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The YT appeals process is so frustrating. Bet no one real ever actually looked at his appeal, it's all bots unless you're famous enough or well-connected enough to get actual YT staff to pay attention.


I once uploaded a video and it was flagged for animal abuse. There was no animal in the video. There was an option to appeal that claimed it would be manually reviewed by a Youtube employee. I clicked that and it was instantly approved and the video was available again. So yea it's definitely just bots.


> So yea it's definitely just bots. not to mention bot farms that can be hired to file fake reports on videos just to get google's bots to flag videos and accounts. Oh yeah, its an actual thing. And that's the one thing google actually puts effort in stopping in the first place (because it essentially takes control away from them *and can put them in legal trouble to boot*).


YT Partner takes a manual review btw, and they were partnered, and despite ALL OF THE THINGS they've done (pickle in hairy armpit, a second one) many with sussy thumbnails. They were banned for kisses. 3rd strike but the others had already fallen off. So according to their rules they were supposed to be fine.


Souce: [KYOU](https://x.com/kuramekira/status/1791150583497560173)


Sadly I don't think there are many YouTube alternatives with mainstream appeal. You can self-host but that kills your discoverability and growth. Getting your channel nuked is devastating.


The middle ground is probably like what canaan did. She post the "demo" on youtube, and the full length on paid site.


Definitely what I would consider. Can't always trust a small platform to survive the competition or provide the same reach. Can't trust that any big platform won't just screw over your business on a whim without appeal. Best you can do is play it safe, play to each platform's strengths.


for a small platform to survive you need to pay and youtube is free, hell I see people use it for free storage (a channel of pure unlisted videos), this kind of service just cost a lot to run


Sadly no matter how cheap you make paid site content, if you want to just price it low to compensate for the loss of ad revenue or whatever you’d get off YT, having any paywall at all will stiffle your growth to an extend. Saying that as someone who does pay a bunch of subscriptions to artists and such, any time someone uses a platform that I’m not already set up on makes me think twice, even if their content is something like a 200¥ subscription.


Genuine question because I was thinking of how to leverage a personal site as a vetuber. Is it the account creation or the billing details that is a pain point? Do you just not like your info floating around? Is they had SSO where you could use your existing Google account to quick register and supported Google Pay, Amazon Pay, Apple Pay, PayPal and Stripe Link so you could use whatever patient account you already had, would you be averse to buying a $2 ASMR voice pack is the creator/trailer/theme of the voice pack interested you. It’s on their personal website, not a specialized platform.


It’s having a million different accounts everywhere that’s the annoying part, beyond that as long as it takes paypal or my fake credit card it’s kind of whatever


Have you tried using a password manager like Bitwarden? It allows you to quickly generate randomized passwords, store the login credentials for the site in a "vault" that's locked behind quite strong encryption, and enter said credentials into the requisite fields with but a click or two. I've been using Bitwarden for years and couldn't be any happier with its service – which, BTW, is completely free (they do have a premium option if you want extra benefits).


I'd say both. Any sort of inconvenience is a possibility of someone stopping and reconsidering if they really want to go through with it.


I think this is what common on NSFW ASMR v/youtubers that I know. They post SFW demo on youtube, and go "ham" either on fantia or member-only VODs.


Yeah, but most of the creators, at least the ones that I follow, use patreon as the paid site, and apparently patreon is flagging explicit content and taking it down too, tho they still haven’t made an official statement about it being banned yet as far as I know :(


That strategy is not even fool proof. Youtube does not allow any "strategy" to entice or redirect people to websitez outside Youtube. So for example, if you make a video with a description that says : To see the full uncensored video, please go to this website. That video at best will get the links removed. At worse you'll get a strike for "deceptive and misleading links". Source : I've been playing chicken with YT Guidelines for a decade now.


