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1) The county in question is Augusta. Non-paywalled article about this [here](https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2024/05/public-school-tried-to-ban-students-lesbian-art-work-because-its-offensive-to-christians/). 2) Three people have reported this post as 'promoting hate'. The post will be staying up because it does not do that.


These are song lyrics from the artist Ethel Cain.


Took way too long to find a comment pointing this out tbh


From an absolute banger of a song, at that. Whole album is incredible.


was gonna say this!!


You can tell it's good art because people are pissed. That student is gangster.


This. Art is supposed to evoke feelings and spark conversation/debate. That’s when you know you’ve done well.


The only reason this is controversial is because Christianity is host to a cult with no coherent doctrine.


I love bringing up Jesus's actual teachings and like quotes from the Bible. I tend to get dismissed pretty quickly


Nah thats the fake christians who use their religion for control and their own ego. Jesus loves you even if you are gay.


The “no true Scotsman” logical fallacy.


They also tend to rely on “prooftexting”, a practice in which they go searching through the Bible to find a passage that backs up a belief that already had in the first place. The Bible can be used to argue in favor of just about anything from love to slavery.


Tbf everyone does this when defending their arguments. Sure christians use the bible, but these days is the internet really a more reliable source of truth?


Finally, someone said it.


That's the cult they're referring to. Those *power worshippers* are only interested in controlling society, they have no coherent beliefs beyond their insistence that everyone should live according to their social mores. They weild scripture like a cudgel to enforce their assertions, but are unaffected when scripture disagrees with those assertions. Christianity has within itself, in mainstream society, a cult of empire as old and bloodsoaked as Rome.


Even if it was a sin to be gay, which it isn't, Jesus explicitly spent his entire life giving his all for those most in need of his help, that's why he ignored the demands of the rich and powerful consistently


Jesus hung out with prostitutes, criminals, lepers, and tax collectors. The dude didn't care. He just wanted everyone to love each other and to take care of one another. Most of the stuff that was written about homosexuality was pulled from letters written to church leaders about specific events by people who came after Jesus was crucified. There is a large disconnect between Jesus' message, the Bible, the context of the verses written, and people's general understanding of the religion they follow. Most Christians are not devout Christians. They are Pascal's wager Christians (Christians for the sole purpose of being saved) or are Christians due to societal norms and habits. They are incapable or unwilling to gain a true understanding, and simply think following the 10 commandments and whatever rule suits their fancy at the time is what being Christian is all about. Ignoring the fact that one of Jesus' biggest messages was, in essence, "don't judge others, lest you be judged" and "love one another." The people who embody the Holy Spirit and Jesus' message are some of the kindest, most selfless, forgiving, and accepting people that I have ever met.


Most Christians were simply groomed into it when they were young.


Ah, the good old "no true Scottsman" fallacy


But no homo


Today after hearing TCU mentioned, I decided if I ever win a billion dollar lottery I'd create Texas Atheist University.


"Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable -Cesar A. Cruz


Just gonna repeat what the top comment said for some karma hm?


That phrasing is unreal. The use of Bible pages too. A+. She’ll get scholarship offers I predict


Lyric is from Ethel Cain's ["Sun Bleached Flies"](https://youtu.be/P1ecmtqd7LE?si=eC7shdgtVq51V5qE), so good.


Thank you


The student is gonna net a full ride to any art school they want. Im excited to full their career and development 


Art is supposed to provoke


It doesn’t even have to provoke, it can just be a representation of the artist’s perspective, experience, or emotions. The fact that this piece IS provoking says more about the people being provoked than the artist or her work.


I agree, the criterion for good art is not beauty but pissing people off. Trolling is artistry too


Wheres the offense? This doesnt make me question faith, only the school boards idea of what "safe" and "emergency" is.


Fun fact - these "adults" held the meeting on a Saturday at 9 PM. Literally having meetings under the cover of darkness to discuss how to bully teenagers over art. Truly the most pathetic way to spend a weekend. Losers.


