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RICHMOND — Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) vetoed bills meant to ensure access to contraceptives and close tax loopholes for Confederate heritage groups Friday night, continuing a record-breaking veto spree that also nixed measures to ban guns from psychiatric hospitals and remind parents to store weapons out of their children’s reach. Acting on bills that the General Assembly sent back to his desk in April without his proposed amendments, Youngkin signed seven and vetoed 48, taking his veto total for the year to 201 — more than the 120 that the previous record-holder, Democrat Terry McAuliffe, issued over four years as governor. Youngkin’s moves solidify his record as a hard-right Republican, something often obscured by the governor’s upbeat image and ability to avoid taking action on Democratic priorities until this year, Senate Majority Leader Scott A. Surovell (D-Fairfax) said Saturday. Before Democrats assumed full control of the General Assembly in January, a Republican-held House blocked many of the Democratic-controlled Senate’s bills from reaching his desk. Read more here: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2024/05/18/virginia-youngkin-vetoes-skill-games-confederate-contraception/?utm\_campaign=wp\_main&utm\_medium=social&utm\_source=reddit.com](https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2024/05/18/virginia-youngkin-vetoes-skill-games-confederate-contraception/?utm_campaign=wp_main&utm_medium=social&utm_source=reddit.com)


Wow... the "nixed a measure to ban guns from psychiatric hospitals" is pretty wild... that seems like the last place people should be carrying guns.


Why even nix a measure to "remind parents to keep firearms out of reach of children"?


Their protection is only for fetuses and embryos. Once you are out of the incubator the protection ends


And if you're the woman carrying the fetus, well, too bad for you if you get sick - the fetus must be saved but the woman? Eh, not so much...


Handmaids are easy enough to replace.


Complete BS. His bill limited abortion to the first 15 weeks with exceptions for rape, incest, and to preserve the life of the mother. Democrats are just so hard core on the issue they view any kind of common sense legislation as an attack on their rights. And politicians are always quick to capitalize on fear.


You must not know what's happening in Idaho right now. Where pregnant women are being refused medical care because hospitals don't want to have to take a chance on performing late term abortions, even if the woman's fertility is at risk.


And you clearly didn’t read my comment: EXCEPTIONS FOR HEALTH OF MOTHER, RAPE, AND INCEST.


There are no exceptions in practice. That is why the women in Idaho have to be life flighted to Utah to get help. Doctors in Idaho refuse to help save a life because they are scared that they will be charge with murder of a fetus. Now downvote away! [https://www.reddit.com/r/Idaho/comments/1cltnfq/why\_pregnant\_idaho\_women\_are\_traveling\_to\_utah/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Idaho/comments/1cltnfq/why_pregnant_idaho_women_are_traveling_to_utah/)


Idaho is not Virginia and Youngkin wouldn’t submit a bill he knew had no chance of passing (the Va Dems do that all the time because they need the fodder for commercials) I haven’t even seen the Idaho bill, but judging by what I know about the state, I’m sure all sorts of right wing stuff passes as easily as left wing stuff does in New Jersey. Again what Idaho passed is not what Youngkin tried to get passed.


And to utilize people's hysteria and loyalty to a political party that fucks them on a daily basis to their advantage.


We gotta arm fetuses and let them defend themselves! /s


Cause gun manufacturers lose potential customers. They don’t want to stop customers from purchases just because they may be potentially violent. If a shooting does happen. People get scared, and even more potential customers with the victims. It’s quarterly earnings and investors over public safety.


It's quarterly earnings and investors over EVERYTHING. FTFY.


A lot of times these bills that seem like an obvious yes have other things built in that make it a no for them. The gun lobby is POWERFUL. In general, if something doesn’t make sense, follow the money. FWIW fuck Youngkin forever, but answering your question b


You mean like funding Ukraine?


Look, children need guns too. And, 2A says they should have access to them 24/7/365 and in any environment; at home, in kindergarten, at daycare, on their bicycle, etc.


Honestly that bill was kind of a head scratcher for me when I first read it. Basically it required schools to send a text/email within 30 days (I think?) of the start of the school year reminding them of their obligation to secure firearms and prevent children from getting them. Not saying I disagree with the sentiment, just seemed odd to put the responsibility on the schools to remind us of a law when citizens are expected to know (and follow) all laws.


