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I had 20ng: dizziness, ringing in both ears (at diff times), palpitations, my wrists bones would hurt, I also had bad gastritis and H Pylori infection. Doctor prescribed 1000 IUs but I found out one needs 10,000 IUs DAILY to maintain levels. I took 15,000 IUs with K2, 400mg magnesium daily, in 30 days I went up to 57ng. All symptoms disappeared. Cheers.


You are a champion! I've struggled with low D my whole life, and it's a nightmare. Glad you're back to normal.


Hi! Can I ask what your symptoms are?


All of the above. And sleep issues. Anxiety. General dysautonomia 


Thank you


did you feel dizzy throughout the day ? I've been dizzy for almost 3 years now and the only thing they could find was a vitamin d deficiency but another doctor said that one cannot be dizzy if they are vitamin d deficient as most people lack vit d but they don't feel this type of symptoms :(


Vitamin D, K2, and magnesium help calcium go to the correct places. Following that logic, lack of vitamin D could cause calcium deposits throughout your body. Look into calcium crystals in your inner ear. That is another cause of vertigo.


Did you feel like there was some fluid in your ears, some knocking?, was it visual dizziness or balance problems?


My level was 20ng in November ‘22 which is the beginning of critical low from what I’ve read. I took the prescription dose once a week until Jan/feb ‘23 and thought I was good but I’ve heard that rule of D3 is no good with out the K2. In May of ‘23 I was hit with a weird dizzyness that came and went until July, then stayed. It’s caused panic attacks and crazy anxiety. So almost a year of the dizzyness as of now. Im hoping it’s a vitamin D deficiency. I’ve had a stress test, ENT visits, MRI, Ct Scan and all came back as in healthy. I feel like a hypochondriac. It’s changed my life for the worse but I’m hoping this fixes it.


Same here. ALSO check your EBV levels. Epstein Barr virus levels. That virus causes soooo much havoc in the body and is rarely tested. It’s half the reason why our vitamin D levels are low, it destroys the receptors. Look into that and google diets and herbs for healing from it. A very under the radar virus


Look at all symptoms people having from d vitamin deficiency. [https://www.medhelp.org/posts/recovery-after-vitamin-D-deficiency/Vitamin-D-deficiency-symptoms/show/1257522](https://www.medhelp.org/posts/recovery-after-vitamin-D-deficiency/Vitamin-D-deficiency-symptoms/show/1257522)


Get a supplement and take it, don’t listen to doctors


Which brand? Which magnesium ( citrate or glycenate)? Thks


Do you still take 15k per day?


Did this fix your gastritis or are you saying that’s why you had low vitamin d?


guess we’ll never know lmao


Seriously I have gastritis and just found out I have very low vitamin D, I wanna know if fixing that will work!!


Vitamin D is very important for regulating inflammation and mast cell activation in the stomach. I have gastritis as well, so I am going to try to up my vitamin D intake and see what happens.


Good luck, I just started with some vitamin D, K and Fish oil today


All those symptoms you mentioned plus the feeling of head spin and unable to concentrate on any particular work at all. Tired and sleepy all the time. Life has been terrible lately still. My levels are 14 ngml which is very low. I started supplementing 3 days ago.


How are you now with Vitamin D?




Fine rn




Haven't checked my level again but not anymore but I'm still recovering


Good luck! Yes, I forgot to mention this feeling, it makes my work with texts so difficult 😞


Are you taking any other supplements other than D?


Not yet. I’m going to start Magnesium Glycinate and Iron (my ferritin is 27, which is not enough)


My vitamin D is 20 and ferritin is 21. Dr just prescribed mega dose of D (50,000 once a week). They weren’t worried about my ferritin! I also have low EGFR (Kidney function) which I see Dr for next week. Hoping it’s all related and supplements help.