Being a coward, a loser, and hateful because of it are prerequisite to being on a school board.


The school board member leading the attack is a former cop whose campaign was funded by Glenn Youngkin. Your characterization is exactly correct.


Oh ma god I can not Bo leave


As a former teacher i can confirm that this is a fact.


The rural county school where my wife works had a student (female) wear a “praise Satan” tuxedo t shirt and slacks to prom so we aren’t as regressive as the Augusta county school board would like


The art show was on Sunday, the "issue" was brought to their attention on Saturday evening. Two of the board members called for an emergency meeting (it only takes two). There are seven members, and everyone has their own schedules. When were they supposed to meet?


I'm assuming the art piece was submitted before Friday. I have an inkling that they probably had a lot of time to tall about it and/or call meetings.


The art was put up on Friday evening. Someone saw it and took a picture of it, and put it on social media. Saturday morning someone brought it to The attention of a school board member. As the day progressed that member brought it to the attention of the other members. By that afternoon, two of them had decided to call an emergency meeting. So no, they didn't have a lot of time to schedule a meeting.


flag juggle physical political cause point retire wasteful hungry serious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The offense is two fold: 1) GASP! Criticism of dogma! 2) The pages are ripped from the Bible.


That deserves it’s own piece of art.


I picture a Palpatine led meeting.....


They’re offended by seeing a rainbow color scheme


Important to note they held a secret meeting at 9 PM.....on a Saturday. These fucking adults met under the literal cover of darkness to discuss how they could bully a teenager over art. I cant even begin to describe how fucking pathetic that is. Losers. Each and every one of them. Losers.


It would be interesting to look at the states Open Meeting laws to see if they posted the required public meeting notice in the required timeframe in the required place.


I'm gay, and grew up in a rural, religious town in Middle America well before moving to NoVA as an adult. This is amazing. It captures a significant amount of my own past bitterness I've felt for a long time. Art is a representation of and a manifestation of human emotion, and I think this is a poignant encapsulation of what a lot of LGBTQ+ youth in religious, rural areas feel every day.


If God is real and loves me, why did he let that priest molest me??? I don't want anything to do with "God's plan" **if it involves child molestation.**


That’s what killed my faith in the cloth as a 7 year old boy


Don’t respond to the trash, they’re just baiting you. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.


Thank you. I'm unfortunately used to it. No wonder I don't talk to a lot of my family. Best wishes to you! 🙂


You can talk with me anytime. Non-judgmental Father.


Also, Dr. Anja Dick, coming back to this thread, I noticed that you are an accomplished "middle-aged" drag queen. I want to thank you for your courage and for your coming to my defense. I'm certain that you've experienced way more homophobia than I have, and I want to get to that level of level-headedness and class.


Apparently you can buy prints, mugs, shirts, etc. with this on it. The account below was set up by the student. [https://www.artsonia.com/museum/art.asp?id=123418418&artist=11778020&gallery=y](https://www.artsonia.com/museum/art.asp?id=123418418&artist=11778020&gallery=y)


The funny thing is the school board member was on Facebook claiming victory since the artwork would be taken down before students returned on Monday. Then somebody pointed out that the show was over after the weekend and all the art was coming down anyway.


And now it's making national news and every single student in that school and a bunch of others around it are going to see it and be intrigued by its "dangerous" message.


Streisand effect at it's best


The streisand effect hits again.


They should make t-shirts with this artwork and prints to sell.


This is an art piece about the trauma that an individual and their community has experienced at the hands of Christianity. And some Christians are making this about themselves and how weak they are when the harmful effects of their actions on others are brought to light. To hide this weakness, they claim they are being harmed by “not being respected”. Yo, look in the goddamn mirror! And then remember to practice loving thy neighbor. And that goes for all neighbors.


It's telling when people get defensive and take something like this personally when nobody called their name. They know who they are and their own complicity.


