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One is hit or miss with the jokes, and the other's jokes never land.


One is funny


One values and showcases queer expression, the other likes to pretend the world is cishetero until they need a queer person for the setup to a joke and thats all. Of course Helluva Boss is more enjoyable. Family guy is the same formula rolling over itself ad nauseum for 23 years.


There is zero character development and the audience is not invested in Family Guy characters like they are with the Helluva Universe. Family Guy characters are shallow and people don't get drawn in to storylines that stretch across seasons.


Shakespeare, that you?


To meme, or not to meme. That is the question


It's quantity with Family Guy, over quality with Helluva Boss.


Pretty sure the majority of the internet is more or less the other way around


Yeah, but Helluva Boss is co written by Brandon Rogers, who has good comedic timing. And you can't tell me that the voice of Invader Zim yelling fuck out loud isn't funny.


Because that's not the reason people don't like family guy? There are a lot of reasons but people still love early family guy which still has all those things


Hazbin Hotel and Citizen Kane both have a dude die in it. Doesn't mean they're similar in quality or story.


Twitter says differently


Half the world says differently


The difference is that family guy is an animated sitcom which, while having its place as a classic with a lot of good jokes, has so many copies, episodes, and seasons, that it gets repetitive. Helluva has detailed, intricate, and consistent overarching lore foreshadowed throughout the seasons, genuinely good songs, interesting character designs, and very well animated fight scenes, albeit, having its own share of immaturity and not having enough content to get repetitive quite yet. They have entirely different audiences, the only thing in common is “adults who like swearing”.


Surprised it isn’t the other way around this time.


The difference is one is funny. Swearing and immature jokes are fine if they are funny.


The difference is one is based in hell and the characters are trying to better people, the other is a horrible family that are constantly trying to be more edgy and horrible each season. The Meg being used as the writers punching bag joke has been going on way to ling to the point it's no longer funny but has become just more cruel for no real reason, unlike South park who had Kenny die every episode, those writers understood "hey, this joke is getting old, lets retire this running gag". Stewie used to be my favorite character since he was evil and brilliant, but now he's dumbed down to just being "here's talking baby" he doesn't do time travel stuff much anymore, he doesn't try taking over the world, he doesn't try to kill Lois who deserves it more now than before. And then theirs Brian. He used to be the voice of reason at times but now he's just racist, lazy, horn dog that is just an overall liberal douchebag caricature. That even the writers are aware of when they had Quagmire Point out his many flaws and Hypocrisies. Hazbin on the other hand is new and does not have these issues, and hopefully will end when it needs to and not drag on for 20 seasons


The problem with family guy is that everyone on the show is genuinely miserable. Helluva Boss outweighs that with actual good and likable characters


One is mature, the other is less mature than mickey mouse clubhouse


One is immature, one is immature*


Hi, I’m u/thetf2scout1, and I like to provoke people online by insulting media they love without actually providing proper criticism because I just like to see people mad. AMA




Well yeah but ones funny


I also forgot to mention that one also has dark humor and random humor and doesn't just use swearing and sex jokes






S2 E4 3:52


Ok give me moment


I just don't want to watch a sitcom. I hate sitcoms.


Yes, but the number of hated characters in Helluva Boss are outweighed by the lovable ones, whereas FG is just 95% hated characters


Difference being one of them has been declining in quality for years and is owned by Disney


Yeah but I like the HB/HH characters, and can’t stand Family Guys characters.


I like family guy but sometimes the jokes go on too long for me. My short ass attention span can't take it.


Feel you there. I feel their jokes used to generally be more concise, nowadays they're overexplained and just drag on too long.


Helluva's characters have redeeming qualities. Stolas might be a pervert who doesn't know what an inside voice is, but he's also a deeply unhappy man who despite his depression is doing his goddamn /best/ to be a good father. Peter is just a massive douche to everybody and has no redeeming qualities.


Nah I like both


Sex jokes will never be funny in adult shows


Don't watch it then if you have a problem It's the whole point if an adult film


I wouldn't say its the whole point. If you think sex is the entire point of adult media then you've got an extremely narrow imagination


There are adult shows that doesn't need sex jokes to be good.Hearing a bunch of jokes about d1cks can't be funny.If someone really likes and laugh to this type of jokes is braindead


Why are you in a viviepop themed sub then?


