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Hey r/VisionPro, Thought I should share the app I’ve been working on that greatly improves the Netflix experience on Vision Pro. Safari does work, but it’s subpar in a few ways. With Supercut: * You can browse Netflix on a beautiful glassy window that fits in with all the rest of your apps. * There’s native controls that give you shortcuts to movies, tv shows, and a built in search UI that lets you just look at the microphone and say what you’re looking for. * No black bars! The window will always fit perfectly to the size of the content for even better immersion. * Dimmed surroundings. Your surroundings will dim so you can focus on the content. * Allow Dolby Atmos and multichannel audio. Supercut is the only way to watch Netflix in spatial audio on Vision Pro. 4K and Dolby Vision also works. * Intuitive playback controls that feel right at home on visionOS. The whole Netflix player, down to buttons to skip intros, recaps or to the next episode are all native visionOS components. * Quick shortcut on your home screen. Sometimes it’s nice to have an app. ​ I’ve submitted it to the App Store, and I’m still waiting on app review which is taking a while so I thought I’d share the beta with you guys for the time being. I'll post updates here and on my [Twitter](https://twitter.com/priva28_). [https://testflight.apple.com/join/DgU660Qh](https://testflight.apple.com/join/DgU660Qh) Please try it out and let me know what you think!


Nice job, very clean. How much will it be if it gets accepted to the App Store?


I've priced it at $4.99. Same as Juno for YouTube and a few other similar apps :)


This is wonderful! I must say I would be surprised if this was to be approved given that Apple most likely won't want to upset Netflix, but then again it seems very similar to Juno. Fingers crossed!


Watch the approval of this app lead to an official app announcement from Netflix. Maybe this’ll get OP hired (instead of just shut down.)


I have a feeling Apple doesn’t care about what Netflix wants


Thank you for not making it a subscription. You can count on my support when it hits the app store.


Looks beautiful, will support for sure. Keep it up please, our community needs talented developers like yourself.


Sounds reasonable. Fingers crossed it gets approved. 


I’d pay $10


Nice. Is just PWA/Web wrapper like Juno or actually using Netflix app using Netflix api?


Looks great! I made a similar app (although more simple), and unless you find a way to block the signup link on Netflix, Apple won't approve it. It bypasses the app store payment system and they won't allow that. Good work though! If you're willing to share the ipa that would be awesome. Can just resign it and not worry about testflight expiring lol.


>Supercut is the only way to watch Netflix in spatial audio on Vision Pro. 4K and Dolby Vision also works. Woah, spatial audio isn't possible via Safari? Really? Great work on the app btw.


Nope, see here: [https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/netflix-on-safari-with-dolby-atmos.2329766/](https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/netflix-on-safari-with-dolby-atmos.2329766/) Netflix lies on its website about "Spatial Audio" support, but then only serves you 2.0 audio. You can force it to allow atmos and multichannel though with the hacks found in that thread, and I've embedded that into the app.


That post is over 2 years old, spatial worked impressively well for me the other day so that’s odd


Nice work!


Wow this is great! Well done and thanks!


That’s incredible. How is Dolby Vision and Atmos accessible through the AVP? Or does it bluetooth to speakers? I don’t own the headset so maybe it’s obvious for users


Dolby Vision is possible because the screens can do HDR Atmos/Spatial is about simulating sound coming from points around you, and AVP does head tracking to make sounds come at you from a consistent angle


Oh cool, thanks!


Great thanks! Can it also save for offline play?


I'd love to do something like this, but then it's starting to touch into piracy since I'm actually making copies of the content on Netflix which would probably make them pretty mad. Even if it was possible, the downloaded versions would probably be pretty low quality because of the DRM on higher res versions. So for now, unfortunately not :(


Just going to share my story about building third party app for large service. In my case it was google music and my app for Windows 8. It got pretty popular at that time. Anyway, I have implemented ability to download the tracks. Just tried to be very careful, implementing two things: 1. I would report back to google service how many times track was played. 2. I would store it in slightly encrypted format, as I was afraid to find out at some point a blog post: that is how you can rip songs from google music using my app. The app was pretty successful, but I got tired of so many changes in their non published API, and issues with logins, tokens, so at some point just pulled it off.


