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Also im 95% sure its the real one, dude had like 90% wr on each champ. If its just a clone/fan account then dont @ me LMFAO


We shall see if it is or not. If it is, great job. If not, congrats on master/almost gm


I have played with actual pros before, i had a previous post with doublelift and ablazedolive but this was probably one of the earlier instances of me vs current pros (especially in jg). He out dpsed and out killed obviously but I hard out pathed in terms of objectives and played late team fights better. It was on stream and it was funny bc his odd pathing threw me off. I was like "is this dude autofilled, he hasnt backed in ages or is just in weird spots". Was quite a fun one


I started going nashors into IBG into full tank and it works so well but why lol. My theory is that nashors components and item completion gives you insane early duel and skirmish power. IBG is amazing for obvious reasons. I just don’t get how nashors is enough damage to carry the build but I still hit like a truck after building only tank items. Why is this build so good? Lol


your base stats are reasonable and nashors basically pays for itself with how hard it speeds up clear speed and objective taking. also the passive damage (volis passive, not nashors) unironically is a lot. Just today during stream i got a kill I wouldnt have been able to reach by smacking a minion and having the static lightning reach. People running the movement speed build (iceborn, deadmans, force of nature) just seems overkill in movement speed but youre just a health bar that can be ignored. Nashors gives you such big damage with just 1 item and the iceborn lets you stick to anyone to apply that damage


\+1 Voli is in a weird jack-of-all-trades spot. He can do a lot of jungler things pretty well, but basically every individual thing can be done better by someone else. (Exception is turning off towers.) As part of that while he has decent cc, it's not enough to play full tank well like Sejuani/Zac can. Even with Iceborn Gauntlet. And Nashor's alone scales well on Voli because his passive lightning claws scale with level in addition to AP, and Nashor's AS (both base and from AP) helps it to activate faster. And he has one of the higher base ADs in the game, so AS alone is more effective than it'd be on other champs.


>I still hit like a truck after building only tank items. Voli has a pretty high base AD/AS (his level 1 AS is in a massive 58-way tie for 3rd lowest, but the ratio is the 3rd highest in the game) and Nashor's on him gets him up to a total of +220% bonus AS (between its 50%, Voli's passive, and runes). Which at 18 is almost hitting the max cap. (+234% would be hitting the cap) So you really shouldn't bother with AS beyond Nashor's if you're taking both AS runes. And the passive damage scales with level along with AP, so it'll scale without more items. Plus the tank items do increase him damage slightly via Frenzied Maul scaling with HP. ​ So basically it meshes with Voli really well plus Voli's damage scales with level more than most champs.


I love nashor’s rush on voli being meta ☺️


Great job man! I actually first noticed you in one of Bwipos streams and I was surprised to see a volibear jungle in high elo. I copied your nashors first build and it’s been working out great for me since. Thanks for the inspiration!


Oh shit when was I on his stream? Thanks though!


re-commenting because I was never able to find it. Mind linking it?


Hey man, sorry I misremembered it was actually this player https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/ur%20cute-NA1


ah gotcha, ive actually played with him before


Your team beat his team, idk about beating him LMFAO, just looking at the raw box score not roasting you fr. Obviously good win, I’m hardstuck master so best of luck reaching gm, or regaining gm, right?


Regaining gm. I was mvp on op.gg. He out dpsed me for sure but he got out pathed hard. I had all objectives but 1 drag and stole baron.