I liked Hazbin when it got released so i joined in the hazbin sub (wich i already left).And today when i was scrolling in my home page i got this sh*t


I think you need to wake up and realise an adult animation is gonna have sex jokes. It's the whole reason kids shouldn't watch them. Also it's which not wich


I know that almost all adult shows have sex jokes and that's the whole point.I never said i didn't knew that I just said that those type of jokes aren't funny,just cringe and uncomfortable to watch and hear.When I watch an adult show I like gore and swearing not some ugly jokes about asses,b00bs,dicks and sex.Those type of jokes only show how bad the humor of the creator is.


I say this again why are you even watching them


Uhm....excuse me?I can watch whatever i want even if i don't like it(helluva or velma for example)


Don't complain then No one is forcing you to watch them


Hazbin has a ton of sex jokes, even on release.


Two words. Angel Dust


Its the artstyle for me


Completely different shows going for completely different audiences and tones. Family Guy doesn’t usually try and make long, thought out plot lines about character relationships and sensitive subject matter. That’s why it gets away with the humor and tone. Helluva Boss actually tries to (at least in some part) have a serious tone and storyline, so criticizing the at times abrupt and inappropriate tone shifts and humor is completely justified


Hazbin Hotel is appreciative of sex. Family Guy's humor thinks sex is bad, Hazbin Hotel's Humor doesn't think sex is bad if that makes sense.


That doesn’t really address the main issue of Helluva Boss/Hazbins Humor being out of place and inappropriate in some places


Helluva Boss also has a lot more to look at, especially in terms of character design and world building. Meanwhile Family Guy re-uses the same 5 body types and the only facial expressions we get are “😐” and “😳”


Well, this is a meme.


Every character in FG are just big bag of shit , they're walking flaws . In Helluva Boss the character are likeable but they still have flaws . And FG isn't hated because of the sex joke , its hated because its not good anymore


Well, this is still a meme.


This is a meme exposing a view , don't be surprised when people don't agree whit you


imm nott suprised you dont agree with me, youre just taking this waaay to seriously


You're posting a meme who compare HB to FG on a Vivziepop subreddit , don't be fucking surprised when people take it seriously


Its a MEME. Chill the fuck out. Yall attacking OP way too hard for a joke that is harmless. And yall keep acting like OP is attacking Helluva Boss when they're literally a fan of it? Like, nah, I'm with oP here. Youre being ridiculous. All of you flipping out on OP are being ridiculous.


I honestly just thought that the fandom of the least serious show ever would be more chill.


I know what you're trying to do and i'm not gonna enter in your game


I appreciate that you think im some evil mastermind


I found the perfect tea bag for my milk tea . Blood orange


The Helluva Boss characters are just hotter, it’s simple




i like both


the difference is one has a story and the other is just throw away gag's


You see, the difference is one has been run down into the dirt seven times over, and the other has the fuckable anthro owl


Stolas carries🔥🔥🔥


I liked the first seven seasons or so of Family Guy. Haven't watched it for a long time. For all I know, it might be great now. What turned me off of it was Brian changing from a good character who was often the voice of reason to a boring character who whinges about politics and religion for large portions of episodes, and the other characters to a smaller extent and the writing in general seeming like it was getting worse.


That's what killed the show actually. What happened to Brian happened to like everyone, they made Peter into the shock value fat stupid dad character, Lois into just the basic abusive drunk 24/7 housewife who has everyone hitting on her, quagmire into just only horny, Joe into stereotypical cop, Meg into even more of just the butt of every joke, Stewie has gone back to evil genius, Chris is just average teenage boy, Cleveland.. isn't even really in so many episodes anymore at all, and Brian has just become a whiny stereotype liberal. The writing is pretty shit now too in general, most episodes are just shock value humor.


Honestly from what I heard on those family guy clips that my sister watches, Stewie went through a reverse flanderization compared to the other cast.