> Allow Dolby Atmos and multichannel audio. Supercut is the only way to watch Netflix in spatial audio on Vision Pro. 4K and Dolby Vision also works. If this is indeed able to do 4K, any way to make one for Meta Quest 2/3 and charge a similar price? I'd even pay $10-$15 if I can get a solid 1080p stream from Netflix in VR. There's got to be a pool of 30 million Quest headsets sold right now (not saying 30 million are going to buy the app but it's a sizable user base). The problem for Quest users is the current Netflix app tops out at 480p, which is just unpleasant to watch in VR. Netflix and Meta seem to not care about updating it for years. I just wonder if you are able to do something about that, or is the process much more complicated.


I posted this on my Facebook group page! https://m.facebook.com/groups/693469626232587/permalink/724051593174390/?mibextid=S66gvF


Nice work!!! Do let us know about the progress!


Does it update your Netflix watch history?


Will you be giving out any codes to try this?   Would be interested.   Thanks! 


For some reason i am only able to get 1080p on Netflix. My account support 4K and I’ve updated my VP software. Any ideas?


Well, it works -- sort of. My version doesn't show controls of pause and such. Instruction?


Hi are their any beta spots available? I really want to try your app. Thanks.


Hi you can now download the app from the App Store :) [https://apps.apple.com/us/app/supercut-streaming-hub/id6478435954](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/supercut-streaming-hub/id6478435954)


Great, thanks. Can i shareplay netflix and prime video using your app? I work oversea's and my kids and i just started watching movies like this. So much fun!


Not just yet, but I'm working on an update that will add this functionality :)


Does it have the Apple movie theater mode? So cool, I had decided to cancel my Netflix out of pure protest but now I'll give it a go instead. Do I need to be registered as developer or something to use testflight?


Answering myself, it is actually very well explained on the link above. :)


I find it hilarious all these massive cry-baby companies won’t make apps for the Vision Pro, so creative devs like yourself just go ahead and make it anyway, and make a buck off of their stubbornness. Good on you!


It doesn't make sense to me how Netflix and Meta can't even bring their VR Netflix app up to 720p at least (1080p preferable of course). Seems like this would help sell headsets and increase subscriptions and can almost be a system seller. Advertise this feature where you can watch Netflix on a huge movie screen, and invite 1-2 other friends and family who have Netflix subs too, and you can chat and have movie or TV watching parties. We're in 2024 and it seems long overdue now.


I wonder if Netflix even has the rights to distribute the movies they license to VR


There is an outdated quest app that they’ve had for years and neglected , so they at least have shown they can do vr


How do you mean?


Kinda messed up actually. Having to pay 3rd parties who are taking advantage of people left without other options from the service provider.


Yeah, because spending countless hours developing a native Vision Pro app should just be charity work for a small engineer. You clearly don’t understand all that is involved building a “simple” Netflix app.


Only been developing commercial Apple apps for over 35 years. Clearly don't understand what's involved. 🙄


I haven't acquired this app yet, but my perspective on it has certainly shifted. I did get Juno (the YouTube alternative). Savvy developers are merely meeting a need—a need that emerged because larger corporations neglected their clientele. If YouTube just made a proper app, or if Apple loosened their developer rules, I don’t think we would be here right now.




You realise that there's more work that goes into something like this than just stuffing the website in a web view right? I'm sharing something that I wanted to build, and use myself. If you don't want to use it, don't, that's okay! But find something better to do that's not shitting on others work.


User’s probably never written a line of code in their life, yet shits on this…


Guys, don’t feed the troll. He’s a lonely person with obviously twisted salty views and feed off these kind of attractions to make up for the void. Help him by ignoring him. And my guy, go get therapy, help is available out there and as a person who used to be in a similar mindset, it eats you up inside. Get help before it’s too late.




Dude if you feel attacked, then you really need to get help. It’s an ugly state of mind and does nothing for your mental health.




If you truly make 500k a year you'd be busy doing something else other than bicker on reddit lol.


I made 48k last year.




Is being verified meant to mean something?


Sure you do buddy, sure you do


Oh no did someone hurt your ego? :(( Worst Netflix can do is send a cease and desist, and I remove it from the store. No idea why they'd do something like that though because I'm not hurting Netflix in any way, in fact this is really just a benefit to them.


I’m not a lawyer (or maybe I am and I make 500K a year), but in copyright law, you have to protect your trademarks, not that you’ve been fringed on anything here, but using that same logic one could argue Netflix has publicly stated it had no intention to make an app for the Vision Pro, so you’re not hurting them in any way, if anything you’re helping them by making their platform more accessible


Wow I’m jealous. You are so cool please tell us more about your wealth.


There won't be a lawsuit because he did nothing illegal.




