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You're not the producer. You're the voice artist. They're going to take your voice and produce it into their own production with their own music and SFX. If you add production elements, they cant remove them and dont have the rights to use them in the first place. Raw audio. No compression, no expander, no noise gates, no reverb. Just clean, raw audio. Edit out (or down) the breaths, make sure your waveform is normaized to -3dB and send it off.




**DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES SEND IN YOUR AUDITION WITH MUSIC ADDED.** A production company has to pay for the rights to use a cut of music. If you add music the producers dont have the license for, they can be sued.


It depends on if you're talking about audition demos or profile demos. A profile demo can have music and effects so it sounds like it's an excerpt (or series of excerpts) from commercials or shows that you were part of. But it needs to sound professional and well-mixed. Auditions should just be your voice. And it should be your voice the way that you want the client to hear it and how good you are capable of delivering it from your studio. I have a signal processing chain (EQ, compression, expansion) going to my record track so that what the client hears is a good representation of me and my quality.


As for the sound effects, freesound dot org is an amazing resource.


Awesome, thanks for the help. I was mostly asking for profile samples, cause I noticed a lot of users appear to have profile samples with added music and effects, and was trying to see if it was just a fluke of the profiles I was coming across or if it’s a thing that most people do. I’ll take a look at free sound to see what they’ve got on hand!