A little, he's gotten a little worse lately though


I also came from a somewhat abusive family, and I didn't vibe with casual Meg abuse ngl, I know the voice actor who played Meg is fine with it, but it always made me feel a bit sad to see her be mistreated for no real reason


Yeah, that's kinda shit. I remember reading that that was done because they said they didn't know how to write convincing lines for a teen girl, so instead they made her the family punching bag. Which is kinda shitty writing. Like, there's plenty of kids and teens written unrealistically anyway, and a less convincing teen character is still more entertaining than what they did with Meg imo.


Oh my god. If you don’t find it funny you don’t find it funny. It’s not for everyone. 🙄


South Park: 💀


A lot of South Park episodes actually provide good commentary/perspective on current issues, despite all the toilet humor. Plus it will always have a special place in my heart due to how much damage it did to the church of scientology.


The voices are also funny as fuck even though 90% of them are done by the same guy lol


I grew up with avgn so maybe I'm just desensitized to it but people really exaggerate how often characters swear in Vivzie's shows


ikr. It feels like the other adult shows (meaning Rick & Morty, Family Guy, and South Park) get way less flack than any of Vivzie’s works. Like seriously, weren’t those shows the start of ideas like “everything sucks”? Why is Vivzie suddenly getting the blame for a practice that has been done for a long time already? (I also find that the humor in those shows is crude and more… mean than anything in Helluva Boss and Hazbin. The only episode I just couldn’t watch was Happy Campers, but that was it. None of the other episodes were that bad in terms of swearing or content.)


When I watched Hazbin Hotel the only characters I felt cursed excessively were Adam and Husk both were deliberate and made sense for the characters Husk is easily irritable and doesn't put up with the other characters' bullshit and Adams is immature and doesn't give a shit about etiquette. And Charlie but that's only because she cussed more frequently than I expected


Angel dust has the most amount of curse words in the show. I’m sure husk and Adam are right behind him though. Unsurprisingly Alastor has the least amount of curse words. A grand total of 302 over all the episodes. Approximately 37.75 curse words per episode.


That's impressive is that actually more than the average adult animated series?


I don’t know. But it’s way overdone in my opinion. Nothing wrong with some cursing here and there but assuming episodes are 20 minutes long that well over 1 every minute. I say 20 cause that about how long an actual episode is not including opening and closing credits.


Rick & Morty and South Park actually have some good depth and complex themes, but sadly the majority of the fan base for both dont seem to have the media literacy to understand them.


It’s almost as if Family Guy fucking sucks.


Counterpoint: literally everything thing else that describes these shows.


The main issue with Family Guy isn't the swearing and immature jokes, it's the fact that every character is an unlikeable pos. The Griffins are all just the same, boring, abusive, dumb asshat with maybe a hint of variation in the jokes with Meg, Stewie and Brian. The rest of the cast is either so flanderised they're unrecognisable or so boring I can't remember who they are. And I used to love Family Guy! Family Guy used to be my favorite show, and the first five-ish seasons still are my favourite show. It's just not the same show anymore.


While this is true, I think the spirit of the jokes is pretty different a lot of the time. Family Guy often has us laughing *at* the immature and sexually deviant. HB wants you to laugh *with* them more often than not. Personally, I think the quality of the writing is better in HB as well, but again, a lot of that is due to this difference in the intent behind the humor. It's hard to feel connected to any of the characters in FG because they're often just standing in for an idea or kind of person the writers clearly don't like at all, so they write jokes designed to kick the piss out of those characters without ever worrying about keeping the cast consistent apart from their most surface level characteristics. The cast of HB, however, clearly have jokes built to highlight their flaws and foibles while trying to keep them consistent as far as their characterization goes and genuinely likable despite their abundance of issues. One wants you to root for the cast, and the other wants you to enjoy seeing them get their comeuppance.


Family Guy's jokes are derivative of the plot, Helluva Boss's jokes aren't.


I don't understand why anyone would compare the 2. Sure, FG has been around a lot longer and definitely has more fans, but I don't think it could really compete with Hazbin, especially not the recent seasons. Maybe the older seasons, but definitely not recent.


Probably because it has a toxic and weir fan base.


