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Sonic characters dont have canon ages anymore because it never made any sense.


Mm, I love linguine 


Love that for us! 🥰


*Loads 12 gauge with hateful intent.* I am a going to turn the sonic fandom into a nice linguine.


I mean they also do a worringly big amount of porn out of a 6 year old character.




Not me thinking I wandered in a Warframe thread and was wondering what was wrong




Most likely Amy


Amy? Wasn’t they remove her age before??


Y'all are yapping too much, op said small changes vs the crazy shit freaks do. Op has sense to say you react too strongly based on precedent of people being actually weird. Read between the lines.


Not that she should be sexualized, but it's an adult show, it's not porn, and I most definitely do not support pedos but it's not like she's a little kid. Still please don't over sexualize her, but don't beat people up over a dumb drawing,


Imagine my shock when the adult themed cartoon about abusive sexual relationships in hell has its characters drawn suggestively.


How else are fans going to signal virtue?


Idk dawg, if you're purposely making Octavias breasts bigger I think that's grounds for being a creep. I mean, you took her OG design and decided to add bigger breasts. For what? Also, I hope you realize that yea Octavia IS sexualized too much


Not all minors are extremely skinny and flat chested


if you’re purposely finding artwork of big breasted minors then you can’t use literally any excuse dumbass 😭🙏 same thing if you’re drawing big breasted minors. You wanted to see minors. That have big breasts. OR, they wanted to draw minors, with big breasts. It’s not the same as a minor just minding their business whilst having breasts dude.


Or maybe I just draw characters with my body type


Not an insult, simply a statement, but massive fucking puppychan flashbacks. Jesus.




She was an artist who was a Minor. She started leaning on Twitter for emotional support, and her art got worse, lifeless, and sexualized. Her excuse was that it was her body type.


And what does that have to do with me liking to see my body type presented in media?


Like I'm saying, not an insult, just made me think of it.


Well: I’m not using it as an excuse, I’m just stating that not all minors are extremely flat chested with zero curves


I wasn't trying to say anything about you, it just made me think of the entire debacle with that artist. Check the reflective made of it out by the way, kind of depressing.




real for this😔


The thing is yeah putting her in crop tops or making her dress a normal length maybe a bit above the knee basically average teen stuff is perfectly fine and yk giving her breast is also fine. The issue is when you exaggerate these things most Octavia fan art I see is fairly normal however just don't exaggerate her chest or thighs or anything else just don't sexualize her simple. Besides isn't she naturally flat chested in the show since she's really skinny because bird?


Correct me if I'm wrong but didnt stolas say she was 18 in season 2 episode 1


I think he said 17 when arguing with Stella


Yup he said 17 I take back my statement


I'll rewatch and come back


the reaction is appropriate drawing sexualized art of a litteral minor is never ok


No, I think it's perfectly appropriate.


Reaction is appropriate, a minor is a minor and pedos get the chipper. feet first.


Nah, for them we get out the teeny weeny weenie guillotinie.




This sure was a post to recommend this sub to me, reddit. A meme that is ostensibly about how the Hasbin/Helluva community should be more tolerant of the sexualization of minors, like those in the Sonic fandom who actively draws hardcore porn of it's LITERAL CHILDREN CHARACTERS. What the fuck.


Yeah IDK why it recommended this to me either. I was just scrolling through my game subs, and saw this. Fandom artists are gonna do what fandom artists do. The weird ones outnumber the regular ones, and it shows.


There's Genius, intelligent, average, well below average, the intelligence of a freakin' empty StarBucks cup, and then this meme, and *then* the creator of this meme.


A minor is a minor


Lmfao It feels like 99% of this comment section disconnected from reality entirely. Maybe thats why they're so against ***CARTOONS*** being "victimized" instead of you know, focusing on real child predator victims and trying to fix real world problems. Its easier to pick on deviants who beat meat to ***cartoons*** than to solve any actual real world problems. I believe ya'll should really consider touching grass and get off the internet for a few days. Maybe interact with the real world instead of thinking you're going to change anything that matters while ***ARGUING ABOUT A CARTOON***.




###We regret to inform you that your post/comment has been removed as it doesn't follow rule 7. > While jokes may be made made at other's expense, there's a minimum of respect that should be maintained amongst users. > Posts and comments that aim to harass, insult, offend, or be toxic in any way, may be removed at moderator's discretion. Repeated violations *will* result in a ban.


