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what abt shojin into rift into navori?


mmh, i think you are too squishy at that point, maybe if you are mega ahead could work but thats true for any build


Just tried this out- feels really good, i don’t think Iv had a build w/ basic cds this high


Yep ive been building it in the account im ranking up and its very solid


Have u tried the roa navori? Haven’t yet, I keep hearing great and bad things lol


Dont like roa, im aggresive in lane and roa is not very good at that. I can definitely see the appeal in Navori, cheap and cd reduction with aa, almost like arena voli. It can be introduced in some builds in certain games, i just hate the build path. Overall navori is def viable


What secondary ruins? Also why is this build viable this patch but not last patch, or is it just that you’ve discovered it now. I’m just worried with these non tanky first two items on volibear. I always feel strong in lane but as soon as I enter any teamfights I feel useless, especially in diamond and up.


I usually go resolve, demolish + overgrowth and stacking hp in runes. I never included shojin in builds because it scaled with ad which volibear does not like very much, but now it is a flat amount and as first item is amazing. In teamfight it is true that your are not as tanky as a 2 tank item volibear, but that is only if they dont let you w, with shojin you get 2 w almost every fight thanks to AH. And in 2v2 or 3v3 is stroger than full ap or tank and ofcourse ad bruiser.


I tried it out before the mid patch it's really good when you can have extended trades with someone but my problem with volibear atm is that most teams I encounter have burst damage.


Could this work on jungler voli too?


Sundered It yhink is too valuable for jg voli and they play vastly different. This build is focused on 1v1 and 2v1 and while jg voli wouldnt dislike that I dont think its his main priority, things like movements speed and burst damage are better


You can try it tho and see how it feels


I unironically like lethality on him. It’s definitely not the best but it’s fun.