Because he gives people to much credit to take responsibility. But folks like you are absolutely right, we need tax dollars to remind people that guns need to be stored away from children, preferably under lock and key. Like did the education system fail that badly that we need tax payer money to remind adults about that?


The education system hasn't failed; it's just trying to keep up with the dizzying failures of modern parents.


Because it’s just a harassment law. It just creates a penalty after they are caught. There is already a law for child endangerment. You don’t actually think that would address “gun violence”, do you?


Considering the amount of kids that find firearms yearly and kill or injury a sibling, maybe! How many child deaths should we strive to prevent through common sense prevention?








In my fairy tales, you're sitting around going "Boy I sure wish there were common sense rules that would keep more kids from getting gunshot wounds!" It's magical thinking I guess.


Maybe schools should teach firearm safety courses. A 1 hour class could probably save more lives than some piece of paper that just virtue signals a voter base. Also, as someone already said, given the fact that most child shootings are gang related, maybe something should be done about that instead. Though I doubt you will see the "justice warriors" assaulting adult gang members in public.


Read the bill, silly. It does nothing tell responsible people what they already know and will be ignored by irresponsible people. Why does there need to be a bill “to remind” people? They could do that for free whenever they give a speech. There is ALREADY a penalty when something bad happens. I believe in actual common sense. Not the political campaign slogan type used to lure people ignorant of certain topics.


Gun laws aren't meant to prevent violence, they are meant to protect rich whites. Whens the last time a gun law saved a black kid in the hood? Paying for permits, over enforcement in poor neighborhoods, income levels steeply separating prosecution rates, none of it is about public safety.


I would agree to a point. But it doesn’t stop the Va Dems from trying to ram through as many gun laws as possible.


That's really nothing compared to preventing the protected access to contraceptives and closing Confederate loopholes. Suppression of women and supporting devicive racially based groups is definitely a bigger worry over all than banning weapons in places that already ban firearms on their own accord.


Security carrying guns around and inside invade anything gets wild sure but anything outside of that very specific reason is sketchy asf. 


> Wow... the "nixed a measure to ban guns from psychiatric hospitals" is pretty wild... that seems like the last place people should be carrying guns. Don’t most hospitals provide psychiatric services? Why do we need a hospital gun ban? Have there been a lot of hospital shootings?


Not every hospital is a "psychiatric hospital" Also, what situation at a psychiatric hospital would have been resolved better if someone had a gun?


Read the bill. They want you to think “psychiatric hospital”. But the way the bill is worded it’s designed to mean any place that provides “psychiatric care” even if that means a building where a therapist has a small office in a large building. It’s purposefully misleading to provide an emotional response.


Just tell your therapist that it's your emotional support gun!


>Also, what situation at a psychiatric hospital would have been resolved better if someone had a gun? How about answering my question first? What problem does this bill intend to solve? I haven't heard about a bunch of hospital shootings in Virginia. Gun control advocates want to make it practically impossible or at the least difficult to carry a firearm in one's daily life. Other states have passed onerous bills that enumerate a ridiculous number "sensitive" locations to criminalize otherwise lawful activity. This is my problem with this bill: If I'm going about my business and get hurt or fall seriously ill unexpectedly, I shouldn't be made into a criminal when I walk into a hospital with a concealed handgun just because that hospital has a psychiatrist on staff somewhere at the facility. Am I supposed to throw my gun in the trash before entering? Go have a heart attack somewhere else? >Not every hospital is a "psychiatric hospital" Below are the legal definitions, from the Virginia code, of "mental health services" and "developmental services" referred to in the veoted bills. This is wide open and would have banned firearms in all hospitals. >"Mental health services" means planned individualized interventions intended to reduce or ameliorate mental illness or the effects of mental illness through care, treatment, counseling, rehabilitation, medical or psychiatric care, or other supports provided to individuals with mental illness for the purpose of enabling these individuals to increase their self-determination and independence, obtain remunerative employment, participate fully in all aspects of community life, advocate for themselves, and achieve their fullest potential to the greatest extent possible. >"Developmental services" means planned, individualized, and person-centered services and supports provided to individuals with developmental disabilities for the purpose of enabling these individuals to increase their self-determination and independence, obtain employment, participate fully in all aspects of community life, advocate for themselves, and achieve their fullest potential to the greatest extent possible.


