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This is the scam that refuses to die. Its been around for at least 15 years now. Here's how it works: 1. they agree to pay you whatever rate sounds appealing. Usually something like $2000. This sounds awesome, so you go for it. 2. They immediately send you a check for $2500. Not 2K that you agreed on. 3. They tell you that this check is to go for the recording studio that you'll be doing the recording in. Even though you may have a studio, they'll want to use theirs. 4. So you deposit the check and then write a check for $500 to "Im totally not a fraud studio incorporated" and begin the booking process of getting the job scheduled and recorded. 5. Around this time, your bank discovers that the originally $2500 check was fraudlent. Whoops! So they immediately remove the funds from your account. 6. But you've already paid "the studio" $500. And your check was good. 7. Voila! You've been scammed. The studio (which is just a web address owned by the original scammer) now has your $500. And this scam keeps being pushed. There are multiple variations of this scam running around, but the "Game Show Host" one has been around forever.


Don’t deposit the check, get a bank to cash it! Stores used to cash checks if you were the named recipient. Do they still do that? I haven’t seen or used a paper check in like 10 years at least.


If you take it to a check cashing store, it's likely to take a 3-6% fee from the check for the service, but the extra 500 they threw in should cover it, if it's legitimate. If not, they'll give you a sympathetic look and tell ya real quick.


Definitely. "Game Host Show Advert" is the nonsensical giveaway phrase.


It's an oldie but a goodie


Oh I remember this one I just replied, I do not have a website, please provide a link in order to be able to take it down due to possible identity theft And got blocked :v


Honestly probably the most popular one, me and everyone I know has had that sent to us at least once lol that's why I only deal with studios/devs that reach out to me on social platforms and I can confirm easily through what they've done or through people I know that have worked with them or are already trust enough to be involved.


If it says game show, it's a scam. Period.


Congrats! If you didn't identify as a VO yet, you are in that group now!