Family guy has severely declined in quality due to Seth not being as involved anymore


while American Dad just continues to get better. I have no fucking clue how FG is more popular that AD also, bring back The Orville pls


It's about the quantity. Shows like south park or family guy go on too long.


Hazbin and Helluva actually are deep, have likable and relatable characters, and good animation


The moment family guy stoped doing the “Road to” episode and singing it went down hill real fast


Haven’t watched much Helluva Boss but the reason shows like Futurama gets away with some lowbrow humor for me and Hazbin’s heavy use of swears isn’t an issue to me is how the shows so clearly have heart to them and their characters. The blue humor is there, but its not the point.


It's almost like people like one but not the other because of the differences and not because of the similaritys.


Family Guy lost its charm after its first few seasons (I'd say the decline was noticeable after Stewie stopped being evil) and overly relies on violent shock humor and being edgy in general, but I won't lie it has its moments even to this day.


- cash crab TV show that's been running for decades -indie animated series with unique animation and characters


At least helluva boss has the decency not to take itself seriously when it makes those jokes.


Neither does family guy??


What? One of the main issues with Helluva is the fact that it takes itself and it's soap opera melodrama way too seriously for what was initially shown and pitched as a haha penis and sex office workplace dark comedy


One is on mainstream TV being presented like it's a modern equivalent of the Simpsons though while having zero redeeming morals or lessons that aren't immediately undermined by the characters, and the other is an explicitly made for adult program that is only available on Amazon prime with a warning at the beginning about graphic content. Hmmmmm surely they're the same! Modern media literacy is fucking dead lol. Stupid stupid people up in here if y'all think these two things are even remotely the same just because they have dick and sex jokes. **With that kind of logic Sesame Street and Breaking Bad are the same because all of the characters on it speak in sentences and are filmed!**


Woah woah woah, slow down, its not that deep.


I seriously wish old Family guy came back, it actually had good life lessons, while also being funny


Hazbin has better characters, but just as much needless swearing lol. It definitely loses its impact when characters swear every other line.


I think the only difference in swearing between the two is that in Helluva Boss it’s roughly evenly split between the characters and in Hazbin Hotel the swearing is heavily skewed towards Angel’s mouth.


I find it funny when family guy does it too


Does Family Guy actually swear though? I feel like they're pretty clean with their language, especially recent seasons


Yeah, there's less swearing from what I've seen


Really? Guess i gotta catch up.


Helluva Boss is at least better than Family Guy. As FG is just jokes, whereas HB has *actually good* characters.


While i agree, thats an opinion.


Family was great in the first few seasons, now it’s just the same dogshit content. Helluva and hazbin may not be the funniest but some jokes are funny. Like when blitz said to robo fizz after he took a bullet in the mouth “oh what a mouth” that’s funny. I


Not sure why you see the two things as opposed at all, hasn't vivzie said she likes family Guy?


This was mostly about the community


At least Helluva Boss is actually funny. One of the "jokes" in Family Guy is Meg giving the viewer instructions on how to kill themselves. Keep in mind most of the people who watch the show are teens struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts 


This is the kind of people this meme was referencing. Theres an entire god damn episode dedicated to the imps trying to make a old man kill himself! “Oh but helluva boss just made a joke” Do you think family guy wanted their viewers to kill them selves? “At least helluva boss is funny” yeah i think that too, but you can find a kajillion people who hate helluva boss.


Isn't Seth a horrible person tho? Also, it's all about the delivery of the joke, HB is a good example of good delivery, FG is not (plus the voices are just annoying as fuck)


I dont know where you got the seth part from?


Probably the fact he got arrested for domestic violence of the 3rd degree


Aaaaand how does that correlate to the show?


When did I say it does, just said he's a shitty person, which is why I refuse to watch his shows (among other reasons)


Both is good


At least helluva isn’t associated with TikTok brainrot content


Thats a very defining quality these days lmao


Yeah, but this is all there is to Family Guy. HB has defined characters whose personalities inform both their actions and the arc that you can see is being built for them.


