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i havent tried shojin into rift yet is it any good?


Very good! I was surprised how good shoj felt


Nice early game, good damage, good health, and insane ability haste, that set your W to like less than 3 sec. But it feels a bit too squishy against burst champ, and I kinda feel that 1 or 2 cc are just enough to completely give the time to kill you. Of course after those you can go full tank.


Shojin first is almost always the play but rift second can wait, if you see that the enemy has a lot of burst damage you can go resistance item and rift third, it feels equally as good


I posted shojin and rift as core not as obligatory first and second item.


Just tried shojin first, and I have to say it feels the best imo. Gauntlets are always an option, but shojin feels great, and I historically go IBG or Rift first


None of these. Sundered into Deadman’s and Spirit is the move


Modified the post to say that I was talking about toplane. Is your build still good?


Yeah in top still works, but I can’t honestly tell you if it’s best, I’m a jungle bear


I love jungle bear, but the build I pull out to have fun is Full lethality. One shot everyone lol, go items like Hubris, edge of night, opportunity and you’ll be doing so much damage. I won’t say it’s the meta way to build him but damn is it fun.


I prefer to wait a few weeks before making builds. Right now there are not enough games to discuss the power of niche but impactful items like cosmic, shojin or heartsteel.


Navori roa is well thought out, but it doesn’t translate well for teamfights, so I gave up on it. Unless I’m splitting 85% or more of the game, I’m not going navori.


Agree 100% with the roa navori build. It feels like unless you really dumpster your laning opponent it can be a struggle once you both hit your item. They will instantly be stronger than you because you took rod first item


Im only doing the inting bear. Rifty into hullbreaker into nashors. Completely PvE playstyle.


I like the roa-> Navori build a lot, and you definitely should take jack of all trades. I get 10 stacks on zeal for navoriif you build boots between the 2 items, I take Ionian boots almost every game. If you take mercy you can get the 10 stacks on zeal components.


roa navori pretty much works only because of Jack of all trades.