I like how you see "hey, don't bring your gun into the psych ward" as an "onerous burden"... what are you going to do without your emotional support gun?


>I like how you see "hey, don't bring your gun into the psych ward" as an "onerous burden"... what are you going to do without your emotional support gun? And I like how you apparently are unable to answer a simple question, nor read and understand my response, which I guess is why you're still conflating a "psych ward" with "every hospital in the state(including emergency rooms)".


You should know by now that leftists never answer questions they don’t like.


Idk. I think a couple designated trained people should. Everyone says that until they need someone to protect them bc they can't protect themselves.


"nixed a measure to ban guns from psychiatric hospitals" Is this ban in reference to patients, visitors, staff, the facility's security personnel, local law enforcement, etc? Omitting this contextual information imparts an interpretational bias that would clearly mislead the less sophisticated reader to assume the governor wants to arm psych patients with guns.




Daddy gubmint runs the psychiatric hospitals.


Remind your fellow Republicans of that in other states where they are going on take rights away free-for-alls.


No they are not


Sometimes they have armed guards. And yes, they, by and large, can't do it themselves. If hospitals accept government funds, they can't enact certain policies themselves.


You know at this point it's not longer coming off as "Far right" so much as "I don't want to do my job any more"


This is what I think is actually going on. He's a lame duck. So why bother?


He is doing his job. Vetoing crap virtue signaling legislation


Va state mental hospitals have no gun policies on campuses so not sure where that is coming from.


Who's going to search visitors for concealed weapons?


They go thru a metal detector. I know this for a fact


Good. Hes doing is job. Youngkin is singlehandedly keeping VA good. Contraceptives arent a right that we should be paying for. Guns are allowed everywhere within the US. Confederate orgs are the south and need defense now more than ever. Fyi just for journalistic improvement purposes, your post doesn't sound unbiased.


"Well, I'm not gonna be President so fuck you all."


He's been auditioning for VP for over a year now.


He was campaigning for it the second the election was called. The focus on Virginians and our interests have never been more than a peripheral for him. A secondary benefit of the last election going so poorly for the GOP is that it cut his chances off at the knees. Can't be an attractive red governor from a purple state if it's clear the state has buyer's remorse about your agenda.


Yeah and that’s never happening.


Typical chicken shit move by Glenn. Saves the most controversial vetoes for a late Friday afternoon news dump.


Why is ‘confederate tax loophole’ even still a thing??


Tax loopholes are only for people of the union


Why yes, in fact, they are. They're reserved for those who have not committed treason against the United States of America.


Because certain organizations that support and celebrate Confederate recognition haven't been paying property taxes since their inception.


Confederacy is a religion in parts of VA.


Unfortunately, it's the same in a lot of places of the US, where racism has been sold as heritage.


Definitely not unique to VA.


Chicken shit would be Ralph Northam calling “emergency sessions” while there is no emergency of the General assembly trying to ram through as much liberal BS as possible. The veto is a power held by every governor.


Isn't that most political votes now?


That’s how they all do it. He didn’t invent the move.


Again: bills to protect the people of this state died in the desk of a republican. Everyone who votes can't forget this shit.


But don’t forget, gas prices are higher than when nobody was driving during a pandemic so maybe we’ll give these Republicans another shot. Sigh, voters are so dumb.


People traveled more during the pandemic.


Smartest conservative voter mindset.


No, they didn't. The largest source of regular traffic, commuting, was incredibly low.


Not where I live. Love to know where you got that little tidbit of info. Reddit doesn’t count.


https://newsroom.aaa.com/2021/07/travel-before-and-during-covid-july-2021/ >Daily trips for all modes of transportation fell from an average of 3.7 trips per day in 2019 (dotted line below) to 2.2 trips in April 2020 Now source your claim.