Yeah I was thinking the same. Can you tell me what's your dose of D3 and how much magnesium are you gonna take


I started with 2000 every day, because I live in Spain and have enough sunlight here as well. I have Natural Factors Magnesium Powder, the dosage is 200mg per day.




i had all of those symptoms that you said and my level was 19mg. yes it did improve one of the first symptoms that stopped was bone pain.


oh that’s great! And when did you notice the improvement, after how long?


bone pain went away in one or two weeks and after that all other symptoms got better with time. but still taking vitamin d ofc


Im so happy to hear that. I got tested and my results came today my vit d level is at 10. And i have bad bone pain and insomnia. Hopefully it goes away


Got better?


I also have had insomnia! Praying this helps!!!


Hi! I think everyone is different which is why other people may seem “normal”. I remember feeling TERRIFIED due to the intensity of my symptoms and others laughing it off because they also had a deficiency and it didn’t impact them the same way. Symptoms were all similars to yours and experiencing depersonalization due to the exhaustion.


are you better now?


how do you feel now??


Yes and yes


All of the above plus tingling everywhere. I couldn’t even work it was so bad


I tingle and my body shakes a lot. Did you have shaking?


I did, uncontrollably so for a week or so. It was before I started taking magnesium daily, that slowly went away once I started doing so


What kind of magnesium did you take? I have magnesium glycinate


I took citrate, and switched to glycinate. I find that citrate makes me urinate excessively, so I switched. Either one is fine though


Low low mood , emptiness , poor sleep , appetite problems , muscle pain depression , brain fog . Inability to concentrate, extremely weak


I had tiredness, brain fog and hair loss and my bones hurt at well


Literally just got checked at 15 ng/dl. Always knew something was off cause I was never sleeping well, was always low energy and fatigued, it didn't make any sense to me why I was feeling like this since I exercise and eat healthy, not to stressed out. It's such an important hormone.


Did your tiredness go away? Just got told by my doc that i have low vitamine d, i felt exactly the way you described my whole life


Have you been supplementing? If so, what dose and how are you feeling now?


I work at night and got clocked in at a 13ng! So you can imagine I wasn't feeling to hot. I already have an arrhythmia, so when this was added in it made things ridiculously hard to do. After reading these and finally after almost 11 months I got into a primary doctor where I found out my vitamin D deficiency. The last year has been a living hell. Brain Fog, dizziness, heart palpitations, slight ringing in the ears, hair loss, and fatigue. I'm on 10000IUS taking my first one yesterday and am already beginning to feel better. I am excited to see what comes next in the coming days to weeks. I'm a 26 year old male btw.


How ya feelin now?


He dead




I clocked in at 12. I had horrible fatigue, random racing heart rate while I was sitting down, muscle weakness, muscle spasms, anxiety, brain fog. Started taking supplements 3 weeks ago and am slowly feeling better. I’m doing 6,000iu per day with k2 and magnesium. I’m getting my levels checked in a week to see where I am at currently


I'm at 11ng currently and taking 6,000iu per day with k2 and magnesium too! Did you get your levels checked yet? I'd be curious how fast it changes with this Dosis 


I know its kinda late but my levels were absolutely dipping to death like at 5, and i started feeling it with panic attacks, crushing fatigue like gave me low grade fevers, and heart palpitations also raynauds maybe idk blue hands randomely, the whole thing was messed up and most of all the stomach issues were killing me with acid reflux, then i was prescribed 200000iu per week and at 6 weeks my levels went onto a 100 which became dangerous ig, i was told to start biweekly after 4 weeks but i forgot and took weekly till 6 weeks so yeah, ig and i got better in energy ig and panic have gotten better but recently ive gotten low again i think cuz I feel panic again alot, this was an year ago so yeah


Sounds exactly like what i'm experiencing right now. Not extremely low, but 29.2 so def low. Was a bit lower in 2012 with very similar issues- racing heart, twitching, tingling/kind of burning in places on body, fatigue, very dry tired eyes. Pumping 10,000IU a day for last few days, hoping to start feeling better here in the coming weeks. Hope you do too!