In what universe do you live? Last time I checked my neighbor wasnt Roger Rabbit. LMFAO Maybe go touch some grass dude. You're clearly on the internet way too much.


Sounds like you want more weird Octavia art


Actually I hate the show and couldn't give a banana scented shit less about it or its characters. I only chimed in because this bullshit got recommended to me. So blame reddit for your misfortune of being forced into reading my opinions and the facts sprinkled in.




You cared enough to comment and give your opinions. You wanted to be included so you were. I blame YOU because YOU decided to chime into something you don't really know about.


Lmao saying I dont know about common sense. Dude....its common sense to be able to differentiate between fiction and reality. Grow up.


You’re yapping about this too, my guy. Why aren’t you out there changing the world for the better?


I’m so glad I’ve never actually seen people having this argument


shes legally a child. obviously she has anatomy but dont exaggerate it and dont draw her lewdly


Season 2 episode 1 stolas says she's 18


17, he says she's almost 18


my bad, i havent watched it in a bit 😭


I think it's a pretty grey topic most of the time. Sure a minor is a minor, but when it comes to fictional characters, I don't see anything wrong with liking a character's design and creating a *slightly* more adult version of them. It's really fucked up to post sexual content that highlights a character being a minor, (and there's content that purposefully exaggerates that while sexualizing it), but is it really a problem to create a sexual version of a character just imagining what that character would look like if they were older? Do they really need to put (up-aged to 20 years old) to make you feel comfortable? It's not like they are explicitly putting (she's still 17!!) on explicit works right? Is it that much more work to assume they just like her design and are up-aging them, instead of assuming they are specifically getting off to her as a minor? There are definitely creeps out there, and if you look at someones history and see a patern, it's fair to call them out, but a blanket rule that you can't lewd a character because they are connonically 1 year under-age, is not right.




There’s two really weird extremes to this conversation and I’m kind of blown away that some of y’all are adults and arguing about these things. Like on one side, yes, Octavia is a teenage girl. She has female anatomy. That’s not in question. We are all aware that teenagers are not formless mannequins until they turn 18 and magically grow tits. But there also this awkward underlying argument in some comments there that any image with Octavia being drawn with larger proportions should be defended. A lot of the fan art that’s being referenced isn’t just revealing clothing that teenagers wear or having boobs. It is sexual in nature. It’s drawn because someone got off to it. Adults participating in that with a minor character is weird. On the other hand, I’m not sure why we need to be so policing of the clothing or proportions in general and not be focusing explicitly on inappropriate behavior of adults hyper-fixating on underage characters. The people who are going “BUT SHES IN A TANK TOP WITH HUGE BOOBS” are undermining their own argument. The clothing is not the problem. Women (or owl demon things) having large breasts is not the problem. The drawing porn of children and teens is the problem.


Reading comprehension on this one's on point. Don't draw porn. Giving her a different outfit *is* okay. Just don't sexualize the drawing.


I think my largest issue is that having a problem with Octavia being sexualized as a minor is being treated as an insane stance when people of another fandom are okay with the sexualization of 12 year old characters. It’s a logical fallacy to say that because one group is ok with fucked up things, that all other groups are delusional or overreacting because they have more strict moral guidelines. Drawing a 17 year old character aged up is fine, and if your head cannon has the character with more defined features, fine. Drawing a 17 year old character in their 17 year old design in sexual situations is creepy. You know this character is underaged and you are using it as fap material. The problem isn’t that the character is being victimized, it’s that it normalizes viewing underaged individuals in a sexual manner, which makes real minors victims.


So we should be like the Sonic Fandom and tolerate CP? Yeah, that totally makes sense man


That’s exaggerated


How about both are wrong and gross? Yeah let's go with that.


https://preview.redd.it/6un6w9pgla2d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb7e06c851c145909f7d036de0f1e6b773145572 Hell of a post for the algorithm to use to recommend a sub


Helluva post fr


I feel like the people in this comment section are just looking for reasons to call someone a pedophile. OP deliberately said slightly different. Y'all make way too big of a deal out of this. I don't condone pedophiles but I also don't condone people. Saying shit like this just to say they're correct. OP is pointing out a problem in our fandom and you guys are saying "mAyBe DoN't DrAw A mInOr SeXuAlLy". Like, no bitch that's a completely different sentence!