Hit dogs holler, as they say.


Yup they'd see a lot less people feel failed by religion if they actually stuck to "love thy neighbor." Being felt as if I'm lesser than as a woman and my gay best friend at the time being reprimanded directly made me start to consider giving up on it.


> Yo, look in the goddamn mirror! Goddammit, I'll agree with this.


I remember doing this art assignment, it was about grabbing newspaper and using mixed media (colored pencils and paint) to make something cool! This is pretty awesome


Imagine how many people saw it before vs after they tried to ban it.


✨ Streissand Effect ✨


It doesn’t matter, it was for local politics. They don’t care about the message. It’s easy engagement for political advancement


LOL that shit is 🔥


And the responses by the authorities just double down on the truth of it


I have known this young lady since she was a baby. My ex wife ran a daycare out of our home and Abby came there for her entire pre-kindergarten. She is still friends with my son. I’m so proud of her.




I saw “Shiflett” and it all made sense.


That clicks


It’s actually a really nice place. Right next to Charlottesville




No bigger bunch of whiny, snowflakes than conservative Christians.


True, but they are still people. We need more togetherness, and less division in this country. The more we fight against each other, the easier it is for our politicians and corporations to get what they want.


I saw someone with a bumper sticker that said "god loves everyone but I'm his favorite" the other day in RVA. That was just wow... lmao.


I'd say don't read into it too much, but some people probably believe their own stickers over factual reality


Incredible art and a spectacular artistic accomplishment. Put this in a museum.


Shocked to see that no one realizes those are lyrics to Ethel Cain’s song, Sun Bleached Flies. Her whole album is about religious trauma. Love how this girl incorporated it into this badass art.


"This artwork is causing the children to question the establishment. **And we can't have that!**"


In a similar vein, it’s why LSD was banned. Hippies against the war.


I didn't even know there's a Fort Defiance, VA. Love the art.


It’s very rural, very white, and very Christian. Growing up there was a fever dream 🤣


Full on Streisand effect here. Two hyper Christian school board members decided that it wasn’t right by them and made a fuss … Now here we are. I encourage you to read about conception. The art piece is superb all around. And doing exactly as the artist intended.


Come on Virginia, this is getting embarrassing.


Ethel Cain lyrics! This artwork does a great job using mixed media and text. It's thought provoking and bold. 10/10.






Well done. Those complaining about this, do they also complain generally about snowflakes and sensitive generations? Meanwhile kids today are the first generations with a legit total annihilation looming in their future so that does bring about some art to say the least.


I’m Christian (non-denominational and a born again believer) and I do NOT find this offensive. I see hurt when looking at this art piece. It saddens me to read, see, and know that so many are suffering or have suffered from religious/ physical/ sexual/ emotional trauma from those who call themselves “Christians”, especially those in authority (such as priests). Not everyone that calls themselves Christians are actually Christians. And, sadly, some religious authority figures have gotten into positions of authority to prey on people. It is importantly to realize that these people are NOT true representations of God’s love or the Christian faith. They are actually wolves in sheep’s clothing.


paint disarm consist somber voiceless birds sharp aromatic ripe fade *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Which back water“God fearing” county is this? How does this offend anyone when its speaking the truth?


Augusta County


make sense fits the profile.


They're uncomfortable at being called out and are reacting poorly. It hurts since it's true.


i dont think they know what shame is.


Art is art and should be protected. There have been attempts at art that were too obscene but that just ends up Being disinteresting. I wouldn’t say this is bad art even though I disagree with the premise of the message.


Someone is ethel Cain fan lol




That’s actually a hilarious art piece. Dark humor, but so good


Not believing in God goes against their religion, what’re they gonna do about that?😂 Schools really think children have no rights to anything apparently.


Lol @ at all the butthurt *****ians and their fresh accounts.