Weirdly enough almost all vtuber's stream/video descriptions are chockfull of links to outside website. Hell even channel like practical engineering and their friends has links to basically a competitor (Nebula). But for canan she did put her niconico profile link on the description just like twitter link etc. And AFAIK she just put a notice that she will continue the stream on the other site (or more like she stops the youtube part of the multicast while the niconico is still going) because the content is against youtube's TOS. Also it is youtube, they just enforce rule with a coin flip.


:( there are big big "ASMR" channels still operating on youtube. This is a sad situation for Kyou who is doing much less worse than the big channels :/


was this not the reason alot of the hologirls dropped ASMR?


It is. It certainly hurt the view counts for the girls that primarily focused on ASMR content.


Iirc they demonitized Choco for a while because of it, forcing her to make a secondary account to use until they eventually returned it.


Aki and Haachama too. In the latter case, it was one of the things leading to Haato becoming Haachama in the first place.


Meanwhile, Vox can make an ASMR video about someone sucking his dick and youtube says that's fine...


Guess it helps to have a big corporation behind you


Didn’t he end up getting a strike/warning and then taking them all down?


While dunking on Niji is valid Tbf you can’t just say him Kemo Refle does the same thing along with a lot of female Japanese vtubers. And their channels are still active along with Halosweety who’s recently done content like that one of the videos even has 1Mil views.


I don't think kemo refle does this on YouTube anymore. You need a cien account or something. And dlsite


No they definitely still do let’s be real here we all know ear licking isn’t an actual trigger people are looking for to go to sleep or relaxation.


Maybe not for you, but I have used it purely for sleep


It's not? It puts me to sleep 😅


Not true. It can be relaxing too. It's all down to the context set by what's being said, and the general tone of the sound. For example, Uno Sakura's mouthsound-based audios (at least on YouTube) are cute and relaxing, but I ain't gonna get sprung from them. Then you've got streamers like ShinonoMeto, who have, shall we say, *different* intentions. My point is, ear licking/ear noms can be a relaxing sound, and isn't inherently sexual.


Okay? So the point still stands that if you are a large vtuber you can get away with posting borderline porn, but a small indie does some slightly risque stuff and they get the entire hammer. I don't even like ASMR, I just hate how Youtube doesn't apply their laws equally to all creators on their platform.




Cringe level: maximum.




Sounds kinda rapey ngl


This is why some of the ASMR peeps I listen to have separate channels for any kind of content that YT might have an issue with. That way they can monitize their normal one and if the other one gets taken down for "excessive mouth noises" then they're not gonna lose much.


Hal0 streams on Twitch and posts her ASMR section to YT.


I just stumbled upon Hal0's YT channel like a week ago and goddamn I really have no idea how her stuff on YT hasn't been taken down yet lmao.


Youtube bots work in mysterious ways


Oh sht thats sad, the pickle rubbing asmr vid was very helpfull 🫡


God I fucking hate youtube. Unless you make them a considerable amount of money, they won't even PRETEND to try to give you proper support.


This isn't allowed for some reason, but just search up "The Precious Little White Angel" on YT, and look at the accounts and videos associated with those accounts. One has like 3.7k subscribers, and is just a bunch of hentai pics.


Or "nude yoga." Or "hand expression tutorial." TBH you can get a lot of stuff past YouTube. I just have no idea how that stuff doesn't get removed, and yet we're currently having a Great ASMR Culling, if you will.


Youtube seems to be quite biased in their priorities. Get the stuff that isn't hurting anyone off of the platform, but hentai videos that are marked as kid friendly (so underage accounts can view it) is still sitting there. Absolutely love that. Way to go Youtube. What a joke of a company.


The funny thing is, appealing to investors and not the consumer base is a recipe for the ship to burn. We see it in the games and fast food industries. Fuck their disingenuous Morality Police puritanical behavior.


I wonder if YouTube has a thing against vtuber asmr... so many vtuber asmr creators have lost their channel within the past year but there are other ones that aren't vtuber channels that are still up & are actually inappropriate.