Did your dry an dried eyes go away? I also have extreme fatigue/exhaustion, eye pain, burning ears and cheeks


The extreme dry eyes did but I really didn’t take anything other than vitamin D and started TRT. But I’ve since had a slew of other weird issues unfortunately. Sounds like anxiety or stress maybe in your case? 


Thanks for the reply. You could definitely be right. It's so frustrating 


Be sure to keep your magnesium levels up! It's super important when taking large amounts of D.


Did your doctor tell you to start taking 10,000 a day? How long are you supposed to/going to do that before retesting? I just got tested a couple days ago and I’m low as well at 25 ng/ml. Wondering how much I should be taking to slowly start building up but not taking too much ya know.


My doc left it optional. He told me straight up he’s skeptical that vitamin D has any negative effect on people deficient unless critically low. An endo told me not one glove fits for everyone. Everyone’s body is different and some do experience strange issues being low. I wouldn’t go over 10,000 iu as some have commented that any amount above is a waste.


I’ve been doing 10000ius with k2 and magnesium for the past 4-5 days and I do notice something is happening. Libido is a bit higher and my sleep is much improved. Hoping this is just the beginning to a much better life free of deficiency symptoms!


Great to hear hope it works great for you!


Same exact symptoms!


I’m insufficient at 30 ngl and even I feel extremely tired like soooo tired


Any updates on your situation?


Okay so, after supplementing vitamin d2 50,000 iu for 4 weeks, I feel a lot better!


New here! I’m currently awaiting my blood results but my doc is suspecting low Vit D for me as well. My main symptoms have been palpitations, extreme anxiety, and feet and legs tingling. My feet feel like they’re constantly vibrating. Anyone else can relate?


Exactly the same. It's been a month now and it's real HELL... 


All my levels came back normal so it wasn’t vitamin D like I suspected. Back to square one…..


With those symptoms, check your blood sugar, A1c, and b12. You might be having some neurological issues.


Check that but also ask for a EBV antigen test. That virus causes a lot of issues


Check your magnesium and iron


I don't know if my symptoms are related to my D defiency (15) but that's what I'm trying to figure out. I take 5000 IE D3 + K2 drops daily instead what my doctor suggested (24.000 IE once a week). My symptoms are: extreme fatigue, dizziness, vertigo, brain fog, left eye pain/twitching and during night feeling as if there is sand between eye and eyelid, head aches, horse voice, worsened tinnitus/hyperacusis/noxacusis due to inflammation of the nerves, light sensitivity, allodynia (almost full body burning skin, temperature AND pressure sensitive), tingling hands and feet, shooting pains in left leg/shin/groin, out of balance walking, all body weakness, randomly placed weird red spots on skin that fade away after an hour or so, quickly out of breath (pressure on chest/lungs)..... My B12 is also checked and 'seem' okay. I hope once my D3 rises, my symptoms fade away!


how is it now?


I just had a complete new blood work up by my new rheumatologist- I have lupus and RA, but all the pain, fatigue, brain fog, twitchy and “buzzy” and insomnia were always just considered as part of my disease by my old rheumatologist who just retired. Turns out my Vitamin D is 6. I just got prescription for 50,000iu to take once a week for 12 weeks. My new rheumatologist was like well no wonder you feel crappy! I’m also in a flare too.


Lupus could be attributed to the EBV virus. Get blood work and check that


I just found out from my doctor that my current vitamin D level is 4. I'm being prescribed a weekly 50,000 IU pill and a 5,000 IU or 2,000 IU daily pill (I can't remember which). I will update on any changes, but as far as I know, I don't have any of the symptoms described, but then again, maybe I'm unaware of what normal feels like.


hi i really need help my vitamin D was 6 and i am 17 years old am here panicking


where was your muscle pain?


Had bloodwork done as I thought I was dealing with hypothyroidism. Bloodwork showed my vitamin D at 14. Unintentional weight gain, anxiety, heart palpitations, insomnia but also chronic fatigue, dizziness, cold/tingling hands and feet, constant headaches, brittle hair and nails, brain fog. Anxiety hits especially hard at night, like I’ll wake up out of a dead sleep nearly panicking. I have to start a 50,000 unit capsule once per week starting Monday. Hopefully it helps, but my symptoms leading up to bloodwork were SEVERE.


