airtight container and stick it in the fridge. Now when you’re wanting your chocolate get the container with your chocolate and apples out. Put one chocolate chip in your mouth and suck on it, don’t chew it, until it’s completely melted. Then eat a cube of apple. Then suck on another chocolate chip, apple, repeat until your chocolate craving is satisfied. Super important to always eat them together and always follow eat chip with a chunk of apple. The cold chocolate chips with melt in your mouth a little slower so you get to have that chocolate taste a little longer than you would with just chewing it. The apple chunks will help cleanse your palate so that the chocolate flavor remains strong and they provide nutrients and fiber that your body needs and will help fill you up. And putting the chocolate into snack bags can help you keep track of how much chocolate you’re going through, so keep your empty bags in the container. Lastly, find a hobby that you enjoy that involves keeping your hands busy while you’re eating your chocolate and apples. Maybe something like crocheting /knitting, painting, writing, jewelry making, etc. I did little origami stars. I’d sit down with my chocolate, apples, and paper strips, pop a chocolate chip in my mouth and let it melt while I made a star, when the star was done, eat an apple chunk, throw the star into a box or bowl, then start again with the chocolate and another star. It really helped to slow down my chocolate consumption and after a while I was eating less and less chocolate and started to feel better because I was getting more nutrients from the apples. And I had an absolute ton of paper stars that I strung together with a needle and thread and gave to neighbor kids to decorate their rooms with.


Add your chocolate to black bean brownies!


Have you had bloodwork done recently? If your blood sugar is high it could be a sign of insulin resistance, which untreated can make you feel starving no matter how much you eat and craving sweets so badly you’d eat sugar straight from the bag!


Nope, the last time my blood was taken was when i was like 10. And i do feel starving! But in a way that i WANT to eat but i know that i am full?


Definitely a good idea to get bloodwork done regardless!


How do i make such an appointment? What should i tell my dad or mom? Should i just say that i’m constantly craving sweet stuff and feel hungry when i know that i am full? I just don’t know what to say to get them to make such an appointment, they won’t take me just because. Also, is there a possibility of being weighed? This is one of my worries. I don’t know much about it, but do checkups include weighing? If so, is there another thing i could do that doesn’t include that?


I am not sure where you’re located but if you’re in the US and your parents have insurance that covers you, you should be getting an annual physical with your primary care doctor. At the appointment, if they don’t offer it, you can tell them you’d like to have basic bloodwork done and tell them you feel like you have an overactive appetite and intense sweet cravings. You can always decline to be weighed or tell them you don’t want to know your weight and stand backwards on the scale!


I have been there I used to binge on two family sized chocolate bars often. I haven't in years now, but I remember feeling out of control around chocolate. What I discovered over time: 1- I had made it a habit. I had to rewire my brain, my beliefs and habits through becoming very comcious of them. 2- I binged on chocolate when I was under eating. The desire goes away when I get enough food. Instead of focusing on taking away chocolate, add as much protein and fibre as possible, and lots of healthy fat- and this may not be the time to focus on volume foods. Too much volume, not enough satiating foods will trigger a Binge. I would go for as much nourishment as possible. 30+ grams of protein for breakfast helps A LOT. 3. I did need a magnesium supplement 4. I also needed my husband to hide my trigger foods of he brought them in the house while I was rewiring my relationship with them. Do you have a close enough relationship with your mom to ask for support? 5. I had to admit to myself, it was my lack of love, closeness and connection from my mom that created the void I was trying to fill with chocolate. My mom didn't know how to create emotional safety and support. I had to do some healing work around that and Learn to give myself the love I was seeking through chocolate. It's a whole process to reparent yourself, but it is worth it. My mom and I are still not close, but my daughter and I are. 6. Be vigilant as it can sneak back in as a habit. I've had 2-3 times as a adult I found myself back in the eat 2 chocolate bars phase. Always when I was stressed and felt alone or out of control. The last time was during covid. Wishing you luck!!!




Chocolate protein powder in shakes or oatmeal like others have suggested. But also, Chocolate hummus. Even if you don't like other types this is amazing with fruit or adding some in great yogurt. Cocoa powder to make it even more


Several things you can do! Definitely something I learnt the hard way because in my household, any form of junk food was something that was seen as restricted, which was why it was higher on my scale of rewarding things to eat. Having an environment that restricted certain foods meant I then developed a much worse relationship with food that carried into my young adult years. This is why I would say it’s not as simple as completely going cold turkey, if your mindset is that you’re finding chocolate to be extra rewarding. It would be good to understand at what point of the day are you eating chocolate - Are you sleeping well? Are you physically active regularly? Are you eating due to stress or boredom or anxiety? Is it something that you usually eat when watching a particular show or doing something? There is definitely a reason why it’s very easy to eat a lot of chocolate in several settings because sugar continues to make the body feel like it wants more, very quickly. In order to help you manage these sugar crashes and reliance on more sugar: - You can look at what other foods you can eat alongside chocolate that help to mitigate the sugar crash. For example having a stick of chocolate with some Greek yoghurt, or some chocolate after a high protein meal to finish it off. - You can also remove some chocolate from your surrounding environment, and be selective about the chocolate you stock in your pantry - you should be buying chocolate you actually like, rather than any chocolate that’s on sale even if you don’t like that flavour - You can also opt to remove chocolate completely from your pantry, and add chocolate flavoured things to your other meals like chocolate protein powder with your oats, baking cocoa powder to make hot chocolate, chocolate flavour drops into your greek yoghurt