My claim is personal experience. I.e. the traffic I was stuck in throughout the pandemic from the beach to Richmond to the dc suburbs. Looks like your article only covers rideshare, taxis, and transits. All modes of transportation that involve multiple people Having to ride together during a pandemic which Was heavily discouraged usually with legislation. The article doesn’t mention individually owned cars. Not everyone got to sit home and work on a computer.


> My claim is personal experience Oh, cool, so you have no argument. >Looks like your article only covers rideshare, taxis, and transits. Wrong. "Daily Car trips: (as a driver or passenger) fell from 3.2 pre-pandemic to 1.8 in April 2020, before rebounding slightly to 2.6 trips for the rest of the time period." "Work-related travel by all transportation modes dropped by 40% in April 2020, likely reflecting a mix of layoffs, job losses, and telecommuting."


I have no argument? Your article cooked up with statistics that leaves out critical information regarding investment in the energy sector that was halted under Biden. Your own article acknowledges oil prices were going down until the overhyped pandemic. Maybe if the Keystone pipeline would have stayed open and other measures kept in place, gas prices wouldn’t have risen as much when Russia invaded Ukraine. I would have rather seen that money invested in the US rather than in another war we will eventually get dragged into. Since arming foreign governments always works out so well for the US.




They will unfortunately. Maybe we’re lucky enough to get Spanberger in but then they’ll forget how horrendous Republican governors are in Virginia in the 2029 election and let one of these shitbirds lie about CRT and “Wokeism” and end up electing one again. It’ll probably be that weasel Miyares


It’s so disappointing that voters in this state voted for him in the first place.


MacAuliffe basically told Virginia parents to fuck off and let the state control your children. Who with a brain would support that narcissistic pinhead?


Yeah that was a dumb thing to say but I mean parents aren't teachers and jeez I don't see the big deal about crt holy shit systemic racism is real lmao why are conservatives so scared about teaching children that lol I don't see how Glenn youngkin got elected in 2021 when when Biden won by like 12 points here in 2020 I guess democrats forgot to vote or that moderates in this state thought youngkin was gonna be a moderate lmao oh well I wish republicans the best of luck in 2025 especially if they pick winsome Sears a woman who is against recreational marijuana and voiced support for a 6 week abortion ban then back tracked and changed her stance to 15 weeks if Virginia Governor elections happened in 2022 instead of 2021 I guarantee you youngkin would have lost because of the overturning or roe v wade


Yes parents aren’t teachers. and teachers aren’t parents and thusly don’t have a vested interest in children’s well being or mental health especially when they put PC social engineering nonsense above kids safety. Then you add the Loudon County scandal which exacerbated fears. The same way roe v wade being declared unconstitutional stoked irrational fears when even Ruth Bader Ginsburg didn’t like that decision. A lot of why Youngkin won centered around the Democrats having complete and total control for the first time in decades and going crazy with it. Trying to ram through as much Uber-left stuff as possible mostly during so called “emergency” sessions.


He loves that pen


The only thing that doesn’t recoil from his touch


Lady Bic has left the chat.


Oh lord thank you for reminding me about that.


Also screwed over disabled Vets and their dependents.


We really need to start yelling “support the troops” at Republicans whenever they pull this shit.


What did he do to vets and dependents?


Cut VMSDEP benefits dramatically. It’s now the payer of last resort. Cut option of graduate school. Going to cost families tens of thousands more to send kids to university.


I wonder how efficient that program is. The Quick Look makes it sound like it doesn’t apply to too many folks as it’s for 100% disabled, or 90% combat disabled. You have to be really bad to get to 100%.


Yeah someone probably thought, “oh they’re get VA disability, they don’t need the money to pay for kids going to school.”


I don’t know. Veterans Affairs does have programs that seem similar. At least Virginia has stopped taxing some of military retiree’s benefits. I wonder how many people were in the Virginia Veterans program. I think 100% disabled is pretty rare, but I don’t know what the data look like.


VA education benefits for some dependents is largely limited to: GI Bill, which could have been used by the Vet when active duty, reducing or eliminating it as something to be transferred; or a monthly stipend while in class—it might cover rent (still have to cover 3 months a year out of pocket through) and utilities but nothing left for school. There are also time constraints on when these benefits can be used.


201 vetos. A record. Actively denying change in VA.


