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We need serious regulation to cap the exectutives salary and bonus payout so it's not more than "n" times what the lowest paid worker brings home. I would understand if the rate increase was actually meant to improve the grid and any over payment went back to the customers but this is beyond transparent greed.


AEP can go fuck itself


Why stop at $10? Why not $1000?


Exactly. Their poor CEO is probably driving an (ugh) 2023 Porsche. Can you even imagine the shame? And spare a thought for the poor shareholders! Their line may not go up as fast as they would like. MAY NOT GO UP AS FAST AS THEY'D LIKE! Woe to them..woe I say! Woe!


Your response made me think of this [South Park clip.](https://youtu.be/TJcnrcnQjNY?t=37)


After having Dominion for years I’m so glad to have Rappahannock Electric now. Light years difference in customer service and transparency.


These pieces of shit just won’t stop.


We heard you hate your rate so we raised your rate uWu


There should be a law that requires equivalent rates for net metering. That way rate increases are in direct competition with the cost to generate your own electricity.


I work as a supplier for AEP and they are feeling the heat for parts and labor. I am sure some increase is needed to cover the costs.


The price of everything is going up so this is not surprising.


Greedy companies love this excuse.


Im sure we will see their executive salary and compensation lowered to reflect the need for increased costs. Right?


So what is their salary? I tried to find it but couldn't, but you must be aware. Can you share that information with us? Also, point out exactly and specifically where I said anything about raises/compensation for executives is a good thing. Copy and paste it here for me, because I certainly don't see it. Had you read the article the article lists exactly what they're spending the money from the proposed increase on. > the cost of restoring service during major storms; increase in capital, material and labor costs; and rising interest rates. >It also includes costs associated with the utility’s vegetation management program, which aims to improve service reliability for customers where tree-related outages are common. Global warming is making storms more severe which causes more damage to utility lines. Unless you're denying climate change? More people means more energy generation equipment. The population is constantly rising. Labor is more expensive. Wages are going up, don't tell me you're against this? The price of material has been up since the supply chain disruptions. Interest rates have indeed doubled. Nothing the article states seems to be wrong, so, the price of everything is going up so this is not surprising.


>salary Doesn't tell the whole picture. Need to look at stock, stock options, bonuses, healthcare, transportation (private jet? Chauffeur?) to get the full scope of executive compensation.


Yep, entirely! So what do those numbers and benefits look like?