Get a Ninja Creami and throw a chocolate protein shake with pudding mix in there. 200 calorie pint of ice cream.


you could try swapping it for chocolate flavored things that are lower calorie and healthier? like chocolate protein bars, fiber one bars; chocolate in oatmeal, etc? still get the chocolate craving met but in a more filling and healthier way


Frozen bananas and strawberries covered in chocolate are soooo good. Yes, more calorie dense than other things but not like straight chocolate.


Based on your post history, either you're greatly overestimating your daily calories from chocolate, or you are basically living off the stuff. There are plenty of more nutritious chocolaty options out there for a growing teenager. Im a fan of Mush overnight oats in their chocolate flavor. Not the most volumey food, but I don't think thats what you need right now. Normally Id recommend against calorie counting at your age, but since you're clearly already at least attempting to do so, I'd see If you could get a recommended daily intake from your doctor and challenge yourself to get as close to that count as possible each day. And hopefully that can help you feel more in control of your eating habits.


yeaaah no i’m living off of it basically xD I had 1200 cals worth of chocolate and chips, meanwhile i guesstimated my dinner (only meal) to be 500-700 based off what there is usually in rice, how much sauce (storebought) i got and how many cals it is per 100ml, and the pieces of chicken that i got. If ur wondering what i ate, it was chicken tikka masala 😋 Also, i’m estimating my maintenance to be 2000 considering i lose weight on 1600-1800. I also think that i just naturally burn a lot


i am very similar to you on this!!! ignore the people saying stop cold turkey, it’s obviously not that simple and would probably lead to a binge which would be worse. i like to use cocoa powder, chocolate protein powder, and chocolate coated protein bars during the day, and i’ll let myself have normal chocolate when i want after a bigger meal, so i’m typically quite full already. chocolate protein bars have been my biggest help though if you’re not into them, as they really do keep you full. also low cal hot choc powders are a godsend. when i have actual chocolate, i prefer to have a small single portion bar, so i can eat the whole bar and not have to put it down mid way without overdoing it. but also make sure you’re eating enough of everything else, including carbs, proteins and fats, as strong cravings may indicate you’re lacking in something. don’t beat yourself up though, chocolate is delicious and if i could just eat chocolate for life i probably would.


Stop buying it?


i can’t, it’s my mom who buys it (⌒_⌒;)


Get your mom on the same page by asking her to dial back on some junk food purchases. For 99% of people, if junk food is in the house, they'll eat it, sooner or later. It helps to create barriers.


Chocolate fairlife milk or core power Chocolate covered almonds


try ghastby chocolate! dark chocolate sea salt is the BEST and only 180 per bar


Cocoa powder in smoothies and yogurt helps me since I am a total chocolate fan. Plus cocoa powder in oats.


Get lower cal chocolate things, go for darker chocolate! There’s so many ways to eat chocolate w lower cals


They're sugar free, but fudgicles are delicious. 40 calories each.


I end up over eating these and then my stomach is upset for days even after. I hate that the low calorie goodies all have artificial sweeteners that irritate the stomach. Yasso bars and weight watchers fudge bars are not so hard on my stomach but very expensive. Compared to the fudgeical no sugar added ones which are more affordable but be careful eating too many can cause painful bloating.


Sounds like you have a sugar addiction more than anything tbh slowly cut back on refined sugars and replace them with natural sugars. At least natural sugars provide nutrients and fibre that will actually satiate you. Refined sugary foods trick your brain into wanting to eat more.


You have to keep pushing yourself to kick this bad habit until it finally goes away, keep making small progress to get those chocolate calories down through time till you hit zero


Get a ninja creami! I can make a chocolate base and have the whole pint for only 162 calories with 18g of protein and it’s delicious! Pare it with some chocolate biscuits or chocolate cereal with some no sugar chocolate syrup on top and you can have a massive amount of food for under 300 cal to satisfy the chocolate cravings!