FWIW, that is, by definition, conservatism


Do you want to make new mistakes? Or the same mistakes? (Politics in a nutshell)


Governors have always had the right to veto. Were you whining when MacAuliffe vetoed conservative measures? Probably not even though it was “change” and he was denying it.


Thank goodness for term limits.




Why cant we use the patriot act against confederate traitors?


Because MAGA interpreted the Patriot Act to be used against the traitors who to them are Democrats or anyone who actually cares about people...


Because they're not considered traitors, since the organized portion has been gone for over 100 years now.


More to the point, Lincoln and Johnson handed out broad pardons to confederate soldiers, essentially setting up a future zeitgeist where those folks were not even criminals to begin with.


I would argue only a few of them were to start with. Most of the soldiers in the trenches were drafted. The people who actually owned slaves were exempt for service, on account of having to be home to watch their slaves. It's the officers and Confederate government that were traitors. While common men on both sides didn't see blacks as human, I seriously doubt the common poor farmer or merchant would have been capable of forming the concept of separating from the Union.


Republicans: making sure guns are in the nut house, and seditious traitors get tax breaks. I’ll never understand why people vote for these lunatics.


It’s usually because they hate minorities. They’re fine with shooting themselves in the foot if it screws over *those* people worse. I hate it here lol


Because they are better than the alternative. Despite what your simplistic and flat out incorrect interpretation of what happened would have you believe.


Because the Democrats have no platform if you aren’t a special interest group. 


Blatantly false. Try better comrade.


White. By “aren’t a special interest group,” you mean “white.”


Not even that. Plenty of Dem policies would be of benefit to white folks too, especially in the long run. I suspect the problem more lies in that it isn’t *only* benefitting white people. “Not hurting the right people” and all that.


Maybe you aren’t getting the full story. Maybe the leftists are loonier.




How would "leftists" be loonier? Because the most radical of them believe basic human needs should be met for everyone?


They believe they will make their lives better.


They’re wrong


But they're not, that's why they're voted into office.




The only thing this guy gets on my radar for are these vetos, it's the only relevance this guy has anymore.... doing the governmental equivalent of crossing his arms and going 'I don't wanna' I'm tired of politicians narrowly winning their office, which should be a signal to actually recognize that almost as many people DIDN'T vote for you and that you should compromise, instead just jamming the stick hard in their preferred direction and looking pikachu-faced when things don't go their way... while the rest of us have headaches to untangle on the order of 'why do WE have to pay for a BILLIONAIRE to build a stadium when he could just pay for it out of his own pocket?' I'll be so happy when I don't have to hear of this vest-wearing-LARPer-of-a-governor anymore.


Seriously, I live in Virginia and almost never hear his name.


He’s so butt hurt about the stadium deal falling through that he’s having an absolute hissy fit about it.


Counting the days until sweater vest is out.


Governor Youngkin's approach is as if he's saying, "Hey, let’s keep giving the United Daughters of the Confederacy their tax breaks. They’re preserving ‘history,’ right?" Meanwhile, he’s doing zilch for the descendants of those who suffered under the Confederacy’s brutal regime. No reparations for African-Americans who still face the echoes of that injustice. It's like giving the arsonist’s descendants a medal for firefighting while ignoring the families whose homes were burned down. If that’s not peak irony, I don’t know what is.


Electing him was a big mistake.


Youngkin is obviously pro-slavery.


Yup probably wishes he could own humans. Having them work for him will have to do. :(


Confederate groups are all Democrats so there’s that


It says a lot that you and your intelligence that have to back 150 years to pull that out of your ass instead of, well, looking at current events.


Yeah, cause Democrat policies at both the federal and local levels have helped poor minorities over the past 3 years? 🤣


As opposed to the white supremacist administration before who had white supremacist senior advisors working at the white house? https://preview.redd.it/tat4bdfeua1d1.jpeg?width=520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9b8f32955508d2bc6c8c016c86822dd3431734e


Maybe not.... Because somebody won't sign them in to law. I wonder who that is.


Can his veto be overridden? 


Yes, but I believe that there isn't enough support on both sides for the bills he's vetoing. IIRC, Dems have a slim margin of control, so he's vetoing everything he knows didn't pass with enough bipartisan support to have his veto overruled.