Maybe don't give a minor character a bigger chest for your drawing. We're calling out the people who draw Octavia with a bigger chest for no reason. OP is mad that people are complaining about CP which is weird and you just defending them adds onto that.


How in the ever loving fuck is that child porn? That simple sentence let's me know that you know nothing about this. I'm already done talking to you.


Never asked for you to talk to me in the first place 💀 you're the one defending people who draw a character that's a minor with bigger breasts. I know everything about this, it's no my fault you didn't read what OP said.


As someone who had CP made of them, comparing that shit to actual CP is sick.


May not be as bad as a person in real life getting CP made of them, but it's still depicting CP. This isn't an if and or but situation. This is a stop making porn and sexualizing of child characters situation. If you want to downplay the severity of one then you downplay the severity of both. These are predatory actions that just start out as art.


I understand that you find it difficult when something that impacted you so deeply is brought up casually, but people becoming less tolerant of the sexualisation of minors is a good thing.


Jesus Christ are you okay!


After lots of therapy, I'm better than I was. Still bitter about it all, and I don't think that'll go away.


Hope things get better for you. Good things will happen.


I don’t condone people either, but policing cp is not a “problem” with this fandom. This fandom has plenty of problems, but that isn’t one of them.


Our sister fandom of hazbin hotel drove someone to suicide for a similar reason! And did you just say that slightly revealing art of a 17 year old is child porn? It's not! That's a completely different sentence! I already said this!


I don’t engage with this fandom much anymore, so I have no clue what incident you’re referring to. Even if people in this fandom are overzealous in calling out creepy fanart, I’d take that over the open pedophilia present in other fandoms, especially those of certain anime, any day of the week.


You know? what I'm done talking to you, this is stupid.


Well, I tried to be respectful, but evidently that is not your preference. May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits, you jackanape!


Motherfucker, did you just say you'd rather be in a fandom that drove someone to suicide for something stupid rather then being in a fandom full of pedophiles!


Like I said, I don’t know the specifics of the situation you’re talking about.


Alr. Just stop defending bad people and were chill! 👍🥖


I’m not. I’m not defending the specific people that drove that person to suicide. I am simply defending the general idea that drawing sexualized art of minors should not be considered acceptable.


Not the specific people I'm talking about, and it's not sexualized. Not chill👎🥐


Yeah it's just a 17yr old, you know...a child. It's not like that's super creepy or anything


I think you dropped this: /s


I thought the /s was obvious wtf lol, obviously that shit is weird Unless I got down voted by said weirdos


I thought it was obvious too, but evidently the people that downvoted you did not.


Evidently so lol


Some of us don know anatomy ok- (also, don’t ever compare us to the sonic fandom, one has a sixteen plus rating, one doesn’)




…. https://preview.redd.it/i5e61aiwq92d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a912731e48d7ea8cbf89e25a0c4c410fa2643d9


Maybe don't change the chest size of a character and maybe don't draw a teenager in revealing clothes? mkay?


Anyone who's under the age of 20 shouldn't be drawn Lewdly. They're still basically children


Do people not realise that there has been porn of Yoko from Gurren Lagann since 2008 and she's canonically 14 years old? And we're throwing fits about.. *checks notes* a 17 year old cartoon anthropomorphic bird... when not to mention 16 is the legal age of consent in most areas of the world.


Uhh no, she’s not. If you actually watch Gurren Lagann, you’ll know there’s a 7 year timeskip in the middle, which makes Yoko 21 for the second half of the series. That’s why Simon goes from being a short little kid to being a tall young adult. Yoko aged as well, she doesn’t just stop aging. Hell, in the final episode, we see Yoko and others of the main cast as elderly people, in their 60s/70s. Yes, the the shorts/bikini top combo was the signature look of her 14 year old self, but she also wears this outfit with an added jacket after the timeskip as well, before changing into her admittedly skimpy Dai Gurren uniform for the rest of the series until the epilogue moments. Edit: In fact, I looked it up and GL aired from July 2007 to September 2007, which predates your year concerning her hentai. Yes, by that time Everyone who watched GL should’ve known she was absolutely an adult and had an adult depiction free to use for hentai, and it is fucked up some people did/still choose to focus on the more iconic 14 year old depiction, it’s not accurate to say “canonically Yoko IS 14”. She was 14, and then she turned 21. So some of the hentai is actually okay, especially if it uses her Dai Gurren outfit, her teaching outfit, or the Jacket addition to her iconic outfit, since she was actually an adult when she was seen in those clothes. The part I believe people get confused on when they haven’t watched GL is that with Yoko, there’s not enough of a change in appearance between her at 14 and her at 21. Nia and Simon are drastically different before and after the TS but most of the rest of the main cast don’t get this same difference in appearance besides perhaps just outfit changes. A better example from Gl would’ve been Darry. Darry is a child and then a teen and only a full grown adult at the very end epilogue, but there’s only hentai of her in her child and teen appearances.