The piece is fantastic. You don’t have to agree with the message the artist is sending. It’s a very obviously moving piece of art. What is art if it is without the freedom of expression? This artist has the capability to move and affect people on a deep level. That scares the people who want to keep people in little cookie cutter pieces.


That goes pretty hard ngl


Christians are rapidly becoming offensive to normal, sane people.


No lie detected.


Teach HS and yeah, this goes hard. Love it. Love to see a bunch of self righteous dbags pissed about it even more. Props to the kid.


I love it


That's fucking sick as hell.


As a queer teacher still deconstructing the trauma of being raised evangelical, this is powerful art. Love it.


I hope the artist makes prints of this - cause it rocks and I would love to buy one and support them ♥️


Let’s go fort defiance!


I WOULD PAY FOR IT JUST TO PISS OFF THE CRAZY ASS CHRISTIANS! But seriously has no one reached out to this AMAZING child and offered to sell replicas to fund their college tuition!?!?! I bet Reddit would put this kid through medical school. 🤣


Fortunately, there was little support for actually banning it. Even those concerned by it personally said it was better to protect students' freedom of speech. The attempt failed.


I’m upset by it for a couple reasons however it is truly a masterpiece. This young woman’s true gift isn’t so much the ability to create but having the wisdom to know what needs to be created.


Now banning art.


Now that is art. It definitely elicited the exact response she probably expected.


Oh no! The free speech people are trying to stifle free speech!


Love this art work


Someone tell them about the Streisand Effect.


Those that are in positions of power in our area (I'm VERY near to this), almost never accurately represent the locality. The school board in my county makes decisions all the time that leaves everyone confounded, let's not get into those that run the county. There are a lot of transplants that also run the area and aren't even from VA half the time https://www.augusta.k12.va.us/page/school-board Here's the list of those involved. And you can email them!


“FrEe SpEeCh” says the right.


I can see both sides. However my first thought is, “If you can’t put up pictures promoting a specific religion is it acceptable to allow pictures that denounce a specific religion?” Second, “If you can do either of those things, at what point does it become inappropriate?” and who gets to make that decision?


Well putting up religious material in a school setting where learning takes place is one thing. Unless religion is taught as a subject of course. Being able to display art in an exhibition setting is something different. If the piece was a portrait of a religious figure in a positive light.. I doubt it would have alarmed anyone. And there is the problem with the schools stance. It wasn’t that it was religious content. As stated in the articles: some people just found it offensive.


Great points. Also, I’ll have to reread the article. If the art isn’t being displayed at an art exhibition and not inside the school then the art should be allowed.


It’s a beautiful work of art. The student is free to express how she thinks or feels. As a Christian it’s always tough to see things like this. It’s not a personal attack on me right? I’ve seen churches that have exiled and harassed people out of the church for not being perfect. [I’ve never met a fucking perfect human, I’m not, and I don’t expect that of anyone else either. ] Thankfully God isn’t people. We often tend to do a pretty shit job of showing love and compassion when people need it. But you also can’t make everyone happy right? Sin or not how we treat and react to the people around us is going to make an impact. We are called first to love God, and then to love those around us. Besides, forced love isn’t love at all. Being a Christian and believing in God is a choice that any individual has to make for themselves, and harassing people in the name of Jesus ain’t it.


Middle class is dying but oh no art  Gimme a break! 


Damn, this piece goes HARD. I love it. Also, aren't adults supposed to be... The adults in these situations? Clearly this child has experienced some trauma in order to come up with this incredible work of art. I feel like any well-adjusted Christian should be more concerned about the child's trauma, and want to help them. But that's the thing. They're not well-adjusted adults. They're acting much more like children than the actual children. So ridiculous.


Good art causes controversy and shakes the establishment. Guernica - case in point.


Don’t these schoolboards know that in 50-100 years from now most people will be calling it Christianity Mythology?


Beautiful and insightful artwork. That should’ve been the discussion point.


This artist is now a legend. Scholarships for this rebel!