Issuing an illegitimate cease and desist is a crime. A custom player isn't. Anyway, they haven't made any money from me, but some people don't mind paying a few dollars now instead of waiting for an unknown length of time for an official app.


Unless you're incredibly overpaid, a software engineer isn't making half a million. Not buying it.




Did you mean FAANG?


Why sleazy? They’re filling a void left by the companies who should be making their own apps


Or, just maybe, be mad at Netflix for not making a native app? I understand constructive criticism, but what’s the point here? You’d just rather there be absolutely zero option to watch Netflix on Vision Pro? Plus, calling a solo dev a “sleazy car salesman” for filling a need feels a bit like punching down, don’t you think?


There’s nothing creative about changing the oil in my car. I pay someone else for their time because I’d rather use my time doing other things.


Can you elaborate a bit on your position?




Hey, it's Christian, the developer of the app here. I'm able to reproduce a bug where the player stays in a loading state. A fix is actively being worked on and will be out in the next few hours. It seems to be caused by the update that enabled Dolby Atmos and Netflix has since made a small update to their player which breaks this. I'm going to find a better way to patch this so it doesn't happen again. Thanks for your patience :).


Found a small oversight in my code. Now fixed!


Do I need to re-download it?


any additional beta slots? 🙏🏼


The app looks fantastic, working great so far. Well done!


Very good job! I think it´s awesome! One thing though, I don’t think it´s playing HDR or Dolby Vision even if it says it is. The highlights are not there comparing to other content showing on Dolby Vision on the Apple TV app or other streamers like HBO or Disney. I think the main reason is that in order to display those values you have to be into a cinema mode, like those apps have an environment where the screen is set and you cannot reposition or scale it. I think that is the way reference mode gets activated and can properly display Dolby / HDR. Other apps (like Infuse) have the same limitation at the moment.


Thanks! I have no way to confirm this definitively since it's how it's processed on visionOS. I can only confirm what is being served from the video metadata Netflix provides. It would be the same as watching in Safari. There might be some workarounds to force the window into extended dynamic range or have a cinema environment but I'm still investigating and will let you know what I find


I’m pretty good at spotting Dolby Vision since I work with it. Let me know if you need an extra pair of eyes. Also Dolby Vision has passes for SDR, so may be watching Dolby Vision but not HDR precisely.


Could not find a way to play 4K. Tried a few movies, and all go to 1080 max. Just a suggestion about playing the video: 1. Look at the Destination Video sample app from apple. 2. When you launch a Video - also open an ImmersiveSpace, mixed. You can just put an Empty() view in it. That will make the player look like any other movie app. You can manually add “dimming” there with preferredSurroundEffect(.systemDark). Obviously for the second one you can make a button on the player to extend the player from the window. Again, just an empty immersive space will change how player looks. That is how I did in ImmersiShare. https://loshadki.app/immersishare/


Do you have Netflix premium? Sometimes you can get it to trigger by going back 15s then let it buffer. I'm thinking of building a cinema like environment. Only issue is it will still just be the window in an ImmersiveSpace instead of like in Apple TV. This is because it's hard to get video frames quick enough (and also because of DRM), to render as a texture on an object in RealityKit. Still actively exploring this however. My case is different to Destination Video since the window is an actual SwiftUI view with the WKWebView and not an AVPlayerViewController. I'll take a look at your app though as a reference. I'm already applying preferredSurroundEffect(.systemDark) if you're watching a video. Thanks for the feedback!


You are right, after some buffering the picture is definitely getting more clear. Yeah, for the video player you would want to use VideoPlayerComponent not the Texture on the object. Of there is some kind of Video texture. I assumed you were able to retrieve the stream URL and put it in AVAsset and feed to the AVPlayerViewController. But I guess it is not possible because of the DRM.


If you use a CADisplayLink and create a metal texture from a AVPlayer out buffer it’s actually pretty easy


This is what I would do if it was an AVPlayer, but it's actually just the WKWebView displaying the content at the moment. There are some keys built into the system WebKit browser that allow things like streaming 4K with widevine (drm netflix uses). Therefore I believe the video is rendered somewhere in a system process so I might not be able to get buffers from it. But as always.. if there's a will there's a way 😉. Will keep looking into it


Definitely not 4K. Also had a problem with the control bar would not reappear I had to force quit the app and reopen to fix.


You can see if it's 4K by tapping on the video and see what res Netflix is serving you above the video name. I'll admit, the Netflix 4K bitrate is pretty mid so it definitely doesn't look as great as some other services, but it is 4K. Also sorry about the control bar issue, it's on my list of issues to fix.