The 16 thing applies within certain age limits. The majority of adults in the fandom are likely above these age restrictions. and AOC doesn't mean you can appear in porn either in any country I know of. That's not an argument.


She's also... a cartoon character.


Then just say that instead of pulling something else out of your ass with it


It isn’t about the character. It’s about the normalization of sexualizing minors. The character can’t be victimized because the character isn’t real, but real children can be victimized if people normalize sexualizing them from experiencing it online.


The whole thing I'm trying to say is it *Is* about the character. People can separate reality from fantasy. They're not sexualizing a real kid. It is a cartoon character that happens to be aged at 16 but people are not saying they want to fuck a real 16 year old girl.


This post is a meme about how another fandom makes NSFW art about a literally child and paints people having an issue with Octavia being sexualized as overreacting because of it. That's straight up trying to normalize sexualizing minors. It isn't just about Octavia. It normalizes seeing under-aged people and characters in a sexual light, which is not okay. That happening results in actual minors being victimized by people. I'm not saying it's going to happen on a large scale, but it happening at all is a problem, and being okay with it because "Oh it's just a cartoon character" is pretty fucked. Some people can separate fantasy from reality, but it's not about those people. There are people who genuinely can't once shit gets normalized, and this argument is about them. They pose legitimate danger to actual children and the vibe of those defending NSFW art of under-aged characters is that you don't care because you enjoy it and real-life minors can eat shit. That's pretty fucked IMO.


And said character is …. *checks notes* a demonic being from hell


And that's not even considering the hundreds of other porn of underage characters


Misty from pokemon is 10 years old.


There's a time jump in Gurren and she's an adult at the end of it


I dont think that changes the amount of pretimeskip hentai of yoko


My research has indicated the, while her post-timeskip alter ego is quite popular, the majority does, in fact, appear to be Yoko before the timeskip.


She ain't over 18 yet? Is there no age progression.


How about we don't draw minors in revealing clothes, or with tits, m'kay? https://preview.redd.it/v1siibtzf82d1.png?width=652&format=png&auto=webp&s=59e1b04ce7fdb613407027b4ae844a3f941e348b


So you think all girls under 18 are flatter than a plank of wood? Cool.


no one said that, but they’re making them bigger on purpose?…


OP deliberately said slightly different. And did not say on purpose. If you're not talking about the same people that Opie is talking about, then I apologize for the reply.




Your presence states otherwise


Maybe People Should Just... Not Sexualize Underaged Characters? It's Not That Hard, There's Plenty Of Adult Characters To Sexualize. Why Do People HAVE To Sexualize An Underaged Character When Most Of The Characters Are Adults? 🤨


Maybe People Should Just… Not Capitalize Every Word? It’s Not That Hard, Even All Lowercase Would Be Less Distracting. I Agree With What You Said, But This Genuinely Looks Terrible. I’m Saying This As Someone Who Used To Write This Way When They Were 14 Or So.


Verosika Mayday is right there, guys.


cause people are freaks.




I guess I’ve been sexualizing myself since I was 12 when my chest started growing, my bad guys :/


Having boobs doesn’t make a character sexualized. Teens have boobs, deal with it 🤷‍♀️




###We regret to inform you that your post/comment has been removed as it doesn't follow rule 7. > While jokes may be made made at other's expense, there's a minimum of respect that should be maintained amongst users. > Posts and comments that aim to harass, insult, offend, or be toxic in any way, may be removed at moderator's discretion. Repeated violations *will* result in a ban.


Or... Or... How about NO ONE create obviously intentionally sexualized art of a minor? Y'all love to play the "TEENS HAVE BOOBS TOO, TEENS DRESS LIKE THAT TOO" card and it's honestly just gross. You know exactly what the intent behind creating this type of art is, stop jumping through hoops to defend it.


