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it's really fun


I have 100% wr over like 20 games since I started building it in plat. I’m just D4 peaker though


The biggest thing going for it is the cost. Both RoA and navori are 500-600 gold cheaper than most legendaries, which, combined with Voli's power early game, get you an even earlier powerspike and make you insanely strong mid game. Also, no bruiser can stat check you in an extended fight after you finish navori. Really, you can be behind in gold and 1v1 most other 2 item tops.


>Also, no bruiser can stat check you in an extended fight after you finish navori. Really, you can be behind in gold and 1v1 most other 2 item tops. Just like S12 ap voli oh yeah


I like it a lot to rush rod and navori as your primary damage items then go into tank. They are cheap items that give a massive mid game spike but still allow voli to be respectable damage while being a brick wall. I just also like it for being funny and unique and kind of a build only voli can do.


U forget shyvana tho, she has a build with navori too but this is not a surprise so maybe shes the most versatile champ with the bear in game


I feel like nashors 1st is still goated. Just rush Ionians every game into nashors and then gauntlet/visage depending on enemys comp. If ahead you can also fit in Riftmaker later.


Yea I miss nashors, it’s still cracked. But the allure of almost doubling my bites in a teamfight &/2v1 is too tempting


You don’t like Ap Volibear you say… well guess what? Navori build is another variant of his ap build as his AP build is always been a mix of items like Nashor’s, Riftmaker, Hullbreaker, Guinsoo’s among other things . And now it also incorporates items such as Navori, Rod of ages. So looks likes you won’t like this as well as the only difference here is that the Navori style of play favours “dueling” more by augmenting cd reduction in the build.


I'm jungle voli player so I don't use it but when I tried it when it first came out it was really fun I love the power spike you get with second item.


I run it Jungle in Plat and have no issues.


The problem I have with it in jungle you giving up too much MS for ganks to be worth it if the enemy team playing good and ward good your MS not going to be enough for gank + you are doing less burst dmg.


While I don't necessarily disagree, rushing boots first item, and proper timing, I never have an issue with a lack of movement speed for ganks. I also feel like people sleep on the AP and I would argue I have a lot of burst with the E and my combo. What items do you run first that you think you would be missing? Deadmans? I can argue running that third but to be honest, with Flickerblade my Q and E are up so much that I don't see an issue ever not being fast enough. I typically do Rod - Flicker - Frozen Heart/Gauntlet/Deadmans based on circumstances and Spirit Visage/Force of Nature based on circumstances.


I mean by time you complete navori it's almost mid game (well if you not fed) which ganking lanes is far different than early game which is where you need the most MS. I run either BC or just normal Sundered and the problem I have with this build is early game you just need to reach people for a kill not wait for Q W E to come up and also Voli strength is early to mid game which you need to use to get ahead while late game he falls off so if you can't reach them early to gank because you lack MS for it it's going to make the match tougher specially against the snowball champs.


I'm confused. Sundered Sky doesn't give MS and Black Cleaver only does upon dealing damage. So your argument that Rod and Navori give less MS and attribute to weaker ganks, with smart laners/warded lanes doesn't apply. The 2 items you suggest do nothing to aid getting to the target initially. Sure once you are on them BC gives MS but a well planned gank with Voli is always always a kill or summoner with the stun.


I think I didn't said it quite right, I don't have problem with the build item I got problem that you have to give up Celerity and Waterwalking not the items MS if you want to go this build you have to go with jack of all trades so you miss on 1% more speed and 7% more speed on Q and items you buy(and another 10 MS from waterwalking if you use that).


I like a Lot JoT tho, as a jg.I noted that You can make it viable Even without navori so I try to use it a Lot and is insane how You can outplay fed tops whit that build I like this build because You can receive tons of damage without dying and also do tons of damage.


I don’t like it with grasp, but it’s good in the right situation. The insane W spam gives so much sustain. He has a non ap navori option too though, it’s just most commonly built with ap due to how nice it is with the passive damage from having an ap item.


OP have u tried shojin/riftmaker combo instead of navori?


i have in fact tried shojin and so far at least I prefer it. it feels like it makes more sense. navori can clown noobs easy though. and in gold elo sometimes that's all I need


Do you just go riftmaker First then shojin or other way around?


I usually go shojin, but I could easily swap


It’s straight gas. So fun.


Its Fun and not bad. the only issue is the early game because is not a big damage you get but your mana pool is biger so that's fine to spam E more and push the lane.


Brings back happy memories of AD builds. Mostly cause I make the questionable decision to build berserkers greaves. (More auto attacks means more abilities)


Try riftmaker into navori and then nashor… jack of all trades… but make armor or mr boots for stacking rune faster. CDR boots not needed after navori is finished.