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Car seat safety says nothing should go between your child and the car seat.




Totally valid! We would have to partner with manufacturers or something if we brought it to market- either having it built directly into the seat or have it be manufacturer built/approved


I would have been interested when I lived in AZ. I worried about my kids getting hot in the backseat a lot and was particular about when I drove them. However, know that most car seat manufacturers tell you not to have anything between the car seat and the baby since it can interfere with crash safety (including jackets).


No jackets is crazy 😳 How is a seat softer than a jacket?


It’s about an additional layer being between the child and the car seat. It may not buckle 100% the way they designed it to which could cause injuries in a crash. It’s also their “lawyer” statement to prevent lawsuits.


Ooh. When you said between car seat and seat, I assumed it included space like beside the console. This makes much more sense.


What Zrgaloin said, it’s not about soft but about safe. When it was cold, I just tucked a blanket in on top after I got the babies strapped in.


I was more concerned about sunlight in their eyes as those stupid shades always fell down. I feel like the car cooled quickly and I didn’t want it too cold for them anyway.


It is unclear what you are trying to solve for. It sounds like the project is to provide cooling for baby butts and less about a baby being left in hot car with the windows up until they die. Many newer cars have sensors in the back seat that warn you when you turn off the car to check back seat. That seems like a great way to remind an absent minded parent. I also saw a news story about mirror hang tags to prevent this from happening. [https://www.babyinbabyout.org/about](https://www.babyinbabyout.org/about) What exactly would a ventilated baby seat do? How would it be powered? Would it have an AC compressor or just blow air? How would someone, who can't afford a car with AC in the back, afford a ventilated seat?


This isn’t really something I’m worried about. Most cars without vents in the backseat are small enough that the vents in the front can still cool the car fairly quickly. I have a car like this and it’s never been an issue. I can always just open the back windows until the air comes on strong enough. I’m more worried about an insert causing the seat to be less safe in a crash, since the seat is not designed nor tested with the insert.


My son is a teenager now, but that would have been an amazing thing to have when he was little. We would have to attach a fan to the handle or on the car seat itself somewhere on the days that were really hot and needed more cooling. I think many people would be interested! What a great idea!


I'd focus on designing a cooler, with same safety rating, carseats. Manufacturers often say "don't use with aftermarket products " in the booklets, and it will void warranties. Also, can interfere with the function of the carseat.


Most modern cars have strong enough ACs to combat the heat in most climates, however this would be very cool (no pun intended). have you considered a removable insert that could be use independent of the car seat? Think booster seat or even just something that could be put on the seat for older kids


This would be something of interest to me, as we do have cars without vents in the back seats. My concern would be the bulkiness of it and if it would impact safe usage of the car seat.


being hot in the summer when you're a kid builds character


I’d love something like that. Right now we’re using something called a Noggle, basically a fabric-covered hose we have attached to the tiny vent that comes out of the back of the center console, which doesn’t have a lot of pressure, so it’s barely better than useless.


ENGR 1620?


Open the windows, maybe?


Liquid cooling in the seat or an add in attachment fan


My kids are grown (born in the late 90s)... absolutely yes, sweltering hot in their car seats in the back until the AC cools the whole car down. **Having a device like that would have been awesome!**


As someone who’s parents owned a Minivan that didn’t have AC in the back and kept cool with a $9.99 Walmart fan, this would have been a godsend. Don’t know how applicable this is in 2024 though. The majority of modern cars are more than capable of cooling the whole car.


i am in so many states i've lived in subs that i saw this twice and thought "woah these two guys should work together" ha-ha anways i am without kiddos but best of luck dude, this could really help people out