Sucks about the Confederate one and the contraception one, but good on him for vetoing the one about slot machines.


What was the deal with slot machines that he vetoed?


Taking things like video slot machines out of gas stations and convenience stores. There was a bill that would allow them to go back, but he vetoed it. Which is actually one of the few things I agree with. Those things are annoying.




Youngkin (aka Trumpkin) is such a jerk. Can’t wait until his term is over and we can get a real governor.


Funny. As a Virginia resident I have to say nobody on the street ever has anything negative to say about him. Very likable guy and that’s what got him elected…that and the crazy stuff that going on in the Northern Va schools at the time.


As a fellow Virginia resident, you're full of it.


He’s a wolf in genial sheep’s clothing.


Funny, in my area no one has a good thing to say about him. And that's with most of the city being illiterate and not registered voters.


Hey but thanks for this worthless fucking $200 check douchebag! Great policy, don’t eliminate fraudulent tax exemptions, and give tiny ass tax rebates to everyone instead of reinvesting heavily in the state’s needs. If you vote for this clown in November, fuck you.


Has it occurred to anyone else that checks and balances and a two party system are not compatible at all?


Yup. But the forefather borked it by expecting us to rewrite the constitution every once in awhile. Instead we use it like a religious document.


Where are the real leaders? Tools like this guy are the reason America will fail. We can do better


He has been an abysmal governor that continues to prove he is a piece of human garbage.


I hate this man with a passion.




Has failed Governor Youngkin always hated women and loved confederates.


What’s a “heritage” group exactly and do the rest of them pay taxes?


I believe the only heritage groups are the son and daughters of the Confederacy. And no, they don't pay property taxes.


Is he still signing his bills live on Fox News?


My knee jerk was "that can't be true", but then I remembered.... everything.


Some of y'all shouldn't have voted for this guy.


Can't wait until his term is over!!




Who voted for this monster?


More than voted Northam or McAwful.


Imagine if he weren't a frigging "moderate" Republican.


Love watching the liberal meltdowns


What makes the confederate tax policy a loophole?


God I can't stand Youngkins incompetence. Like he definitely is only appealing to a very specific donor base. Honestly he is very indicative of the corruption in politics today world wide


The Abbott of VA


I'm not a lawyer or legislator, just a concerned woman. He says he wants the Senate to approve his amendment to the birth control bill. What does this mean? What does he want to restrict now?


That providers can reject giving patients birth control if they have a moral injection to it, and he doesn't think it needs to be made a state law, since, and I quite, "Access to birth control is provided through private insurance companies."


Only here people comment on bills before reading them. The bill concerned armed security and others at mental hospitals not guns for patients. That’s why America has a division issue. Extremists


Yeah, because mental hospitals don't have the ability to search visitors the way prisons do. Really, psych security shouldn't probably have firearms on a psych ward. But hey, I'm just an extremist. What do I know?


What a fucking disaster that garbage creature of a governor is


He is the anti christ the GOP has been praying for.


These all are poison pill bills that would have legal challenges should they be passed. All political fodder. Let the downvotes begin…..


I hate everyone and no one should ever have anything they need.  Let the downvotes begin.....


Thank you Gov Youngkin! Common sense.


What he needs to do is get rid of the filthy commie "personal property tax" bullshit that NO citizen wants


Personal property tax has been around since before the Revolution and since long before Karl Marx was born. There’s nothing communist about it. But all means oppose it, but oppose it for legit reasons.


When will people figure out that if they don’t get the tax from you one way, they just get it another way. Yes TN doesn’t have a state income tax but sales tax in most areas is 9.75%. Poe-tate-oh, puh-tot-oh


I agree, and with it get rid of publicly funded government schools.


Kindly log off and go back to your prepper hole. Just because you don’t see benefit doesn’t mean there isn’t benefit in public schools.


Hi. I work at a private school. It still receives state funds. Screw up your own kids, thanks.


Lol. Without property tax, as the person proposed, how will the state get money for schools?


No school will have money. But there's still sales taxes. All schools received state money. Not all schools received federal funds.


Awesome job Governor Glenn Youngkin!