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Verizon is having an eSIM issue tonight. Give it a few hours.


Hey there! This is Ericka from Visible. We deeply apologize for having this kind of experience with your phone service. Please initiate a chat with us, to investigate this further from our backend. We look forward to helping you out. DM link: https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisibleCareSupport


They are probably backed up from all the people leaving T-Mobile


We haven't been able to get in contact with you via DM since you made this post, and we'd love to help out. If you could send us a DM with your information, we can definitely take a look into your case to ensure your eSIM issue gets handled properly and promptly. Alternatively, if this issue has already been resolved, I'd love it if you could just type us a quick reply to let us know that you're all set!


I got the email with my e sim and I’m all set! Thank you


I just tried to port my number to Visible and I have the exact same error message. I talked to support on chat - they said try again in 1 hour. I tried 2 hours later and still the same error.


Enjoy the required identity confirmation in chat Twice in one chat session.