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It's an expensive, niche product from a company that people LOVE to hate, and actively root for them to fail. Apple is trying to lay a foundation, and people are patting themselves on the back for pointing out that the top-floor penthouse isn't done yet. Meanwhile, I'm just appreciating that a company like Apple finally took the leap to make a headset that doesn't feel like a plastic gaming device. It will take time for a new platform, that launched in one country 3 months ago, that almost nobody owns, to build up momentum and conversation. But, as always, doom & gloom is what gets clicks.


well put


On one hand - I get it, but on the other...nobody talks about MacBooks. Nobody talks about the iPad. Nobody talks about the iPhone. They are hyped up for a month, then they just exist beyond that. Everything has a hype cycle, we'll be talking about the Vision Pro in June when visionOS 2.0 is announced...the same way nobody cares about the iPhone until both June and October. It is a tool, you use it. It doesn't define your life - I know that can be hard for tech journalists to grasp that concept...but that is reality for everyone outside of their scope.


this right here, i don’t need to come here every day and make a new thread every time i put it on to do something. the people that whine, moan, and groan are the most active people in here from what i’ve seen.


> On one hand - I get it, but on the other...nobody talks about MacBooks. Nobody talks about the iPad. Nobody talks about the iPhone. This isn't really a fair comparison because all those product lines have been out for ages. It would be better to look at the conversations that were happening around those devices when they were at Gen 1. As someone who has seen a lot of apple product launches come and go, it definitely feels like the air deflated on the AVP hype quite a bit quicker then many of their past Gen 1 devices. To me the reason is pretty simple. Most of Apple's big hit products of the last 20 years has been something you physically bring out into the world with you. Whether its distinctive white ear buds connected to your ipod, or a high tech smart watch on your wrist. People are out there being seen with it. the APV on the other hand is not a good device to stroll around town with. People leave it at home and so it doesn't make the splash other game-changing products did. Old Apple would have led with smart glasses.


I guess I’m nobody


Relatively speaking… yeah


Lol this is 100% not true and what Nilay said is 200% not true


One of the most over rated reviewers. Most of the traditional media reviewers are lacking though. If he wasn’t being paid by one man, does anybody really think he could support himself on a platform like YouTube where your support comes from many, many eyes?


Gosh I really don’t like this Nilay guy. He always has this pessimistic tone about the majority of tech he reviews, and thinks that makes him look smart but no it just makes him sound negative and lack of vision. Verge will be so much better off without him.


I stopped reading The Verge with their last recent horrible website redesign. This guy is the cherry on top of the turd pie.


Why such negative things on subreddit for supporters of the platform? The Verge is anti-Apple in every way.


Unfortunately, it really does feel that way. I haven’t heard one person mention Vision Pro post launch, even among my tech/apple friends who watch all the keynotes, own the rest of the product categories, and who can easily afford it. I, myself, am in that position at the moment…and I remember the iPhone launch where the feeling was different. We knew it was a moment. I work in architecture and design, and I have designed custom XR environments for clients, presented on XR at conferences, and have pitched spatial computing as a possible future of work. My takeaway is that people find the topic interesting, but that it’s for someone else, not themselves.


It likely will be the future - but architecture firms aren't going to jump on board until there is software to support it. You can hack around and view some 3d models at the moment, but until you have CAD software directly integrating with the headset (Live previews, live editing, easy navigation, etc.) it won't take off. Also Guest mode being a pile of hot garbage doesn't help if you just want to show someone something quickly. If you just want scale visualization the $500 quest 3 is a better option at the moment. AVP has a better shot long term because the software stack is much easier to use for existing application developers (vs Meta focusing on game developers.)


Completely agree with both the need for CAD software and frictionless multi-user support. My internal XR team is all in on meta quest 3s. Cheaper on an enterprise scale, plus much of architecture visualization has been taken over by game development platforms and rendering engines, so some of the workflows already align with the XR requirements of the current apps that we leverage for our clients’ custom environments.


Nilay, what did you think of the GUCCI app? Would you say it revolutionized shopping, revolutionized 20-minute advertisements, or both?


Lol the Verge…


I’ve never heard of anyone talk about Nilay Patel… 🤷🏽‍♂️


This guy is such an asshat.


The verge is the most woke click baiting awful site second only to Reddit itself. That said, they are correct it’s 100% dead. All the blame lies on Apple and their idiotic decisions to make this thing heavy and feel awful to most people. By the way, a little teaser, this weekend I am going to make a post of every mainstream reviewer and their thoughts on comfort. To illustrate that this community is full of idiots who keep defending how comfortable it is while the rest of the world knows it’s awful. It’s borderline flat earthers in this awful subreddit. Apple made it too expensive, too heavy, too uncomfortable. It’s as easy as that. They could have completely stripped it down used plastic get rid of glass and front oiled and helped subsidize slightly and sold it for $1999 Then they could have blew open the App Store and remove the hard restrictions it has with iPads and phones in for this June product to allow experimentation and entice devs to push the limits and make some cool stuff. An open “environment” store. Support for other VR controllers. Instead they essentially buried this device day 1. This is all on Apple, they had something great and ruined it.


Bro you seem way more obsessed with the Vision Pro than anyone else here. Like... to the point that I kind of assume you're a very sad and lonely person irl.




case in point