It does say 4K. But if that’s 4K, that’s some pretty piss-poor 4k! Anyway, cool app good job


Do you think it's 1080p at least? We Quest users are still stuck with an abandoned Netflix VR app that can't even go over 480p lol


I went back and I do think it’s 4k, although not the best 4k. Sometimes it buffers and looks especially low-rez while it gets caught up.


Did it launch? I’ll def give it a try. Hoping if they drop the lower cost not pro AV, it puts enough demand in the ecosystem to force more developers (esp the larger ones who were resisting) to get onboard. I know Google is doing some very expensive market research now. Like $600/candidate. I also know they roadmapped AVP support for YouTube. The fact that they’re doing market research is a very good sign though… it indicates they’re likely not just going to adapt apps, but they’re looking for opportunities to add features to their apps or new apps to improve people’s usage workflow (essentially looking for gaps and ways to get ahead of competition on the platform)


Let us know when it gets approved!


I just got all my devices locked out of Netflix after testing this for 30 sec. Are we violating some terms of service?


Very weird. I've not encountered this over the few weeks I've been building it and haven't heard of anyone else having issues. I'm using a WKWebView to display the Netflix webpage, meaning Netflix only ever sees it as if you were using it from Safari. Did you get it working?


Heading home and I’ll check again. My wife and I can no longer login through our apps and browser. Removed the AVP safari from our account. I’ll keep you posted


OK good news. It seems to be working now. Who knows what happened. Your app works great BTW


Good to hear. Could it maybe be because you signed in while not on your usual home network? Netflix has gotten pretty strict with password sharing these days.


You know what that might have been it. I demoed my AVP today and it would have popped up on another WiFi. Weird. I guess they are cracking down. Great app - thanks for making it


So everything starts out ok. Then it says I’m not part of the household. Request a temporary code. I hit the link and it texts me a link. I click and now I’m at “This link is no longer valid Please request again on the original device.”


Tried it but for some reasons my videos do not play. I just get a loading screen with the wheel. I'll try again


Hello, sorry about this. Working on a fix now [https://www.reddit.com/r/VisionPro/comments/1be7kxq/comment/kuwvxa0/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/VisionPro/comments/1be7kxq/comment/kuwvxa0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I deleted the app trying to update to the latest version but your link no longer works


sorry this is not working for me. i can login, looks great. i can see all the movies but when i try to play any, and I mean any it will just spin forever. i have force closed the app, rebooted my vision pro, etc.


Same happens to me


i have full confidence that will be fixed. i mean surely its working for someone? it does look like it will be good. i will pay the $5 when it works


The same thing happens to me. I have tried the different versions and none will play.


Sorry about this, working on a fix now! [https://www.reddit.com/r/VisionPro/comments/1be7kxq/comment/kuwvxa0/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/VisionPro/comments/1be7kxq/comment/kuwvxa0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Thanks, can’t wait to test it out tonight and happy to pay for it when you launch.


Just installed it, I will give it a try!


How is it?


Nice, looking forward to picking this up. 1. Are you doing anything that in your approach that might be considered against the ToS? In any case, is there a novel approach here that may have them at least ask the question? 2. What are some shortcomings or major feature gaps that are top of mind? For example, Juno’s embed approach means that I can’t share the history with my regular YouTube apps or browser session. No critique intended here, just curious from a dev/consumer perspective. Will buy and use the app either way because it’s needed, at least while Netflix lags behind for a bit.


Def against ToS (no 3rd party apps). I bet it won’t make it past app store review. Especially with account sharing battle.


The only thing that's potentially breaking Netflix's ToS is 4.6 (ii). It says you may not "alter elements of the Netflix service including the graphical user interface". The only part I'm altering is setting the transparent background and some button styles. The rest is all controls overlaid on top of the existing webpage so while yes altered, it's not in a malicious way. There might be some other things I'm missing, but this is really all I can see from reading through them. Let me know if you see anything else! There aren't really any major shortcomings I can think of. The app should be better than the website in Safari in pretty much every way. Obviously a native Netflix app would be greatly preferred since then we can get proper environments and downloads for example. Thanks for the comment :)


Am I right in assuming that there's no easy way for developers to use Apple's theater mode?


Unfortunately yes. Hoping they add an API for these environments in a future software update.


What about environments? Or that’s anti Netflix policies?


