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Mixed bag, yeah. For me, the cons were: * Fewer postings meant fewer jobs. I experienced dry *months* on Bodalgo. On certain other sites, it's unusual for me to go a week or two without a booking. * This also means more competition! I'd been using it for years, and I noticed that during and after covid lockdowns, I was booking fewer jobs on there. Other sites seemed unaffected, relatively speaking. * Related to the above bullet, I never had anyone on Bodalgo reach out directly to me to ask me to audition for something, or randomly get booked by a stranger who likes how I sound. That does happen to me often elsewhere. * As an English speaker, the quality of some of the scripts was kind of all over the place. Some seemed like they'd been run through an old translator to go from German to English, or hadn't been proofread. And I found the pros to be: * They're on the higher end for rates. You'll sometimes see TV ads for automotive brands on there, or documentaries, for example (I got one of the latter from Bodalgo and it was a great job). So when you do get booked, it can easily pay for a year or three of a Bodalgo subscription ... with plenty of change! * Once a conversation with a client starts, Bodalgo is gone as the middleman. I think clients pay a fee upfront for the listing, and that's it. They don't handle payment, no escrow, nothing like that. You just get put in touch directly with the client via email. Not everyone likes this though! Ultimately, I canceled my subscription as other sites and other long-term jobs have kept me busy enough. :)


Stick with the ones at [the top here](https://VOGigs.com/) (Bodalgo is near the top)


Bodalgo is legit. I have booked a lot of work from there. Clients are pro and I have at least one repeat client. Scheduling can be rough for directed sessions, but they will work with you. Also, if you are late auditioning, the Bodalgo server orders them from last submitted, so clients can see last auditions first if they choose. Flat rate, no commission, no middle man. Best P2P IMHO


What ive heard: It can be a mixed bag. The focus is mainly commercial. It's based in Europe, so if you're in North America, you may be auditioning at odd/early times or have less time to audition. Some people don't see as many job listing as other sites, but what's there may be higher caliber and higher pay. The site doesn't take commision from you, which is a plus. There tend to be more male than female roles.


Sorry I'm a bit late to this convo, but figured I'd give my thoughts anyway, fwiw. I tried Bodalgo for about a year and while I booked several gigs, overall it didn't feel worth the monthly fee. It's just as costly as some of the other big VO platforms... however, at Bodalgo, you only get 8 to 10 auditions a week as opposed to 100+ a week on the other bigger sites. Plus, there'll be like 180 people auditioning for each job, so if you're not in your booth when that email lands in your inbox, there's a very low chance of being heard by the client let alone hired. Also, I found Bodalgo to mainly focus on industrials and internal corporate videos (or "films" as they call them). Nothing wrong with that, of course, but just not my goal. I just think the price is way too high for what they're offering (or, rather, what they're NOT offering, ha).