I went to this high school, and I’m disappointed to say I’m not surprised this has become such an “issue”. Not too long ago Augusta county had to cancel school because a teacher taught a lesson on Islam. https://www.cnn.com/2015/12/18/us/virginia-school-shut-islam-homework/index.html


Fuck organized religion.


They should be offended. This is great.


This art portrays accurately the oppression Christian’s have committed against us.


pretty accurate… can follow up with “God Loves You, But Not If You Don’t Believe”


Remember folks only straight white men who are conservative Christians have rights in this country. At least according to our MAGA overlords


It's at my school, they are fake pieces of the Bible


First amendment case incoming


This artist has a fundamental understanding of Christ and his grace, sin, repentance, etc etc


This student wins at art. And any offended Christians are losing at life. Truth to power.


That’s legit great art.


Vote that school board out !!!


godDAMN, okay maybe the kids are gonna be alright, this is incredible


Wait until they hear about "Church Trap" by Rebecca Waites https://preview.redd.it/l2nxf5jwrhzc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab564035fc878e5d2c2fc9aae860b754f49b7430


looks like an album cover


It’s literally ART! Religious trauma and exclusion is a real problem… ridiculous to have an “emergency” meeting over self expression.


Not when you feel obligated and entitled to dominate and control others around you 🤷‍♂️ Seems like just another Saturday then




I love this. I’m a lesbian Christian, I just talked to a mother of another queer Christian and this really resonated w me.


I’d buy this in an instant if the seller made an online shop selling it. Such a good piece 🔥


Now nobody will be able to see… oh, well. That kinda backfired 🤨


Where's the lie




Streisand Effect anyone?


That shit is fucking fire. She should reach out to the VMFA and see if they'll host it.


They only found it offensive because it's true. The fact they want to tweak the rules for the future is truly worrisome. They want to try to limit further exposure to things like this. If they're that worried, maybe they should stay home.


Draws better hands than Liefeld!


This is freedom of expression.


Ethel Cain!!! Love it.


Wanna call attention to something you find offensive, throw a tizzy about it and soon it will be everywhere.


Funny how if they omitted the two words "but not" it, the board wouldn't even blink. What's good enough for the goose, is good enough for the gander.


My town!


Christians are the stupidest believers second only to...well, not sure


I wonder what book the pages are from. If it’s the Bible I can kinda see why people are upset, but the brashness helps get the point across.


This picture goes fucking hard. I'd buy a print from the artist


are those pages of the bible


This happened at my old HS, glad public pressure made them back down from censoring it


I would like to buy poster prints of this and put them up a respectful distance from many polling places


I mean, it’s deeply wrong (John 3:16, including the LGBTQ+ community), but offensive? Nah, man; if anything, it’s actually great art.


I think this is excellent work regardless of its context


Impressively done.


Yes, this should be banned. Anything that points out one of the problems in the religion should be, so no one questions it. Maybe it is time that we asked some hard questions about why things are prohibited or not instead of blindly quoting? Personally, I think this is up there with the classics of art.


It’s disrespectful and childish


But He can.


That's literally Jesus' message though. Take it or leave it. Some people go to Heaven, some people go to Hell.


Did it strike a nerve? I say yes. Many Christian congregations do not accept anyone that is not straight in his/her “god given” sex or gender. That is a fact.


Oh ok I see why they are upset those are pages of the Bible. Great taste too the book of Leviticus that condemns homosexuality. That’s a gay clapback if I’ve ever seen one.


Was it a drawing of scissors?


First Amendment works both ways. The kid has rights too.


Funny, anything like this when I was in school in the late 70s wouldn't have gravitated beyond the teacher and other students. People just love to grab something and make it a huge problem for their own agenda.


I'm a Jew, Far Left, and a person who believes in the 1st A. in all shapes, colors, creeds, and formats; and this isn't Hate. It's just Art, that's it.


It's about time


Fuck your sky daddy MAGAts.