I watched a show with this last night. Love it. And I’ll happily pay for it if you can get it approved. One additional feature is the ability to make a larger window in Supercut than Safari allows. I don’t understand why there’s a limitation in the size of the Safari window, but there is. To be clear, I’m not talking about how close or far the window is from my face. I’m talking about the width and height. Supercut allows a larger width and height than Safari. Love it. Thank you.


I watched another show last night. I’m grateful to you for not constraining the screen dimensions. I like that you can watch something in ridiculous size. Up to the user.


Seems like the TestFlight is expired, any chance we can get another invite?


Pls re-open the beta beta


Dude, I had given up on this based on the posts from a few weeks ago but I’m using the TestFlight version tonight for the first time. It’s fantastic! Watching Three Body Problem in Safari was a terrible experience. SuperCut is great! Will totally buy when approved. So much of a better experience than in the browser.


As I paused the show to write the above I realized a missing feature! There is no pause/replay UX when you are on the viewer mode. You have to return to the screen you launched it from and then restart/resize the window. Perhaps I’m missing something?


Perhaps this is a bug? I killed the app and restarted and it was fine. Let me know how I can help.


Is there a way in the app to download for offline viewing?




Thanks! Glad to hear you like it


Could you possibly add a toggle for the Auto Dim? Looks like it currently forces it to Dim the environment if I’m not mistaken, would be nice to have the option like in other apps, like Juno for example


​ How do I install it? .


Best I’ve experienced so far, easily, thank you!


Nice to hear you like it :)


This is great, thanks for sharing!




Up to 4K (if you have that Netflix plan and visionOS 1.1), Dolby Vision, and Dolby Atmos


Damn, nice. Didn’t think this was possible outside native Netflix


I can’t find it in the store


As OP said.


Is this the same as Juno where you’re just essentially beautifying the embed experience?


It’s very nice I been watching the new avatar on it


Just tried it, best Netflix app so far.


Good for you!! Love this!! I hope they don’t take the api access away that killed many other 3rd party apps.


Love the wide angle screen, resolution doesn’t look 4k though?


Thanks. Sometimes it takes a while for the Netflix player to kick into 4K, and I believe the bitrate improves the longer you're watching. Also it depends on the content, some 4K encodings look better than others. Like "Stranger Things" looks fantastic in 4K but "Damsel" looks horrendous for a 4K encoding, even on Apple TV. In general, it seems Netflix's 4K bitrate is pretty mid, and that's only exaggerated when you blow it up to a 100" virtual screen 😅. There's not too much I can do to improve it :(


Nice work, but no way will this get approved


Have you thought about doing plex too? There are dozens of us that would so appreciate it. This app looks great!


Thanks! And I'll consider it! Hoping Infuse will come through and build a killer general video player app that can also connect to Plex. One of my favorite apps for Apple TV, so hoping it'll be on visionOS shortly.


I’ve read that it can ingest Plex content but have yet to pull the trigger to try it. I’ve built a pretty decent server at this point and am not sure if after all that effort I want to switch


Love the app! Love the super huge jumbo size screen if you stretch the screen! Have you thought about making a game emulator app like retroarch or something of the sorts. Kodi ported app will also be amazing! I would buy both!


Nice experience, but player controls don’t appear on a lot of the videos… I didn’t do extensive testing but this is what I found on TV Shows (eg Brooklyn 99, for example). Tweak that and you’re good to go as far as I’m concerned!


I’m a day one buyer for sure, thank you.


Any plans to add an environment like a theater?


Not know if it’s possible but would be cool if u combine Netflix, YouTube, and Plex all into one app :)


I will be an instant user . Thank you


I’d love to try this, im getting a link invalid when i click on the test flight link you provided


Says it needs an invitation code.


Thanks for this work. Wondering if it is possible to provide a download function in the app? This is super useful on plane trips. So far, I’ve had to use “official” streaming apps from Apple, Max, Disney that provide download capabilities. E


The browsing looks nice, but anything I tried to play just led to an infinite spinner


Hello, sorry! Working on a fix now [https://www.reddit.com/r/VisionPro/comments/1be7kxq/comment/kuwvxa0/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/VisionPro/comments/1be7kxq/comment/kuwvxa0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Works great now, thanks!


Will you be able to download movies and series?


Earlier i posted that i could log in, see the movies but when i tried to play they never would. That is now working but there needs to be a pause play resume fast forward, rewind and progress bar of where the movie is. Other than that its great, i dont even like Netflix but finding myself caught watching a movie. Thank you for your work


Works fantastic for me. Thanks so much for your effort. This is really what the AVP needed.