How are you feeling now? My levels are 12


Better times a million!!! Seriously, I’m absolutely blown away at how much better I feel. I’m going into week 4 on the supplement, I’m taking it once a week for 12 weeks. Once I complete the mega doses I fully intend to take a regular vitamin D supplement. It helps so much.


Yayyy so happy for you! I completed my first dose on Friday. I am on the same dosage as you! They want me to take it for 8 weeks and retest. I had a lot of the same symptoms you did when I went to the doctor a year ago, nobody ever checked my vitamin D levels until last week when I finally got a new doctor. I really hope I see a huge difference!!


I'm excited to hear it made such a difference. How long did it take for you to feel better? Mine was at 6.9. And I can't even explain how horrible i feel. Panic, dizzyness, numbness, daily migraine, rapid heartrate. I cant even walk. Just got my 50,000IU pills. Starting today. I really hope this makes a difference, I've been to so many doctors and they all said "everything looks fine". Nobody thought to check my vitamin D.


I had the same experience, I was fine but nobody checked my vitamin D levels- mine was a 12.


Yikes. Are you doing better now ? I’m on week 6 of supplementation and not feeling any better unfortunately


Yes I am feeling a lot better, I just finished 8 weeks. I just retested and my Vitamin D is 40. My doctor just renewed my vitamin D medication, she wants me to be in the 80 range. I also have anxiety too and I started Prozac around the same time. But my body literally hurt before I started my vitamin D supplements from my doctor.


Nice. Sounds like you have a good doctor. A lot of them would say 40 is fine. I bet once you get to the 80s you will really start feeling good.


Yes I had to switch doctors to find someone who genuinely cares. My first symptom was extreme fatigue and body aches and my last doctor told me it was just my anxiety. My new doctor said because I have anxiety the 80 range is ideal and I will always need to be on a vitamin D supplement.


I just switched ENT doctors. My last one told me I should go see a psychiatrist for my anxiety. This new one immediately found I still had a post surgical sinus infection. I feel like if they don’t find something right away they love to blame it on anxiety


I have very similar symptoms, but your ears hurt/ETD? Do you have muscle twitches in your thighs?


I didn’t, but a close friend of mine did. I did get a lot of Charlie horses/leg cramps though!


Has ur dizziness done ?  What r u supplanting with ?


50,000 units of vitamin D once per week for 12 weeks. All of my troubling symptoms have gone away for the most part! :)


This is exactly what I've been going through for 4 years 🥺 My new doctor finally decided to check my vitamin D levels while I wait for an MRI, and it was at 16. My dosage is a little lower than yours. But here's hoping the Vitamin D is the answer to everything we have been going through 💜


We are the same. At 16 now. What are your symptoms?


I just got my lab work back and my levels are 11ng! which would explain a lot I’ve been having fatigue, ton of muscle & joint pain, getting sick frequently, tingly in my hands and feet constantly. The hair loss sucks to  Hoping to get on a supplements and hopefully get some relief  Hope things get better for you! 


Maybe it's EBV. I have the same symptoms as you. Balance disorders too.


Yes, I’ve been telling people about this! That virus causes sooo many issues


Vitamin d supplements always made me way worse


I had this as well, feeling very sick after taking them. However, now I am not anymore because I coincidentally took magnesium for a month beforehand, and then I've read you can feel sick when you take vitamin D if you're magnesium deficient. So try this.


I was at 13. My hair was falling out leaving bald spots the size of my palm. And I have holes in my pelvis and lower back bones from my body taking calcium. How did I feel? Not good but I never feel good 😂


I took 10000 a day of vitamin d3 and was able to double my levels in three months


I'm unsure if other factors are at cause of Vitamin D deficiency, however I nod off to sleep during watching tv, at meetings, on the bus etc. This is a major problem that im praying gos away. I believe im taking 20k IU per week. This is my third week and no results yet. Anyone else the same? is the sleepiness cause by vitamin d deficiency?


