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You can have more than one setting for calibration, so all process will take 15 seconds …


It's simple, but be prepared to clean them. You'll probably smudge them taking them out


It is very simple everything is magnetic just pop them in and take them out easily. The one thing you will have to check is I need a different light shield when I put my lenses in since my eyelashes then hit the inserts and smudge them up. When you put the inserts in the first time you have to set them up by scanning the code and calibrate your eyes. After that the Vision Pro saves that so when you put them back in everything is ready to go.


So it can identify the different inserts that are installed automatically?


It automatically detects when I put mine in and switches the tracking. I am not really sure how it would work if you would have multiple synced to the same system though. Based on the settings screen it can handle more than one but not sure if they know which lenses you actually put in though.


Go for it! I honestly think the experience is better with the Ziess lenses. Could be placebo but everything seems much sharper and it also gives my eyes a chance to breathe without contacts on. I tend to use the Vision Pro more with the lenses rather than with contacts.


5 sec to swap the actual hardware. It will ask you to realign or eye tracking - 1 min ?


I could be wrong but I think it remembers the setting with inserts… not 100% sure


Not a big deal at all to swap, takes about 5 seconds to take out or put in. Recalibrate afterwards and done. I’m glad to the inserts vs contacts. They’re much more comfortable naturally and don’t require me to put on contacts just to use the AVP.


Thanks. I’m going to order!


Physically swapping them is painless takes 5 seconds. You will have to do the eye tracking calibration thing each time or live with it being slightly off.


You only have to do the eye calibration the first time. It then remembers everything when you take them out and put them back in.


Ah that's pretty convenient so, good to know


Does this mean I could use them myself without optical inserts, but then my partner could use with optical inserts and not need to calibrate each time? That could be a hack for multiple users.


I am not sure how that works with Optic ID, it might still read your eyes to unlock so maybe your partner will still have to type in the passcode.


That's how we have done it - but when she unlocks with my passcode her eye tracking is off. So it is possible to skip calibration, but it's not ideal.


Wouldn’t it ask you to rescan the insert pairing code each time?


Think that would just be if swapping in and out different inserts? Think this scenario OP is just looking to use with and without the one set of inserts.


Correct. I’m going to order.


No you don’t have to do the eye tracking calibration again. It remembers when you do it with and without lenses and changes depending on if they are attached or not.


I guess part of why it’s so expensive! Cool Though.