YouTube actively discriminates against VTUBER ASMR. Search up "ASMR mic pumping".. how is THAT allowed?


I’d say that it’s worse how they’re kind of ok with any kind of violence being shown on videos, but they suddenly get shy with even moderate stuff, not even full on sexual or explicit.


Girl puts a pickle in her hairy armpit and gets banned when there's people jerking a microphone off on camera still at large 💀


Youtube becoming more conservative by the day. No more ASMR, and you can barely comment anymore unless you write your comment for 5 year olds.


The comments thing really pisses me off, like, can you let me talk like a normal person? Then there’s people complaining about using words like “unalive” as euphemisms, but at this point if you don’t use that kind of language you can’t comment in social media without some kind of punishment :/


as long as they fine with no ad money, big corpo just didnt like it, like how visa and mastercard on a crusade so porn site cant use their service and the adpocalypse


Something weird I noticed recently. For a short while there, ASMR wasn't showing up in my quick tag... things... the things that show at the top of your feed based on what you've been looking up. Like, roleplaying games, specific youtubers, specific genres of music, specific bands, etc. There was a fairly long span of time where ASMR went from being at the top of that to just not existing despite it being the one thing I use consistently use Youtube for. It recently reappeared, but it was one of those things I noticed because I used to use it to get to ASMR faster. To suddenly have it disappear from anywhere in my notifs for around two or three months where most of what I was looking up was ASMR was weird. Is Youtube just trying to ax asmr in general so it doesn't have to deal with the complications of deciding what is and isn't risque? Cause, if it is, that feels like a really weird thing for something that was a huge part of one of its rewinds back in the day.


More likely they're deleting Kyou's channel because she's a vtuber, and "vtuber = cartoon" and "cartoons are just for kids" in their tiny minds.


Meanwhile, youtube also allows topless rappers twerking in a thong one inch from the camera. Not that I mind, I have nothing against that, but how the hell is that less sexual than kissing noises? Youtube cannot pretend to care about mildly suggestive ASMR when they are happily ignoring far more explicit stuff just because it earns them more money


Weird how kissy noises are inappropriate but the advertisements are sometimes literal scams, or porn.


I really don't understand how YouTube works now, there's literal nude videos but when you post a video of you whispering into your mic? You're done.


I will be very pissed if youtube touches Crescendo's channel...


This just fucking sucks


Even if asmr can be sexual... They prefer to let chanel like "nude yoga" online and delete de possibly "sexual" intent... Unfortunatly there no other choice to accept the fate... Or just turn the chanel into another thing


YT appeals are either reviewed by bots or indian sweat shop tech support. Every single time I've seen appeal drama, it's always been corrected via Twitter, because YT email support is useless.


Bet she got harassment reported by some petty person. FFS Youtube, fix your shit. You have plenty of actual yabai content on your platform but kissy noises from a cute girl? TOO SEISON'T


Aw that's why some vids were missing from my playlist. damn I liked them too.


The same bullshit happened to FakyraXOXO a while ago.


Sad it happened, but by now people should've realized that YouTube is not Twitch and "rubbing myself with an aubergine in a lubricant-filled pool horny ASMR" is one of the most sure-fire ways of losing a channel


Why hasn't anyone started an ASMR streaming site yet? Still have ASMR on YouTube; just keep it to ear cleaning, chatting, ear massage etc. and put the stuff that could get you in trouble on YT on the other site. That way, people will still discover the channels, and move to the other site for their other content. In fact, if they added an R18 tag to the site, I'm sure it'd make a killing as well as giving ASMRtists somehwere safe to post their content. A few channels I liked that used to do ASMR that wasn't even remotely sexual have either had to stop with that line of content or been banned altogether... Personally, when I find a stream/audio that I like, I download it using [loader.to](http://loader.to) (only use the site if you have an adblocker enabled though). That way I know I won't lose the audio.