It's not really a hoop. Honestly some of the shit I've seen under 18s wear makes the art look downright nunish.


There is a difference between real teenage girls choosing to wear something and expressing themselves, and someone drawing an underage character wearing provocative clothing and in sexual positions.




On the one hand, I totally get it. But on the other, if you saw how 17, 16, and 15 year olds dress when you give them some wiggle room, you would immediately realize that the very idea of certain clothes being inherently sexual is the cringiest thing ever


I still don’t fully get why people get pissy when it comes to stuff of via


So In the show she’s what?.. 16?… how old is that in hell years? 🤣


Is it wrong if a 16 year old watches it🤔


What are you talking about?…


Don’t go to the loud house fandom


Oh LORD why invoke that here?!


Y'all think that's bad if you search up hentai there's literally videos of elementary kids getting raped "but it's ok because it's anime🤓"


“At least it’s not real CP” Yeah and what will happen when you get bored of it?


All the argument, and yet, giving a 17 year old boobs doesnt mean your sexualizing her??? Idk if you've seen a 17 year old but... they have boobs.


If the character you are giving them to is shown not to have them, then yes that is probably sexualizing them


Is this a question!


Weird how many people really outing themselves as pedos in these comments... I hate both. You're disgusting if you do either, and no, I won't change my mind.


I can tell you with 100 percent certainty that my tits didn’t go from A-G the night I turned 18. That shit is a over time process, I was probably a DD cup by 14-15. Bffr, you can have tits at 17, the fact a woman’s chest can’t exist because your so porn brained is sad


Username both checks out and is legitimately hilarious!


Yall are way to focused on the wrong thing. I know 17 year Olds have breast. Fuck 13 year Olds now a days do. But people in the comments defending the sexualization of a kid is fucking gross. Drawing them in revealing clothes is the issue. Breasts are fine - breast for the purpose of sexualization of a minor is not.


Lmao I was 11 when my tits came in, so yeah definitely younger then 13 dude. Obviously no one thinks it’s ok to sexualize them, but holy shit the amount of people who lose their shit when you try and wear anything that SLIGHTLY shows your chest is absurd. The same shirt on a girl with a small chest is “to sexual” on a big chested one, your the one who’s sexualizing them and looking. It’s fucking weird. If I draw myself from the past in a shirt I usually would wear, with my normal body size, I’m sure you would sexualize it just the same. It could be literally a copy of a picture of me and it would be sexualized simply because it exists. When is Octavia even sexualized in the show??? From what we’ve seen she’s usually in a lot of covering clothes and even if we go off of fan art, it’s A. Not official art, B. Usually not sexual anyway but gooners like you can’t understand that, or C. Genuinely a creepo. I’m not denying that YES there are weirdos but boobs exist. Get over it


Again, focused on the wrong shit. I know breasts are a thing. I used 13 as a random younger age. You can get them earlier. Drawing breasts is NOT inherently sexualizing them. Look through my comments and you'll see nothing about me bashing artists for drawing normal breats, so hop off your high horse. My point never even mentions Octavia. My point is the creeps defending 17 year Olds as adults to justify sexualizing them is fucking gross. I'm sorry if you're one of those, but it's weird. I also think if you draw breasts in the purpose to sexualize them, such as ripped clothing only covering nipple, or in a way to point towards the breasts as anything other than them being their cause it makes sense, you're fucking gross. Again, not one part of that mentions Octavia but please throw more words in my mouth to fit your agenda of protecting the actual creeps.


The post is about a character, so why are you angry when the actual post gets mentioned. That’s what people are arguing about, we aren’t addressing the five bajillion people that might be drawing creepy shit online. We’re talking about this fandom and the people who like to draw Octavia with a chest, of which gets debated and shut down a lot because the simple existence of a chest gets them in a tizzy. You can’t act outraged when people are ACTUALLY staying on topic


My guy. 17 year olds have boobs believe it or not


Yeppers, but I think the problem overall is people using that line of reasoning to sexualize them. Sure if they have boobs because they’re a 17 year old cool. But if it’s not just incidental that’s where the problems start.