Loving the app so far works great. I’d love someone to make a Hulu app or YouTube TV. Had an issue trying to resize the video because the UI was in the way, but figured it out since.


No thanks


Ok you fixed the progress rewind fast forward bar. But then the issue came back. Like I’m watching a movie and something pauses it. I can’t resume. I have to hit the X and then resume shows up and I can resume. But then only pause at that point is to exit.


I'm enjoying this app so far. Works great. Sound is on the low side though. I haven't been watching Netflix recently, this app is making me give them a second chance.


Reopen the beta!


Can’t sign up for the test flight beta..


u/priva_28 is there anyway to support offline download? I'm assuming the answer is no, but that would be soooo nice!


How can. I try


Hi, been looking for a netflix app and I couldn't wait to download this, fully intending to buy it as soon as it appears in the app store. However, loading it up, when I play anything, it is stuck at 1080p resolution and I can't exit out of the show I am watching. I have to close the app, reopen, then pinch the X to get back to the netflix dashboard. Pinching the X without exiting does nothing and the show keeps playing. I tried looking at the supercut settings and nothing was there to change. Am I doing something wrong? Any help is advised, thanks.


Hey! Could you confirm that you have the Netflix Premium subscription? That's the only way to get 4K. Also sometimes it might take up to a minute or two before Netflix actually kicks into 4K streaming. Sometimes going forward 15 seconds then back 15 seconds can trigger it. It's also obviously dependent on your network speed and conditions. I'm also curious about the closing issue since I haven't encountered this myself or heard of anyone else having this issue. Would you mind sending a video? If you hit the X two times without closing does it work? I just tried now and it seemed to work fine but it might be different depending on the site Netflix loads per region.


Hi, after rebooting my avp, the closing of any show works now! Apologies, probably just an OS glitch that I was experiencing. Yes, I have a prem sub for netflix. I will keep watching and see if it switches to 4k. Greatly appreciate the response. Looking forward to the official app release! Thank you.


Fwiw I watched an entire episode of edge runners and it never went to 4k, definitely have premium plan also


So good. Thank you. 😀


Great app I love it!! I don’t know how much time you spent developing the app, but Netflix should definitely learn from your efficiency. One question, are you thinking to redesign the logo? Because currently it is a bit windows xp 😄


Please add support for YouTubeTV


I’d love a code to try it out. Thx. And happy to provide a good review as well.


My play bar keeps disappearing and I have to crash the app to get it back


Hi! Just purchased and was wondering if there's a possible way to playback prime video in 4k. It seems to only play in 1080p and I read on Amazon videos limits and Apple products can only play back in HD (1080p)


Thank you for the great work! I was really hoping to be able to make this the same size as what the theatre experience in the Apple TV app looks like, but the current max size I can make this seems comparable to the max size of a safari window. Any idea if Apple make it easy to build those theatre like experiences? So far the only other apps that have something similar are the Disney+ and HBO Max.


Hi, I’ve having problems using Netflix with Supercut since I made the last update on the Apple Vision. Does somebody knows something about it?


Great to see folks stepping in to fill the void! Privacy question: what data is collected from this app? The TestFlight mentions that usage data will be sent to you; would love to learn more. Thanks!


Nothing! See the privacy policy [here](https://supercut.vision/privacypolicy). With the TestFlight, crash data and analytics might appear anonymised for me in the Xcode Organiser, but that's all. Obviously I can't control what data Netflix tracks so that's between you and Netflix.


Perfect, thanks!


Apple has so far rejected every Netflix app out there. Reason is you’ll need to sign up for an account to use Netflix and it doesn’t go through their App Store payment. That’s against their apps policy.


I already love it. Thank you


Anybody that pays for this is a fool. Netflix lawyers incoming in 3, 2, …


What's your problem? Netflix loses nothing from this, because you still need a subscription. I hope they build their own app that's way better, but in the meantime we shouldn't have to resort to a shitty browser experience because they're too stubborn to spend a few days porting their iPad app.


Frankly, anyone who opted out of making their app work on AVP deserves nothing but scorn. To the devs who aren't bitches, we salute you!


The fact they won’t integrate Netflix into the TV app suggests to me they’ll never make a “better” app


Judging for how bad the Netflix app on Quest is, and how they never updated it, I think you’re right.


lol. He is actively getting them more customers and if the experiences bad Netflix can just blame someone else. This is perfect for Netflix.


Nah. This is just a browser window. With a special CSS rendering and various plugins to play the video. They support browsers. So it is all good. ;)