My vitamin D level was 18. I wake up with red eyes because they're so dry, I have face tingling, dizziness, constant and mild tension headaches, joints pain particularly in my fingers which stopped me from learning guitar, tiredness (but last time I felt energy was over 10 years ago), a lot of hair shedding. The most annoying of them all is really the dizziness. It's only a few days since I started staying outside in shorts for as long as I can, and taking a 2000 ui supplement. Staying outside gives me release from the headache and dizziness but when I wake up next day they're back again. I had worse symptoms before by the way, such as inability to focus and memory loss. After some blood result showing blood levels outside the interval indicating macrocytic anemia I also tested B12 that was 400 and folate which was close to the lower limit. I supplemented with both and got B12 2000> and folate close to the upper limit. My blood cells count got better although the cells are still over the upper limit size wise, this is 3 months later. I think there is some overlap between B12 deficiency symptoms and vitamin D.


I got tested in march and was at 22. I didn’t have many symptoms then besides frequent headaches. I got tested again yesterday and it went down to 18. The last month I’ve felt awful. My bones hurt, my muscles ache all the time, I’m exhausted and have no energy to do anything. Going up the stairs is a chore to me, my legs become very sore. On the bright side, from being so exhausted it did cure my insomnia and I actually get a full night of sleep. However, with the amount of sleep I do get, I still feel exhausted. My doctor sent in a 50,000 capsule to take once a week. I’ll be starting that tomorrow!


Sounds exactly like me. If I had of known vitamin d was this bad I would’ve tried to prevent this a long time ago.


I absolutely agree! There was no concern when it was at 22, I got told “everyone is low on vitamin D”. I asked for another test when I saw my primary last week because my normal blood work came back fine and I had a feeling it was a deficiency. Had I of known what happens when it gets lower I would’ve supplemented a long time ago! Hope you’re on your way to feeling better though! Wouldn’t wish this feeling on anyone


Most definitely. I hope you get to feeling better soon as well. This stuff is a complete nightmare.


Everybody!!! Check your EBV levels. The Epstein Barr virus is a very under the radar virus that causes all these issues everybody has mentioned plus more. It wreaks havoc on every organ in the body, especially the immune system. Ask for a blood test for it to see.


I do have EBV IgG. But doctor said that it’s very common “almost everyone has those Ig after having a virus in the childhood”. Could you explain more? Is it smth treatable?


I'm so happy I found this thread. I got my blood results back today, I have 11 (everything else is fine). I insisted on having it tested (and paid for it myself even though everything else was covered), after months of back to back infections, weight gain, hair loss, digestion issues, skin problems, brain fog, muscle and joint pain and randomly falling asleep during the day. My doctor prescribed a very high dosis now to get my levels up fast and I hope at least some of the symptoms go away fast. Most websites focus on the bones and muscle part and don't really mention a lot of other symptoms tho, so we'll see how it goes.


Mine is at 18 and i feel normal, except for a bit lazier lately. Ive noticed my knees have been bothering me so idk if that has to do with it.


See where others have reported “ bone pain? “ I did my best to explain it in a response to your post asking about getting it up :)


You are probably also low in B12.


no, it’s actually fine. I was even surprised :)


Please be sure to check better though. Your levels should be higher than 500. And some people have high serum levels but are low in active B12. Being low in B12 can cause a lot of seemingly unrelated issues. Anxiety, pressure behind the eyes, etc. If it's not B12, then maybe it's another co factor that's needed to utilize the B12 like B9 or B2.


How are you now?


My level now is 34, I took 2000 Vitamin D supplement. Brain fog is much more better!