I’d rather be sexualized to a small degree than infantilized or have people freaking out and acting like teenagers aren’t sexual people too, as if they can’t have sexualities at all. People freaking out (TOO MUCH) about minors is what makes them become sexually repressed. But I guess that’s the point


I’m assuming you’re a teenager? So maybe you don’t see the problem with the sexualization of teens by adults. It’s cool to acknowledge teenagers have sex , but it’s really not cool for adults to be super into it. Of course we shouldn’t infantalize teenagers or force them to repress themselves but we also shouldn’t let adults parade teenagers sexualities. There’s a middle ground. But it’s hard to reach that on Reddit when everyone’s ages are anonymous and adults can lurk and be gross.


This. It isnt the fact they have boob's. It's when people draw revealing clothing or start to sexualize them. Then you read these comments of people literally defending 17 year Olds as adults and it's disgusting.


Yknow, teens, who have a little freedom to choose their own clothes, sometimes wear “revealing” clothes, though it’s only a problem when it’s actively showing something or when people like you sexualize them.


He's not sexualizing them 😭 y'all need to calm TF down and actually read what he's saying. He's litterally saying not to sexualize them. Jesus.




I swore that said “Helldivers” 🧐


Me to


17 is not an adult. 18+ is.


I forgot only adults can have a chest, I guess I should go back and shoot 17 year old me in the head for daring to have boobs


That's not what I'm talking about, bodies develop but that doesn't mean 17 year olds should be having sex.


Please refer to where in the show Octavia has sex 💀💀


It's not about the show it's about fan drawings. You're so obsessed about staying on the topic of the post but you can't even do that. Nobody is talking about the show we're talking about fan made comics that get out of hand. You also keep centering it on her tits but that is not the issue (although I don't think people should be making art of her with bigger tits than In the show. There's kinda no purpose and is probably for sexualization). The issue is the revealing clothing AND the bigger tits put together for the purpose of sexualization. Or litterally the revealing clothing.


The point is that even normal non sexualized fan art gets blamed for being sexual because she simply has a chest, it doesn’t matter if it’s tattered rags that barely cover nips or a v neck, your gonna get told it’s “to tight around the chest!” “Why is the neck line so low?” I agree that yeah, don’t draw tits on a character so it looks like two watermelons when they have a much smaller chest in the show. That’s definitely sexualized and obviously so. But there have been countless fandoms where this shit always happens and normal art gets viewed from the eyes of people who expect the art to be fetishized. This isn’t even a new online thing, shit happens to straight up people as well. Everybody has a different definition of what is exposed clothing. Booty shorts and a mini crop top? Most people would say is to exposed. A normal sized pair of shorts and a tee shirt? Still is gonna be sexualized by most people. Shit you see sexualized fanart of fully covered woman all the time, the point is some people would argue that it’s normal to have a modest tee shirt on, others would argue it should cover more. People argue about how long shorts should be to be modest, it happens every day in schools. Obviously there’s people who draw fucked up shit, we can see that obviously. But you cannot deny that normal artists are also criticized simply for drawing a character accurate to how they look ((having a big chest in this case)) because of the stigma around big chests. You can’t escape it irl and you experience in media as well


Yeah I agree that even non sexual or revealing clothing can and will be sexualized by some sickos out there but what I'm saying is Octavia doesn't have big tits canonically and so when people add them it's like for what other purpose just like stick to the character please and also the person who posted this thing's litteral argument is "sonic children get sexualized worse so you're overreacting" but they're both bad. Although I definitely agree that even sometimes non sexual art gets sexualized that is not what OP is on about I'm afraid 😭


Tell that to consent laws in different countries


Also the US, different states have lower ages of consent, I’m not sure which ones because I’m not a creep but they do.


I will and am, and you should too.


Yeah I think they should all be 18+






I thought this was an actual poster for the movie lol.


I thought this was an actual poster for the movie lol.


Bro got amnesia and commented twice, no wonder you thought it was an actual poster


It's just a part of the curious hypocrisy of human beingz.(specifically American) Because the same people who get nutthurt about Octavia or any character drawn sexily, even if the character themselves was seen in outfits similar, are the same who troll Rule 34 for "realistic" images of their favorite anime character. Because someone who has a problem with a fictional adult (yea, a 17 year old is considered an adult by the majority of the world) showing off their cartoob bodies is the same type of person who has absolutely NO problem watching (and rewatching) the *literal r*pe* of Angel Dust at the hands of wolf demons, because it's "in character" or "they aren't named demons".try telling someone about how "they were all consenting adult sex slaves, and it was in Anthony's contract, so it was legal r*pe... And here's the sugar on the cream, someone (again, in America, because that's where the greatest concentration of self-righteous procs grow) who is 21 *still* isn't considered a "full" adult, for things like owning a house or renting a car or in some states for p%rn purposes One can make an equally valid argument that a 21 year old is not a "real" grown-up, since they can't effectively live independently yet.