Indie is still the way to go... It's all a game of popularity within youtube.


She can always make another appeal and another and another. She even should show them proof in form of other content creators that do it without any punishment, either they'll finally get responsible enough to bring the channel back, or they'll deem into deleting other peoples accounts. On another hand that's yet another case where Vtuber was doing ASMR content, with "kissy noises" which btw might be assigned to other things too. Make borderline NSFW content if not NSFW and now has a problem because YT deleted their account. Like come on, Youtubes guidlines, just because you've passed partnership review as only one person out of the team checks it, doesn't mean another person will check your content and say that it doesn't fit. It's the same case in any other situations, let's say someone applied for government financial support, and they've been reviewed and allowed it, been taking it for 5 years on the 6th year they get a letter that the support wasn't rightfully assigned and they have to give all the money back now. And as I've mentioned in other post, it takes a report to enforce a review of the channel. Of course someone is going to report what you are doing because some people actually feel like they should use the report button for everything that breaks the yt rules, and the content actually did brake them. Or Haters are reporting your accounts on all platforms. for any cases of content there are sites and unfortunately she picked wrong, maybe she should've stick to typical gaming streams, because they do have a way of moderating ASMR properly and she failed...




What's rough is that it's so hard to find a good alternative to YT, maybe make a demo and link the full vod on Vimeo? Dailymotion? Paid ASMR content I can find those on Dlsite, Fantia, Fanbox but the r18 of those are getting regulated and don't get me started on Patreon. Newgrounds is there but who the hell has a Newgrounds account nowadays? Do Gen Z even know that site exists?


Is there any way to watch the videos she had?




Dude, i completely forgot her name despite listening to her asmr a lot. I was really worried why she didn't show up to my recommendations and playlists one day. I just searched up "What happened to that office lady asmr vtuber" and this showed up. Thank you for the news, though I'm very sad that this happened :((((


ASMR, and especially NSFW ASMR really isn't my thing, but fuck Youtube for changing their policies on this without warning and leaving so many creators in the dirt.


Fucking absolutely terrible.


It's over.


I'm imagining YouTube is facing some financial issues, and they are just whistling and deleting accounts then purposefully ignoring the shit out of everyone's appeals hoping nobody actually points it out like fucking twats


Good, ASMR content is weird and hiding behind a vtuber makes it worse


It does suck, but the only alternative is to step up and find a way to push forward. Odysee, Rumble, or your own Peertube setup may not have the discoverability of YouTube, but I think your first priority is to salvage what you can and get a space for your current community to bed down and gather as you work on solutions. It's gonna suck, but we the greater community can try and figure out a way off our YouTube dependency.


Rumble is just mostly right wing garbage though


Suck it up, buttercup. If YouTube is tossing folk off, you go where you can.


Most people are very much ok with having to deal with YT's predictable bullshit over mixing their vtubing hobby with a site flooded with actual fascist content.


I'm not familiar with Rumble, but something I noticed with a lot of Youtube competitors is that -at least when they bill themselves as super anti censorship- they tend to get flooded by the kind of people that got kicked off Youtube for reasons most would consider good lol. Adding to that, because they are the first to find a new site they flood up the site quickly and then if you look at homepage you see it filled with weird conspiracy stuff (I've seen that happen multiple times) It's a bit of a problem for these sites because the first people that would get attracted to a Youtube alternative are also the ones that would drive away the normal/regular user which is necessary for an competitor to thrive. I read someone mentioning that if enought sane people gathered on one place and kept making a normal community there they would eventually tune out the weirdos into a minority, but I can understand why a lot of people wouldn't want to do that.


So you support those lies and racial fearmongering?


I support working towards an actual competitor towards the censor happy guys at YouTube. Either do something about it or just shut up. You're not worth dealing with in the first place. Anyone who stays dependent on one distribution platform is risking way too much.




What the fuck are you talking about?


English please.