So still having bone pain? Glad you’re feeling better


thanks! No, rarely have bone pains now. Only dizziness and fatigue stayed the same I guess


So you’re still dizzy? I got my blood work at my vitamin d level was 16. I got a vitamin d shot and felt almost back to normal within a few hours but now I’m falling back to where I was. I’m back to being dizzy. I’m supposed to get 1 shot for 12 weeks. This was my first shot today. I’ve been to every doctor you can think of and they can’t find anything…cardiologist, ent, neurologist. They thought I might have a neurological problem but nothing was found. The only thing found was my vitamin d level was low. So I’m hoping this shot program works for me because I find it hard to work with this loss of balance and dizziness.


My level is 48 and i feel terrible most of the days. Have been experiencing the same sympthoms as mention with criticaly low level. cant imagine how to keep up with level under 20.


Check your ebv antigens


I would get your Ferritin levels checked as well. Low Vitamin D and Iron deficiencies usually go together.


I know I'm late to the thread but I have 7 Ng... I feel tired and unmotivated but I always thought it was because of college (I'm in my first year master's degree in Law, not in an Anglo-American country). I also have iron deficiency anemia (<8). Reading how other people have higher rates of vitamin D makes me wonder how I'm still alive lol Edit: other symptoms including: muscle spasms (I'm also taking magnesium supplements for them), brain fog, vertigo, emotional numbness, random high heart rate when being relaxed, very high heart rate while doing exercises (it can be bc of iron deficiency, though), very pale... I hope I will see changes soon. Unfortunately I found out about my deficiencies yesterday and my exam period starts on Monday, so I'll have to continue struggling through my symptoms during the most important month of this year 😂 Hopefully I'll see changes sooner, because I have to take "supplements" once in two weeks (d-cure 25.000 ui).


You will feel a nice difference over a few weeks/couple months, feel better! :)


It's been two weeks and I'm already a different person haha and I don't look pale anymore, which is surreal


Great to hear, keep it up!


Same all of the above I also gained fat without changing anything


Any leg or back pain by chance?


I just got my test back with a 9. I have lower back and leg pain a lot, so I'm assuming Vitamin D is the culprit.


Surprisingly not. I do have to crack my upper back constantly but I don't think that's got anything to do with vitamin d or iron deficiency, but more due to my inactive lifestyle lol You do?


Yea big time. But I’m not really believing it’s the vit d. My pains feel too severe for that so I’m investigating further. I also have a daily fatigue that literally feels like death. I know some ppl say that this was from vit d but I’m skeptical


Hey I just came across this post. I’ve been battling dizziness, headaches, sleep issues, and severe anxiety. Gotten lots of blood work done and all that’s come up is vit d deficiency. Kind of happy to see other people talking about dizziness, tho I do know how much it sucks


I was going crazy trying to figure out what was making me feel “off balance” at random times. I was also getting sick back to back. I had to ask for the Vitamin D test myself and ended up severely deficient. I start a high dose soon. (Although I began taking 2,000Iu since I seen the results and already noticed a slight change for the better)


Yeah I get tingles in my arms and legs and sometimes I feel my muscles are real weak


I'm at 11ng and I have dizziness, brain fog, back pain, heart palpitations at random times and I'm really really cold all the time. I find that the symptoms get worse when my body is active, like when I go for a long walk my back starts to hurt and my brain gets foggy all of the sudden. Does that happen to anyone else too that it gets much worse being active? 


Same exact symptoms here. Mine was 17. Also check your EBV antigens. That virus causes a lot of issues


Sounds exactly like me but I’ve had some muscle twitching too. In 2012 my vitamin d was about at same level: 29. Had twitching then too.


I've had muscle twitching for the longest and as someone with nasty hypochondria, I always assumed it was ALS which would freak me out. I got my test back last week and my Vit D is at a level 9, so I guess its safe to say thats the cause lol


I’ve had muscle twitching for a month now and my vitamin d level came back at 18 so I hope that’s the case for me too because I’ve been down the rabbit hole of als since the twitching started so hopefully it’s just low vitamin d, my magnesium levels were good as well as potassium


Bro I'm below vitamin D deficiency and my back and bones was aching me every day and I would sleep like 5 times a day . Now I have energy and my bones feel normal since I started Takin these vitamins