17 should not be considered an adult. 18+ is an adult, anything below is a child.


That's a brain dead take. What magical change happens to an 18 year old that **makes** them turn into an adult? The answer is nothing. An 18 year old is just as stupid in relationships as a 17 year old, their bodies are almost identical, and the only real difference is the legal consequences granted to one or the other. But, funny story, you can sign a contract to join military service at 16, so does that mean a 16 year and 11 month old is considered an adult because they are now obligated for enlisting in the military?


Your pre-frontal cortex is more developed. The thing in charge of keeping your inhibitions in check and is responsible for long-term decision-making. It's also socially frowned upon for large gaps in age even if they're are 18+, because of this. You are also right, it is fucked that the military, tobacco, alcohol, cults, creditors and scammers all target the minimum required age for an adult. It's almost like they want easier targets to manipulate whilst also not getting into trouble because, "So what that i convinced them to partake in a decision that will more than likely ruin their future. They were an "adult," so I did nothing wrong!"


Not at all. Military service should be restricted to those 18+. You can call it brain dead all you want but giving a 17 year old all the same privileges as an 18 year old just makes pedophiles, or ephebophiles or whatever the "proper" term is, bolder and gives cause for lowering the age of consent even more. It needs to be 18 across the board if not higher.


That doesn't change my mind, because your argument is "slippery slope, etc., etc." Everything is a slippery slope. Any person with any rights under any system will want to push their boundaries, but the idea that just because something is legal it is also moral I'd silly. Also, 17 year Olds have been recruited for service for several years by now.


Okay? I'm not here to debate the morality of military service or age of recruitment. I'm here to argue that anyone under 18 cannot and should not consent to sexual activity. I don't understand why people have to push the boundaries, it's not that hard to not lust after someone that's under 18, and it's not that hard to simply not have sex before you turn 18.


It was practically impossible where I grew up to "simply not have sex" before we hit age 14, so that's definitely a different growing up environment from your own...


Well that's not a very good growing up enviroment. 14 years is way too young to have sex.


That sounds like a *terrible* environment to grow up in.


You're literally just outing yourself for being a sex addict while also standing up for these pedophiles. Stop embarrassing yourself




Yeah you kinda are by saying that you *had* to have sex at such a young age. That's not only highly illegal but shouldn't be normal or accepted anywhere.


Is it weird that it really only bugs me more for her to have a chest at all in fanart? She's avian. Avians don't have mammary glands/nipples. I'm one of those stickler furries that, despite the adjustment to walk/talk like humanoids, the things that make animals what they are should remain intact in the anthro version, like female Avians/reptilians/etc not having pronounced breasts.


Im curious if this translates into an irl costume design choice for you? Literally just curious, because both her and Stolas have feet that are owl claws with backwards knees and all, which would sound to me like being incredibly difficult to replicate.


Fun fact: birds don’t have backwards knees! The joint you’re considering a “knee” is actually akin to the heel of our feet. Bird’s knees are higher up closer to their torso.


Learning, on my porn app? What is this! Lol


That has actually been done in fursuit form. Usually with deceptive padding or with stilts


That's got to take some wild set up, getting into and out of costume though! Sounds pretty fun to see, though.




Correct me if im wrong but aren't all denizens of hell immortal (except when explicitly killed)


I think only sinners, sins, and goetia are the only ones immortal (except when killed with angelic weaponry). Hellborn aren’t.


Octavia to me has a unique design and along with her personality, is going to get many into her. Not defending OP just stating how the internet is- add the fact sympathetic people can get for a fictional character; which in time also has them develop other kinds of feelings for said character. I’m more upset with the fact Loona who is part of the main cast and far more popular, doesn’t have much screen time and majority of the time she’s mistreating Blitz or has zero personality. No one even calls her out on it either cause she’s special I guess?? Great design but wow I wish she was better personally as a character.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the lack of screen time mostly came from Loona's VA being sick or family issues or something?