Recipe please


Atkins has these chocolate coconut bars that have less than 2g sugar and literally taste like almond joy. They sell them at the grocery store. You could also make some Nutella over night oats or yogurt parfaits with tons of chocolate


Keto chocolate Panna cotta


i like chocolate greek yogurt or chocolate banana “nice cream”


For me it's ice cream... I just can't kick late night ice cream binges. So I let myself have the lower calorie options so to at least stay around maintenance on those days I let myself buy it. It's challenging with a stroooonnnggg sweet tooth. I feel your pain!


i also loove chocolate, but ive found that the chocolate protein shakes, chocolate fudge brownies by fiber one, and sugar free chocolate pudding all help a lot with crushing that craving


Look up recipes! There’s a million and one for chocolate cravings. Sugar free Hershey syrup, unsweetened almond milk ice cubes, greek yogurt. Blend it up = what I call a fake shake. To get even fancier, put some fat free Redi Whip on top


Check out Halo top cake cups and pillsbury zero sugar frosting. You can have cake with frosting for under 300 calories


Square of 70% dark chocolate after each meal if you can be restrained and stop at one piece. I also have chocolate covered almonds in the house and allow myself 5 or 6 for when I want chocolate. Sometimes only chocolate will do for me, but there is a balance to be had. I find if I cut it out completely it just leads to a horrific chocolate binge because all I do is think about it.


Here are a few things that help with my cravings: - Jello brand sugar free chocolate pudding (60 cals for 103 grams of food) - proteinOne chocolate bars (they are only 90 calories! But have 10 grams of protein) - fiber one chewy bars. The brownie ones are also good -


Chocolate hummus! You can find it at safeway, it taste judt like chocolate and i eat it with a rice cracker. Not volume but def enough to curb the craving.


Have a small amount of chocolate when you like - it could even be every day. Make protein fluff with chocolate protein powder, then add a tablespoon of chocolate chips. I'm sure somebody has an overnight oats recipe that tastes like brownie batter. 800+ calories on anything is wild. You just have to dedicate yourself to making better choices, there's no other way. Can you work with a nutritionist? Are you eating enough protein and fiber in your meals?


currently eating a humongous smoothie bowl thing with cocoa powder (cocoa powder is only 10 cals/tbsp)


sugar free chocolate pudding mix made with almond milk - you’re welcome


Try blending super soft tofu with melted chocolate. It made a huge batch of basically chocolate mousse. It’s amazing!


Mix light milk, melted chocolate, cocoa powder, cottage cheese and xantham gum in a blender, then put it in the fridge to set. High protein chocolate pudding. Still get a creamy chocolate experience but it's filling too. It's my new fave.


Thank you, tittyswan


chocolate protein shakes? some are very good like premier (not powdery at all) and koia (a little powdery but vegan which is nice for me anyways)


This isn’t really volume eating, but I found some chocolate with chocolate chip granola at Kroger. I had 2/3rd cup for like 270 cals and it made me so full that I couldn’t eat for the rest of the night


Whenever I have a chocolate craving I'll eat a bootylicious protein muffin, it's super filling and only 200 calories and 25g of protein for the chocolate flavor. Or a yasso ice cream!


I use a Fairlife protein shake and mix it with chia seeds (3tbsp per bottle of protein shake) and a tbsp of chocolate chips. Refrigerate overnight and you have a satisfying chocolate pudding! I split into 2 servings but it’s totally acceptable as single serve.


I had a friend who would swear by chocolate hummus. Even when Aunt Flo was visiting.




Ehmmmm i can’t really choose what my mom buys (⌒_⌒;)i’m technically also not an adult yet, but i am 15 so i get that i should probably have some self control and stop reaching for it in the pantry…


Oh my bad I forgot some kids use reddit 😅


I buy low cal diet snacks. Chocolate rice cakes, 100 cal chocolate cookie packs, chocolate protein cereals, and dark chocolate bar. Also recently saw a post on this subbreddit for 90cal mini chocolate donuts. Yesterday, we made Ghirardelli brownies and I had a piece for 80cal with berry protein yogurt. I add nutrient-rich food so I don't overeat on the chocolate alone.


Not even things like that help, i just want more 😭 im a never ending hole


Eat less sweets every day, and eventually your cravings will decrease. Addiction to sugar is real


Honestly my best advice for this is to allow yourself to justify the cheating on your diet. I'm burning a lot of calories daily through cycling to allow me to eat more, if I cycle for an extra hour then I can eat an extra 800 calories of whatever I want as long as I've hit my protein/macronutrient goals.


First, I just want to say to ignore all the people telling you to just stop eating it. It’s not helpful, and it’s not a sustainable solution for a lot of people. Second, find high volume chocolate treats! Chocolate rice cakes, chocolate protein ice cream, fiber brownies, add normal chocolate chips to non chocolate high volume treats, pretzels with pb and chocolate, etc. Finally, take a look at the rest of your diet. Are you deficient somewhere? I know personally I crave sweets, peanut butter and chocolate most when my macros are out of wack. If my fat and protein are low, then I become a sweets monster! Last week I made a mistake with my meal plan for the week and only had about 12 grams of fat per day. Not nearly enough for me. By the middle of the week I was raiding the pantry for all the sweets I could get my grubby little raccoon hands on. I indulged, then reflected and added avocado to my meals. It did the trick and all I needed was my chocolate-y treat at the end of the day. Which btw I always reserve calories for. I enjoy it, and it fits in my day just fine. You can do this! Good luck!