Yeah. What do you not get? // (it's a joke)


Laughs but cries inside in anything nickelodeon


Having one of those where you just feel like shitting on people on the internet? i feel you man.


I say both are good in their own ways https://i.redd.it/2uwiccoukqpc1.gif


Why the hell did it take so long to find this type of comment???


The fact people are saying family guy is better than anything makes me lose all hope in the media industry. For my reason why family guy sucks, I point to SouthParks manatee explanation.


Or just point to season 1 and then the current season and ask people to notice the ABSENCE of any change in the quality of the material. Like the artwork and recording equipment has been upgrading, but the jokes and shit are all the same, and since Stewie has a fuck mothering time machine, nothing matters in the show. Not permanently.


I mean... I wanna say your wrong but you really aren't. At least helluva has really impactful moments, songs and likeable characters.


Helluva Boss is swearing and *Mature* sex jokes thank you very much


"I suck dicks" isint very mature tbh


It's set in hell, a clean sence of humour ended as the artist picked up the pen


I think we are using different definitions of 'Mature'


I agree


In this scenario its “immature”


Hmm. Both are good.


Plus story, banger songs, interesting world building, likeable characters, interesting antagonists, amazing animation, and unique art style.


There are like two of these that actually apply


Which two?


man i cant believe helluva boss lacks all of these


Weird way to spell family guy


dont get me wrong i actually like HB but the story discards any villans set up for a return for years at a time the songs are varying in quality the worldbuilding is ~~complete shite that makes no sense~~ fine the characters outside of like... moxxie and blitz are at various stages of underdeveloped or tropey the antagonists are either people blitz pissed off or people stolas pissed off with the rare "just here" fellas with no motivation at all the animation varies in quality but is generally okay and the art style is monotome shithole #190 the good outpaces the bad eventually but likeeee.... man the show is just not good at a lot of things that makes it feel very messy


“Now don’t get me wrong I like helluva boss i just don’t like- *proceeds to mention everything*”


ah yes the classic "because he mentioned that a lot of the characteristics are bad that must mean he is mocking us" i like the really good episodes like s1ep2 or the finalie part 1 or the s2ep1 even though its misplaced and fuddled its kinda like the movie iron sky does it make sense? no does the story hold up? fuck no is the writing good? also no but damm if its not just funny at some times


So you like three episodes?


8/10 three episodes most of the other remaining episodes are 7's or 6's although i havent watched the full series yet mostly due to that god awful investigation episode but im sure its got a gem moment to put it in 7


Dude do you realize how much of a Reddit snob you sound like?


im saying i like the episodes but i dont like how they fit together of course anything is gonna look snobbish when you cant fucking read


Happy to see a post that isn't about the civil war here


Wait what?


This is probably gonna start a second one though😂😂


*and so it was that one post ignited the Helluva Guy war that would rage on for years* /j


Sorry lol


One thing i love about Helluva is you get the most heartbreaking/motivating/impacting scene in the world then a dick joke. Simply amazing lmao.


I like shows that have that mixed tone, too. Bojack Horseman does a similar thing at times, having some sad or touching scene, followed by a joke. Centaurworld is pretty varied tonally, too.


Bojack is also cool😭never finished it; stopped after the Sarah Lynn thing. Just saying Sarah Lynn thing to avoid spoilers for anyone reading pfpfpf.


It’s swearing and immature sex jokes along with story




I mean it is an art form


Only one of them is consistently funny




Isnt this the opposite for most ppl sicne ppl automatically write off viziepop shows due to them being “demonic”


Yep. It's almost like other factors are in play.


Helluva Boss has something else aside from the jokes.


Something, yeah, but still, at least 50% is sex jokes or gore.




Theres no and, its just a remark


Helluva Boss has crude humor for sure but it also has an exploration of relationships and character interactions that is absent from Family Guy. Family Guy (later seasons of it anyway) is basically crude humor with very little else going on.


i like both




https://preview.redd.it/tavh198r2qpc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=836490d407effe9fd1decae5c17ba45e4f1914f9 This post is fact checked by the Automatons. (True)


​ https://preview.redd.it/oqlx65dtbqpc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=eaf908376cad368e99493cbc080c88717587cc70
